
Chapter 1992

Chapter 1992
Although the war of catastrophe in the spirit world is still in full swing, there is a peaceful scene in the hinterland of the three sects.As the resident of Taiqing Pavilion, the largest sect in the spiritual world, it is naturally the most stable area.

Within a radius of [-] li where Qingfeng Shuangcheng is located, the normal situation is still maintained, and the sect has dispatched many disciples of the transformation stage to form a joint defense team to shuttle here and patrol the air from time to time.It's just that very few of these teams can see the disciples of the direct line leading the team. Presumably, most of the disciples of the direct line have already followed the suzerain Zheng Tingyun to the front line of the spirit demon battlefield to fight against the invasion of the demon clan.

However, during the war, the defense of Taiqing Pavilion became much stricter than usual, at least casual cultivators could only operate in Qingfeng Shuangcheng.If you want to fly to the Taiqing Pavilion, which is thousands of miles away, you cannot enter without special permission.

On that day, an inconspicuous assault boat flew towards the mountain gate of Taiqing Pavilion at the speed of a monk in the late stage of transformation.Not long after, a pair of on-duty monks from the Taiqing Pavilion flew towards them from a distance, and the leader was a distracted early-stage monk.A team of eight or nine people behind him flew forward and stopped the assault boat from a distance.

The leader of the patrol team flew forward and shouted: "This seat is the leader of the Zongmen patrol team, Mi Jun. Who will show his identity, and you can drive straight into the important place of Taiqing Pavilion at will."

"So it's fellow Daoist Mi Jun, I haven't seen you for many years, don't come here and you'll be fine," said a voice from inside the assault boat, the voice was silent but the Taiqing Pavilion patrol members who were present in the air in the distance could clearly hear the words talk.

Naturally, these people didn't know who was in the assault boat, but they said everything was up to the commander's wishes.And Mi Jun, who was flying in the head, had a very solemn expression on his face, and asked after thinking for a while: "Hearing the voice of fellow daoist, it seems that we are old acquaintances, please forgive me for not being able to recognize your Excellency Come here, please give me some hints."

"Didn't Hua Yulin and I come to celebrate the agreement you made with others thousands of years ago," the voice sounded again.

Mi Jun's complexion changed drastically as soon as this remark came out, but there was an extremely excited look on his face, and then he replied respectfully: "I don't know what happened to your honor coming to the Taiqing Pavilion, do you want me to give a simultaneous interpretation?"

"It's okay, I'm just here to visit those old friends from back then and to see the Xishan Lingzhi Garden where I was stationed." The speaker was naturally Yi Tian himself, and the words were quite cordial: "After all, this is half of my family, and I still have some things to go to Qingtian Pavilion, so there is no need for fellow Daoist Mi Jun to send more. Even if you are in the hinterland of the sect during the disaster, it is better to be cautious in everything."

"Then I won't give it away, please forgive me," Mi Jun also replied tactfully.

Shaoqing's assault boat started again and slowly flew towards the gate of Taiqing Pavilion. The members of the patrol team showed puzzled expressions on their faces. person's identity.

Listening to the conversation between the two, it seems that he and his captain are old and are old acquaintances, but Mi Jun shook his head with a wry smile on his face and said to the surrounding subordinates: "That man is called Yi Tian. There are old ones, but he is now a late-stage monk, and his other identity is the new Lihuo Sect Master."

As soon as this statement came out, the surrounding team members were in an uproar, and many people had expressions of surprise in their eyes.Some people even looked at the captain Mi Jun with strange eyes. After all, he used to have an old relationship with the mysterious new Lihuo Palace suzerain, and then asked the big man about trivial matters in the past.

The small episode only made Yi Tian stop for a while, and after entering the gate of Taiqing Pavilion, he turned and flew straight towards the forbidden area behind Taiqing Pavilion.After all, when I came here, I still had to say hello to my uncle Wu Yuan who I had never met before.

Flying to the entrance of the forbidden area, I saw two distracted cultivators guarding it from a distance, and saw them flying forward and shouting in a sudden flash: "No one is allowed to enter the Taiqing Pavilion, whoever comes, please tell me your name quickly. identity, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude.”

The assault boat slowed down and leaned up slowly.A little later, a ray of light flew out and appeared on the assault boat, and he stretched out his hand to put the car away.

After the halo faded and revealed his true face, it was Yi Tian himself. After looking at the two people below, they were all mid-stage monks who were distracted. Presumably they were also members of Qing Lianyun's generation, but their potential was not enough and they could not make further progress on the road.

Yi Tian said indifferently: "Taiqing Pavilion Yi Tianchu came back to Zongmen to pay a visit to Master Wuyuan."

The expressions of the two distracted disciples guarding the gate changed slightly, and they searched quickly in their minds, but they couldn't find such a number one person in the Taiqing Pavilion.Moreover, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on the opponent's body did not leak out at all, and it was impossible to see its depth at all.In addition, his title to the Taiqing Pavilion Mahayana monk has already shown his true identity.

Waiting for the two of them to make a move, they only heard an old voice ringing in their ears: "It's Nephew Yi, come in quickly," after saying that, a hole was opened above the halo at the entrance of the forbidden area.

Yi Tian didn't hesitate when he saw it, and after a flash, he jumped over the two of them and flew directly into the crack of the restriction.

After the person left, the guard disciple suddenly said: "This name sounds very familiar." The other person shouted, "It has the same name as the new suzerain of Lihuo Palace, so it should be the same person. I didn't expect to see you again today." to his true body."

While the two were sighing for a while, Yi Tian had already arrived at the deep part of the forbidden area of ​​Taiqing Pavilion. Inside was a rugged mountain road halfway up the mountain, and he could see a hut sitting on an open space in the distance.There are several futons at the door, and on one of them sits a [-]-year-old monk.At this moment, he looked at himself with a smile on his face.

Presumably this is Uncle Wuyuan, a Mahayana monk in the Taiqing Pavilion, Yi Tian didn't dare to let him wait for a long time and hastily quickened his pace.After ten breaths, he walked to the nearest place, paid homage and said, "Disciple Yi Tian has seen Master Wu Yuan."

"Get well, I've heard about your name for a long time, and I just got to see you today, and it turns out that Junior Brother Wu Ye has accepted a good apprentice," Wu Yuan said slowly.

"I am ashamed to be able to make Master Master remember my disciple's name," Yi Tian got up and said, "I thank Master Qin for taking care of me so much that I can recuperate in the sect."

But Wu Yuan pointed to the empty space next to him and said, "Come here and talk, you must have something important to do when you come to Taiqing Pavilion this time."

Yi Tian walked forward slowly and found an empty seat next to Wuyuan's futon and sat down, and then said: "This disciple is here to inquire about the origin of the sect and the former Luo Tianxian Palace."

A look of surprise flashed in Wu Yuan's eyes when he heard the words, he nodded and said: "What should come will come after all."

(End of this chapter)

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