
Chapter 206 Breaking the Seal

Chapter 206 Breaking the Seal
Half a month later, standing at the entrance of Thousand Needles Forest, Yi Tian was wearing a Confucian costume and a bamboo hat, sitting on the ground waiting for someone.

When Yi Tian and Le Tongxuan met in the backyard of Lejia this time, they showed their true colors, so the other party could not recognize them immediately.It wasn't until Yi Tian's sound transmission that Le Tongxuan believed it. After all, the two of them had explored together before, so some things were easy to understand.

The two reached an agreement after discussion, and Le Tongxuan asked Yi Tian to help him go to the Thousand Needles Stone Forest to break through the formation, and the things found in it would definitely belong to the "Elysium" department.As for Yi Tian, ​​he knew exactly what was hidden inside, but now was not a good time, this thing was hot to the touch, and if someone found it in his hand, he would lose his skin even if he didn't die.

Yi Tian didn't want to be the target of public criticism, what's more, the 'Sun and Moon Tonghui Wheel' was originally split into two halves. He took the 'Sunlight Wheel' by himself, and took out the 'Yueyao Wheel' in Thousand Needles Forest and put it in the Let's put it on the 'Lady of Paradise'.

But this time Le Tongxuan talked with Yi Tian seriously, hoping to reach an alliance with Yi Tian, ​​and she will also find two helpers to go to Thousand Needles together, and she must succeed once.

During this month, Yi Tian was not idle, and asked Le Tongxuan to advance nearly [-] spirit stones as a reward.Then I went to Country Fong, which was the closest to Thousand Needles, and rented a refining room. After shopping, I went in and prepared all the equipment for breaking the formation.

This time, Yi Tian also needs to make complete preparations. He has prepared no less than ten sets of breaking array disks and ban-breaking cones. In addition, Yi Tian also learned the props of "Seven Needles Breaking God's Ban" from Mei Yingxue. After preparation, nearly 20 silver needles with a length of six inches and a diameter of half an inch have been made out of them.

After completing the refining, Yi Tian realized that it only took less than five days, and the rest of the time was spent on re-welding the pointer.Yi Tian also tried a lot of materials, but the materials below the fifth level could not be used at all. As for those fifth-level Hei Yao Jin Jing, or krypton gold, it would be no problem to completely integrate them.

In the end, Yi Tian had no choice but to spend 20 days dissolving and compressing ten catties of deep-sea fine gold and iron into a drop of liquid metal drop into the fracture, and then refused the two broken pointers.Then Yi Tian took out the wooden plate, put the pointer into the plate, and was surprised to find that the center point of the pointer could just be placed on the central axis of the wooden plate.

Looking carefully at the front and back, this thing looks a bit like a Luo Geng plate, but the face plate inside is missing.Yi Tian is not in a hurry, since he has encountered this thing, maybe he can find the lost internal disk somewhere next time, as long as the three things are combined into one.

In order to keep this operation secret, Yi Tian still insisted not to show his true face, and Le Tongxuan also agreed to this matter.So this time Yi Tian still put on a human skin mask, and now Yi Tian is pretending to be a 30-year-old scholar, all the fire-type exercises in his body have been restrained, and only part of the wood-type aura is released. It looks like a standard aristocratic casual repair sample.

Arriving at the entrance of Thousand Needles Forest an hour earlier than the scheduled time, Yi Tian also took advantage of the spare time to recover his spiritual power first.Not long after sitting down, there was a flash of light in the distant sky, and then three monks were seen flying towards the entrance.

Yi Tian hurriedly got up and took a look, the leader was Le Tongxuan, flying in the sky in white clothes, if people don't know her details, they will probably be attracted by her appearance.Today's Le Tongxuan is dressed in palace attire, with tulle on her face and a lantern in her hand.The pupils in Yi Tian's eyes shrank, and this Le Tongxuan was not relentless, and directly took out the exclusive spiritual weapon of "The Heavenly Girl of Bliss". Be on the drum.

Looking back, the two people on the left and the right are also flying in the air. When Yi Tian saw the appearance of the two of them clearly, he was stunned. It turned out to be Meng Xin, the undercover agent of Baigumen that he met when he went to Xuanyang Cave together last time. , and the other is Yin Wuhui from the Nether Corpse Sect.

Now Yi Tian has an idea in his mind, and he will be happy after going in this time, as long as there is a chance, Yi Tian doesn't mind to settle accounts with Yin Wuhui.

After the three of them landed on the ground, Yi Tian walked forward slowly and said to Le Tongxuan: "Is this the person you are looking for? Is it reliable?"

Le Tongxuan seemed to be asked this question for no reason, so she could only reply with a smile: "You can rest assured that I will protect you, and you can concentrate on breaking the formation."

The two people behind were obviously taken aback when they heard it, Meng Xin just frowned fortunately, while Yin Wuhui showed displeasure on his face, and snorted coldly, obviously he didn't expect that he would be underestimated by others up.

At this time, Le Tongxuan could only laugh a few times, and then began to walk along the main road of Thousand Needles Forest. When she reached the entrance, she turned her head and called softly: "What are you three still in a daze for? Hurry up and leave with him." Yi Tian only felt a tremor in his heart, it seemed that Le Tongxuan had inadvertently cast a charm, scratched his head to see the two people, but they didn't even hum up.

Now, Yi Tian has a deeper understanding of the exercises of the 'Nirvana of Paradise'. Originally, Qin Mingyue once introduced that the exercises of the four parts of Ming Wang Dao were all born out of the 'Asura Transformation'.The "Blissful Heaven" department majors in vocal music. It is said that when it is practiced to the extreme, except for the Son himself, everyone else in the Holy Church will be more or less affected by it.

Seeing this, Yi Tian secretly moved the first layer of the cultivation method, and instantly his mind lost the feeling of erratic, on the contrary, his original heart became more determined in what he did.After catching up with the three of them, Yi Tian also pretended to be here for the first time, and looked around for the next time.

Originally, there were not many people who ventured into Thousand Needles Stone Forest. Since he came here many years ago, Yi Tian has memorized all the roads here. Even without Le Tongxuan leading the way, he was able to find the sealed stone gate. .

What's more, since Yi Tian entered Thousand Needles, the 'Sunshine Wheel' on his forehead fluctuated obviously, as if he had found a friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

After walking in Thousand Needles for nearly a quarter of an hour, the four of them came to the deepest stone gate. Le Tongxuan was overjoyed when she saw it, and the palace lantern in her hand seemed to sense something.After calming down a little, Le Tongxuan said slowly to Yi Tian: "This is it, you help me break the ban as usual, let's go in together and break through."

If I had known that the 'Nirvana of Paradise' in front of me had this idea, Yi Tian just smiled and said via voice transmission: "It's okay for me to help you break the ban, but besides the things you want, I need to choose first." one piece."

Seeing Yi Tian sitting on the ground and raising the price, Le Tongxuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and replied: "No problem, but you can only pick one, and the next one will be divided equally, otherwise it will be difficult for me to explain to others." When Yi Tian nodded, Le Tongxuan was also relieved, and then sent a sound transmission to the two people next to her.After a while of communication, although the two of them had expressions on their faces, it was not easy to get angry, and they just nodded helplessly in agreement.

Now that the matter was settled, Yi Tian also smiled and walked forward, standing in front of Shimen and looking at it.Back then, I used a trick to reconnect the two broken seals. After turning around to look at Le Tongxuan, it was not difficult for Yi Tian to guess that she must have tried to break it with brute force. I have a gray nose.

Yi Tianchao smiled to the three of them, then his right hand flashed, and with his index finger, he tapped a bit of blue spiritual power on the outer restriction.All of a sudden, the three of them saw that the childlike lock-like seal on the outside broke open, and then a vast aura emerged directly from behind the stone gate, shocking everyone outside a few steps back.

Ignoring the surprised gazes of the three, Yi Tian took out the Forbidden Awl and the Formation Disc with a flash of his left hand, and manipulated them with both hands. After activating the two things respectively, he walked forward and looked at the seal in it .When I came last time, I heard that this is a seal jointly made by the three sons of Xuanyang, and Yi Tian is not going to use the blood sacrifice method, which will definitely expose his identity.

Aiming at the red seal in the middle, with a 'bang' sound, a hand-sized formation-breaking disk was pasted on it.Then Yi Tian held the ban-breaking awl in his right hand, murmured something, and after activating it, aimed at the center point of the formation-breaking disk, the Taiji point, and pierced it.

After a flash of red fire, suddenly the aura behind the door became stronger and stronger, like a beast trying to break through the shackles and cages.The entire front of the stone gate shook several times continuously, and the three people behind were so shaken that they couldn't stand on the spot, leaning against the stone pillar on one side to stabilize their figures.

With a sound of 'click', the broken array fell to the ground, and then the red seal on the stone gate was untied. Yi Tian stepped forward and pushed hard with both hands, slowly pushing the two stone gates open. I looked inside and saw a dark passage behind the door.Yi Tian turned around and yelled at Le Tongxuan proudly: "I will do what I say, the restriction has been broken, but don't forget your promise."

"Don't worry, my words don't count. This is not the first time we have cooperated." Le Tongxuan was in a good mood, and she couldn't care about other things at this time, excitedly going into the cave to explore.

And the two people in the back also had lingering fears. The person in front of him could easily break through the restriction of the stone gate, and he might have more places to rely on after entering, so his face softened a little.At least from the current point of view, people also speak based on their strength. Without the leadership of this mage, if something happens here, it is not a good way to just forcefully break the ban.

Le Tongxuan took out four night pearls in her hand, threw three of them respectively, and said to Meng Xin and Yin Wuhui: "What are you waiting for, let's go down, you two don't be lazy next time, when you meet Whatever is in the way, we still have to do it together."

The two nodded silently after hearing this, and they were also comparing in their hearts. At that time, the treasure hunting income will be distributed according to individual efforts, and everyone does not want to be compared.

(End of this chapter)

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