
Chapter 203 The Rise

Chapter 203 The Rise
In the past five years, the Artifact Hall of the Chiyang School has shown a thriving atmosphere. Qihaosi is in charge of internal affairs, Huang Ziang is going around to purchase and explore various rare materials outside, and Ning Yuxuan is in charge of storage.

Although Huang Ziang's cultivation was only at the early stage of foundation establishment, everyone in Qidian did not dare to underestimate this newcomer king.I heard that even Qihaosi and Ning Yuxuan chose to be neutral during the civil strife in the sect, but this one was a solid supporter of the sect's head, Yang Yanzi.

The suzerain, Yang Yanzi, once visited the Hall of Qi directly and named Huang Ziang directly, and was appointed as the foreign affairs procurement of the Hall of Qi. In recent years, Huang Ziang attended many affairs of the sect on behalf of the Hall of Qi. As soon as he goes up, he might become the third in command of Qidian.

But today, the three giants in the inner hall of Qidian have all expired, and there are some inner disciples sitting beside them, discussing something.Suddenly, a disheveled monk walked in hurriedly from outside the door, and everyone inside didn't say hello when he saw him, he walked up to the abbot directly and sat down.

Those inner disciples who were talking obediently shut their mouths and remained silent.And some new disciples looked at the person on the main seat in front of them with curious eyes, and whispered to each other from time to time.I saw that his face was pitch-black, he was wearing tattered clothes, and there were two holes in the armpits of his hands, which were torn by something.

Seeing this, Qihaosi coughed first, then turned around and said: "Brother Zhenchuan is here, so don't be rude." After speaking, he turned around and said to Yi Tian: "Everything is ready, what else do you need? , please also give orders."

After speaking, Ning Yuxuan stepped forward and handed the two storage bags to Yi Tian, ​​while Huang Ziang was the first person sitting at the bottom and nodded towards Yi Tian.After knowing it, Yi Tian checked the storage bag with his spiritual sense, and after counting, he found that basically the materials were not bad.This time Yi Tian is also preparing to refine three fifth-level spiritual weapons in a row, namely two 'Thunder Fire Drills', 'Fire Spear' and 'Red Lotus Fire Sword'.

The first two materials are prepared by the Hall of Artifacts. For this reason, Huang Ziang ran for five years before finding two pieces of Thunder Stone and Fire Stone. Yi Tian just produced three extra petals of Fire Golden Lotus as the main ingredient of the "Blazing Gun" , but the fifth-level intermediate spirit weapon is also owned by the Artifact Hall.The main ingredients of the final "Red Lotus Fire Sword" were all produced by Yi Tian, ​​and Qidian only produced some auxiliary materials, so the control rights are all in Yi Tian's hands.

Although he already knew that the 'Thunder Fire Drill' would not cause Heavenly Tribulation, but the other two things were unknown. To make all the preparations, Yi Tian first notified the headmaster Yang Yanzi and dispatched a confidant disciple to help.

After hastily sorting out the materials, Yi Tian didn't want to waste any more time, so he just asked Qi Haosi to continue to host the regular meeting of the Hall of Qi.And after he took the things, he winked at Huang Ziang, who understood, and got up directly to lead the way.This time Yi Tian was going to use the Artifact Refining Room of the Tian Zihao Room in the Artifact Hall. Although it seemed a bit overreaching, no one in the Artifact Hall said a word.

Before walking into the door, Yi Tian said to Huang Ziang with deep meaning: "Lei Huo will drill you when you arrive, and take the other one to Qidian for business." Huang Ziang couldn't keep his mouth shut when he heard the smile on his face .

After entering the Tianzihao room, Yi Tiancai found that the equipment in Dizihao No. [-] room was incomparable with the ones here, turned around and followed the door and played a formula to seal the door of the stone room, and then set up a soundproof enchantment.The furnace in the refinery room draws out the strongest real fire in the center of the earth of the Chiyang sect located on the crater. Yi Tian saw that apart from his own Xuanyang real fire, even the Chiyang fire is just in harmony with it. It is equal.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was not polite, and took out two deep-sea fine gold iron shackles from the storage bag and put them directly into the furnace. This thing is the main ingredient, and repairing the Fire Emblem Shield also needs to be added to improve the quality. After taking down this thing, there are still six left, and I will have a chance to use it in the future. This time, I will try the water first.

As for the auxiliary materials of 'Thunder Fire Diamond', besides Hei Yao Jin Jing, other materials can be added, Yi Tian also showed a smirk on his face.The one that Zhu Chen tricked before was just a trial, and now it's time for the real thing.Seeing that the two shackles weighed more than 2000 catties, Yi Tian calculated that at least a quarter could be spared to supplement his spiritual weapon, and then his hands were sealed together, and a three-headed and six-armed Dharma body image appeared directly.

Now Yitian has been able to control the six arms very skillfully to operate at the same time, in groups of two and two, to sort and sort materials.The index finger of the right hand flew into the furnace bit by bit, raising the temperature of the whole furnace again, and the shackles were slowly softened in a way visible to the naked eye. The first step is to thaw the embryo, and the next step is to Take a small test to create a 'Thunder Fire Drill'.

Huang Ziang had been running around for Yi Tian in the past few years, since Yi Tian entered the Tianzihao room, he stood outside and guarded, not going anywhere.After watching for five days, they saw Qu Yifeng and Huo Jiawei coming together, but Qi Haosi was leading the way.

It turned out that the head of the sect got a summons from Yi Tian, ​​so he directly dispatched two people to fetch the treasure.During the civil strife last time, Bai Qingsong was the first to stand up to support the sect leader, so the Chuangong Hall has not suffered any major impact in the past few years, but has repeatedly cooperated with the Discipline Hall to conduct investigations.Huo Jiawei also reaped a lot of benefits under the protection of his master, and this time he followed Qu Yifeng to have a look.

After the four greeted each other outside the refining room, everyone also found a place to rest.This time, Yi Tian was talking about refining the spirit weapon. I don't know how long it will take, but he just told Huang Ziang to wait outside the door.

After the four of them sat down, before they spoke again, they suddenly saw the stone door of Tianzihao's refining room slowly open, and a bright light flew out from it, and stopped in front of Huang Ziang, and then only heard Yi Tian's voice from inside the room. One sentence: "Huang Ziang, take one, and turn the other over to the sect." After saying that, the stone gate was closed again.

Seeing a storage bag in front of him, Huang Ziang looked around, and under the envious eyes of the three, he reached in and scanned it with his divine sense.Then there was a burst of ecstasy on his face, and he reached out and took out the two 'thunder fire drills'.

The three of them saw two black steel diamonds in the middle of Huang Ziang's palm, about half a foot long, with lightning sparks flashing across the surface from time to time.

In fact, the four of them were anxious to wait outside, but a piece of level [-] equipment could be produced in five days, which was still very fast.After inspecting the 'Thunder Fire Drill', Huang Ziang took one directly, then handed it to Qi Haosi and said, "Senior brother, how about putting this one in the warehouse of Qidian?"

The latter just nodded excitedly, then took it out and put it into his storage bracelet, and said solemnly: "This is inevitable, but I will exchange it directly with the contribution of the sect, and I will go directly to the Qidian in a while Register in the lobby." After finishing speaking, he rushed directly to the storage room of Qidian excitedly.

The remaining three people all had a slight smile on their faces. Everyone knew it well and didn’t say anything. They sat in meditation and waited for the next thing. It stands to reason that it would take at least a month for Yi Tian to refine the fifth-level spiritual weapon Time, but good things are hard to come by.

Currently, only Yi Tian among the foundation-building stage cultivators in the Artifact Hall can refine level-five spiritual weapons. If it is the first one to make a move, then the entrusted fee will be calculated at the price of a Golden Core cultivator, which Qu Yifeng and Huo Jiawei cannot do. bearable.

Looking at Huang Ziang, who was happily at the side, the eyes of the two Chiyang boys showed deep jealousy.But no one is lucky, he is Yi Tian's follower, this kind of treatment is not available to everyone.

It took nearly 40 days for the three of them to sit in samadhi before they saw the stone door of the Tianzihao room open again.This time, a red flame flashed out, and a spear about eight feet long, the thickness of a baby's arm, was stuck straight on the granite stone wall not far from the door.

This was originally a low wall built to protect the fire from the refining room, about three feet thick.The three saw that the gun was directly inserted into the wall about a foot deep, and the word "Fire Gun" was engraved six inches behind the head of the gun, and Yi Tian's special seal was on the back, and the whole spiritual weapon was wrapped in a layer. The scarlet flames were as powerful as the two of them's Chiyang True Fire.

The three people who were overjoyed suddenly heard Yi Tian's voice coming from the Tianzihao room: "This is a fifth-level high-priced spiritual weapon. There should be a spiritual weapon disaster coming. Whoever takes it will belong to whoever passes through the spiritual weapon disaster." , "After speaking, the door closed tightly again.

Huang Ziang has something to watch at this time, his cultivation base in the early stage of foundation establishment is not capable of dealing with the spiritual weapon robbery, so he turned to look at the two Chiyang boys, meaning you can do whatever you want.

A fiery red robbery cloud has formed over the Palace of Artifacts, and people within a radius of five miles have begun to evacuate one after another. The two Chiyang boys looked at the thunder clouds in the sky and knew that whoever draws the gun will carry the thunder .

After three breaths, Qu Yifeng shook his head and said in a deep voice, "Xiao Weizi, go ahead, 'Blazing Gun' is definitely not a suitable weapon in my mind."

In fact, Huo Jiawei had already been moved, but he couldn't steal the boss's spiritual weapon.Now after getting the approval, he is not soft-hearted. After the hands are sealed, the red sun fire is directly attached to the hands.I saw Huo Jiawei stepping forward to shake his hands, his spiritual energy was rapidly mobilized, veins popped out on his forehead, and his face flushed red.

With a 'bang', the 'Fire Gun' was pulled out, and then the red lightning in the sky began to flicker. Qu Yifeng hurriedly shouted: "Fly up quickly, and use all your strength to catch a thunderbolt."

After hearing this, Huo Jiawei nodded to the two of them, and then flew up into the sky holding the 'fire gun' in both hands, seeing that the thunderclouds in the sky were gathering more and more, and the vortex in the thunderclouds was also getting bigger and bigger.Huo Jiawei was apprehensive, this posture was fiercer than the foundation building catastrophe, but his heart was full of joy, the greater the power of this thunder catastrophe, the higher the quality of the spiritual weapon in his hand.

Holding the 'fire gun' tightly with both hands, Huo Jiawei also used all he had learned. Following the appearance of the Chiyang Fire Sword, he used the Chiyang Fire Spear, facing the falling red lightning with a single shot.

(End of this chapter)

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