
Chapter 1993 Inquiry

Chapter 1993 Inquiry
Entering the deep part of the forbidden area of ​​Taiqing Pavilion, Yi Tian met with Uncle Wu Yuan and briefly explained his purpose of coming.Unexpectedly, Wuyuan suddenly uttered an ambiguous sentence when he heard the words, and Yi Tian was also confused when he heard it.

Seeing that I don't understand, I have no principles, so I calmed down first, and then said: "You must know something if you want to investigate the origin of the sect?"

Yi Tianyi cupped his hands and said solemnly: "Please forgive disciple Chao Yue. After searching several secret realms in the spiritual world, I found many opportunities. They pointed at the Luotian Immortal Palace 5 years ago. Among them, there are many The mystery remains to be explored, and speaking of it, there is an inevitable connection between this matter and the current catastrophe."

Wuyuan frowned slightly when he heard this, and then sighed: "You can ask if you want to know something. Although I don't know the details, it can solve a lot of confusion for you. As for the future It's all up to you to deal with it yourself."

"Thank you for your kindness, Uncle." Yi Tian replied respectfully: "The disciples have discovered that the disintegration of the Luotian Immortal Palace and the rise of the three factions in the spirit world have an inevitable connection, but there is a key figure missing. "

Hearing this, Wuyuan's expression didn't change and he said, "Who is it?"

"I heard that the ancestor of Feng Lingzi once accepted a closed disciple named 'Miaodizi', but this person was the only one who appeared in any literature records," Yi Tian said slowly.

After hearing this, Wu Yuan frowned slightly and asked, "How did you know about Miao Dizi?"

Sure enough, there is such a person, and it seems that the uncle knows the details, Yi Tian's eyes brightened when he heard the words: "The disciple has investigated the Bowanghai Qionghua Pavilion, found the whereabouts of the ancestor of Fenglingzi, and also found out that he had He led the close disciple Miao Dizi to go there together."

"The name Miaodizi has not been mentioned for tens of thousands of years. The last time I heard it was from my master." Wu Yuan shook his head and said, "This is a secret from the spiritual world. I can't think of it." You found out, there are probably five people in this world who know the name of Miao Di Zi, including you."

"Five people," Yi Tian was startled, counting the patriarchs of the three schools of the spirit world and himself, the remaining one should be Miao Dizi himself.If such a powerful monk is still there, his cultivation base is at least in the late stage of Mahayana. Compared with the Buddhist and spiritual world, the Master Jie Ding of the Great Leiguang Temple can be a figure of his ancestors.

Obviously Master Wuyuan knew the situation, but he seemed hesitant to speak.Yi Tian looked helplessly and wanted to hear the following from Wuyuan's mouth, but unfortunately he closed his mouth after saying a word, as if he didn't want to go further on this issue.

The two of them fell into silence for a long time, and after an unknown amount of time, Wu Yuan said: "This matter is about the secrets of Luotian Immortal Palace, since you want to pursue it, I can't stop you. But I hope you can promise me one thing. "

"Master, it's okay to say it," Yi Tian replied respectfully.

"Even if you find 'Miaodizi' in the future, no matter what he looks like, you can't be rude to him," Wu Yuan said, "Go, since you have clues, you can investigate it in your own way."

Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, according to Uncle Wuyuan's intention, he would definitely confront 'Miao Dizi' in the future, and he knew that it was inconvenient to reveal one or two details.I couldn't help but guess in my heart, I can count the people with superior strength in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, and I don't think much about the people I can match up with in the future.

Suddenly there was a feeling of uneasiness in my heart, and when I was about to speak again, I only heard Wu Yuan say: "The answer you want may come out soon, and then you must have a decision in your heart, go ahead and go."

After speaking, the figure gradually turned into nothingness until it disappeared in front of his eyes. Yi Tian knew that it was because Master Wuyuan didn't want to reveal more information to him.After thinking for a while, he stood up, bowed his hands towards the hut in front of him, and said, "Thank you for your guidance, Master, I'm leaving here." After speaking, he turned around and went back the same way.

Yi Tian, ​​who was waiting to leave the forbidden area of ​​Taiqing Pavilion, flew straight to the location of Qingtian Pavilion under the adoring eyes of the two guards.

In the Taiqing Pavilion, I feel as if I have entered the land of no one, and no one dares to come to hinder my actions.After ten breaths, when Yi Tian came to the foot of Qingtian Pavilion Mountain again, he looked around and couldn't help but sigh.I think I came here once back then, but at that time, I came to see the head of Qingtian Pavilion as a disciple of the transformation stage.

Walking all the way from the foot of the mountain, after a short walk, I saw a Qingtian Pavilion disciple waiting on the road.After seeing his own trace, he hastily stepped forward to salute and said: "If you dare to ask, but Master Yi is in person, my teacher ordered me to wait here for a long time."

"Oh, Senior Brother Qin really has the opportunity to do things first, he can expect me to come today is really a bit of a trick," Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "What's your name?"

"Junior Shan Shuqi, when my uncle came here thousands of years ago, I saw you from a distance," said the disciple.

"Shan Shuqi?" Yi Tian said with a smile, "I'm afraid I should have been a cultivator at the transformation stage when I came here, how could you remember my whereabouts?"

But Shan Shuqi said bluntly: "Back then, the master ordered that some important people would come, so he ordered me and other disciples to avoid it for the time being. Because I am the disciple in charge of guarding the mountain, I have seen my uncle from afar."

"There is such a thing," Yi Tian also deeply admired Qin Huaige's attainments in his heart.Back then, he was just a disciple of the transformation stage, and Qin Huaige's achievements in finding out his future with just a little bit of information were really amazing.

From this, Yi Tian thought of the Huan Ruilin he met before. Since he came here to ask Qin Huaige to investigate the secrets, and spent 2000 years of life at the cost, he must have discovered something, so he treated himself with extra courtesy. .

Following Shan Shuqi all the way to the main hall of Qingtian Pavilion, at this time, his spiritual thoughts passed by Yi Tian and found that Qin Huaige was the only one in the huge Qingtian Pavilion.He probably dismissed the others, so he heard a voice over his ears saying: "Junior Brother Yi is visiting, please come in quickly."

Hearing this, Yitian walked straight into the main hall of Qingtian Pavilion without hesitation, and Shaoqing saw a figure standing on the main hall and bowing to him from afar.

Yi Tian stepped forward and hurriedly returned the salute: "Brother Qin, please forgive me for disturbing you."

"Junior Brother Yi is a big man, you don't need to be polite when you come to my place for the second time, come and let's sit down and chat," Qin Huaige led the two of them through the main hall to the main hall in the backyard after speaking.

After the guest and host sat down, Yi Tian asked with a smile on his lips, "Since brother Qin is sure that I will come today, can you know my reason for coming?"

Qin Huaige replied with a smile: "Let me guess that it's about the sect?"

"Sure enough," Yi Tian admired him very much in his heart. The matter of Luotian Immortal Palace is also closely related to the three sects of the spiritual world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a matter of the sect.

(End of this chapter)

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