
Chapter 1991 Thinking

Chapter 1991 Thinking
After arriving at the cave mansion in the backyard of the Hua family, Yi Tian opened the restriction and ordered everyone except Hua Yuxin and others to stay away.

Sitting cross-legged in the depths of the cave, Yi Tian sighed while looking at the re-integrated map in front of him, thinking that this map was indeed hard-won.It turned out that after defeating Luo Que and Qian Lingzi on the Tianlan Continent in the lower realm, he found a share from their storage rings.After ascension, he tossed and turned in the spirit world and drifted to the demon world, the Asura world, and the demon world before finally getting most of it together.

In the end, it was discovered that the center of the map, the size of a baby's fist, was missing. At first, there was no way to find it, but Han Ruilin took the initiative to deliver the incomplete map to himself.

Now, after getting it all together, I took a closer look and found that the map was clearly marked with the words 'Luo Chongtian' in gold seal characters, needless to say, it must be closely related to Luotian Immortal Palace.Maybe it was still a part of Luotian Xiangong, a fragment of the fairy world back then. Thinking of this, Yi Tian's heart became hot.

I have long wanted to explore the secrets of Luo Tianxian Palace, but I was too busy with trifles.And at this stage, it is only found from the existing documents that there are fragments of the fairy world of Luotian Xiangong in the depths of the spirit world.

It's just that the location of the area indicated on this animal skin map should be in the Netherworld, and I have checked it many times before.But it is not so easy to go deep into the Netherworld. I have suspicions about the madness of the Nether Emperor, and if I want to go there, I will definitely face each other.This has to be considered in the long run.

After thinking about it, the spiritual thoughts in the depths reached into the beast-controlling bag at the waist to wake up the beast master and said: "Senior, I got something by chance, I think it's strange and I can't see through its material, please show up and explain it to me fan."

As soon as the words fell, a ray of spiritual light flew out of the beast-controlling bag, a white halo circled and fell over the cave, and then turned into the appearance of a beast king and a Taoist.A little later, I saw him come forward and sit down in front of him, and after scanning the map in front of him, there was surprise in his eyes.

After admiring, he said: "The material of this map should be the animal skin of the descendant of the black dragon in the fairy world, but the aura on it is far from that of the black dragon. At least it is the skin of the descendants of two generations later."

"That's right," Yi Tian responded, "If it's really the black dragon skin of the fairy world, I'm really afraid to go there. If it's the skin of its descendants, it means that there were black dragons in the Nether world back then. If you want to come to these creatures Like the damp and cold environment, plus the brimstone and fire in the hell world are also his favorite food, so it can’t be wrong.”

"Luo Chongtian, this was originally a part of the Luotian Immortal Palace in the Immortal Realm. I didn't expect that it would fall into this realm after the collapse." The Beast Lord thought for a while and said, "Then Luo Chongtian was originally just a fragment of the Luotian Immortal Realm. It must have been left behind after a peerless war took place in it."

"Senior is right, but even so, I think the treasures kept inside must contain a lot of fairy spirit, which is naturally useful for us monks," Yi Tian said.

"That's natural. Maybe you can find a lot of fairy spirit in Naluo Chongtian. Although there is not much left after such a long time, it is always better than nothing," the beast king said: "There are still Boy Yi, you can call me Beast Monarch Taoist from now on, if you can advance to the middle stage of Mahayana cultivation, you will have a chance to ascend to the Immortal Realm, then I will recognize you as the master and hope you can take me back to the Immortal Realm."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed and said: "Thank you so much, Beast Monarch Taoist, I will definitely live up to my trust."

Speaking of this, a thought flashed through Yi Tian's mind, and after thinking about it, he hurriedly asked: "During the time-retrospecting exercises performed by fellow Taoists on Qionghuaxie Tianji Peak, Senior Feng Lingzi once led a disciple to Qionghuaxie Tianji Peak. Huaxie, I don't know if fellow Beast Monarch Daoists have known about this person before."

"You should be talking about Miaodizi," the Taoist Beast Lord blurted out, "He is Feng Lingzi's closed disciple, so he is fortunate enough to go to Qionghuaxie."

"Miaodizi, why have I never found his name in any literature?" Yi Tian said suspiciously: "Since he is the closed disciple of Taoist Feng Lingzi, his strength must be the best. People who are idle in the spirit world are definitely not his opponents, why is there no news about him in the spirit world."

"I'm afraid you can only investigate this matter by yourself," Beast Lord waved his hand and said, "I have slept in the Qionghua Pavilion for tens of thousands of years. Naturally, I am not familiar with the changes in the spirit world, so I will go back first." If you need anything, you can find me."

After finishing speaking, a spiritual light flashed all over the Beast Lord's body, and then the body shrank into a fist-sized ball of light and flew back into the beast control bag at his waist again.The cave fell into silence again, and Yi Tian sat cross-legged on the ground with a thoughtful expression on his face.

It stands to reason that even if Miao Dizi's strength is slightly inferior to Feng Lingzi's, it is not much worse.With him around, it would be very difficult for the patriarchs of the three sects in the spiritual world to succeed, and there must be major changes in this.

There was a hint of firmness in Yi Tian's eyes, and he said in his heart: "There must be some ulterior secret that happened to Miao Dizi, his sudden disappearance will lead to the situation where Luo Tianxian Palace's descendants are gradually declining, so that it cannot be maintained. The situation in the spirit world. Then the three heavenly masters of the branch sect rose up, and the original Luo Tianxian Palace fell apart and disappeared in the long history of the spirit world."

I would like to think so, but if I want to try to find clues to Luo Tianxian Palace, I still have to start with the three factions of the spirit world.The historical origins of these three factions are inseparably related to Luotian Fairy Palace, and it is said that Qingfeng Old City in Taiqing Pavilion was originally Luotian City 6 to [-] years ago.If you want to find out the clues of the disappearance of 'Miaodizi', you have to go to Qingfeng Old City again.

Thinking of what Yi Tian suddenly seemed to have noticed, it makes sense why Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, would seize the old city of Qingfeng during the disaster ten thousand years ago.He must have been looking for something in Qingfeng Old City, but it took hundreds of years but failed to get what he wanted, which means that he was kicked out by three powerful monks when he didn't find what he was looking for.

Now I can go to investigate openly and aboveboard. The relocation of Taiqing Pavilion's new sect to Qingfeng New City shows that the sect's senior management did not realize the reason for this.

At this point, Yi Tian showed a slight smile on his face, closed his eyes and temporarily entered the state of meditation.Now that this matter has a clue, I can't rush it for a while, otherwise it will be unsightly to alarm the people in Taiqing Pavilion.

Speaking of which, Taiqing Pavilion and himself also have a deep relationship, and after coming to the spirit world, he tried to worship the sect.Although Qin Huaige of the Qingtian Pavilion had already known his identity, he still defended him many times.Yitian naturally kept this feeling in mind, even if he wanted to go to Qingfeng Old City to investigate, he still needed to go to the Taiqing Pavilion to visit the uncle and inform him first.

 Thank you fellow Taoist seyes for your support

(End of this chapter)

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