
Chapter 202 Rectification

Chapter 202 Rectification
In the lava valley inside the Chiyang sect's restricted area, or in the small stone house in the middle, Chi Yangzi is sitting upright, opposite to the head of the sect, Yang Yanzi.Usually not many people come here, and only Zhuo Lingfeng came here before, and now the only person who is qualified to enter the valley is the head of the valley.

The two of them sat opposite each other for nearly half a day, and Yang Yanzi didn't see any movement from his master. He was about to get up and leave when he heard Chi Yangzi say, "Do you think I've done it in Zhuo Lingfeng's case? A little bit? He shouldn’t be killed on the spot.”

Yang Yanzi replied respectfully: "I don't dare to criticize Master's decision. This matter happened because of him. It would be best for Master to deal with it."

After laughing, Chi Yangzi took out the jade tablet with gatha, handed it to Yang Yanzi lightly, and motioned him to read it.

After taking the jade card, Yang Yanzi knew that it was the one that his master took out when he dealt with Zhuo Lingfeng in the main hall. After scanning the jade card with his head down, he only saw four sentences engraved on it:
'Woe to the Son

Five yuan and four kalpas
Xuanyang civil strife
Stop when you meet excellence'

After reading it, Yang Yanzi lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then asked with a puzzled face: "Could it be that Master, did you know about this matter? Why didn't you inform me as soon as possible, and you can take precautions if you want to."

Chiyangzi also knew that his disciple was dissatisfied. Although the crisis was resolved, the Chiyang Sect sect was looted.During Lie Yanzi's ten years in power, many good things from the sect have been leaked out, and Zhuo Lingfeng is also the guard in charge of the Sutra Pavilion. It is estimated that almost half of the jade slips in it have been re-engraved by him.These are the roots of the sect, and now they are scattered outside, doesn't this make Yang Yanzi feel unwilling.

Looking at the apprentice who dared to be angry and dare not speak, Chiyangzi just smiled and said: "Actually, the patriarch of our sect was originally the descendant of the Lihuo Sect of Zhongzhou, who founded the Xuanyang Gate in Dongao. The four catastrophes in Yangmen's five yuan and 900 years have all been fulfilled, presumably."

"Forgive me for my ignorance, what are the four disasters I experienced before I arrived at the sect?"

Chiyangzi nodded lightly when he heard the words, recalled the past, and then said: "Back then, Xuanyangmen first experienced the chaos of the Ming Dynasty, and then the family was separated by three lines. After occupying the Palace of Chuangong, another iron sword gate was established, Kuiyin went west, Xuanling separated, and after the main line was driven to the Chiyan Hill, part of the spiritual formula passed down was missing, and the predecessors had to create another Chiyang on that basis. True Fire Jue, and the sect was renamed Chiyang Sect.

There was a civil strife 300 years ago. At that time, some of the secret books of Xuanyang's direct inheritance in the Sutra Pavilion were dismantled again, and there were very few remaining essences. After that, I had to split the rest into two parts of Artifact Refining Art.What is happening right now is the civil strife in the sect of the Fourth Tribulation. "

Yang Yanzi said: "Since the sect is Xuan Yang's direct descendant, why not change the sect's name back?"

"That has to wait until the person who should be robbed will re-merge the three sects."

Now Yang Yanzi was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "Does Patriarch know who is the one who should be robbed?"

Chi Yangzi stroked his beard and smiled: "You can't say it, you can't say it, you will know when the time comes, remember that the appearance of the red lotus is a sign of the great prosperity of Xuanyangmen, we just need to wait a little longer." The bag was handed over to Yang Yanzi, and after a few more instructions via voice transmission, he closed his eyes and fell into samadhi, which meant to see off the guests behind closed doors.

Yang Yanzi didn't dare to stay for a long time, picked up his things and bid farewell to the master, and hurried back to the main hall of the sect.Now the sect is full of trivial matters, and there are not many people in Yang Yanzi's hands who can be worthy of great responsibility. People like Yan Jungang, Yi Tian and others are all in retreat to heal their injuries. Be a loyal disciple at that time, in order to cope with the immediate predicament.

After the apprentice left, Chiyangzi opened his eyes, took out another jade tablet from his pocket, and looked at the gatha written on it:

'Secret Ice Cave

red lotus
wanderer back
Three veins in one'

Only now was Chi Yangzi full of smiles, with a complacent expression on his face. After thinking for a while, he put away the jade tablet, closed his eyes and fell into a samadhi, but whispered in his mouth: "The one who should come should have come, the only thing left is time. Tie Jian Sect, Xuanling faction, even if you occupied the ancestral house of the sect back then, you would never have imagined that after a thousand years, my lineage would be revived."

After the Chiyang Sect went through the civil strife at Zhuo Lingfeng, the entire sect began to be purged. Ye Qingchen, who was in charge of the Discipline Academy, was ordered by the head of the discipline, Yang Yanzi, to mobilize the guards from various places in the Chiyan Hills to check one by one. It was disrupted and rearranged, and the main positions were taken by the main battle monks of Yang Yanzi's lineage.

Qu Yifeng and Shen Peiqi are in charge of Tianya Pavilion and Country Fong, each with a deputy in the early stage of foundation establishment.Gao Qingshan of the Gao family took the initiative to stand in line during the turmoil and supported Yang Yanzi, so Ye Qingchen also voted for Li Baoxiao and arranged his junior Gao Yuanfan in Fanxing City as the side of the sect on duty.

The first seats of the Hall of Qi and the Hall of Pills remain unchanged, but the head of the hall, Yang Yanzi, made an exception and appointed Wu Xing to take charge of the affairs of the Hall of Pills on behalf of Deng Qingxiang, while Huang Ziang was promoted to the No. [-] person in the real power of the Hall of Qi, sharing internal and external affairs with Qi Haosi.

Ning Qingyuan, who was originally from the Hall of Qi, had to declare a closed-door practice because his juniors maintained a neutral attitude during the civil strife, and he was not firm at the beginning, so he had to announce that he was practicing in seclusion and not asking about vulgar things.

Leaving Dan Tang aside, Huang Ziang in the Artifact Hall can be regarded as an equal to Qi Haosi.The first seat at the top cannot be closed, while the true disciple Yi Tian is cultivating. Qi Haosi also knows the relationship between the two, and everything is discussed.Huang Ziang also knew that he relied on Yi Tian for his construction work, and treated Qi Haosi, who was originally a faction, with great courtesy, and took the initiative to ask for advice when encountering problems, and the entire Qidian was quickly straightened out by the two of them.

Yi Tian, ​​who was retreating in the blessed land of Young Eagle Peak, was unsteady in his ears and focused on the third level of the "Asura Transformation". For five years in a row, Yi Tian was not a vulgar thing in the Palace of Artifacts, anyway, he was the head of the sect They have already been exempted from Zongmen missions, and now Yi Tian has handed over the burden to Qi Haosi and Huang Ziang, and he is happy to be at ease.

On the contrary, after continuously strengthening the dharma body in the past five years, Yi Tian gradually practiced the three songs of "Asura Transformation". And the two newly born heads after three points of spiritual consciousness also have complementary thinking, Yi Tian can even switch his three strands of spiritual consciousness between the three heads, and now he has a much clearer mind even when he has to think about things.

But now the fly in the ointment is that only one head can open the eyes, one of the two heads behind the head has a sad face, as if thinking about something all day long, and the other is smiling, looking optimistic.Yi Tian looked at the spiritual art of 'Asura Transformation', which clearly recorded three songs, namely, killing, slaughtering, and cruelty.

But what I have practiced is completely wrong. At first glance, it looks like tranquility, wisdom, and joy. This is far from the original intention of the "Asura Transformation" supernatural power. The Asura described in the spiritual formula is born for fighting, and I It looks like a scholar after training.

Although he couldn't figure it out, Yi Tian believed that no one in this world could answer his questions, so he had to go to the main altar of Ming Wangdao to take out Qin Mingyue's handwriting to check whether he practiced correctly.

Fortunately, the advantage of this dharma body is also obvious. Yi Tian re-studied those spiritual formulas and found that his comprehension ability and practice speed have been greatly improved, especially with the wise head on the left. It is nearly twice as fast as the normal situation, and it is also much faster in analyzing the refining materials and techniques, and can continuously simulate in the mind, which also greatly strengthens Yi Tian's skill level.

After the battle in Lava Valley, Yi Tian gained a lot. Afterwards, the leader Yang Yanzi came to visit him personally and brought a storage bag to Yi Tian, ​​saying that it was something promised by Chi Yang Patriarch himself.

As soon as the master left, Yi Tian immediately checked the storage bag, and there were three jade boxes inside, each containing six pieces of fire gold lotus leaves, two fire gold lotus seeds and one main stem.At that time, Yi Tian was just saying these things casually, but he didn't expect Chi Yangzi to admit it.

In addition to the jade box, Yang Yanzi also gave Yi Tian an additional 2000 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones as a reward, and promised that as long as Yi Tian successfully formed the alchemy, he could directly take over the position of the head of the Qi Palace.Yi Tian knew in his heart that he had exposed Lie Yanzi's trick of passing on the handwriting at that time, and now Yang Yanzi gave him the reward based on this.

Yi Tian didn't feel cold at all about these, but after getting these six-level materials, his heart was full of excitement. Now the spirit weapon spectrum he found from Jianzong is useful.Tie Jianmen Sword Sect's famous weapon "Fire Lotus Sword" has already assembled two main ingredients, three fire gold lotus leaf petals plus the deep-sea gold and iron found in the East China Sea ruins, now only need to collect those auxiliary materials. Can.

As early as five years ago, Yi Tian sent a message to the people in the Hall of Devices to help collect materials, but he has only been practicing for three or four years and has not received a reply.Knowing that one day five years later, Huang Ziang's voice suddenly sounded from the communication jade tablet, the content was very simple and only one sentence: "All things are gathered, I will wait in the Hall of Equipment."

After collecting the jade token, Yi Tian was also delighted. It seems that Huang Ziang has not been idle in the past five years. Let's refine the sword.

Standing up and shaking his hands and feet, Yi Tian looked at his dharma body and smiled, and then put away Asura's dharma body in mudra with both hands. It would be a big trouble if someone bumped into him when he went out like this.After counting the materials in the storage bracelet, Yi Tian is also full of confidence. This time, he must refine a fifth-level high-level or even a top-level spiritual weapon.

According to the description in the sword manual, the 'Fire Lotus Sword' is the second-ranked spiritual weapon of Iron Sword Sect. It has not been seen in the world for thousands of years. The most powerful of them is that it can be advanced in conjunction with the use of human fire skills. If it was brought into the dantian for warming and nourishing from the foundation building stage, then after the Yuanying stage, the Fire Lotus Sword would also advance to the sixth level by absorbing the master's fire aura.

Yi Tian was interested in refining it only after seeing this point. He saw that he had entered the late stage of foundation establishment, and he couldn't do without a talisman.Last time, the 'Thunder Fire Diamond' was given to Zhu Chen, and the 'Fire Emblem Shield' was beaten to pieces by Zhuo Lingfeng's Yanlong Wushuang. This time, Yi Tian also planned to sacrifice it again.

(End of this chapter)

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