
Chapter 204

Chapter 204
In the Tianzihao room of the Chiyang faction, Yi Tian has been here for nearly three months.The previous progress seemed to be much faster than expected. The 'Thunder Fire Drill' was refined in five days, and the 'Blazing Gun' was refined in forty days, and the level of the spirit weapon was gradually raised to the fifth level.

Even the Fire Emblem shield has been repaired by himself, and the original quality has been improved by two levels after adding some deep sea gold and fine iron.This time, Yi Tian didn't feel the existence of the spiritual weapon robbery, maybe he had already experienced it once before.

But when the 'Red Lotus Fire Sword' was finally refined, something went wrong. The spiritual weapons that should have been made before were all smelted by the real fire in the center of the earth in the refining room.And this 'Red Lotus Fire Sword' Yi Tian was preparing for his own use, so he paid special attention to refining it. From smelting to engraving inscriptions, he used Xuanyang True Fire.

But at the moment when it was finally completed, Yi Tian was going to put it in his dantian for warming, and then he found that the seal in his dantian was very repulsive to this 'Red Lotus Fire Sword', and he failed to put it away after three attempts.Now Yi Tian had no choice but to shake his head as he looked at the fire sword, which was three feet three feet long and two and a half inches wide.Yi Tian custom-built it according to the spirit tool spectrum obtained in the sword mound, incorporating six pieces of "fire golden lotus" leaves, with a thousand catties of deep-sea gold and fine iron as the body, and a sword hilt made of inscription star diamonds and krypton gold .

The quality of the entire sword is also at the fifth level, so it cannot be used as a natal spiritual weapon, but in the end it is used as a wedding dress for others.Thinking of this, Yi Tian always felt a little worried about gains and losses, as long as he opened the door of this stone room, the existence of the spirit weapon would be sensed in the world, and it would definitely trigger a robbery.

Looking at the 'Red Lotus Fire Sword' floating on the stove, Yi Tian made up his mind this time after careful consideration.Since I can't use it myself, let's hand it over to the sect, at least I can get a lot of good things in exchange.

After thinking about it, he was no longer depressed. After controlling the Fire Lotus Sword with his spiritual sense, he slowly opened the stone door of the Tianzihao room.

Yang Yanzi, the leader of Chiyang Sect, heard the good news last month that Huo Jiawei, the chief disciple of Bai Qingsong, the head of Chuangong Hall, will be able to survive the spiritual weapon robbery in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and he has got a good one 'Blazing guns'.It is said that even his master was full of praise after trying the spiritual weapon, and felt a little jealous after seeing it, but he couldn't compete with his apprentice.

However, he heard from his apprentice Qu Yifeng that he gave it to Huo Jiawei, and he majored in Chiyang Fire Sword. If he didn't have a suitable spiritual weapon, he had no choice but to ask Yi Tian to make a tailor-made one.

It was Riyang Yanzi who was sitting in the Chiyang Great Hall listening to the report when he suddenly saw the entire sky darken.A group of people flew out of the hall in a hurry, looked up hastily, and found that the center of Jieyun was at the deepest point of the starting point, and the radius had reached five miles, covering the main hall of Chiyang.

Knowing that something is wrong, the power of this spiritual weapon, Jieyun, is definitely comparable to that of the Jindan cultivator when he was crossing the robbery. He was worried about his apprentice Qu Yifeng, because he was afraid that he would be competitive and insist on being strong.

Inner sect disciples ran out one after another from Qidian, and everyone panicked and flew in all directions.Seeing this, Yang Yanzi hurried forward to ask what happened, but basically no one could give an explanation.Until Huang Ziang, the real power faction of Qidian, saw the master coming, he hurried forward and said, "Leader, this is the robbery caused by the 'Red Lotus Fire Sword' refined by Yi Tian. Now use the sword to cross the robbery." The person in question is Qu Yifeng."

Hearing this, Yang Yanzi couldn't bear it any longer, and flew towards the center of Jieyun. Qu Yifeng was his favorite true disciple, and Qi was the most promising disciple in the main vein to succeed in alchemy. If it is folded in the spiritual weapon Heavenly Tribulation, then the gain outweighs the loss.

In less than ten breaths, Yang Yanzi came to the deepest part of the Qi Hall, but saw Yi Tian standing in the small courtyard of the Tianzi Hall looking up at the sky.His beloved apprentice Qu Yifeng flew in the air with swords in both hands, and his spiritual power rose from his whole body, using the Chiyang True Fire to the extreme.Yang Yanzi yelled: "Yifeng, stop quickly, this spiritual weapon calamity is comparable to the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation, you won't be able to get through it if you don't have enough cultivation."

Unexpectedly, Qu Yifeng turned around and smiled and said: "Master, I can't back down anymore. In the past, Brother Yan or Yi Tian helped me to stand up for every situation I encountered. This time, I will bear it all by myself. I absolutely I'm not a cowardly person, I have my dignity," he said, turning around to meet the red thunderbolt with the thick mouth of a bowl.

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing on the ground, looked at the two people in the sky and just shook his head, and said to Yang Yanzi through sound transmission: "Don't worry, the master, I have absolute confidence in the refined 'Red Lotus Fire Sword', just watch the song now." Can Junior Brother pass this level?" After speaking, he waited and saw that Qu Yifeng, who was watching the sky, responded with his sword.

Chi Yangzi, who was staying in the lava valley, was meditating in the stone room, when suddenly his left eyelid twitched non-stop, and he hurriedly woke up from the trance.After checking that there was nothing wrong in the forbidden area, I was also surprised for a while, and then I extended my spiritual consciousness to scan the entire area of ​​the sect.

After a closer look, he was startled, a red thunderbolt fell from the sky above the Artifact Hall, and below it was a disciple holding a fire sword to face the difficulties.The spiritual weapon instantly withstood the lightning strike, and was continuously baptized by the lightning. When the lightning was completely absorbed, the fiery sword suddenly made a buzzing sound, like the joyful sound of new life.

Then something unexpected happened, a ball of red lotus fire appeared from the tip of the sword, tempering the originally dark sword body here.The place that had been burned by the red lotus fire showed white light, and then it burned brighter and brighter until it swallowed up the boy with the sword.

Chi Yangzi felt strange, and hurriedly flew out of the blessed land of the sect, and when he came to the thunder calamity, he saw Yang Yanzi and Yi Tian looking up at the spiritual weapon to cross the catastrophe in the deepest courtyard of the Artifact Hall.

With a 'whoosh', Chi Yangzi teleported over to the two of them and asked, "What's going on, who is in the sky?"

Seeing the patriarch coming, Yang Yanzi and Yi Tian rushed forward to salute, and then Yi Tian had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "This thing is the 'Red Lotus Fire Sword' refined by my disciples, but I don't know why it survived the catastrophe. There will still be a change, I don't know if Junior Brother Qu can handle it."

After hearing this, Chi Yangzi's pupils froze and his face sank like water, but his heart was extremely excited.Seeing the worried looks of the two, he comforted him: "It's okay, Qu Yifeng and his destiny are the masters of this 'Red Lotus Fire Sword'. After a while, I will take him back to the Lava Valley to practice in seclusion after he finishes his work."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Yanzi was overjoyed, his apprentice was about to soar into the sky, and his achievements in practicing with this ancestor would definitely not be low in the future, and there was hope for Nascent Soul.

At this moment, Qu Yifeng's whole body was ignited in the sky, like a cluster of sparks in the night sky, shining with a dazzling red light.On the ground, Chi Yangzi looked up to the sky and laughed, then teleported to Qu Yifeng, said a few words, and then flew away with others.

Only Yi Tian and the head were left on the ground, the latter laughed out loud, the joy on his face beyond words.A weak voice came from behind: "Master, let's sum up the refining cost of the 'Red Lotus Fire Sword'."

At the same time, Tian Yunzi, the head of Zhongzhou Tianji Sect, was in meditation when suddenly his heart trembled for no reason.Knowing that something must happen, Tian Yunzi hurriedly took out the money lesson to ask Tianqi divination, and later a summons from the sect was sent out.

Half an hour later, I saw Xiao Linhang, the senior brother of Tianyunmen's foundation period, entered the main hall nervously. Seeing that the headmaster was waiting, he stepped forward and said, "Master Qi, I don't know what is the urgent call for disciples?"

Tian Yunzi, who was sitting on the top seat, opened his eyes and said slowly: "Something happened in Dong Ao, and as a teacher, I got a glimpse of the secret, and it turns out that the 'Red Lotus Fire Sword', one of the nine soldiers of the Li Huo Sect, was born. "

Xiao Linhang asked puzzledly: "It is the relic of the Lihuo Sect. Those who are destined to get it, why does the head of the sect say so?"

"But you don't know that the original one was a top-level sixth-level spiritual weapon, but it was broken when the Lihuo Sect fell apart. The current one is newly trained."

Shocked when he heard this, Xiao Linhang said: "This refiner is really powerful, does the master want the disciple to visit?"

Tian Yunzi nodded his head slightly, and said methodically: "Visiting is inevitable, you still have to find the person holding the sword, usually such spirit treasures must be protected by their masters to survive the tribulation."

Xiao Linhang asked puzzledly: "Who is the owner of this 'Red Lotus Fire Sword'? Why does Master care so much?"

A ray of light enveloped the two of them, and Tian Yunzi said earnestly: "You don't know, although the 'Red Lotus Fire Sword' is only one of the Lihuo Nine Soldiers, according to ancient records, every time the Lihuo Sect It all started after this 'Red Lotus Fire Sword' appeared, which means that this is a clear signal that the disciples of Lihuo Sect scattered everywhere will slowly surface. The lost treasure has a great connection with Li Huo Sect."

Hearing this, Xiao Linhang also asked with a solemn expression: "I don't know what's the matter?"

"Go to Dong'ao to find that person, and he will definitely lead you to find the answer. Let's talk about other things when the opportunity comes." After finishing speaking, Tian Yunzi waved his hand to signal to back down.

Xiao Linhang didn't dare to be negligent and had to leave, but his face was full of sadness. He didn't know whether the master was looking for the sword holder of the 'Red Lotus Fire Sword' or the person who made it, and what was the lost treasure of the sect?All this seems to be out of the question.

At the same time, Yi Tian was sitting in the inner hall of the Qi Temple, receiving the worship of everyone.A group of inner disciples who were sitting low, and Qi Haosi, Huang Ziang, and Ning Yuxuan beside them were all sitting respectfully.Just now when the master left, not only did he more than double the number of offerings to the Hall of Qi, but he also reduced the additional tasks of the Hall of Qi in a disguised form.

After Yang Yanzi left, Yi Tian sat on the main seat and ordered Qihaosi to preside over the affairs on his behalf. This refining also basically emptied one-third of the inventory of the Artifact Hall, and the materials for the next year Withdrawals also have to be fixed and quantified.

(End of this chapter)

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