
Chapter 2003 Investigation 2

Chapter 2003 Investigation II

After receiving Zheng Tingyun's summons, Yi Tian disguised himself and sneaked into the demon-controlled area.Originally, he wanted to go deep into the area where the summoning circle was, but he came all the way and found the night demon camp first.

Although the mistress of the night, Anming, has passed away, the night demon clan is still one of the seven major clans of the demon clan, so Yi Tian feels it is necessary to check the situation of the night demon clan.

If the original Mistress of the Night falls in the spirit world, then her clan will definitely elect a new Mistress of the Night to succeed her.This is definitely a good thing for spirituality.

The monolithic clan power is difficult to penetrate, but if there are many conflicts within the clan, there is a possibility of division.After all, it is the easiest thing to capture a fortress from the inside.

After sneaking into the interior, I saw that the clan meeting was going on in the Night Demon Clan, and the new Night Mistress seemed to be nothing more than a puppet, and the main authority still fell in the hands of the elders.Faced with the aggressive and dictating orders of several elders, Mistress Dark Ye's complexion also changed slightly, but she never expressed any objection from the beginning to the end, but just watched everyone's discussion with cold eyes.

After an hour, the discussion like this in the vegetable market was over. Finally, all the members of the elders stood up and resigned. In the huge central army tent, only the Mistress of the Night and her few attendants remained.Later, the Mistress of the Night waved all her subordinates away and sat alone in the coach's seat in silence.

In the discussion just now, she meant to return to the Demon Realm first. After all, the old mistress had just passed away, and her successor was not able to secure both positions. Naturally, she hoped to return to the ancestral land of the Demon Realm to recuperate.

Without the monks in the fusion period, the Night Demon Clan will naturally be regarded by the other seven Clans of the Demon Realm as a sweet bun to be divided up. At that time, they can only shrink their forces near the ancestral land and give up some outside territories.

I heard from the old women of the elders that the new Mistress of the Dark Night is named Anse, and she is a direct descendant of Mistress of the Dark Night.At this time, she was sitting on her seat sinking like water, looked at the empty barracks and sighed helplessly: "A group of old immortals rely on their high cultivation to suppress this palace, and when I return to the devil world to cultivate for a thousand years, let me improve my cultivation." It is not too late to deal with you until the late stage of distraction, and now I can only wrong myself first."

Originally, Anse was talking to himself and didn't expect anyone to hear it. Suddenly, a voice transmission sounded in his ears: "Why is Mistress Anse so naive? You have to wait a thousand years before you want to rule the night demons." Okay, and whether you can return safely in the spirit world during this period is still open to discussion."

Hearing this, the gloomy face changed suddenly, and being able to embed here to her side without a sound showed that the coming person was extremely powerful.But since the visitor dared to speak so directly, it meant that he didn't take the Night Demons seriously at all.

After thinking about it, Anse stretched out his hand to open the sound-proof barrier, and then straightened his expression and said: "Fellow Daoist, please show up and tell the story, it is not a gentleman who hides and sneaks around."

"Hahaha," Yi Tian laughed disdainfully and said, "When did the demons talk about the morality of a gentleman? Don't everyone in my generation do whatever they want?"

After speaking, a figure slowly appeared beside the main seat of the big tent, five feet away from the mistress of the dark.At such a short distance, if you say a sudden shot, it is absolutely impossible to escape.Mistress Glen's complexion changed slightly and she said, "From the looks of fellow Taoist, it seems that you are not from a casual cultivator, but should be one of the seven major clans in the demon world. And your cultivation seems to be only in the early stage of transforming gods, but you can quietly hide At this point, I am afraid that the strength is far above everyone."

Slightly revealing the aura on his body, an extremely huge spiritual pressure fluctuation of a monk in the fusion stage instantly shocked the gloomy mistress in front of him.

After a breath, Yi Tian retracted the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, and then slowly walked forward and sat down next to the dark mistress.Then he said indifferently: "I didn't expect the night demons to be reduced to such a situation now. It seems that you, the new mistress of the night demons, are also very difficult."

The words were silent, but it sounded like a burst of ridicule in An Se's ears, but An Se did not dare to get angry in the slightest.She knew in her heart that the identity of the person in front of her was suspicious, but her strength was at least as strong as that of the former Mistress of the Night, An Ming.An Se also knew that the sudden appearance of the visitor must not have come at random, and now it is the troubled autumn of the Night Demons. It would be great if a big monk could help.

After thinking about it, Mistress Anse straightened her face and asked respectfully: "I don't know the name of the senior, why did you come to my dark night demon clan?"

"There are quite a few casual cultivators who came to the Demon Realm this time. I'm Du Li's friend. I knew that he had fallen into the Spirit Realm for no apparent reason, so I sneaked here to investigate the reality," Yi Tian said casually, "I just found out after coming here." The night demon clan has changed to this point, and Anming and I have an old relationship, so I came to visit, but I didn’t expect to see the situation like today.”

"I made the seniors laugh," Anse said with a difficult smile on his face, "The mistress fell in the battle of the fit monks, and now I, the Night Demon Clan, seem to have been abandoned by the main camp of the Sky Demon Clan, and now I am almost framed." Confront spirituality directly on the front line."

"I found that there seems to be a lot of faces missing in the army this time. It seems that the army has been frustrated here and again." Yi Tian changed his subject and said in a persuasive way: "I don't know why the commander of the Heavenly Demon Clan insists on his own opinion and refuses to retreat. You must know that fighting in a foreign land is all about speed, once you start a war of attrition with the opponent, it will be a great disadvantage."

An Se also said with a worried look on his face: "This is also the doubt in the hearts of the juniors. It's just that after the mistress left, I, the Night Demon Clan, were not very popular among the demon clan's conquest army. There are many decisions made by the higher authorities that I can't learn. Now I only hope that the army The new commander-in-chief of the Flame Prison Demon Clan Emperor Yan Lei can complete the summoning ceremony earlier, and if the two armies are in a decisive battle, I will have the opportunity to try to lead the tribe back to the Demon Realm."

What Anse said made Yi Tian suddenly respectful. He didn't expect that after Dugu Jackie Chan left, the demon army could no longer find the monks of the demon clan to support the appearance.Now let the flame prison demon monks command the army, I'm afraid that many casual cultivators will see it in their eyes and don't know what they will think in their hearts.

There is also the sad mention of the summoning ceremony that is consistent with the news he has received. It seems that the demons are so desperate that they even thought of using the summoning burst to summon the ancient beasts to the spirit world.

If they were allowed to succeed, it would be another disaster, but Yitian smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "The current predicament needs to be dealt with by you, the mistress, and my identity should not be easily revealed."

Hearing this, her gloomy complexion turned pale. Although she had thought of this a long time ago, she couldn't help showing a look of disappointment when she heard it with her own ears.

Yi Tian is naturally aware of this, and he wants to use her to find out the reality of the demons. Of course, he still has to give some sweetness.After thinking about it, he took out a jade bottle and said: "This is the 'controlling heart pill', as long as you drop your blood essence and give it to those who don't accept you, it can enhance the tacit understanding of each other's hearts. It's easier to accept."

(End of this chapter)

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