
Chapter 205 Party

Chapter 205 Party
There are hundreds of aristocratic families in the Xuanling faction's vassal families, but there are only less than five families with Jindan monks in charge. Since Zou Dong, an old family member of the Zou family, died suddenly a few years ago, only four families remained.These rogue cultivators from aristocratic families are also cooperating vertically and horizontally, and they have recruited some rogue cultivators to strengthen their momentum.

Today, a group of people gathered in the main hall of Sanxiu Lejia. The visitors were all foundation-building monks, and there were dozens of them.The head of the Le family, Le Congdie, was sitting on the main seat and was greeting all visitors.

This time it was like a regular family meeting of the foundation-building monks, but as long as the people on the scene were careful, they could tell the difference carefully. All the people invited were well-known formation masters or weapon refiners in Dongao. Anyone with a heart can guess that this invitation is definitely not simple, at least it is not just like exchanging new ideas on the surface.

Sitting in a corner, there was a monk wearing linen clothes, who looked like a ranger walking the rivers and lakes, but one could tell that he was looking at those casual monks with a look of disdain in front of the master Le Congdie. They can show off their own opinions on formations, or take out some high-level spiritual weapons to show off their refining skills.

Originally, most of the people who came here had impure motives, they just saw that the Le family was a group of women who headed the house, and they wanted to take advantage of this to find a Taoist companion.

After seeing one or two people taking turns making ugly appearances, Yi Tian couldn't keep up his energy. He came here and sat for two hours, drank two pots of tea, and didn't see anyone who could chat with him.This time it was a letter of recommendation from Qihaosi. He was originally invited, but the Palace of Artifacts was busy, so Yi Tian had to attend on his behalf.

Yi Tian, ​​who has always liked Qingxiu, was not interested in this matter, but when he heard the invitation from the Musician, a vassal family of the Xuanling Sect, Yi Tian couldn't sit still.The details of this Le family are clear to me, and Le Tongxuan, the "girl of bliss" who understands the king's way, is the person behind it.

This time the Le family took the lead in inviting so many comrades to the party. It was definitely not a random idea. Le Tongxuan is a person Yi Tian has contacted several times. Invite people to a party with the Lingshi.

When he first entered the door, Yi Tian also inquired about today's gathering being hosted by Le Jia's master, Le Cong Die, a hundred-year-old monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, who can be regarded as a well-known strange woman in this area.But in Yi Tian's eyes, Le Congdie, who looks more than 20 years old, is probably Le Tongxuan's personal maid. He only practiced at the middle stage of foundation establishment when he was a hundred years old. He spent a lot of time on himself and already formed a pill.

Sitting next to Yi Tian was a young scribe who introduced himself as Zhou Qing. He looked about 25 or [-] years old and was dressed like a bachelor.During the exchange, Zhou Qing intentionally or unintentionally got close to Yi Tian, ​​and continued to judge the people on the field, and asked Yi Tian casually: "Is this dear friend here to find a Taoist companion? I still have a little understanding of this Le family." I know, if Brother Dao is lucky enough to work with you, as long as you answer the question of Le Cong Die correctly, it will not be difficult to go further tonight?"

Now Yi Tian was a little stunned when he heard it. Does this Le family still have any selections? Is Le Tongxuan still having a good time after watching Le Tongxuan?Since it was so easy, Yi Tian didn't object to acting on the spot, so if he came, he would be safe, and said to Zhou Qing: "You are so helpful, fellow Taoist, then we will answer the questions together." After finishing speaking, he just smiled and shut up.

When no one came out to offer treasures, Le Congdie just stood up and said: "This time, I invite all of you to come here, one is to exchange the foundation building experience, and the other is to exchange the formation method and morality with each other. I have a picture in my hand, I implore everyone to comment, everyone can speak freely, as long as they can analyze this picture, the concubine can make an exception to talk with her by candlelight tonight."

Immediately, the atmosphere in the hall became active, especially those formation masters, whose smiles could no longer be held back.Yi Tian saw it in his eyes and smiled in his heart. It seemed that Le Tongxuan had encountered a difficult matter, otherwise he would not have revealed some news.

This Le Cong Die is obviously just a white glove, but Yi Tian looks helpless when he thinks about it, thinking that coming today is a waste of time.He was thinking about something when he was suddenly interrupted by a burst of exclamation from the people around him.

At this time, Zhou Qing, who was sitting next to Yi Tian, ​​was uncharacteristically, sitting there thinking hard.And the former activists have all died down now, looking at the formation map Le Congdie took out, but they didn't say a word.

Then Zhou Qing started to take out the jade slips and wanted to rub the formation map and study it carefully, but saw Yue Congdie said softly: "Please don't let this matter out to everyone," he said with a lot of meaning Zhao Yitian took a few glances here.

Then Zhou Qing had no choice but to reciprocate the gift and put away the jade slips. After dying bitterly, he turned his head and saw Yi Tian there, drinking tea in an orderly manner, and came up to him: "Fellow Daoist, do you have any research on formations? Or We will try together and break the formation according to the formation diagram."

After giving him a blank look, Yi Tian shook his shoulders, turned his head and scanned the formation map on Yue Congdie's hand with his spiritual sense, and then said with a look of contempt: "I'm not interested, if you have What kind of secret exchange, maybe I will think of something," he turned around and continued to drink tea.But at this time, Yi Tian was startled. After all, Le Tongxuan was still an old Jianghu. After lurking in Dong'ao for so long, he finally found some clues.

Just now Yi Tian scanned the formation map with his spiritual sense, it is not so much a formation map as a seal, and the one on it is actually the seal on the stone gate in Thousand Needles Stone Forest.Yi Tian is very familiar with this, besides the one in the middle, there is another one sealed by himself.It's ridiculous that these so-called formation masters are still racking their brains and thinking hard, even if they see the real thing, they can't crack it, not to mention that Yi Tian doesn't think that any of the monks present will go back to Thousand Needles to take risks.

After a quarter of an hour, only a few monks came forward to chat with Yue Congdie through sound transmission, but all of them returned in defeat, and Yue Congdie's expression became more and more serious, as if the answers given by these people could not be answered. Satisfy her, and it's a little too far off.

Zhou Qing, who was sitting next to Yi Tian, ​​also went up to show it off, but after the sound transmission of the three sentences, Yue Congdie shook his head, and then he had no choice but to walk back to his original position in despair, and drank tea Boring tea.Glancing at Yi Tian next to him, Zhou Qing made up his mind and sent a direct voice transmission.

Originally, Yi Tian had nothing to do, he was about to leave after finishing his work, and he was wandering. Suddenly he heard a voice transmission from the side and asked: "Brother Dao, if there is a way to break this formation, I would like to exchange it with a spirit treasure." Looking up, it turned out that it was Zhou Qing's voice transmission.It seems that the other party was indeed fascinated by Na Yue Congdie, and went to the doctor in a hurry.

Yi Tian just replied: "I have a way to let you be her guest of honor, but I have to check the goods first." Zhou Qing looked at Yi Tian in surprise, but he didn't believe it.

After the two chatted for a while, Zhou Qing also took out a storage bag with a helpless face, gently opened the opening, and asked Yi Tian to put his consciousness in to check it out, which was also in response to Yi Tian's request to see the goods first. .

Yi Tian was also surprised after a quick scan. There were two items in this storage bag, which were the ancient treasure that Zhou Qing said was a square wooden plate with invisible attributes, but there was a round concave in the middle. Slot, this thing should be a tray on a high-level spiritual weapon.

At this time, Yi Tian suddenly felt that the broken pointer he received in his storage bracelet reacted a little. Although it only moved slightly, Yi Tian clearly sensed that these two things should have been It's all in one, just missing a few important parts.

The other one is a simple ruler, but Yi Tian didn't like it very much. After thinking about it for a while, he sent a voice transmission to Zhou Qing and said: "Come with me, and I will take you into the inner hall of Lejia. When the time comes I just need to choose something from your storage bag." After speaking, regardless of Zhou Qing's reaction, he stood up from his seat and walked forward slowly.

Zhou Qing was also a little unbelievable, and with the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he gritted his teeth and followed.When the two came to Yue Congdie, Yi Tian just said a word via voice transmission, and then stopped moving.Zhou Qing who was standing behind was stunned for a moment, and secretly scolded Yi Tian for being too arrogant, but after three breaths, Yue Congdie stood up from his seat and said: "Fellow Daoist, please go to the inner hall to explain," after finishing speaking Also made a gesture of please.

Now everyone present widened their eyes and vowed to take a good look at the cultivator in front of them. Why should everyone be puzzled, and this person can let Master Le into the inner hall to talk with just one sentence? It's also something that never happened.

Not caring about the gazes of other monks, Yi Tian just transmitted his voice to Zhou Qing and said: "Follow me, and give me the wooden plate when you get inside." Zhou Qing handed the storage bag to Yi Tian without thinking, and then replied : "Thank you, fellow daoist, I actually found all the things in it in a relic cave, and they are of no great use. Since fellow daoist likes it, I will give it all to you."

Now it's Yi Tian's turn to be frustrated, the feeling guy is an empty-handed white wolf, fooling himself with two unclear things.Seeing that the things are still useful to him, Yi Tian is not easy to get angry, so he and Le Congdie will talk alone after he goes in, and he can only help here.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Qing smiled heartily and said, "I would like to thank Daoist brother for your kindness. If you can achieve good things, Daoist brother, I will be old."

Hearing this, Yi Tian laughed in his heart and said: "If you are taken by that 'Nirvana of Paradise' and later absorbed into King Ming Dao, then don't come to me at that time." Let him go, anyway, the things are already in hand.

After the three of them passed through the main hall, they came to a corridor. Yue Congdie generously led them to a gazebo in the backyard, and then said to Yi Tian: "Your honored guest, wait here first," and pointed Pointing to Zhou Qing, he said, "Please accompany me to the side hall for tea."

Looking at Zhou Qing's pissed-off look, Yi Tian felt a pang of regret in his heart. He really didn't know what kind of expression he would have when he found out that he pushed him into the fire pit in the future.

Thinking of nothing else, Yi Tian also sat down in the pavilion and closed his eyes to rest.Half a moment later, I heard someone coming in from the small courtyard, opened my eyes, and Yi Tian laughed.The person who came was Le Tongxuan who I had seen in Xuanling Cave, and she was holding a lantern in her hand, she walked slowly to the gazebo with light lotus steps, then sat opposite Yi Tian, ​​and said softly: "You Why are you here?"

"Why can't I come," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I can guess what you want to do just by holding such a party for you."

Now it was Le Tongxuan's turn to be stunned, and carefully looked at Yi Tian in front of her, trying to see through him again.

(End of this chapter)

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