
Chapter 2004

Chapter 2004
After a conversation with the dark mistress, Yi Tian took out a bottle of 'Controlling Heart Pill' and handed it to the other party.Speaking of which, this thing is also the elixir that was exchanged from the poison master when he was in the demon world, because its effect was exaggerated by the poison master, so he couldn't help himself and took a bottle.

Looking at the elixir in front of her, Mistress Anse licked her lips and asked, "Why do you use heart-controlling pills, isn't it easier to control them directly?"

Yi Tian sneered and said, "Downloading Gu is just the worst method, and Gu worms need to be reared carefully after using Gu. In addition, your cultivation level is not the highest, so it is not a good thing if it causes Gu worms to bite back. "

"What does the senior mean?" asked the dark mistress.

"This 'Controlling Heart Pill' is a more advanced elixir, which can be dissolved in water to affect people's mind after taking a sufficient amount," Yi Tian explained: "From now on, what you say will not make the other party think too much." Big opposition, after a long time, will give you a sense of closeness, even if the cultivation level is higher than yours, it will not harm you, and Mistress Anse doesn't want to see the night demons weakened due to civil strife."

"Is this thing really effective?" Mistress Anse's eyes lit up, but her tone was still a little uncertain.

"Then you can find someone to try and you will know," Yi Tian replied indifferently: "I leave the solution to you, how to make the opponent subdue it depends on your own ability."

After taking the jade bottle, Mistress Anse's eyes flashed a trace of determination and said: "I'll try it when I go out, senior, please sit down for a while."

Having said that, Mistress Anse even raised eyebrows at Yi Tian, ​​then stood up and swayed out of the Chinese army tent.Thinking about it, she would have misunderstood it, but Yi Tian could only play along with it at this time. Mozu casual cultivators are originally temperamental people, and if their performance is incompatible with it, it will arouse suspicion.

A moment later, Mistress Anse walked into the main tent of the Chinese army with a smile on her face, presumably she had found someone to test the efficacy of the medicine.But after seeing her stepping forward and reaching out to open a sound-proof barrier, she bowed to herself and said, "Thank you for your guidance, senior, so that I can reintegrate the night demons."

"That's good," Yi Tian glanced back and said: "Afterwards, you can take advantage of the fierce battle between the spirit and demons and lead the clansmen to wait for the opportunity to return to the demon world."

"Senior puts so much effort into helping me, I don't know what to ask for," Mistress Anse walked forward lightly after getting up, and the distance between the two of them was less than half a foot when they spoke.

Yi Tian knew that this was the other party's beauty trick. Now that the Night Demon Clan has no backbone, if there are monks in the fusion period who secretly support them, they will be able to retain more resources, and they will be able to occupy a place in the Seven Clans when they return to the Demon Realm.

But my purpose is not here. After a faint smile, I said again: "Originally, I wanted to go to Yan Lei, but when I told you that he was setting up a summoning formation, I had to go faster."

"Senior, you don't need to worry too much. Yan Lei, the Emperor of Flame Prison, is just the chief supervisor, and the formation masters of the Heavenly Demon Clan are mainly responsible for the formation. What's more, Guikuling is tens of thousands of miles away from here, and seniors don't have to worry about it." Need to be in a hurry. The formation masters of the Heavenly Demon Clan haven't gathered enough blood sacrifice monks, and it will take at least ten days and a half months to complete the formation," but Mistress Anse said hastily, obviously she still wants to spend more time with herself It's about getting closer.

"Blood Sacrifice monks set up the array," Yi Tian was slightly taken aback, as if he hadn't thought that such an array would use the method of blood sacrifice, so it seems that the power of this formation is definitely not small.Slightly concealing the shock in his heart, Yi Tian thought for a while before changing the subject and asked: "Now that the war of invasion has become a stalemate, I think there must be many monks from the demon race who want to retreat, I don't know how sad it is." What does the mistress think about this?"

When it comes to serious business, she naturally shines in front of her eyes. Needless to say, she and the members of the elders around her have been fighting against each other to discuss such issues.

Needless to say, the person in front of me has already heard it, and I'm afraid it's tempting to ask now.It's just that Mistress Glen doesn't have much choice at this time. If the true thought in her heart is naturally the best policy is to return to the Demon Realm, such words can't be said casually when she is outside.But at this time and here, I can say as much as I can, and I saw that the mistress of the dark night showed helplessness and said: "I naturally want to end such a useless invasion as soon as possible. For the invasion of my night demons Instead of reaping any substantial benefits, it is a great loss of strength."

"But Mistress Anse, haven't you successfully ascended to the position? If Anming has not fallen, I'm afraid you will have to survive at least another two or three thousand years," Yi Tian said with a faint smile.

Hearing the words, Dean sighed helplessly and said: "Actually, it is better to be late, at least the people below can clean up and docile."

"It's not too late now, at least you can control most of the elders with this heart control pill," Yi Tian said.

After nodding his head, he said sadly again: "Actually, there are many races who have the intention of retreating like me. The Abyss Demon Race and the Flying Rakshasa Race have ideas, but they are not afraid of the Flame Prison Demon Race and the Sky Demon Race. Dare to reveal something. There are even quite a few monks under the Flame Prison Demon Clan who have criticisms about this battle, but Yan Lei, the emperor uncle of the Flame Prison, dare not make a fuss."

Yantong and the others are probably the ones who have the intention of retreating from the Flame Prison Demon Race. After the last encounter, he naturally has no interest in this invasion, and now he only hopes to return to the Demon Realm alive.And Nanny Yang, she just came to make up the numbers, and she only joined the battle when she had very little Shouyuan left.After thinking about it, Yi Tian thought about it and said: "Then the matter is simple, you first unify the opinions within the clan, and then consult with the leaders of those races who want to return to the demon world in private. I guess the decisive battle will be soon It's about to erupt, and then you can lead your clansmen to wait for the opportunity to retreat."

Hearing the words, An Se was shocked and said: "If you retreat before the battle, you will be liquidated by the high-ranking monks of the Heavenly Demon Race. Naturally, the monks of this family who do not have a fusion period will not be able to withstand the pressure. Even if they retreat to the Demon Realm, the gains will not be worth the loss."

"You don't need to worry about this matter, and it's not that you want your family to retreat," Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "If you can join the other two clans, even if you return to the Demon Realm, the monks of the Heavenly Demon Clan will have to think carefully before proceeding."

After speaking, he took out another jade slip and wrote a letter in the devil world script, closed it and sealed it with a special seal before handing it over to An Se and said: "Use this jade slip to find Yantong from the Flame Prison Demon Race." Or Nanny Yang, they will definitely cooperate with you once after reading it."

As a result, the face of the jade slip is still full of doubts. It seems a bit unbelievable that this jade slip alone can split the flame prison demon clan.But looking at the confident look of the person in front of her, Mistress Anse couldn't make up her mind right away.

(End of this chapter)

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