
Chapter 1997 Jinglou 3

Chapter 1997 Jing Lou Three

In the depths of the scripture building, Yi Tian first found the news of Luo Que and Qian Lingzi from 4000 years ago in chronological order.Then I looked forward to find the jade slip records of the Great War of Demon Disasters thousands of years ago.

From the above, we can see that many spiritual practitioners recorded all the things they experienced in those years.The records of the monks of the three sects are almost all based on the timeline of the Great War of Demon Disaster, from the time when the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu led the army to invite the battle to the occupation of Qingfeng Old City.

The most interesting thing is that the Taiqing Pavilion disciples' records also mentioned the fight between the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu and Uncle Wuyuan.The two seemed to have made an appointment to fight for a while, and in the end, Master Wuyuan lost the wind and led the disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion to withdraw from Qingfeng Old City and gave the entire city intact to the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was also puzzled for a while, why this record is somewhat different from the rumors from the outside world.If Qiu Yu and Uncle Wuyuan really had such an agreement back then, then the real purpose of occupying Qingfeng Old City is really unknown.

At least from the information I have seen and understood after so many years, I found that the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu must be looking for something when he invaded Qingfeng Old City, but things backfired and he did not find what he wanted even after thousands of years passed.

After taking the records of the disciples of the other two sects, Yi Tian read them word by word, but later found that his guess was right.The Devil Prince Qiu Yu must have had some kind of agreement with Master Wuyuan in private, Yi Tian really wanted to go back to Master Wuyuan to find out, rather than guessing here, it would be much clearer to ask the person involved.

It's just that such thoughts flashed through his mind and were directly denied. Yi Tian knew that if Master Wuyuan Boken had told him what happened back then, he would have said it long ago.So you can only find the answer by yourself.

Skimming through the historical records written by monks of the three sects, Yi Tian selected some records written by casual monks.Surprised eyes flashed from time to time after looking through.Unexpectedly, nearly half of these few jade slips came from the monks when the demons invaded Qingfeng Old City.

Among them, it is mentioned that Qiu Yu, the Prince of the Demon Saint, did not forcefully request that casual practitioners in the spirit world switch to the Demonic Way and accept the demonic energy tank.One is because the original power of demonic evil is not enough. To be able to accept the tank of demonic energy, one has to endure not only great pain but also the devastation of the inner demon mentally, which is definitely not something that ordinary monks can bear.

Moreover, according to this jade slip document, Qiu Yu, the Demon Saint Prince, did not force many spiritual practitioners to switch to the Demonic Way, and the rule in Qingfeng Old City has always been carried out on the principle of wide entry and wide exit.

As for the thousands of years of occupation, the Demon Saint Prince sent his subordinates to continuously arrange formations around the old city of Qingfeng, some of whom were still probing the formations as if they were looking for something.

Seeing that Yi Tian's complexion became more and more serious behind him, it is obvious that such a guess is naturally reasonable.It's just that the cultivator who wrote this jade slip document is not high enough to detect higher-level secrets.Back then, the author was treated with courtesy by the demon monks because of his attainments in the formation.

As for him only refining some prototypes of formations, apart from knowing the usefulness of the formations he refined, he has no autonomy in how to use them and where to use them.The records written in the jade slip documents are all his wishful thinking.

Seeing this, Yi Tian's complexion sank slightly and he began to think in his heart. It stands to reason that Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, must have had a conspiracy to occupy the old city of Qingfeng for no reason.And what he did was a gentle strategy, together with casual cultivators in the spirit world, they explored the secrets of Qingfeng Old City together.

There must be a last resort, who is willing to share the opportunity with others.It's just that Yi Tian has some doubts slowly emerging in his heart at this time. As a master of discipline and the identity of Qiu Yu, the devil prince, he will never easily learn the secrets of Qingfeng Old City.Unless it was told by someone, and this person's identity is not small enough to influence the actions of the Demon Saint Prince Qiu Yu and he is also familiar with the details of Qingfeng Old City.

Only this kind of monk could make Qiu Yu, the Demon Saint Prince, not hesitate to break through and confront the Mahayana monks from the three sects of the spirit world head-on.Speaking of which, there are not many people who can do this kind of situation. Yi Tian popped out a name for no reason: "Devil Saint Baotan, only he can have this ability. It's just why he knows Qingfeng Old City So deep?"

With doubts, Yi Tian engraved these valuable scattered documents, and then turned his head to search deeper into the bookshelf with his spiritual thoughts.

Going down the bookshelf, Yi Tian found that the literature records more than 2 years ago were obviously much less, only less than one-third of the Great War of Demons and Disasters. In the part [-] years ago, there are some records of the three schools of the spirit world. After Yi Tian took it, he looked it up and found that most of the things recorded in it had nothing to do with what he was looking for.

Among them, there is a record about the situation of three Mahayana monks in the spiritual world meeting with the precept masters in the Buddhist and spiritual world 2 years ago. This document comes from the disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion sect.It is estimated that it was written by the disciple of the direct line who served on the side.

Going forward to check is the jade slips of literature in the middle ages of the spirit world. After reading it, Yi Tian started to look it up from the time when the three factions were formed.Turn over the thick Jade Simple Heaven and see this description from the first page of the Jade Slip Document, "The suzerain of the Luo Tianxian sect has been missing for 5000 years, and the three elders in the sect preside over the government affairs respectively, and the three elders have different opinions. If the disciples are not calmed down, Luo Tianxian Palace will surely fall apart in the long run. '

Unexpectedly, such things happened in Luo Tianxian Palace back then, and the missing suzerain was probably Miao Dizi himself.It's just that I don't know why he disappeared and left back then. There must be an explanation for such a situation.I only know that the patriarchs of the three sects of the spiritual world found another way after visiting the fragments of the fairy world where the Luotian Immortal Palace is located.

If Miaodizi hadn't disappeared back then, I'm afraid that even if the three of them came back, they might not be able to separate.And these three people should be the three elders mentioned in the document.

Turning to the second page, I only saw the record: "The suzerain Miaodi tried to cross Yin and Yang in order to practice the supreme supernatural power, and did not leave a clear letter of succession, so the three elders will not leave the sect after 5000 years. Civil strife broke out and each led his disciples to leave, leaving behind a lineage to guard Luo Tianxian Palace."

It seems that Taiqing Pavilion is the main line of Luotian Immortal Palace instead, Yi Tian couldn't help thinking that Qingfeng Old City was originally Luotian Immortal City, but it was renamed after the separation of the three factions in the Middle Ages.

It is also mentioned in the literature that the second-generation disciples of the three sects are all of the 'wu' generation, which fits well with their ancestor Wu Ye and uncle Wu Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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