
Chapter 2008 Formation 4

Chapter 2008 Formation Four

Before entering the valley, Yi Tian felt that it was going very smoothly, and he killed the formation mage to get the formation map jade slip.Later, he met Yantong and through his relationship, he handed over the formation-breaking awl to him to try to break other formation nodes.

But Yitian will not bet all his hopes on Yantong, after all, his side is just icing on the cake, and breaking the two formation nodes by himself is the real business.

When Yi Tian was about to enter the cave at the second node on the mountainside, suddenly the two guards at the door stopped him.The two wanted to stop themselves under questioning, but Yi Tian used Master Hao's appearance and power to push him away.

Just as he was about to enter it to wreak havoc, a loud cry came from his ears, and this thunderous scolding immediately exposed Yi Tian's disguise.The two guards immediately reacted and were about to stop them, but Yi Tian was the first to strike, and two magic lights flashed in his hands, killing them on the spot.

Then, ignoring the roar of the voice behind him, he rushed into the cave of the knots.At the same time, the patterns on the surrounding walls suddenly flashed with magical light, and the nodes of the formation disk in front of them also lit up.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yi Tian knew that it was the other party's late attack that activated the blood sacrifice formation. Rather than being destroyed by himself, it would be more effective to activate it directly and rely on the original barrier of the formation to defend.

As expected, an incomparably dazzling light suddenly flashed on the formation node in front of him, and at the same time, a white film of light appeared around it, covering the entire area of ​​the formation node within a foot.The white protective cover that hadn't waited was closed, and two spiritual lights appeared in the air, and then passed through the gaps in the light film of the protective cover and directly hit the nodes of the array disk.

At this time, Yi Tian's complexion also changed slightly, and the sudden change really made him tired of coping.Seeing that the shields on the nodes of the array disk were about to be closed, the spiritual power in his hand was poured into the array-breaking awl, and he immediately let go.After the two formation-breaking awls pierced into the nodes of the formation disk, one was directly submerged in it, while the other was stuck in the middle, about two-thirds of which had been embedded in the formation disk, and the remaining two-thirds were still exposed. outside.

The formation disk obviously stopped working after receiving interference, but after three breaths, the formation pattern began to slowly rotate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With a sigh in his mouth, Yi Tian knew that this hasty attack did not achieve full success, but fortunately, the operation of his own two formation-breaking awls in this large formation was also delayed.

At the same time, only the sound of "rumbling" thunder came from the outside, and Yi Tian stopped his feet and disappeared into the cave.

After three breaths, he came to the outside air, and Yi Tian turned to his divine sense to scan, and saw that the formations in the entire valley had been activated, and the black arcs excited in the surrounding formations ran wildly in the valley.

Wherever the arc went, the demon cultivator who was walking outside was instantly killed, and the blood essence was absorbed by the thunder and lightning power of the large formation, and the power of the electric light became stronger by three points in an instant.

Although I don't know how Yan Tong is doing, it seems that he has no signs of success yet.Seeing that the situation was not good, Yi Tian flashed in the air and flew straight out of the valley.

A defensive formation was also set up on the extension of the formation in the valley. At this time, a thick film of light appeared around the valley to protect the formation.

Seeing this, Yi Tian took out the formation-breaking awl and the magic plate with both hands. After muttering something, he inserted the formation plate directly into the defensive light film in front of him. The formation broke through a gap of two feet in size.Yi Tian turned into a red light and protruded directly from it to the outside world.

After three breaths, he turned around and looked back at the valley behind him, and found that the electric light inside had begun to attack the people inside indiscriminately.After the electric light gathered, it flew high into the sky and forcibly opened a huge hole in the void above the head.

When the gap in the void opened up to a full ten feet in size, a simple wave of spiritual pressure emerged from it, and then a strong and thick dragon claw was seen protruding from it.

"It's the claw of the ancient fierce beast ice armor corpse dragon," Yi Tian said bitterly, "I didn't expect such a creature to be so powerful just by revealing a little breath. It seems that the demon monks will not turn the spirit world upside down." Let it go."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the wind coming in from behind, and the two light escapes Shunyi stopped a hundred feet away.The two stood in the air with their horns separated, sandwiching Yi Tian in the middle, but when the light faded away, they revealed the figures of the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely and the Second Elder of Huangquan Guard, Nie Ruilin.

Judging from Dugu's lonely face, he was already extremely angry at this time, and there would be some unexpected consequences if the big formation was not 100% completed.But now that the situation is stronger than others, there is no room for him to delay any longer, but this time the performance of the ancient summoning formation is far from expectations.

Looking up at the ten-foot-sized opening in the void above the valley, Dugu Lonely said angrily: "Boy, you made a move to ruin my big event, but it's a pity that your success is in vain. As long as you can maintain the operation of the formation, the ancient fierce beast The ice armored corpse dragon can forcefully break through the gap on the other side of the passage and pass through."

Hearing Dugu Lonely's words, Yi Tian knew that what he said was true. At this moment, he could see the ancient beast in the gap, the ice armor corpse dragon claw, trying his best to widen the gap.At this time, the gap that was originally about ten feet in size looked like it was being propped open again.It is estimated that if there is no external interference, it will only be a matter of time before the body of the ancient beast, the ice-armored corpse dragon, comes to this world intact.

Yi Tian had no time to clone himself at this time, and his divine sense locked the two people behind him.Turning around to meet Dugu Lonely and Han Ruilin face to face, he was also taken aback.

One-on-one, I would not be afraid of any of them, but it is still unknown whether I can leave safely under one-on-two.I once confronted the clone of the Demon Saint Baotan, and at that time he only descended with the help of Dugu Jackie Chan's physical body.

Moreover, the Advent Ceremony was interrupted by himself, so his strength was slightly inferior to his own at that time, and he joined forces with Dutong to fight against the enemy, which naturally gave him an overwhelming advantage.It's just that what he is facing now is the complete clone of Dugu Lonely, so he doesn't know how strong he is.

Afterwards, he changed his appearance from putting away his magical cultivation method to spiritual cultivation, and said to the two people in front of him: "You two came so fast, do you want to bully the few today?"

Dugu Lonely's avatar sized it up and then slowly said: "It's you boy. Back then on the Wuleng Mountain in the demon world, I lost my sight. I didn't expect that the person I met would be No. 1 under the Mahayana period in the spirit world in the future. , Sect Master Yi from Lihuo Palace is really disrespectful."

(End of this chapter)

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