
Chapter 2007 Formation 3

Chapter 2007 Formation Three

Arriving outside the blood sacrifice formation of the Demon Race, Yi Tian used his concealed body technique to sneak into it from outside the valley where the formation was set up.Then I found a temporary cave on the side of the valley and entered it, and found a demon formation mage sitting cross-legged inside to retreat.

Yi Tian didn't hesitate to kill him directly, and at the same time, he was very lucky to find the formation diagram of the blood sacrifice formation.After careful inspection, it is found that the formation diagram shows that there are six nodes in the entire formation, and as long as two of them are destroyed, it will be completely inoperable.

Turning around and going out, Yi Tian dressed up as an array mage, found the first node after walking for a short time, and stabbed the array-breaking awl into it silently.In this way, as long as the large formation is activated, the formation breaking cone can be directly activated to destroy the nodes.

After going out, when Yi Tian walked towards the second node on the mountainside, he suddenly found his old acquaintance Yan Tong walking towards him.Back then, I had saved him once in the Kuisha Grottoes, and now I got in touch with him in just a few words.

Later, Yantong and Yantong came to the nearby temporary cave, opened the soundproof enchantment, and Yantong revealed the situation here. What surprised Yi Tian was that Yantong had already seen the problem of this large formation. With a mournful face, he asked for help.

After hearing the words, Yi Tian's face was like sinking water. Although he was extremely anxious, he still asked calmly on his face: "Daoist Yantong, I urged you to stay away from the place of right and wrong when I was in Kuisha Grotto last time. , it is best to wait for the opportunity to sneak back to the Demon Realm, why do you still stay here?"

Yantong replied helplessly with a slumped face: "Actually, I can't wait on my own. The demon army of the Flame Prison obeys the orders of Yan Lei, the emperor of the Flame Prison. Charged with defection."

"Then how do you know that this blood sacrifice formation will kill all the creatures inside?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

Yantong said with a solemn expression: "Sect Master Yi, you don't know that the monks in charge here are all drawn from the major demon clans and casual cultivators. These people seem to be dispatched at will, but after my Careful observation belongs to those who don't matter on the fringe."

"That doesn't prove that the formation will sacrifice blood to you?" Yi Tian asked.

"The problem is that once you come here, you are allowed to enter and not to leave. As far as I know, there have been no monks who have gone out since entering this valley ten years ago, and the formation masters here seem to be aware of the meaning of the above. , so the construction period will be delayed again and again, otherwise the formation will be activated long ago," Yan Tong said.

"Oh, there is such a thing?" Yi Tian also said in surprise: "I have a jade slip of the formation map in my hand. After checking, I found that it really needs a lot of blood sacrifices to drive the formation, and the blood sacrifice The more you summon, the stronger the ancient monsters you summon."

Yantong said sadly: "It is based on this that I can infer that if the project of arranging the large formation is nearing completion, even though the formation masters in the valley have been procrastinating, there will always be someone like this." Limits. Although we don’t say that the monks in the distraction period know it in our hearts, but if we have been restricted, if we have the idea of ​​​​running away, the superiors will know it immediately.”

Yi Tian asked with a condensed expression: "You have also been restricted?"

"Yes," Yantong replied eagerly.

"Who is the one who imposed the ban?" Yi Tian asked.

"It's Yan Lei, Uncle Yan Prison," Yan Tong said with a look of desolation on his face.

Yi Tian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words: "Fortunately, it's him, if it's Dugu Lonely, the avatar of the Great Heavenly Demon, I'm afraid he will know it as soon as I do it here."

"What did Sect Master Yi say?" Yan Tong asked in confusion.

"Yan Lei's spiritual consciousness is much weaker, so it's not difficult to hide it from him," Yi Tian said, taking out a five-foot-long piece of spiritual wood and a blank spiritual talisman.Then he quickly started writing on the talisman, and after ten breaths, when the last stroke fell on the talisman, a flash of light flashed.

Seeing this, Yi Tian nodded in satisfaction and said, "Friend Yantong, you can put a drop of true blood on it."

Yantong stretched out his hand to squeeze out a drop of spirit blood from the tip of his index finger onto the spirit talisman, and then Yi Tian stuck the spirit talisman on the spirit wood.Then he muttered a word in his mouth: "Change".

A black magic light glowed from that section of spirit wood, and after ten breaths it turned into Yantong's appearance, with distinct facial features and the same expression, but with a little less aura.Yi Tian turned and said in a deep voice: "Young Taoist Yantong, sit down quietly and let me take out the restriction for you."

After hearing this, Yan Tong hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and sat down on the ground in front of him, and said: "I am similar to Yi Zongzhu for thousands of years, and naturally I admire you very much. Although you and I belong to two camps, the devil You have taken care of me many times after the Great War, and today I entrust my life to you."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and let go of all guards. Yi Tian knew that this was also Yantong's heartfelt words.He was repeatedly abandoned by the higher-ups on the battlefield of demon disasters, but he helped him one after another.Now that Yantong is riding a tiger, if he continues as he expected, monks like them will only have a dead end after the blood sacrifice formation is launched, so why not take the initiative to cooperate with him to find a glimmer of life.

Now it's completely inconvenient to let go of your mind. It can be said that if I have a thought, I can take his life in minutes.Moreover, after removing the restriction, he can also set a restriction in his spirit again. Yan Tong is betting that he will not be like Yan Lei, the Emperor of the Flame Prison.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian showed disdain at the corner of his mouth, and then stretched out his hand to seal a trace of divine sense into his soul and began to explore the restrictions set inside.

Half a moment later, Yantong woke up from the trance, opened his eyes and saw black and red rays of light shining between the brows of the stand-in in front of him.Yi Tian, ​​who was standing aside, said, "You are awake, Fellow Daoist Yantong. Now that the restriction has been drawn out by me to fall on this clone, Yan Lei can no longer control your fate."

Hearing this, Yan Tong searched for other souls with his inner vision, and sighed after ten breaths: "Zongzhu Yi is indeed an extraordinary person, I am really lucky to meet you in my life, today's kindness is like a reinvention Be worshiped by Yantong."

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed at Yantong's slightly bent knees so that he could no longer kneel down, but said in his mouth: "Your friend Yantong's words are wrong. Although we met back then, we all got along very well even though we had different positions. I am also a nostalgic Lovers will naturally not sit back and watch you jump into the fire pit."

"Thank you, Sect Master Yi," Yan Tong said with disappointment on his face, "Now I don't care about the Flame Prison Dynasty. I will return to the Demon Realm when I get out of trouble this time, and I won't be concerned about these trivial matters in the future."

"I'm afraid that Fellow Daoist Yantong may not be able to think independently," Yi Tian said: "The entire demon world is under the rule of the demon sage, where can you go if you run away?"

Speaking of this, Yan Tong's eyes suddenly flashed a strange color: "I can go to other planes, to hell or hell, and the chaos of the lower three realms can naturally find a place to live there as long as it is planned properly. land."

"Everyone has his own aspirations, and I won't force you," Yi Tian said, "It's just that it's not easy for you to get out of this big formation now."

Speaking of the perfection of this blood sacrifice array, I am afraid that the completion date is imminent, and the Spiritual Alliance's counter-offensive across the board at such a node must force the demons to speed up the construction period, and even forcibly activate the array.

Realizing this, Yantong said, "According to my observations over the years, it seems that there are monks in the integration period stationed outside the valley. If I want to escape alone, it is absolutely impossible for me to succeed."

"Who is the monk stationed?" Yi Tian asked.

"I don't know about this, I only know that the formation masters in charge here will go out and return every now and then," Yantong said, "and the rest of the formation masters here are more or less aware of the crisis, so many of them They all started to be passive and sabotage their work. Just like Lord Hao, the formation master disguised by Sect Master Yi, he hid in the cave to retreat and recuperate."

"That's right, so these people can use a little bit of rebellion, and then they can use it for themselves," Yi Tian said a few words, but there was a smile on his face.

Later, Yi Tian said again: "I checked that there are six nodes in the blood sacrifice summoning array, and only two of them need to be destroyed to disintegrate the array."

"The plan will be released, and I would like to ask Sect Master Yi to show me how to make a move," Yan Tong hurriedly asked with a flash of excitement in his eyes when he heard this.

It's a matter of life and death, even the demon monks can't help themselves, Yi Tian knows how to arrange it next.Reaching out, he took out eight formation-breaking awls and handed them over, "Two-two pairs, as long as they are activated and pierced into the weak points of the formation nodes."

"Just because of this thing?" Yantong said with a surprised look on his face.

"Why doesn't Fellow Daoist have confidence in my methods?" Yi Tian laughed.

"It's not that I don't have confidence, it's just that it took more than ten years to set up the blood sacrifice formation, and it also took countless monks' blood spirit sacrifices to set it up. If you want to say that breaking it can't be done overnight," Yan Tong said: " And the matter is very important, if we make a mistake, we will fall into a place of eternal doom. You must know that we may be facing late-stage monks who have integrated bodies, and their spiritual thoughts will sweep through the formation from time to time. If we do anything excessive, they will immediately Informed."

"It doesn't matter," Yi Tian said with a smile, "I thought that I would fight against them when I came here, but I don't know who will stay outside the formation."

"After all these years, I have felt that there are at least two monks in the integration period," Yan Tong said.

"Okay, you take the formation-breaking awl in your hand first, and find a few like-minded formation masters to shoot together," Yi Tian said, taking out the formation map jade slip in his hand, and stretched out his fingers to four nodes Then he said: "You should all be familiar with these places, you choose one yourself, and then find some like-minded friends to work together to destroy it, and leave the remaining two to me."

Yantong took the eight formation-breaking awls and scanned them back and forth carefully several times with his divine sense, then sighed and praised: "It seems that this thing should be from the hands of Sect Master Yi, I can crack a node by myself. But I don’t know how many of those formation masters are willing to take action. After all, doing so is tantamount to confronting the superiors. Even if they are unwilling, they are not willing to completely offend the superiors, otherwise there will be no place for them in the future.”

"Wouldn't it be a big deal to look forward and backward like this?" Yi Tian said disdainfully: "After I break the node, I will attract the monks at the body stage to show up. At that time, you will make a quick move and take advantage of the chaos as long as the formation here is broken. Then I rushed back. Fellow Daoist Yan’s life and death are only a matter of one thought, and I think a normal person would make the right choice.”

Yan Tong's expression sank, and he nodded after hearing that, what Daoist Daoist said is good, so let's split things up.As long as you move here, I will respond as soon as possible to try to break the big formation and escape smoothly.

After ten breaths, the two walked out of the temporary cave respectively, Yan Tong turned around and caught up with the previous team, and then led the team towards the other side of the valley.It is estimated that it will take at least half an hour for him to enter the control area of ​​the large formation node.Taking advantage of this period of time, Yi Tian knew that he could make another victory. If he could destroy the second formation node, it would be foolproof.

Dressed up as Master Hao, Yi Tian walked up the winding mountain path to the halfway up the mountain.On the rock in front of here, a cave with formation node was dug, and from the formation jade slips, it can be known that the node is set in the cave.

The two distracted monks standing in front of the door stretched out their hands to block the way when they saw him, and then asked, "Master Hao, you are not in charge of arranging the formation below, why are you here?"

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the demons set up a blood sacrifice formation this time with a clear division of labor.However, how could such a trivial matter stump him, and then he scolded: "As the commander of the formation master, it is only natural for me to come here to check the layout of the formation. Why do you two stop me?"

Obviously, this scolding also secretly used the skill of soul coercion, which shocked the two people in front of them.Seeing that the two looked at each other, they directly moved out of the way, and they didn't dare to say any more.

Yi Tian was overjoyed, but his face pretended to be slightly angry, and then he took a big step forward.Suddenly, a deep voice sounded in my ears: "Fellow Daoist came here uninvited, but I really don't pay attention to my demon cultivator, so I stopped him without taking action."

The speaker was thousands of miles away, but the voice really resounded in the ears of the three of them. The two guards were slightly startled when they heard it, and looked towards Yi Tian's position in a blink of an eye.The next moment, two black magic lights magnified infinitely in the pupils of the two.

In the blink of an eye, the two early-stage demon cultivators who were distracted were instantly killed.And Yi Tian flashed forward without looking back, took out two formation-breaking awls in his hands, and stabbed at the nodes of the formation disk in the stone room in front of him.

At this time, the sound of "Dangdangdang" alarm sounded loudly, and the whole valley was boiling for it, and then the formation pattern nodes around the valley began to light up one by one, obviously someone was urging the formation in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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