
Chapter 2006 Magic Circle 2

Chapter 2006 Magic Circle II

Just as Yi Tian sneaked into the demon-occupied area in disguise, the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance launched a full-scale counterattack. For a while, the demons, who were fighting more and more on the stalemate border between the two sides, were tired of coping.

As a result, the demon army had to send high-level monks to the front line for reinforcements.This just happened to allow Yi Tian to not have to face so many monks in the fit period.

After sneaking into the ancient summoning formation, Yi Tian found that a giant formation was arranged in the valley. After checking it, Yi Tian couldn't help but feel deeply moved. Not a few flaws.

Yi Tian knew that his chance had come, he subdued the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, then lowered his head and sneaked into it quietly.Soon after passing through the narrow and long passage outside the valley, he finally came to the area where the formation was arranged. Shuttle along the mountain road quickly, Yi Tian's face became more and more ugly after scanning the surrounding formations.

The esoteric pattern on the ground is written in the language of the devil world, so I can naturally recognize it after many years in the devil world.Being able to arrange such an array pattern shows that the array mage who presides over the formation is not weak, and he is summoning ancient monsters to come to this world.Although Yi Tian doesn't know what kind of monster will be summoned, it's not a good thing anyway.

After walking for several miles, Yi Tian directly found a closed cave, broke through the restriction and sneaked into it, and found that it was a demon monk in the mid-stage of distraction, adjusting his breath and recuperating.With a wave of his hand, he directly destroyed the corpses and traces of the demons in front of him.Later, his gaze stayed on the jade slips he was talking about on the ground and he couldn't move away.

The engraved on this jade slip is the formation map of the ancient magic circle. According to the content recorded above, as long as the connection to the ground veins is combined with the blood sacrifice to describe the formation, the ancient fierce beast ice-armored corpse dragon can be summoned.This kind of creature was originally the product of the corpse after the death of the ice dragon. It was extremely ferocious and bloodthirsty.

If this thing comes to this world, it will inevitably be a lot of trouble.I'm afraid it will take three Mahayana monks to subdue this beast. The corners of Yi Tiantong's mouth twitched slightly after reading the formation map on the ground. Even if such a corpse monster is summoned, it cannot be easily controlled.

It seems that the demon army's invasion has already recognized the situation, so they decided to play a lose-lose style of play.No matter how bad they are, they can still return to the Demon Realm, but Lingxiu still has to clean up the mess they left behind.

After carefully studying this jade strip formation, Yi Tian had a plan in mind. Although this summoning formation is powerful, it is not invulnerable.In addition, there must be many formation nodes that are easy to be breached under the hasty arrangement. According to the formation diagram, there are six nodes in the ancient summoning formation. I only need to destroy two of them to break the formation.

At that time, even if the person in charge of the formation has great ability, he will not be able to move it far.

With a plan in mind, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and formed a seal, transforming himself into the appearance of the magic cultivator in the cave just now.Then he turned around, opened the restriction and walked out swaggeringly.

After coming to the outside world, Yi Tian found that there seemed to be no one flying in the air here, and all the demon cultivators who participated in arranging the formations walked on two legs in the valley.After thinking back on the contents of the Jade Slip of Formation, it was easy to find no description of no-flying.But I can't suddenly act independently, otherwise it will be easy to be noticed by others.

After walking for a while, he came to the vicinity of the first node displayed on the array map. Yi Tian raised his head and glanced not far in front of him, and found that there were two early-stage demon cultivators guarding here.It's not difficult at all to get in quietly, but it takes some tricks to modify the formation patterns on the formation nodes without anyone noticing.

And what worries Yi Tian the most is the clones of the yet-to-be-integrated Demon Cultivator, Nie Ruilin, Demon Saint Bao Tan, and Dugu Lonely.As long as I act rashly here, I am afraid that the other party will soon notice something is wrong. If I want to leave the three late-stage monks calmly, Yi Tian has no such ability to ask himself.

After thinking about it, he walked forward slowly, pretending to inspect the foundation, and the two distracted Moxiu next to him bowed their hands and said, "I've seen Master Hao, why are you here this time? "

It seemed that they were addressing the array mage he was pretending to be, and Yi Tian said in a deep voice, "Let me check the base of the array."

The two waiting demons calmed down a little when they heard the words, and then stopped talking.Yi Tian walked into the formation node with big strides, his divine sense slightly protruded to search the surrounding situation, and later reached out and took out two formation-breaking awls, activated them, and directly pierced the two weak holes Inside the array node.

After the sound of 'whoosh', the two formation-breaking methods tapered into thin white light and pierced the formation lines in an instant.The node of the formation was like paper, and after a breath, the whole node returned to its original state with a slight flash.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian was satisfied and turned around to prepare to leave to destroy the next formation node.According to the Jade Slip with Formation Method, at least five of the six nodes need to be activated before they can be activated. As long as I destroy any two of them, I can completely mess up the demon's plan this time.

After the node was released, Yi Tian didn't say much and walked towards the location of the next node.The second node closest to him was half way above the rock wall of the valley. Yi Tian walked all the way and found that there were many magicians escorting the monks who were preparing for the blood sacrifice along the way.

The vast majority of them are casual cultivators in the spiritual world, and there are quite a few of them in the Nascent Soul Stage or even in the Golden Core Stage.It seems that this time, in order to activate the ancient blood sacrifice array, the demon monks also spent a lot of effort to collect these spiritual cultivation.

As he was walking, a group of patrolling troops suddenly appeared head-on, led by a mid-stage monk who was distracted.Yi Tian took a closer look and found that it was Yan Tong who he had met last time. He was followed by four magic cultivators of the transformation stage, whose strength was around the stage of transformation, but none of them belonged to the flame prison demon clan.

After seeing him, Yantong was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly stepped forward to Jishou and asked, "Master Hao is not in the cave mansion to retreat and cultivate, but he has to come out to inspect, is there anything else to finish here?"

"The last time you were in Kuisha Grotto, fellow Taoist Yantong, please stay safe," Yi Tian said flatly.

Hearing this, Yantong turned around and told the person behind him, "Go first, I have something to talk to Master Hao."

The surrounding patrol members naturally didn't dare to raise any objections, they hurriedly stepped forward to salute, then turned and left.But Yantong's eyes flashed a look of surprise, and then he said: "Master Hao, please come with me."

The two went all the way to the next formation node, then turned a corner and entered the nearby temporary cave.After entering, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to open the restriction and said with a smile: "Yantong, why are you still here, why don't you wait for the opportunity to return to the Demon Realm?"

"Sect Master Yi, save me," Yan Tong hurriedly knelt down and shouted after hearing the words: "Once the blood sacrifice formation here is activated, all the creatures inside will be drained of flesh and blood by the formation. I don't want to die here."

(End of this chapter)

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