
Chapter 2015 Conventions

Chapter 2015 Conventions
The Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, one of the three major sects in the spiritual world, only entered the Tao with swordsmanship, and its main topic is decisive killing.And the monks in the sect are all vigorous and resolute characters, and the best among them is to use the sword pill imperial weapon to display the sect's unique skill of spiritual transformation.

However, all inner sect disciples who are disciples above the internal transformation stage can be fortunate enough to learn one of the three unique skills.As for those disciples of the direct lineage, they could obtain the complete set of magical powers of Lingyao Huaqianshu earlier. As for the major exercises, they are still based on the Taiqing Lingjue similar to Taiqing Pavilion.It can be said that the relationship between Taiqing Pavilion and Scarlet Rain Sword Sect should be closer.

It's just that although the three sects came from the same source, although there were still differences during the period, there were Mahayana monks at the top, and the people below naturally didn't dare to make mistakes.Even the newly appointed Sect Master of Lihuo Palace like Yi Tian had to walk hundreds of miles step by step from the gate of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect to the main hall of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect to meet the Sect Master Lu Jianling according to the rules.

This is to show that the three platoons are friendly, even if the suzerain must follow the rules, the people below will naturally not find any moths.

However, it has been thousands of years since Li Huozong's suzerain worshiped the mountain last time, even those who witnessed the scene of Ji Xuanyuan's mountain worship were mostly gone.

Today, the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect is very quiet, there is not a single sect disciple on the road from the mountain gate to the main hall.In the Zongmen, all the disciples of some status sat quietly in the main hall, and Jian Shaoqing, the first disciple of the distraction period, sat in the first position of the monks in the distraction period.At this time, his eyes glanced at the main entrance of the main hall from time to time, and his face also showed a look of expectation.

On the other hand, Lu Jianling, who was sitting on the upright seat, snorted coldly when he saw this, and many disciples present were all terrified when they saw it, and they didn't even dare to take a breath.

He only heard him say: "Today, Yi Tian, ​​the new suzerain of the Lihuo Sect followed the training of the three sects and came to worship the mountain on foot to show his sincerity. We disciples of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect must not show any contempt. The three sects are of the same spirit. From one source, we will also support each other in the future, you should keep this matter in your heart and never forget it."

Naturally, all the disciples did not dare to go against what they said repeatedly, but Jian Shaoqing, who was the first disciple in the distraction period, murmured, "How did this kid grow so fast? I really lost my eye when I met him back then. "

After Lu Jianling gave him a blank look, he also sighed helplessly.What Jian Shaoqing said was right, Fei Yu Jianzong would naturally investigate the past of the new Lihuo Sect master carefully.

Among them, you can find a lot of things that intersect with Fei Yu Jianzong, and the most direct and friendly person here is naturally Jian Shaoqing.Lu Jianling also knew that Yi Tian was nostalgic, so he would naturally look at Jian Shaoqing with admiration.Before, I was still worried about how to have a personal relationship with the new suzerain of the Lihuo Sect. Jian Shaoqing, who was originally a good friend, saved a lot of trouble.

Shaoqing Lu Jianling frowned slightly, and in his spiritual thoughts, he realized that two people were on their way up the mountain, and they were already walking slowly towards the main hall of Fei Yujian.This time, Lu Jianling sent his younger brother Sheng Zhuangxiong to meet him at the foot of the mountain to show grandeur.

Not long after, two figures appeared at the entrance of the main hall, Sheng Zhuangxiong stretched out his hand sideways and made a gesture of invitation, and the other person nodded with a smile and walked slowly across the threshold to enter the hall.

Yi Tian came here today as the suzerain of the Lihuo Sect, so naturally he also dressed up.He was wearing the costume of the second-generation disciple of Lihuo Palace, but he had five flame marks on the cuffs.

All the people present in the hall stood up one after another, and Lu Jianling in the center got up and went to Jishou to salute first: "Junior Brother Yi is here. It's been so many years since I haven't seen you before."

Thinking about it, I and Lu Jianling only met a few times at the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance during the disaster, so there really wasn't much overlap.Counting it, I have seen Jian Shaoqing more times than I have seen him.

Yi Tian stood still and returned the salute, and replied, "Senior Brother Lu has been waiting for a long time." After saying that, he strode forward, and when he passed by Jian Shaoqing, he didn't forget to turn his head to signal Down.

The latter also looked happy to see the senior's respect in return, Yi Tian also knew in his heart that time had passed and the distance between him and Jian Shaoqing was getting farther and farther, so he couldn't help feeling a little bit secretly.

When they came to the main seat in the middle, Lu Jianling first led the incense to meet the founder of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect.After the ceremony, the two sat down as guest and host, accompanied by Sheng Zhuangxiong.

After the three monks in the fusion period took their seats, all the disciples turned their heads and paid homage. Even someone like Jian Shaoqing was no exception, because the difference in strength and cultivation had already separated everyone's identities .

After the worship ceremony, Lu Jianling stretched out his hand and said: "Sect Master Yi is here in person today, the humble faction is really flourishing."

Yi Tian cupped his hands and thanked the passage: "Senior brother Lu really broke me. Today, the younger brother came here according to the ancestral practice, hoping that the three factions will work together to maintain a good situation in the spiritual world. My position is light, and there will be no clear future. Where it is, I have to rely on my senior brother a lot."

To put it bluntly, this time Yi Tian was ordered by his master to visit Uncle Wuling, and everything has been handled according to the way his senior brother Ji Xuanyuan used to do.To put it bluntly, it is to give the uncle enough face, and after that, he can also be nice in front of Wuling and talk about everything.

"It's easy to say, Junior Brother Yi is being polite," Lu Jianling replied with a satisfied look on his face.Although his cultivation level is not as good as Yi Tian's, it is still very useful to hear someone with a higher cultivation level calling him senior brother.

As for Sheng Zhuangxiong who was on the side, he didn't dare to call him Daoyou Yi or Junior Brother Yi anymore.After all, the suzerain is here to be polite to show respect, but his identity is just the elder of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. When he meets Yi Tian, ​​he still has to call him "Senior Brother Yi." 'In this way, it made Yi Tian feel a little twisted. The original Daoist Sheng became Junior Brother Sheng, and he was really not used to shouting.

It's just that the two of them have dealt with each other in the demon world, and have an understanding of each other's character.On the way up the mountain, I said that it would be more cordial for everyone to be friends with each other in private, but in front of Lu Jianling, we have to do whatever we want.

After Shaoqing's meeting ceremony, the three of them exchanged pleasantries, and the topic during the period was still mainly about the previous battle of evil disasters.Lu Jianling suddenly asked: "Although Junior Brother Yi was not active in the frontal battle during the Demon Disaster War, I have heard about the fact that you teamed up with Song Li to kill Dugu Jackie Chan and Scarlet Eye Demon. I don't know what happened at that time, Also, I only learned about the disappearance of the Demon Saint Baotan and the Great Heavenly Demon Dugu Lonely from Sister Zheng’s communication, but it’s still not as good as what you, the person involved, said personally.”

(End of this chapter)

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