
Chapter 2012 Arrangements 2

Chapter 2012 Arrangement II

At the meeting held in Lihuozong, Yi Tian expressed his thoughts, and at the same time, he also wanted to see the reaction of his disciples on this matter.Cheng Bufan, the first disciple in the distraction period, naturally wanted to be the first to take the lead, but he was the person in charge of Lihuozong's business in the demon world, and he had been in front of the stage in all aspects, so he knew a lot of people.If such a person suddenly entered Jiuxian Mountain to secretly protect Wen Wenchang, he would be recognized in a short time.Therefore, the person performing the task this time must be a stranger, preferably someone who has never been to the demon world.

At this time, Sun Xin, who was sitting at the end, suddenly stood up and proposed to take on this important task. Yi Tian naturally agreed after careful consideration.Moreover, he stepped forward at this critical moment, which is tantamount to wanting to fight for his future.Yi Tian smiled and said: "Well, since that's the case, I will accept you as a registered disciple, and go to the demon world for me."

The rest of the people were startled when they heard the words. Sun Xin is so arrogant. Even if he is not a direct disciple, he can be registered as a disciple under No. 1 in the spirit world. I am afraid that his future will be limitless.

At this time, the eyes of the other two people showed deep envy. Seeing the great opportunity pass by like this, I am afraid that they will definitely cry with their heads down when they go back today.

Knowing the little Jiujiu in their hearts, Yitian turned his head and said without hesitation: "Senior Brother Han will take charge of the rest of the sect's affairs, and let Yu Xin handle the trivial matters between the sects outside. for the familiar."

"Respectfully listen to the orders of the sect master and junior brother," Han Liu hurriedly replied.

"Sun Xin, come with me," Yi Tian stood up, turned around and walked towards the backyard.

Immediately, Sun Xin sat down with excitement on his face and hurriedly stood up to follow. After all, Sect Master Li Huo had a rare chance to get close to his disciples after he took office.After this face-to-face instruction, Sun Xin is afraid that there will be a qualitative leap, and after completing the task in the future, he will also occupy a place in the sect.

When he came to the sect's secret room, Yi Tian sat down in Neizhong, while Sun Xin walked up to him and listened to the instruction.

"After the apprenticeship ceremony first, you are my disciple." Yi Tian said lightly, Sun Xin took a step up and knelt down in front of Yi Tian three times and kowtowed nine times to perform the apprenticeship ceremony.

"Sit down, there aren't many rules on my side," Yi Tian said, pointing to the empty seat in front of him, while Sun Xin hurried forward to find a seat to sit down.

Then Yi Tian reached out and took out the jade slip, quickly wrote a letter on it, and then left his own seal on the seal.Handed it over to Sun Xin and said, "You take this jade slip to the Demon Realm's Jiuxian Mountain to meet the suzerain Xuanjizi. He will know how to deal with it after he sees the letter."

Sun Xin took the jade slip and replied respectfully: "Yes, Master."

"After you arrive at Jiuxian Mountain, the one you need to protect is a Nascent Soul cultivator named Nai Wenchang," Yi Tian said, "The real identity of this person is the son of the crown prince of the Netherworld. It is possible to inherit the throne of the Nether Dynasty."

Sun Xin was startled when he heard the words, and it was reasonable to react like this when he heard the horrific news.But there is only one emperor. Hearing what the master said, both of them have a chance to aspire for that seat. Sun Xin asked suspiciously: "Dare to ask the master who is more suitable to be the leader of the Nether Dynasty?" host?"

Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "Don't be surprised, this is also a rainy day. I separated the two of them back then because I didn't want to let the Nether Dynasty stop thinking about it. Now that Wen Wenchang is worshiping under the Xuanjizi of Jiuxian Mountain, what you have to do Just try to keep it safe.”

"I would like to obey the teacher's order," Sun Xin replied without saying a word.

Hearing the affirmative answer, Yi Tian also showed a satisfied look on his face and said: "I know that you have just entered the stage of distraction, and you are also a direct disciple in Lihuo Palace, so you can be regarded as first-class regardless of your xinxing quality. "

"Thank you, Master, for your appreciation. In fact, my disciple is not as good as you say," Sun Xin replied with a shy expression on his face.

"You went to Jiuxian Mountain in the Demon Realm this time to share my worries, so there will naturally be a delay in time," Yi Tian said, reaching out to take several spiritual artifacts from the storage room, and handing them over one by one: "This is Yanlong Aojian's sword embryo was originally used by me when I wanted to cultivate Yanlong's Aojian, so let me pass it on to you now."

A strange expression popped out of Sun Xin's eyes instantly, this Yanlong Aojian is the magical power of the seventh level of Lihuo Nine Changes, and now he is only on the sixth level, so he can get it in advance, which means that the master will definitely have something in the future arrange.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Tian took another pair of silk armor and said: "This is a soft armor made of silk from the silkworm queen of the ninth-level monster, the blue-scaled silkworm, which is the peak of the demon world. Even a monk in the fit stage can't break through its defense. Put it on This thing will be safe.”

Xiao is that Sun Xin has seen a lot in Lihuo Palace and has never seen such a defensive spirit treasure. After wearing the soft armor, he only feels light and light, just like wearing a shirt.

Then Yi Tian took out another jade slip and engraved the sixth Lihuo Nine Changes and Yanlong Aojian's skills in the seventh layer together and passed it on to Sun Xin.

In addition, in order to make up for the fact that his cultivation base will fall behind his peers due to his upcoming missions for thousands of years, Yi Tian also gave him enough pills to consume for thousands of years.

In this way, when Sun Xin returns to his life, his strength and cultivation will definitely be greatly improved, and it is roughly estimated that he can be on par with Cheng Bufan now.

At the same time, he was also given a talisman, which contained the Lingyao Transformation Skill, which could easily kill even early-stage monks as long as the spiritual power was activated enough.

After the face-to-face lecture was over, Sun Xin packed his bags and returned to the main hall, where only Han Liu was waiting to send him to the merchant ship to the demon world.

Yi Tiansong heaved a sigh of relief after arranging such things. This time, Huo Ruilin really caused himself a huge trouble.Needless to say, in addition to supporting the new Nether Emperor, he also had to be mad at the current Nether Emperor.

But this is at least a thousand years later, and now my cultivation is still a little far from the Mahayana period, not to mention that the war of evil disasters has just ended, and the entire spiritual world needs time to recuperate.

After getting in touch with Demon Saint Bao Tan this time, he still discovered a lot of secrets about Luo Tianxian Palace, at least the identity of Demon Saint Bao Tan is worthy of scrutiny.In addition, the three Mahayana period monks in the spiritual world must have known about the strangeness, so Yi Tian still felt that it was necessary to ask Master Wuye for the details.

After arriving at the retreat place of Patriarch Wuye in the forbidden area of ​​the sect, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and cast a spell towards the mask in front of him, and then Jishou said respectfully: "I have something to ask to see Patriarch, please show up."

Then a phantom appeared in front of the mask, just like Wu Ye, he looked at it and sighed: "Yi Tian, ​​you have been contaminated with too much karma this time, it seems that you have worked hard again. "

(End of this chapter)

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