
Chapter 2005 Magic Circle 1

Chapter 2005 Array One
After leaving the night demons, Yi Tian restrained his aura again, set up his escape technique and headed towards the depths of the area occupied by the demons.Before, I offered a move to Mistress Anse, although the other party did not explicitly agree, but from the look in her eyes, it could be seen that she was quite moved by it.

After all, if the Night Demon Clan retreated, it would definitely be liquidated by the Sky Demon Clan in the future, but it would be another matter to unite the rest of the Abyss Demon Clan and the Flying Rakshasa Clan.

There are also quite a few people among the flame prison demon clan who want to retreat, as long as Yan Tong or Yang Nanny read their letters, they will have a choice in their minds.Instead of wasting strength in the spirit world, it is better to take advantage of the chaos and return to the demon world. Three and a half of the seven tribes in the demon world have all retreated.In addition, the internal division of the flame prison demon clan will be a good show in the future. Thinking of this, Yi Tian's mouth twitched into a smile.

It is definitely not the original intention of a person who cultivates Taoism to fight to the death on the battlefield of the two armies. If you really want to fight with your life, there is no way.I still like to take a roundabout way to save the country and solve this matter without a trace.

What's more, it was obvious that Mistress Anse was very moved by her own proposal, and this kind of planning just met her urgent needs now.The night demons lost a monk in the integration period and could not suffer greater losses, otherwise, when she returned to the demon world, her status as a member of the seven major clans would also be lost.

As long as I bury such a thought in my dark heart and give her an opportunity, it is enough, and the next thing can just sit on the wall and let it develop.Yi Tian believes that these demon monks are not fools. Once they really form an alliance secretly, as long as there is any change on the battlefield of the demon disaster, it will trigger a chain reaction in the whole body.

But this time, Mistress Desolate revealed an extremely useful news to herself. The Sky Demon Clan really did not give up. Even after the coalition forces successively lost four monks in the fusion stage, they still wanted to summon ancient monsters in an attempt to make a comeback.It's a pity that I made a wrong calculation this time, and it's not so easy to succeed with myself in this matter.

According to the news from Mistress Anse's mouth, the ancient summoning array of the Demon Race was set up near Guikuling Ridge. Yi Tian took out the map to check that it was still some distance away from here.And I can't completely let go of my cultivation and fly at full speed to avoid being discovered by the clone of the Demon Saint Baotan or the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely, so it will definitely take some time to get there.

What puzzled me the most this time was the source of the news. Zheng Tingyun's subpoena did not explain where he got the news from.Moreover, the demons have arranged summoning arrays in areas tens of thousands of miles away from the front line. Generally, people who are not at the decision-making level will never get the news so quickly.

Moreover, judging from the time when Zheng Tingyun got the news, the news leaked out almost when the demons were about to make a move. It must be the summoning of a monk who participated in the negotiation to achieve such a precise attack.

In his mind, he quickly went through the list of surviving Demon Race monks in this disaster invasion, and finally locked on two names.After careful analysis, Yan Lei's name was removed, leaving only Ning Ruilin.

With his cultivation base and strength plus his relationship with himself, he is the most likely person to tip off the news.But what he did was no less than that, so he directly turned against the Heavenly Demon Clan. Thinking of this, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, remembering that he had met Nie Ruilin at the wedding banquet of the Hua family in Luoxia City.At that time, the last sentence he said before leaving made me puzzled, but now it seems that if my guess is correct, I owe him a small favor.

It's just that in what he said back then, he asked him to give him a huge help, so that in the future, when the Huangquan guards seized the power of the Nether world, he could do his best to help the Nether emperor and grandson.But just the current assistance alone can't make him face the Nether Emperor fiercely. Thinking of this, Yi Tian suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart, and always felt that something else would happen in this demon disaster war.

While thinking, Yi Tian suddenly found several bright flames flashing in the distance behind him. Looking back, he looked back and saw that there were more blooms on the frontal battlefield of both spirits and demons. At least seven areas had flashes of fire.

Needless to say, it was Zheng Tingyun who started the attack, and the large army he led had officially launched a counterattack.If it is said that the timing is not bad, at this time, the army of the invading demons is still on guard and waiting for the activation of the ancient summoning formation behind.In less than ten breaths, Yi Tian found that there were several spiritual pressure fluctuations in the distance in front of him, which should be the monks of the Demon Race who rushed to reinforce after hearing the news.

After quietly opening the divine sense, he found that it was Yan Lei, the Emperor of the Flame Prison, who was rushing towards the front position with about six monks in the integration period of the demon race, including the blood corpse old demon.There is a defensive formation set up there, and there are a few remaining monks in the integration period who can stand up for a while.

Yi Tian was overjoyed and said inwardly, "If the expectation is correct, the direction these people came to should be the location where the ancient formation was arranged in Guikuiling, so he can just take advantage of it without the heavy guards guarding it." '

After thinking about it, he checked again and found that the second elder of Huangquan guards, Ji Ruilin, was not among them. If he stayed at the ancient summoning formation, he could save himself a lot of trouble.

At the same time, in his divine sense, he also noticed that the night demons not far behind him also started to move.Although they sent people to the front line to support them, there were still many distracted tribesmen flying around.Needless to say, these people should all have other missions, and presumably this demonic disaster battlefield will soon become a mess.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian has no pity in his heart, and the origin of this evil disaster has not been clarified yet.Although it is to balance the dispute between the two worlds and resolve those disputes in their respective planes, Yi Tian knows the real reason in his heart is far from that simple.

Not long after flying through the air, he came to the area around Wanli around Guikuling, Yi Tianyin disappeared and flew towards the central area quietly in the air.

During the period, you can also see groups of demon patrol monks passing by from time to time in the air, and it is naturally a trivial matter to hide them from their eyes and ears.It's just that Yi Tian knew that there must be monks in the integration period sitting in the area where the ancient magic circle was arranged.

After flying close to thousands of miles away, there is no sign of low-level demon activity here, and the purple light flashes in the eyes. Looking into a huge valley in the distance, I saw dozens of monks from the demon tribe. Work hard and pick up a pen to write something on the ground.And the pens and ink they used were the spiritual blood after the blood sacrifice spiritual practice, and the entire summoning circle occupied about half a mile.

(End of this chapter)

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