
Chapter 1990 Farewell

Chapter 1990 Farewell
During the conversation with Xi Ruilin, Yi Tian faintly found that the other party seemed to be relying on him. You must know that the Nether World is the place where the Nether Emperor is mad. He once killed one of his clones. hostility.Besides, the Netherworld is a ferocious place. Going there rashly is tantamount to sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger.

Then Yi Tian opened his mouth to play Tai Chi, evading in every possible way and not wanting to deal with the matter.

"There is a secret realm of fragments of the fairy world in the Netherworld. I have a fragmented map and give it to Sovereign Yi." After saying that, Han Ruilin reached out and took out a brocade box and handed it over: "This is a fragment of the map. If you can Gathering the whole map might be able to find that opportunity, but exploring in the nether world will definitely confront the madman, with your character, Sect Master Yi, you will never miss the opportunity to ascend to the fairy world."

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian's eyes flashed brightly, it seems that the things in this jade box are not Xibei products.It's just that Xi Ruilin also said that it was a fragment of a map, so wouldn't he have to find a way to make up the whole map?

After weighing the balance, Yi Tian sighed and said: "Such kindness is appreciated, but this map fragment still needs to be completed, and this effort alone will take a lot of time."

Xi Ruilin didn't seem to listen to what he said, stretched out his hand to remove the talisman on the seal of the jade box, and then gently lifted the lid.Immediately, there was only a piece of animal skin the size of a fist in it. Obviously, this could not be counted as a fragment of the map, it was only the size of a baby's palm.But Yi Tian couldn't leave the map fragment after sweeping his eyes. Obviously, the material of this fragment of animal skin is exactly the same as that of the animal skin map in his storage ring.

And now I still use the banning talisman to lock it in the jade box, if this thing is opened, it will definitely echo from afar.It seems that Xi Ruilin also spent a lot of money, he can no longer go to investigate the place, but he left it to himself.

After thinking about it, he restrained his mind, Yi Tian pretended to be nonchalant, nodded and said: "Since Fellow Daoist Daoist is kind, I can't refuse. But I have something to say first, I will only go to the Netherworld when the time is right. Xiaying Wenchang just followed the trend. And I have no intention of leading the order of the Netherworld."

Xi Ruilin smiled and said: "This is a matter of course. If the guards of Huangquan cannot support the new Nether Sage Emperor, it is because they are not strong enough. I know that Yue Kuang is obsessed with becoming a complete Mahayana monk, so he will definitely follow you there Fragments of the fairy world. As soon as he leaves, it is an excellent opportunity for the guards of Huangquan to do something."

"Does Fellow Daoist mean to let me be the bait to lure away Luan Kuang?" Yi Tian said displeased.

"You can't say that," Yan Ruilin waved his hand and said, "Sect Master Yi, you can act freely in the Netherworld, and you can do it yourself for the purpose of exploring the fragments of the fairy world. The fragments of the fairy world are the real bait. The door is open, I believe Luan Kuang will definitely follow."

"Then it seems that I have to go because of your favor," Yi Tian said with a playful face.

"Sect Master Yi doesn't need to get angry, the old man is naturally sure that he will say that, and if you want to show my favor, it will take a little thought, but I believe you are a person who values ​​love and righteousness I will definitely keep my promise," after saying that, Han Ruilin stood up, bowed his hands again, then turned around and walked out with big strides.

Yi Tian didn't stop him, but was savoring the meaning of his words carefully, and after ten breaths, the figure of Ruin Ruilin disappeared in the hall.Shaoqing's surrounding restrictions were removed, and then there was a rush of footsteps. Yi Tian looked up and saw Hua Yuxin walking from the gate of the other courtyard with several people behind him, and then he reached out and closed the lid of the jade box in front of him. Storage ring.

Seeing people coming into the hall one after another came forward to salute, Hua Yuxin stepped forward to pay respects before asking: "When did my husband come, why don't you ask someone to tell me."

Yi Tian looked up and saw that Hua Yuxin was wearing a military uniform today, as the elder of the Hua family, he naturally had to be decent.Today is another auspicious day for the Hua family and the Xiang family to get married. As the host, she will naturally be present.Followed by Hua Yuxin and Cui Fuling, they are a good match now, wearing red robes like parents, so the main talkers of the Hua family are due.

"Have you all met that person just now?" Yi Tian asked without reason.

"Is that Nascent Soul stage casual cultivator?" Hua Yuxin hurriedly replied, "I didn't stop him directly when I saw that he was very handsome. Do you need to send someone to call?"

"No need, that's the late-stage cultivator Ji Ruilin who guards the second elder of Huangquan, what ability do you have to stop him," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "It is obvious that he led me to talk today, and now he has left Just go and forget it."

The three people in front of them suddenly fell silent, and there was only one great monk in the whole spiritual world in the later stage of fusion, which is not common to see.But today I saw two of them at once, but they didn't show any surprise on their faces.

Hua Yuxin said with a straight look: "My husband, if you find out that there are any high-level monks visiting, let me know and I can take care of it."

"No need, only Han Ruilin is visiting today," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "The team sending off relatives in the Taiqing Pavilion has arrived, and you all go to the newcomers when they enter the door. I will just sit here for a while, you first Go ahead."

"Sir, will you return to the clan directly or stay here for a while?" Hua Yuxin asked tentatively.

After the outbreak of the evil disaster, the two also get together less and leave more, so Yi Tian naturally understands what Hua Yuxin said.After looking at it for a while, he said: "The outbreak of the evil disaster has not yet subsided, and I still need to do my duty. But since I have free time now, I can also take a break in Luoxia City. This is my first stop after my ascension. In the hometown of the spirit world."

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin's expression brightened and she hurriedly replied: "The concubine will go down and take care of it, and I will ask my husband to move to the cave in the backyard later."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to signal the three to leave first, while he began to think about what Han Ruilin said just now.Obviously, such generous gifts alone could not allow him to help Nao Wenchang to the top position, presumably Nao Ruilin also knew it.It's just that he dared to place such a heavy bet that he also found many clues in Qin Huaige's divination.

At least his own information must have appeared in the divination words, and Xi Ruilin will definitely have a backup, maybe he will let him sign him a favor.These are just his own wishful thinking. Yi Tian didn't know how the situation would develop in the future, so he sighed deeply and opened the sound-proof barrier.Then he took out the broken map from the storage ring, and at the same time took out the palm-sized fragment.

After the golden light flashed, the two things merged again and appeared in front of him. A map was engraved on a complete pair of animal skins, with the words 'Luo Chongtian' written in golden seal script on it. '

(End of this chapter)

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