
Chapter 2002 Investigation 1

Chapter 2002 Investigation One
The jade talisman was summoned for no reason and interrupted the time-traveling mirror image. After some explanations from the Beast Lord and Daoist, Yi Tian knew that it would take ten years before he could use his supernatural powers again in such a situation.As far as I am concerned, I can't occupy the headquarters of the Lord's Mansion in Qingfeng Old City for ten years.So the thought of performing time retrospect again flashed in his mind, although Yi Tian had a look of helplessness on his face, there was no better way to deal with it.

What's more, using the words of the Beast Monarch and Daoist to explain, since the matter has come to this point, maybe it is God's will in the dark to prevent him from knowing the real reason for the collapse of Luotian Immortal Palace in this way.

Afterwards, Yi Tian looked up the communication jade talisman that interrupted the time-retrospecting practice, which also contained an urgent communication from Zheng Tingyun.After reading the news, Yi Tian's face showed a thoughtful expression.

The content of this news is that the demons have a new move, and now they are busy preparing for the summoning ceremony. Although there is no mention of summoning any ancient monsters, it goes without saying that it is not a good thing for the spiritual alliance .

It's just that Zheng Tingyun didn't mention the source of the news, which made Yi Tian very puzzled.

It stands to reason that if a summoning ceremony is prepared, it must be known to the top of the Demon Race. The person who released the source of the news can count on his fingers, but why did the other party pass such important information to Zheng Tingyun?

Now that there is no Dugu Jackie Chan, the coach of the Tianmozu, and the later-stage monk, Fei Tongmo, in the demon army, I don't know who is supporting the overall situation now.

After thinking about it for a while, Yi Tian quickly wrote a reply on the Jade Slip of Communication, and later activated the Jade Talisman of Communication and sent it out.I wrote on the communication jade talisman that I would personally investigate the matter, and at the same time let Zheng Tingyun lead the army of spiritual cultivation to dispatch immediately to encircle and suppress the demon army.

After leaving the city lord's mansion, Yi Tian went directly to Hua Yulin, turned around and disappeared in place after giving orders.

After ten breaths, a ray of light appeared above Qingfeng Old City, and Yi Tian's figure appeared in the ray.Looking down at the Qingfeng old city under his feet, Yi Tian turned around with a smile on his lips and galloped towards the area where the evil disaster broke out.

Along the way, Yi Tian found that the hinterland of the main city of the three factions was peaceful and harmonious, but when he approached the fringe area of ​​the battlefield of evil disasters, he could occasionally see wars erupting.Among them, the small team of demons extending into the spirit world is not as frequent as before.The highest-level monks who were sent out were only those of the stage of transformation, and Yi Tian didn't even see a monk of the stage of distraction within a radius of tens of thousands of years.

It is not difficult to sneak into the area occupied by the demons with one's own strength, but the difficulty lies in not being noticed by those detection formations and high-level monks.Yi Tian doesn't think that he can easily go deep into it with his advanced cultivation base. You must know that there are not a few demon monks as talented as the one-eyed demon.Although some high-level demons are not strong in cultivation, they can still detect their whereabouts by relying on their natural supernatural powers.

Therefore, Yi Tian still used the method of transforming spirits and demons to reveal his body of demon cultivation, and at the same time suppressed his cultivation base in the stage of transforming gods, and began to sneak into the area occupied by demons carefully.

After entering these areas, Yi Tian found that there were demon monks passing by from time to time in the air and underground. Most of them were in the stage of transforming gods, and it was rare to see a few high-level ones.

Yi Tian avoided these distracted monks from a distance, but after scanning with his divine sense, he didn't find Yan Tong or Yang Nao from the Flame Prison Demon Clan appearing.

Now that I have no clue and don't know the location of the summoning ceremony, I guess I can only try to find the place where the seven major clans of the demon world are stationed and explore it.

Now all I meet are casual cultivators from the demon world, and I am a monk disguised as a demon from the flame prison, so even if I am seen from a distance, I will deliberately avoid it.Soon Yi Tian smoothly flew into the area occupied by the demons to a depth of [-] miles.Going forward, it may be about to enter the camp where the seven major demons are stationed. Yi Tian quietly hid his figure in the air, then lowered his flying height and shuttled in the low sky.

Soon, two huge demon camps appeared in front of him, Zimang flashed in his eyes, and Yi Tian lost interest after searching for the sign outside the descending camp.These two places are where the Abyss Demons and Night Demons are stationed respectively.The monks of the fusion period of the two races have passed away, and now the ones in charge of the overall situation are at most the monks of the distraction period, and they can't get close to the decision-making level of the old demon camp.

However, with the idea of ​​not missing it when passing by, Yi Tian still quietly descended from the cloud head to perform concealment, and then entered the camp of the Night Demons to investigate.

Walking in the camp, Yi Tian found that since the Mistress of the Night, Anming, fell into his hands, the surviving Night Demon monks also lost their backbone.Along the way, I found that these clansmen had no fighting spirit, and their faces were full of helpless and lonely colors.

The surrounding area of ​​the entire camp is full of demon cultivators at the Nascent Soul Stage, and few of them are at the Transformation Stage.Only after entering the central army's large tent at the core level can one see many night demon cultivators at the transformation stage coming and going in the camp.Although the place where they are stationed is a camp, it covers an area of ​​about hundreds of miles, which is no less than a small city of comprehension.

It wasn't until Yi Tian approached the old camp of the Chinese army that he realized that the person in charge of military affairs in the big tent is just a middle-stage monk who was distracted.At this time, it seems that there are still many members of the Night Demon clan gathered together, and it should be an internal meeting of the clan.

Yi Tian blatantly sneaked in from the side door of the central army's large tent, but found dozens of night demon monks gathered together, opened the soundproof barrier and held an internal meeting.

This kind of restriction is completely paperless to him, Yi Tian smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to simply pinch a formula, and the restriction in front of him trembled slightly, and he had sneaked into it the next moment.

Entering the restricted area, Yi Tian glanced at a young and beautiful night demon female cultivator sitting on the seat of the head coach. The clothes on her body were the same as that of the night mistress Anming. Needless to say, she must be the newly elected patriarch. , but the cultivation base is only in the early stage of distraction.

Sitting in front of her were a few old demon female cultivators, all of whom were in the mid-stage of distraction.The discussion in front of them seems to be divided into two factions. The new Mistress of the Night seems unable to lead the entire discussion, and her face shows impatience from time to time.The clansmen below were divided into the elders and the minority, and Mistress of the Night had only the support of the minority. So far, the power of the Night Demon Clan seemed to be controlled by the elders.

Yi Tian learned from their mouths that the main purpose of the meeting was to decide whether to stay or not.The Mistress of the Night thought that in order to preserve her strength, she should retreat back to the Demon Clan first, but the elders insisted that she should not act rashly, and that it still depends on the decision-making of the Heavenly Demon Clan monks in the Demon Clan Camp. They were also very unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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