
Chapter 2010 Formation 6

Chapter 2010 Formation Six

Facing the three later-stage monks, Yi Tian also had no idea, and he was not afraid of any of them in terms of one-on-one.But facing two people at the same time, it is impossible to be alone, let alone one against three.

Originally thinking that whether he could leave safely was still a problem, but in desperation Yi Tian could only reveal all his special skills.After revealing Asura's real body and sacrificed four spiritual weapons, he didn't let the opponent show the slightest timidity.On the contrary, it was the Demon Saint Bao Tan who revealed his weakness in one word, and the Asura Dharma Body can certainly increase his own strength to three times that of the main body.

But in this case, the spiritual power consumed by himself is twice as much as the normal state. Although Yi Tian has been able to rationally use the spiritual power to optimize it, he is also anxious to face the three late-stage monks.

If you don't pay attention a little bit, you will be taken advantage of by the opponent. At this time, Dugu Lonely in front of you is already showing the real body of the demon, and the demon saint is rushing for him, it seems that he is waiting for the best time to make a move.

As for the silent Ruilin who has been silent for a long time, Yi Tian is also unpredictable. He didn't make any statement when meeting this time, he just stopped in the air and didn't make any movements.

When Yi Tian was about to make a move, Han Ruilin's spiritual power suddenly exploded.Then he turned his head and shouted to himself: "Yi Tian, ​​you owe me once, and Prince Nether will entrust you from now on."

After finishing speaking, Huan Ruilin quickly raised his spiritual power to the limit regardless of Sanqi and 21, and flashed to the side of the demon saint Bao Tan in an instant after a breath.After Yi Tian saw it, he didn't know that Ruin Ruilin wanted to explode the Nascent Soul to save himself.

Obviously, the Demon Saint Bao Tan didn't expect that Ji Ruilin would turn against the water in front of the battle. If it is said that the combined monk's self-explosion of the Nascent Soul is amazingly powerful, and it is almost inevitable that he is so close at hand.

Xi Ruilin seemed to have crossed paths with Yi Tian early in the morning, and this time, he wanted to take Da Tianmo Dugu Lonely and Demon Saint Bao Tan in with a mortal heart.

The surrounding spiritual power seemed to be drained in an instant, and even the spiritual power in the blood sacrifice summoning formation not far in front of him was also involved.

Yi Tianyao saw that Ruin Ruilin's body was bulging like a little giant as big as one foot, slightly larger than the real body of the demon that the big demon Dugu Lonely displayed.

At the same time, a white halo suddenly appeared around Han Ruilin, forming a three-foot-sized airtight ball of light that enveloped the two people in front of them together.

Originally, if the Nascent Soul was self-destructed out of thin air, the aftermath would be scattered, but Yan Ruilin used his last strength to encircle all three of them, naturally he wanted to increase the power to the maximum level.

Yi Tian didn't dare to have any doubts when he saw it. The purple true flame on his body instantly wrapped around his body, and at the same time several teleportation flashed thousands of miles away.

The power of self-explosion of the Nascent Soul by the monks in the late stage of fusion is by no means something that he can force himself to do.When the figure just appeared thousands of miles away, he suddenly felt an explosive spiritual pressure wind blowing behind him.

The white light ball in the core circle was spinning violently at this time, and a lot of spiritual power overflowed from it, forming a spiritual pressure and bursting in a radius of a hundred miles.Standing in the distance, Yi Tian turned his head and cast his eyes to look at the center of the explosion intently.

At this time, a gap in the void opened, and two figures seemed to be trying their best to rush into it.There was a little worried look on his face, Yi Tian muttered: "I still underestimated the demon saint's violence, this is Luotian Immortal Palace's unique supernatural power 'Time and Space Reversal', I didn't expect it to be so powerful that it can instantly suspend the domain space The time within has allowed the Demon Saint to find a glimmer of life, and I am afraid that you have misjudged your opponent's strength this time."

As soon as the words fell, the dazzling white light flashed again at the core, and Yi Tian saw that the demon saint Baotan's avatar had just hid in the gap in the void, and before he could close the Ling Ruilin's self-detonating Nascent Soul, the spiritual pressure fluctuations followed, a brainstorm rushed in.

The gang wind on the scene suddenly seemed to have found a breakthrough to vent, and was sucked in by the opened void in an instant.The spiritual pressure fluctuations that were originally released to the outside world were all absorbed.It wasn't until ten breaths later that all the strong winds from all around poured in, that the gap in the space was slowly closed.

Immediately, from the gap in the space came the angry howl of the demon saint: "You are lucky this time, kid, don't let me see you again next time. Even if this ancient magic beast ice armor corpse dragon is left to you It’s time to add the head.”

As soon as the voice fell, the gap in the sky closed, as if it had never appeared before.All around was a mess. The original mountain peaks were blown down, and countless trees fell down on the mountain.

Yi Tian looked around and found that except for the valley where the formation was set up not far in front of him, it could be maintained with the blessing of the defensive formation, and the other places seemed to be swept away by the spiritual pressure wind, and there was a desolation everywhere.

Looking up at the sky, the gap in the void originally opened by the Blood Sacrifice Formation shrank sharply at this time as if it was powerless.One of the claws of the ancient monster ice armor corpse dragon protruding from it was also stuck in it, gradually becoming unable to move.

Yi Tian put away the avatar and hurriedly used the escape technique and flew towards the valley where the formation was located. After three breaths, the defensive light film outside the valley in front of him shook violently.Needless to say, this must be a problem with the spiritual power transmission of the inner formation node, and he thought to himself, "I didn't get all the power from my previous attack, so could the half formation-breaking awl stuck on the formation node still work?" '

Just as he was thinking about it, his eyes flicked and he saw several figures flying out of the blood sacrifice formation, and then they burst open at the positions of the remaining three nodes shown on the jade slip of the formation.Without the large formation to maintain the peripheral defensive light film, it was the first to be unable to support it and stopped suddenly.

Yi Tian saw a group of dozens of people rushing out of it, and the leader was Yantong.Presumably they were desperate at the last moment and forcibly destroyed the nodes of the formation with the formation breaking awl.

This is naturally fueled by Xi Ruilin's self-destruction of the Nascent Soul. If the defensive shield did not consume a lot of spiritual power to resist the spiritual pressure, it would not have allowed Yan Tong and others to succeed.

Looking up at the sky, the gap that summoned the ancient monster ice armor corpse dragon has begun to shrink sharply, and one of its arms was cut off alive under the squeeze of the force of the interface.

With a loud 'coax' sound, the huge black dragon claw fell into the valley where the blood sacrifice formation was located, shaking all the rocks on one side to the ground.

Yi Tian saw the people in front of him and knew that they needed to be dealt with properly, otherwise, letting these people run around in the spirit world would naturally cause big trouble.

Right now, I still need to notify Zheng Tingyun and others from the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance to come to deal with the follow-up matters. After thinking about it, I let go of the spiritual pressure fluctuations on my body unscrupulously, and shouted in a deep voice: "You wait for the magic cultivator to quickly fall to the cloud and wait for it. Lihuo Sect Master Yi Tian will naturally be lenient with you, if not, he will kill you on the spot."

 Thanks to fellow Taoist baiml, where is my girl, and Hewu Shenzhou for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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