
Chapter 2014 Order

Chapter 2014 Order
After Yi Tian revealed the purpose of coming this time, he calmed down and waited for Patriarch Wuye to reply. Speaking of this matter, although he found some clues, he still needs to get a definite answer from the Mahayana monks.

It is related to the Middle Ages of the spirit world. Apart from the descriptions at that time can be found in the handed down documents and letters, only the patriarchs behind the three sects will have a better understanding of it.

Wu Ye's expression froze, and it was obvious that this incident brought back his infinite memories of the past. After changing his face several times, he sighed and said, "These are all things of the previous generation. Speaking of which, after many times of investigation, you still find that we are the least willing. Everything mentioned has been revealed."

"Please forgive me, Patriarch. The disciple also discovered the clue by accident, and he once found the description of Luo Tianxian Palace in the Jiuxian Mountain of the demon world, so he traced it down from this," Yi Tian hurriedly explained with a surprised face.

"Forget it, we have to face it sooner or later. Even if we don't want to, someone still has to deal with it." Wu Ye sighed and said, "Speaking of the origins of our three factions in the spiritual world and the devil saint violence Not shallow, in terms of seniority, he is our senior brother."

"In this way, I don't want to call him uncle," Yi Tian joked.

"That's right. In fact, he is the orthodox sect of Luo Tian when it comes to orthodoxy, and our three sects are just side branches," Patriarch Wu Ye laughed at himself.

Yi Tian has long been concerned about this matter, but he was a little surprised when he heard it from his own patriarch, and then said: "Since the Li Huo Sect was really born in Luo Tian Xian Palace, who was the real identity of the Demon Saint Bao Tan back then? ?”

"Miao Dizi, the patriarch of the suzerain's direct lineage, sat down as the first disciple of Taoist Wuxiang," said Patriarch Wuye.

"It's also a disciple of the uncharacterized generation, and it really is the generation of his own ancestor," Yi Tian thought in his heart, but said calmly on his face: "Then what should I call him when I see him from now on?"

"It's up to you how to deal with it," Wu Ye didn't have much thought about it, and then said: "In fact, he is also a poor person. You should know that there is no distinction between the righteous way and the devil way in the fairy world, only the spiritual power of cultivation. the difference."

"The master is referring to the problem of cultivating profound energy and yellow energy," Yi Tian tried to ask.

"That's exactly the case, the heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, and the universe is exactly like this," Wu Ye said: "The mysterious and yellow energy is clear and turbid, but it is the righteous way of heaven and earth. Among them, the mysterious energy is the spiritual energy that we and other spiritual practitioners rely on to cultivate , As for the yellow qi, it is the magic evil force that the magic cultivator relies on."

"I have heard about this matter for a long time, and I have doubts in my heart, but after Master's explanation, it is naturally clear," Yi Tian replied: "It's just why the Taoist Wuxiang fell into the devil's way?"

"The problem lies with Uncle Miaodizi. It is said that he fought against the monks who descended from the fairy world, and then disappeared. Brother Wuxiang practiced dual cultivation of spirits and demons after that. As for the exercises he practiced It is the famous 'Heavenly Demon Art'," Wu Ye explained.

"I think the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu should also come from Luo Tianxian Palace?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

"That's right, this 'Heavenly Demon Art' was added to it by later generations, and its real name should be the second half of 'Chaos Yuanqi', and it's still a fragment," Wu Ye said.

"But the power of Tianmo Kungfu is really amazing. Both in terms of combat power and the power of supernatural powers, they are much stronger than those of the Xuanqi lineage," Yi Tian sighed for a while.

"Yes, the key is that the yellow qi that you rely on for cultivation is the master of killing, so the monks who have cultivated the second chapter of 'Chaos Yuanqi' are naturally stronger than those who have cultivated the first chapter," Wu Ye explained: "You can practice this second chapter. There are also disadvantages, if you fail to cover the next part after studying the first part, it may cause a personality mutation."

"Is this what we call falling into the devil's way?" Yi Tian asked.

"This is a popular saying, with the change of mind over time, the whole person will change into another general appearance," Wu Ye said.

"It's like Master Wuxiang turning into a demon saint and violent sage," Yi Tian sighed after a pause.

"I know that you are also a dual cultivator of spirits and demons, but I hope you will pay more attention to this," Wu Ye glanced at him and said, "And you still have to pay attention, the demon saint Bao Tan should have tried to lure you into becoming the new one." Demon Prince."

Nodding his head, Yi Tian said with a smile: "He once asked someone to send a bunch of demonic fire essence, but unfortunately, the evil spirit contained in it was cleared by Jingshihualian."

Patriarch Wuye said: "Back then, after Brother Wuxiang fell into the demonic way, Luotianxian Palace was leaderless, and then the ancestors of the three sects set up a separate mountain and founded the three sects of the spirit world."

"I have some doubts in my mind, since Uncle Wuxiang must know that there will be disadvantages when cultivating Xuanhuang Qi concurrently, so why did he fall into the evil way?" Yi Tian said.

"Then there must be something wrong with it, and there is a saying that there is stillness and movement in the practice of yellow qi," Wu Ye thought for a while before saying: "I think Brother Wuxiang should take the way of tranquility, so that we can maintain tens of thousands of people in the devil world." Years."

"Then is it feasible to also practice the Buddhist sect's exercises to get rid of the disadvantages of cultivating yellow qi?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

"The monk Jieding of the Great Leiguang Temple should have the most say in this matter. He has tried it once in his previous life, but unfortunately you have seen it in the end," Wu Ye said with a sigh when he mentioned this.

"It seems that the Daleiguang Zen Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm is imperative," Yi Tian thought about it and said: "The experience of the predecessors needs to be used as a warning, and what they failed to do requires future generations to try again. "

"Okay, since you've made up your mind, I won't hinder you any more. Before you leave the spirit world, alchemist, you'd better go to the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect to meet your uncle Wu Ling," said Patriarch Wu Ye, "Your body As the direct lineage descendant of Lihuo Palace, he should still meet the patriarchs of the other two sects, etiquette cannot be neglected."

After finishing speaking, the mirror image of Patriarch Wuye slowly turned into nothingness, and Yi Tian clasped his hands and said, "I would like to obey the master's order."

Speaking of which, after he ascended to the spirit world, he never set foot in the Feiyu Sword Sect's territory, mainly because he was taken care of by Qian Lingzi many times when he was in Tianlan Continent.What's more, my spiritual brilliance and thousand skills also come from the direct line of the Feiyu sword sect, so it's better not to meet if I can't explain clearly.

It's just that since Master Wu Ye said so, Yi Tian also felt helpless.As the head of the Lihuo Sect, the largest sect in the spiritual world, he should go to the other two sects to pay respects to his uncles after taking office as a token of friendship among the three sects.The master did not dare to disobey Yi Tian's instructions, and only after Wuye's figure disappeared did he slowly get up and walk towards the front hall of Li Huozong.

I am still relatively new to Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, at most I have only met Sheng Zhuangxiong face to face.It's just that this old boy was a reckless master when he was in the demon world, and it would cost him some money to help him.

(End of this chapter)

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