
Chapter 2013 Inquiry

Chapter 2013 Inquiry
After dealing with external matters, Yi Tian returned to the forbidden area of ​​Lihuozong. This time, he made a special trip to ask Patriarch Wuye about the Demon Saint Baotan and Luotianxian Palace.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Wuye said directly as soon as he saw him: "Yi Tian has been contaminated with karma a lot in recent years, and I guess you will be busy for a while."

After hearing this, Yi Tian's complexion changed drastically. The theory of karma caused by this body was once heard in the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm.Unexpectedly, my own master could tell the reason in one word.Immediately, Yi Tian hurriedly bowed his hands and said: "May I ask Master how to see what's wrong with me?"

"These are the Buddhist sect's secret technique 'Huiyantong'. Although they can't see through illusions or break formations like other pupil techniques, they can see the karma and karma of the monks," said Patriarch Wuye. explained.

"So that's the case, did you ever see anything wrong with the disciple?" Yi Tian hurriedly asked.

"There is nothing wrong with it," Wu Ye's phantom smiled and said, "I only see that you are involved with the Nine Worlds of the Upper Spirit. How many places have you traveled now?"

"I have been to the world of Asura, the world of demons, the world of Buddha spirits, the world of demons, the world of corpses, and the world of ghosts," Yi Tian said.

"You have more or less left footprints in these places, but there are still some unfinished business to be done," Wu Ye nodded and said: "Also, I think you are also a little involved with the hell world and the nether world. Go once."

Hearing this, Yitian naturally realized what Patriarch Wuye was referring to, shook his head with a wry smile, and then explained in detail how Nie Ruilin sacrificed himself and blew himself up outside the valley of the Blood Sacrifice Formation to rescue him.At the same time, he also briefly talked about the fact that he sent the Nether Emperor's grandson Nai Wenchang to Jiuxian Mountain in the demon world.

After hearing this, Patriarch Wuye sighed and said, "Forget it, this is the 'cause' you made yourself, so naturally you have to face the 'result'. Since you have already been involved in the rise and fall of the Netherworld, naturally you have to deal with it well. OK."

"I know that if you are entrusted with loyalty, you will naturally arrange it properly. I have sent disciples from the sect to go to Jiuxian Mountain with my handwriting to take care of Wenchang," Yi Tian said.

"Don't be too aggressive or slack in the training of the younger generation. You have to know how to discipline each other." Wu Ye pointed out: "Although Ning Wenchang is only a backup candidate, according to what you said, Ning Ruilin must be an aggressive person." I made this decision because of what I saw in the divination fantasy."

"This disciple also had doubts in his heart, and went to Taiqing Pavilion and Qingtian Pavilion to ask Brother Qin." Yi Tian said with a depressed expression, "It's just that there is no result in the end."

"The future is elusive, and divination is just a glimpse into the secrets of the sky. Generally speaking, the trajectory of fate will go in this direction," said Patriarch Wuye. You just do your best."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian also understood it, and then changed the subject: "This time, the disciple came here to disturb the master's meditation, but in this war of evil disasters, he once fought with the demon saint and the great demon Dugu After meeting Lonely, I found some clues, so I came here to ask Master for advice."

"It seems that you have also discovered the real reason behind this evil disaster," Wu Ye said: "Actually, the avatar of the Devil Saint Violent Tan has come to the spirit world to talk to us a long time ago, and it was originally planned to arrange a thousand-year fierce battle, at least it will not be as good as it is." How much worse was it last time?"

"It's a pity that the time of this thousand-year fierce battle has been shortened by more than half because of the disciple's sudden birth," Yi Tian said.

"After the war, those monks who have not been consumed after the calculation of casualties will find other ways to deal with it," Wu Ye said while shaking his head: "The resources in the single world alone cannot withstand the consumption of the increasingly large number of monks. , so from this point of view, the Great War of Demonic Disasters is also inevitable.”

Although he knew the cause of this evil disaster and the reasons behind it, Yitian still had a frightening look on his face.A little later, Yi Tian asked again, "The disciple once explored the secret realm of Qionghua Pavilion in the Bowang Sea with the demon monks, and found half of the Buddha's heart left by the demon prince Qiu Yu."

"I also met with Qiu Yu back then. Although he accepted the fall of the devil's energy tank and became a devil, he was always troubled by the Buddha's heart of the precept master," Wu Ye said: "Originally, he thought that he could become a demon by getting rid of half of the Buddha's heart." The real demons, unfortunately, things backfired, and without the blessing of Buddha's power, his strength will naturally be weakened a lot. Otherwise, even with my strength back then, it would not be easy to deal with Qiu Yu."

It turned out that Yi Tian was awed after hearing this, and couldn't help secretly admiring Master Jie Ding's Taoism in his heart.Hearing this, if Qiu Yu, the devil prince, hadn't got rid of half of the Buddha's heart, I'm afraid his strength is still higher than that of his own ancestor.But even so, Patriarch Wuye was hit by the trick when facing Qiu Yu, who was half-hearted, and was forcibly decomposed into black and white Wuye by the good and evil Zen method.

Seeing his thoughtful expression, Patriarch Wuye said: "You can go to the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddha and Spiritual Realm to ask the monk Jieding about the matter of the devil prince Qiu Yu. His reincarnation practice After reaching a certain level, you will be able to retrieve most of the memories of your previous life, so it is more appropriate for him to explain your doubts to you."

Yi Tian hurriedly replied after hearing the words: "Thank you, Patriarch, for your guidance. I will definitely go to the Daleiguang Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual World. Before that, I still had questions in my mind, but I didn't know how to speak."

"Is it about the demon saint violence?" Patriarch Wuye asked lightly.

"It's him," Yi Tian replied, "This time when I met the Demon Saint Bao Tan outside the valley of the Blood Sacrifice Array, I found that he was using the supernatural power of spatial positioning, which was marked by the mark on the body of the big demon Dugu Lonely." As a reference, his avatar can descend directly from the Demon Realm."

"Then what did you think of?" Wu Ye asked with a slight frown.

"My disciple once practiced the space magic power 'Space Shuttle' of Taiqing Pavilion. Although he has refined it to great success, he also knows that the power method is just a fragment. The method of "backtracking in time". The disciple wants to ask why the demon saint Baotan has the supernatural power method that has never been preserved in the Taiqing Pavilion. Is his background the senior Miao Dizi of Luo Tianxian Palace or has a great relationship with him? related."

After expressing the doubts in his heart in one breath, Yi Tiancai felt relaxed, and turned to stare at Wuye's phantom to listen to the following.

(End of this chapter)

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