
Chapter 2011 Arrangements 1

Chapter 2011 Arrangement One
The disaster and chaos that lasted for hundreds of years finally came to an end. At the end of this war, Zheng Tingyun, the spiritual alliance, led many monks from the spiritual world to counterattack the demons' positions and successfully drove the invading demons back to the demon world.According to the chronicles of the spirit world circulated outside, both spirits and demons suffered a lot of losses in this battle, among which at least ten monks in the integration period fell.

However, the demons accounted for [-]%. In terms of spiritual cultivation, apart from Song Li, the original guard of the gate, who had a fierce battle with Dugu Jackie Chan of the Heavenly Demons during his mission, Zeng Shun from the Palace of Lihuo also participated this time. He died during the battle, and as for the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect also lost an early stage monk, Sheng Zhuangxiong was fine.

The monks in the combined stage of Taiqing Pavilion did not fall, so the overall strength of the three factions changed again.The Lihuo Sect, which was originally the strongest, retreated to the second place, but the apparent strength of the Taiqing Pavilion skyrocketed again, with four monks at the fusion stage under its command, becoming the new No. [-] sect in the spiritual world.

In the next operation to eliminate the remnants of the demonic cultivators, Zhong Liangsu, a monk from the Taiqing Pavilion, will conduct a blanket search of the area occupied by the demonic disaster. It is necessary to dig out all the demonic cultivators hidden inside.

With the monks in the integration period taking action, the work naturally went very smoothly, and these demon monks who were uncovered were not all killed.Zheng Tingyun of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance opened the channel between the two worlds and sent back most of the demon monks, leaving only those vicious ones to beheaded on the spot.

It seems that this war of demons has re-divided the power of the three factions in the spirit world, but many discerning people have discovered that during the counterattack of the spiritual alliance, none of the monks of the opponent's demon race showed up.The leader is not the monk of the Heavenly Demon Clan who has always been rampant in the module, but Yan Lei from the Flame Prison Demon Clan is the leader.

In the end, he waited for the large group of people to pass through the space gap between the two worlds on the sky survey warship and leave calmly.If it weren't for the sky survey warship not being big enough, I'm afraid there would be fewer demon monks left behind.

At the same time, in the final stage of the disaster, there was a chaotic mobilization of forces within the Demon Clan. Under the leadership of the Night Demon Clan, some forces in the Abyss Demon Clan, the Flying Rakshasa Clan, and even the Flame Prison Demon Clan gave up in advance. The defensive positions were the first to evacuate.

Without receiving the orders from Yan Lei, the Emperor of the Flame Prison, the four armies forced their way through the gap in the interface and retreated first.Therefore, when Zheng Tingyun led the crowd to counterattack, the resistance encountered was much smaller than expected, and several warships from the rear of the area occupied by the demons were also fully loaded with demon monks to force their way through.The leaders were a few formation masters from the Heavenly Demon Clan and Yan Tong from the Flame Prison Demon Clan. Along the way, they were lenient in their spiritual cultivation and left without any intention of stopping them.

However, these details are also gossip, and the upper echelon of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance kept silent about it, and it was not written into the chronicle of the spirit world.

As for the elusive new suzerain in the Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world, it seems that he did not appear in any official historical records, but there are gossips circulating in the upper levels of the spiritual world that he shot all the high-ranking monks who invaded by the demons. Solved to go.

It's just that Li Huo Gong remained silent about this, and even Hua Yuxin, the spokesperson on the stage, kept his mouth shut.However, during the several meetings of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, even the leader Zheng Tingyun treated her with courtesy and discussed everything with her.

In this way, it seems that those gossips are confirmed indirectly, but Lihuo Palace has always been very ambiguous about it, without any clear statement.

After the war, Yi Tian returned to Lihuozong again. At this time, a group of new backbone forces had emerged in the sect after the disaster war.Among the monks in the distraction period, apart from Cheng Bufan, there are also several rising stars who have successfully entered the realm of the distraction period.

The affairs of the Zongmen are still presided over by the Hallyu. This disaster war has damaged Zeng Shun, one of the two elders of Lihuo, and Ji Xuanyuanbing, the suzerain of Lihuo Zongmen hundreds of years ago, was released into reincarnation.In this way, the number of monks in the fusion period of Lihuo Palace has been reduced by half at once, which makes it seem that the strength of outside monks is naturally greatly reduced.

In addition, Yi Tian always lives in seclusion and never appears in public, so the outside world's impression of him is still like Zheng Tingyun.

Sitting cross-legged in the main hall of Lihuo Palace, Yi Tian and Han Liu sat face to face, and below were the four disciples of the sect who were distracted.Except for Cheng Bufan, it was the first time for these people to see the new suzerain, so they were naturally in awe and wanted to make a good impression in front of the new suzerain.

Yi Tian didn't have any pretensions, and Han Liu talked about his situation in the Blood Sacrifice Valley without saying a word.After hearing this, the disciples below were frightened, and they didn't dare to say anything to disturb them.

After hearing this, Han Liu sighed and said, "I didn't expect that the demon saint Baotan and the great demon Dugu Lonely were eventually blew themselves up by Yan Ruilin and had to use their space magic powers to hide in them."

Yi Tian shook his head helplessly and said: "Hai Ruilin is good at calculating, a lifeless body makes me owe a great favor."

"Junior Brother, don't worry, if it were me, I would do the same," Han Liu sighed and said, "Hai Ruilin's lifespan is running out, and it is very natural to exchange one life for the future foundation of the Nether Dynasty." A good deal."

"I also made a mistake back then. I used a small plan to train the two princes separately in the demon world," Yi Tian said, "It seems that Nie Ruilin made this decision because of what he saw in Qin Huaige, and He had met me in Luoxia City before, and he had hinted at that time, but I didn't pay much attention at that time."

"No matter how you say it this time, Xi Ruilin saved his junior brother at the expense of his life," Han Liu said, "It seems that you will have more ties in the future."

"Yeah, if I don't settle this matter, I will always have a sense of guilt in my heart." Yi Tian thought for a while, turned around and said to the disciples below: "I have a task to hand over this time. If you do it for you, it may delay a thousand years."

The four people who had just sat down were aware of this possible mission.Among them, Cheng Bufan said: "The disciple is familiar with the situation in the demon world and is willing to go."

But Han Liu said: "Bufan is the first disciple of Lihuo Palace's distraction period. If you go to Jiuxian Mountain due to your reputation, it will be unavoidable that the tree will attract the wind, which is not beautiful."

After the remaining three looked at each other, the person standing at the end hurriedly got up and said, "Disciple Sun Xin is willing to take on this important task to share the suzerain's worries."

Yi Tian glanced at Sun Xin, and found that this person was just entering the early stage of distraction.Now Lihuo Nine Changes has only cultivated to the early stage of the sixth level. In terms of potential, it is far from Chi Wuji back then, and even compared to the first disciple of the distraction stage, Cheng Bufan, it is still a lot worse.

(End of this chapter)

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