
Chapter 2009 Magic Circle 5

Chapter 2009 Magic Circle Five

Yi Tian didn't have time to completely break the blood sacrifice summoning array and exposed his identity. He made a hasty move and sacrificed the two array-breaking awls in his hand, but he didn't completely break the second array in the mountainside.

Immediately after the big array sacrifice was activated, countless arcs of blood were sacrificed to the creatures in the valley. When the drawn blood refining power reached a certain level, they flew up to the sky unscrupulously and forcibly broke through the power of the interface in an attempt to kill the ancient monsters. The ice armor corpse dragon is summoned into this world.

It's just that the formation was far less effective than expected. The ancient magic beast ice armored corpse dragon was too big, and the opening with a radius of ten feet was barely enough to poke out a right claw.The troublesome thing is that since there is a gap in the space, the ancient monster ice armor corpse dragon can forcefully drill out of the large space gap on the other side.

At this time, Yi Tian really wished he could turn around and break through the formation to destroy the remaining nodes of the formation, because the power of thunder and lightning that exploded in the valley after a blood sacrifice was much weaker than before, and his body There is no need to hide from the edge at all.

It's just that the two late-stage monks flying from behind couldn't allow themselves to be distracted any longer.Just talking about the doppelgänger of the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely is already difficult enough to deal with, plus the Second Elder of the Yellow Spring Guard, Ji Ruilin.

It's just that he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end after meeting Ji Ruilin this time, and after the previous meeting in Luoxia City, he didn't know what his position was at this moment.

After hearing Dugu's lonely words, Yi Tian dismissed him and said: "Senior Dugu, I respect you as a powerful monk of the demon race, and I once sat and discussed with you. Does today's matter have to involve creatures from other worlds? Knowing that if this beast falls into the spirit world, people will be devastated, this is not in line with the previous agreement between the demon saint Bao Tan and the three patriarchs."

"Boy, it seems that you also know the true intention of our Demon Race invasion, but unfortunately the scale of this battle is much smaller than expected. If this situation is maintained, then our goal this time will not be achieved," Dugu Lonely He shouted coldly: "If you are lucky enough to reach our level, you will know our difficulties."

"Speaking of it, you're still diverting the pressure coefficient from the fairy world to low-level monks," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Of course I don't agree with this matter, if I want to take action today to stop the ancient The lower realm of the monster ice armor corpse dragon, it seems that before this, we still have to fight a few tricks with Senior Dugu."

"Then you have to see if you have the ability." Dugu Lonely snorted coldly and said, "One-on-one with your strength, I'm afraid that my avatar can at most be evenly matched, but I don't know if you face it at the same time. Can the late stage monks of the three major fusions take over?"

"The three of you," Yi Tian said with a moved face, and at the same time, with a slight movement of his mind, he found that there were ripples appearing out of thin air next to Dugu's lonely clone, and then the demon saint's violent clone suddenly appeared here.

What was surprising was that he hadn't noticed the appearance of Baotan's avatar before, needless to say, he was using the magical power of space magic.His eyes were full of doubts, but he said in his mouth: "This is not the space supernatural power of the Taiqing Pavilion, but the time and space travel method that was lost in the Luotian Immortal Palace back then. Bao Tan, who are you and why do you have such supernatural powers? .”

Before Bao Tan could answer, Dugu Lonely smiled and said: "Finally someone with discerning eyes came here, I didn't expect to be able to recognize this technique at a glance. Speaking of which, you are also the leader of the three sects of the Li Fire Sect. Just a joke, in front of Luotian Immortal Palace, there are only three branch halls, and you dare to act presumptuously when you see the Zong family."

As soon as Yi Tian's complexion changed suddenly after this remark, what Dugu Lonely said contained a lot of information.What is the Zong Family? Why did Bao Tan, the dignified demon saint, practice Luo Tian Xian Palace's supernatural powers so superbly.

Yi Tian frowned slightly, facing the two late-stage monks and the second elder of the guard of Huangquan who had an unclear attitude, he was at a loss in his mind.

Unexpectedly, the Baotan avatar frowned and said without a trace: "It's useless to say less, this kid is Wuye's successor. In terms of strength, he is the most likely backup for the fourth Mahayana monk in the spirit world." candidate."

At this point, Dugu Lonely restrained his tone, and then said respectfully: "Yes, listen to the old ancestor's orders."

Seeing Dugu Lonely's reaction Yi Tian was also full of thoughts in his heart, he did not expect the majestic Demon Dugu Lonely to be so respectful in front of the Demon Saint Bao Tan.Looking back and thinking about their identities and relationships are naturally worth pondering.

"I have been to Qingfeng Old City in Taiqing Pavilion, and I used time retrospect in the city lord's mansion to see Miao Dizi and his apprentice," Yi Tian popped out of his mouth for no reason: "I also saw Miao Dizi back then. In the situation where Dizi and his apprentice quarreled under disagreement, if I guessed correctly, you would not be Senior Miao Dizi, but his disciple, am I right?"

"It seems that you still have some strength, it seems that you also know a lot of secrets of Luotian Immortal Palace," Dugu Lonely said again: "I just don't know how much you have learned about Luotian Immortal Palace's secrets."

After all, Dugu Lonely's avatar suddenly rose by three points, and directly displayed the real body of the demon.His Heavenly Demon Avatar is stronger than the ones Yi Tian has seen before, and there is not a trace of the demonic power from his body.

After three breaths, I saw a one-foot-tall figure in the shape of a demon standing in front of him, with two huge horns on his head, and his skin was dark gold and dark black.There is a domain space within three feet around the whole person, and every gesture will not be affected by the spiritual power here.

Faced with such a character, Yi Tian naturally didn't dare to be careless, and after reaching out his hand to make a seal, he showed the Asura transformation method.Four arms and two heads grow out from behind the neck under the ribs, and at the same time, the "Purple Flame Wind and Thunder Fan, Taiyuan Wooden Sword, Dragon Tortoise Armor Shield, and Purple Xiaozhan" are sacrificed in the hands. '

Facing the pincer attacks of these three late-stage monks, he absolutely had no reason to keep his hands back. At this time, Yi Tian didn't care whether he could crack the blood sacrifice summoning circle behind him.If you can escape from the pincer attack of the three, you are already weak and lucky.

Seeing his appearance like this, Demon Saint Baotan's avatar was also slightly stunned and said: "I didn't expect you to learn the skills of the Asura world. Sure enough, the three of us are definitely not your opponents in a one-on-one match. It's just this skill. You should be more aware of the disadvantages of the law than I am, so let’s fight quickly and avoid hesitation.”

After the last sentence came out of his mouth, the big demon Dugu Lonely smiled knowingly: "What the ancestor said is that we know your weaknesses well, boy, let me meet you, the first monk in the spirit world, today. "

At the same time, Han Ruilin, who stood aside and hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said: "Yi Tian, ​​you owe me a favor, and I hope you will keep your promise in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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