
Chapter 1998 Second Coming 1

Chapter 1998 Advent One
After inspecting the depths of the scripture building for a long time, Yi Tian also carved some important jade slip documents. With continuous digging, Yi Tian found that these documents all pointed to Luo Tianxian City, which is where Qingfeng Old City is located. s position.

However, after tens of thousands of years, the Qingfeng Old City has not been excavated for its hidden secrets. It can be seen that there must be some unknown restrictions that have covered up the secrets of Luotian Immortal Palace.

So Yi Tian still decided to go to Qingfeng Old Town for a walk, after all, that is the most critical place.It's just that Qingfeng Old City must have explored all the secrets left in it after thousands of years of management by the monks of Taiqing Pavilion.If I go blindly, I will have no clue. The best way is to ask the disciples of Taiqing Pavilion who are in charge of Qingfeng Old City.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian tidied up the jade slip documents in front of him, then stood up and walked out of the book collection space slowly.After coming out, Zhou Feiyang just rolled his eyelids when he saw Pan Zai at the door, Yi Tian knew that he knew his whereabouts, and he didn't want to bother his opponent, turned around and bowed to him, then left straight away up.

After leaving the outside world, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to go to Qingfeng Old City, but directly took out the communication jade charm to write some information, then activated it and sent it out.Then Yi Tian restrained the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, performed escapism, and slowly left the Taiqing Pavilion Zongmen residence at a moderate speed.

After leaving the mountain gate, Yi Tian disappeared, and then flew straight towards Qingfeng Old City.Half a moment later, Yi Tian's figure appeared on the street of Qingfeng Old City.

Revisiting the old place Yi Tian sighed heavily for no reason, looking at the endless stream of people on the bustling street, who would have known that this area was still full of magic marks thousands of years ago.

I remember that back then, I followed Hua Yulin and Liang Bufan to pick up the leak, who knew that by coincidence, I ran into Luo Ziyan, the crown prince of Asura, who came to experience in the spiritual world.At that time, I was chased by Luo Ziyan and ran around the city. Thinking about it, Luo Ziyan had to rely on herself to support me when I was in the Asura world.

Walking on the main street of Qingfeng Old City, Yi Tian held back his aura in the early stage of transformation. After shopping around for a while, he found the Yingke Building opened by Taiqing Pavilion.After entering, I reported the name of Xiahua Yulin and asked for an upper room. I found an empty seat and sat down alone. I took the spirit wine and wine utensils in the storage ring and put them on the table to have a drink slowly. stand up.

After waiting for a while, I heard someone knocking on the door, and then said lightly: "Come in, the door is unlocked."

After the door was pushed open with a "squeak", only two monks wearing the costumes of inner disciples of the Taiqing Pavilion came in.The one in the lead is Hua Yulin, the cheap brother-in-law, and the person behind him is also more familiar in the early stage of distraction.

Yi Tian went through it in his mind and instantly recognized that it was Liang Bufan who invited him to come to Qingfeng Old Town.His current cultivation level is slightly lower than Hua Yulin's, but he should also be able to occupy the first place in the branch halls in the Taiqing Pavilion.

After seeing him, Hua Yulin was fine, but Liang Bufan hurriedly took a step forward, bent his knees and was about to kneel down, and said respectfully: "I have met Sovereign Yi, and it is really a great fortune to see Tianyan again today. "

Yi Tian lightly brushed his finger over Liang Bufan and couldn't kneel down anymore, and then said with a faint smile on his face: "Farewell once a thousand years, fellow Daoist Liang, don't come here unharmed."

Liang Bufan was overjoyed when he heard the words, he stood up and bowed his hands and said: "Thank you, Sect Master Yi, for your concern. The younger generation is now sitting in Qingfeng Old City. I would like to ask Sect Master Yi not to be offended by coming to see you this time."

Hua Yulin, who was standing on the side, also showed a naive smile on his face and said: "Lao Liang is not an outsider, this time I heard that your brother-in-law is here, so I specially want to come here to catch up with you. I think everyone is an old acquaintance, so I brought him along." Come here, not to mention that Lao Liang has been in Qingfeng Old City for hundreds of years and is quite familiar with it."

Hearing this, Yi Tian nodded in satisfaction. After all, it would be wrong for him to look for the person who disturbed the Taiqing Pavilion without a clue.If it got to Zheng Tingyun's ears that he, the lord of the Lihuo Sect, wandered around in Qingfeng Old City, he would inevitably be criticized by others.

Right now, with an acquaintance leading the way, it is natural to avoid a lot of troubles. After thinking about it, he smiled lightly and pointed to the seat in front of him: "You two, don't stand around for so long, everyone sit down and have a drink first. Fan, wouldn't it be better to talk about the old relationship back then."

Hua Yulin and Liang Bufan winked, and the two hurried forward and sat down in front of Yi Tian.Liang Bufan took the wine glass in front of him and refilled the two of them one by one, before filling himself in the end.Shaoqing saw him jishou and said: "Sect Master Yi can come to Qingfeng Old City again. It is a great honor for me to be able to serve here as the deputy guard."

"Deputy guard," Yi Tian murmured and asked, "Then who is the guard of Qingfeng Old City now?"

"It used to be Senior Brother Xiang Donghui. He was transferred to the front line because of the Demonic Disaster War. I heard that he was stationed near the boundary gate in recent years and never returned," Liang Bufan said.

"So that's the case, but Xiang Donghui probably will go to the front line of the disaster soon," Yi Tian said casually.

"Why is there another change in the battle zone of the evil disaster ahead?" Hua Yulin asked hastily.

"The danger of Jiemen has been solved by me, leaving Xi Tianying to guard and Brother Huolian to assist is naturally foolproof," Yi Tian said: "Zheng Tingyun has been short-handed over the years, so this just solves her difficulties. Afterwards, we will definitely hit the superior forces of the three factions and start counterattacking the area occupied by the evil disaster.”

"So that's how it is," Hua Yulin said with a gleam of joy in his eyes, "It seems that this evil disaster will be over soon."

"It can be as fast as 50 years, or at most a hundred years, and the demon monks can be driven back. Afterwards, it is inevitable to clean up the remnants of the demons," Yi Tian waved his hands.

The faces of the two were stunned when they heard the words, and then Liang Bufan asked, "I don't know why Sect Master Yi came to Qingfeng Old City today?"

He is also a man who has lived for 3000 years, and he has made several guesses about his purpose, but he dare not be in vain.Yi Tian smiled when he heard the words: "I just passed by Qingfeng Old Town by chance, and I remembered all kinds of past events, so I sent this time to reminisce about the past."

After listening to these words against their will, the two people in front of them also showed suspicion on their faces, and Hua Yulin even showed a face full of disbelief.To say that the master of Lihuo Palace, a monk in the later stage of Tangtang's fusion, came to visit Qingfeng Old City as a guest, and he could play it right. It is self-evident to sneak in so quietly and call him for a private meeting.

It's just that the two of them, who are now famous and famous, naturally dare not have any thoughts of disobedience.After Yi Tian saw this point, he turned to ask: "Liang Daoyou has been stationed in Qingfeng Old City for many years, can you visit all the places in the old city?"

(End of this chapter)

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