
Chapter 201 The end of civil unrest

Chapter 201 The end of civil unrest

Zhuo Lingfeng looked at Yan Jungang and Qu Yifeng angrily in mid-air in Lava Valley, the forbidden area of ​​the Chiyang faction. When the three boys arrived, they ruined his good deed, which made Zhuo Lingfeng angry for a while.Looking at the ghost-faced flower vine veins around the stone room that had not been unsealed, Zhuo Lingfeng was also overjoyed, and directly manipulated the piece of spirit wood with both hands, making the ghost-faced flower's vines entangled even tighter.

Before the smile on Zhuo Lingfeng's face lasted for three breaths, the vine veins of the ghost face flower began to dry rapidly from the wound where the fire golden lotus seed was injected, as if something had absorbed its vitality.

A red lotus branch quickly protruded from the wound, and a golden lotus bud at the end gradually bloomed from small to large.When the lotus pods were fully opened, the whole ghost face flower withered and curled into a ball, exposing a stone room less than five feet in size.

Immediately, overwhelming spiritual pressure emerged from the stone room, and after a fiery red spiritual light flickered, a [-]-year-old Daoist flew ten feet in front of Zhuo Lingfeng.Yan Jungang looked at the old man in the Taoist robe of the Chiyang Sect, knelt down and shouted: "My disciple Yan Jun just joined the Chiyang Patriarch."

Seeing this, Zhuo Lingfeng's expression changed and he was about to turn around and run away, but he saw Chiyangzi pointing at him, and a ring of fire engulfed him directly.Then Chiyangzi hit Zhuo Lingfeng's forehead with a tactic, sealing his mana.Then he said to the two people on the ground: "The culprit has been executed. The three of you should inform Yang Yanzi that the Chiyang faction needs to be dealt with immediately. The spies of the sect must be strictly investigated, and no one will be let go. Zhuo Lingfeng and others are the leaders. A few people should declare the canonical punishment to make others follow."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qu Yifeng was taken aback, staring blankly at Chiyangzi and said, "Old Ancestor Mingjian, isn't Senior Brother Yi dead?"

"He's very good. How can he be afraid of this lava pool after refining the Chiyan Armor during the foundation building period?" Before Chi Yangzi finished speaking, the three of them heard a weak cry from the side of the lava pool.

With joy on Yan Jungang's face, he hurriedly searched for the sound, and saw Yi Tian popped up beside the lava pool, and then climbed up with difficulty. Blood, his movements are a little slow, probably the result of being hit by the 'Yanlong Wushuang' move.

Qu Yifeng also wept with joy and rushed forward to have a look. It was really Yi Tian, ​​but his expression was a bit off.

Chi Yangzi tapped his hand, and an invisible force lifted Yi Tian out of the lava pool.After putting away the magic spell, Yi Tian also panted heavily, coughing up some blood from time to time, looked at Chi Yangzi in the air, and said, "Patriarch, I want three fire golden lotus leaf petals, two lotus seeds, and The main stem of the fire golden lotus," he sat down and practiced kung fu to heal his injuries after speaking.

Chi Yangzi who was in the air also laughed angrily at this disciple, and said casually: "Okay, it's okay to take credit for your kid's achievements, you wait for a good rest, don't hurt your foundation."

After Chiyangzi agreed, the matter was settled like this. Anyway, Yi Tian didn't lose money. He made a name for Chiyang Patriarch, and those ordinary Golden Core cultivators in the sect would have to detour to see him in the future. up.

The four of them were talking and suddenly saw Ye Qingchen and Gao Qingshan rushing to the valley entrance, and when they came in, they saw Chiyangzi stopped in the air, and the two hurriedly knelt down and said: "This disciple learned that the patriarch was trapped, so I came here to help, see It is really a great fortune for Chiyang Sect to see that the Patriarch is safe."

Chiyangzi held Zhuo Lingfeng in one hand and said: "I have captured the culprit, come with me to the main hall of Chiyang quickly, I want to clean up the house and declare the punishment."

The three of them were about to leave, but Chi Yangzi turned his head and told Ye Qingchen, "These three people have made great contributions to the rescue, so arrange for them to rest first, so that we can take good care of them."

Ye Qingchen's eyes lit up after hearing this, the future of these three people is limitless after being favored by the ancestor.Hastily stepped forward to greet the three of them, and after checking the situation, Ye Qingchen also took out a few pills for the three of them to take, and then sat down to protect the law.

Three hours later, in the main hall of the Chiyang Sect, Chiyangzi, the Patriarch of Chiyang, was sitting alone on the main seat of the main hall, while Yang Yanzi, Gao Qingshan, Ning Qingyuan and a group of Jindan monks sat on both sides.

As for the true disciples of the Foundation Establishment Period in each hall, they all stood behind their respective masters. The representatives of the Foundation Establishment Inner Sect disciples who firmly supported Yang Yanzi's position as the head of the sect during the civil strife were also fortunate enough to be able to enter the hall and see The demeanor of Yuanying Patriarch.

As a die-hard fan supporter of Yitian, Huang Ziang has the opportunity to participate.Although he is not yet a true disciple, he can stand behind the head of the alchemy hall like Wu Xing, but he is also qualified to listen to the teachings of the patriarch when he steps into the main hall.

Huang Ziang stood at the back of the hall with a serious face, but he was happy in his heart. I heard that Yi Tian made great efforts to rescue the ancestor this time.Before that, Yang Yanzi also produced the heads of Pan Qiang, Jin Sheng, and Pei Ming, as well as the evidence that they were undercover for their affair with Baigumen.

Although it was Qu Yifeng and Yi Tian who made the move, anyone with a discerning eye would know from looking at these wounds that it was Yi Tian who did the work.As for Qu Yifeng's cultivation level, he can't even fight alone, but he is just helping out.

In addition to Yi Tian's trick of debunking Lie Yanzi's false transmission of handwriting this time, the head of the sect has also mentioned it many times in front of everyone. It is estimated that the head of the Qi Palace will be replaced only after Yi Tian advances to Jindan.

Now Huang Ziang felt that he had reported thick thighs, and no one would dare to shout at him in Qidian in the future. After returning, he might be able to rank directly under Ning Yuxuan and become the real power faction of Qidian After thinking about it, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Yi Tian who was standing behind Ning Qingyuan.

Seeing that he was in a fugue state again, and was still dozing off there, completely ignoring the instructions from the headmaster of the main hall, Huang Ziang admired Yi Tian very much in his heart, it is amazing that he can still fall asleep in this kind of situation broken.

Chi Yangzi sat in the seat for a long time before he seemed to make up his mind, and then he heard a flat voice: "Bring me up."

Outside the hall, Ye Qingchen, Yan Jungang, and Qu Yifeng escorted Zhuo Lingfeng, Lie Yanzi, and Xu Hao, the masterminds of the civil strife, into the hall respectively.All three of them have their mana blocked by Chi Yangzi, no different from ordinary people, so the detainees don't need to expend much energy.

In the main hall, Lie Yanzi and Xu Haoxian knelt down with mournful faces, and kept shouting: "Patriarch, please forgive me, this disciple is also obsessed with ghosts, and he followed Zhuo Lingfeng's way."

Chi Yangzi frowned, and Yang Yanzi next to him knew what his master liked, so he directly sealed the mouths of the two of them.Now Zhuo Lingfeng was standing there, his legs stood up straight and his knees refused to bend at all, his eyes were full of unwillingness to look at Chi Yangzi who was sitting there.

Seeing this, Chi Yangzi just shook his head helplessly, he was half as guilty and half ashamed of this junior.But in front of so many disciples and grandchildren, Chi Yangzi can't make a decisive statement, otherwise the whole Chi Yang faction will lose its prestige, and there will be no foundation for it to stand on.

After a long time, under the gaze of everyone, Chiyangzi slowly opened his mouth and said: "Zhuo Lingfeng, Lie Yanzi, Xu Haoxian, Jin Sheng, Pan Qiang, and Pei Ming intend to overthrow the Chiyang faction, imprison the ancestors, and fornicate The crime of the sect is extremely heinous, how should we deal with it according to the sect's regulations?"

Yang Yanzi, who was on the side, hurried forward to answer after hearing the sound: "Master Qi, those who betray the sect should abandon their cultivation as usual, disperse their wisdom, and suppress them for calcination under the flaming soul stone in the forbidden area of ​​the sect." For a hundred days, the soul will be dispersed, so that the third generation cannot enter the human realm of reincarnation."

Everyone also showed fear when they heard about it. I personally read the Zongmen Regulations when I first started, but this one was also read and counted at the time, so who would really inquire about the details in it.After hearing the conversation of the master, everyone realized that this time it was not a joke. This was the first time that the Chiyang faction had imposed such a heavy sentence in thousands of years.

After seeing Chiyangzi nodding his head, Lie Yanzi and Xu Haoxian's faces turned pale, and when they wanted to say something, they found that their mouths couldn't be controlled, and they couldn't even make a sound.

Zhuo Lingfeng raised his head and sneered: "I have nothing to say about success and defeat. You guys won this time. Don't be too happy. All the sects are staring at each other. If the Chiyang sect continues to develop like this, sooner or later it will be too late." Those who were divided up by them, how much lifespan do you Chiyangzi have left, and how long can you take care of these disciples and grandchildren?"

"Presumptuous, you don't know how to repent when you're about to die, master and disciple please order to personally escort Zhuo Lingfeng for execution," Yang Yanzi spat on the side with an angry face, and then said to Chi Yangzi with a serious face.

And Chi Yangzi was not angry, he just took out a jade tablet to look at it, and then sent a voice transmission to Zhuo Lingfeng.The latter was silent at first after hearing this, but became emotional after ten breaths, and then opened his mouth and shouted: "So you are clever and scheming, and these things are all in your expectation. I am not wronged." Like a deflated ball, there was no more vitality in the eyes, and a dead air enveloped the body completely.

Although the people present could not know the conversation between the two, they also seemed to know that the jade card in Chi Yangzi's hand was the key to this matter.All I saw was that Chiyangzi slowly raised his right hand, a little red flame flickered, and then with a flick of his finger, the flame directly pointed at Zhuo Lingfeng.

With a 'coax' sound, Zhuo Lingfeng's entire body was instantly ignited, and the scorching red sun fire quickly burned his body, and in less than ten breaths, Zhuo Lingfeng was swallowed by the flames, leaving only a layer of black ash up.

After the Chiyang fire was extinguished, the hall returned to tranquility. Chiyangzi put away the jade plaque and said directly: "From now on, anyone in the Chiyang faction who betrays the sect will be punished severely. It is up to you to deal with the rest of the matter, and the turmoil in the sect also needs to quickly quell the prying eyes of various forces, and the merits and demerits of the disciples need to be clearly rewarded and punished."

After hearing this, Yang Yanzi hurriedly stepped forward and replied: "As long as you obey the instructions of the ancestor, the disciples must be fair and strict, so that the turmoil in the sect will be calmed down as soon as possible. The internal revision of government orders and the formation of external alliances will definitely allow the Chiyang faction to stand for a long time. In Dong'ao territory, live up to the entrustment of the patriarch," he said before kneeling down to Chiyangzi.

Everyone in the main hall followed suit and bowed to Chi Yangzi three times.Then I saw Chi Yangzi standing up on the main seat, turning around and walking into the inner hall of the main hall.

(End of this chapter)

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