
Chapter 207 Relics

Chapter 207 Relics
The four of them walked in the dark passage, although they held the night pearl in their hands, it could only illuminate the field of vision within ten feet.What's more, the channel of this power is winding, as if it has no bottom. Fortunately, there is no fork in the road, and the three of them walked for half a quarter of an hour before arriving at the deepest stone chamber.

After arriving here, the four of them looked at the environment, and it turned out to be an ordinary stone room with only a round stone platform and three stone chairs in the middle.

Le Tongxuan felt puzzled when she saw it, it didn't look like a place to seal that thing at all, but the lantern in her hand had indeed been sensed when she came in just now, but when she got to the depths, the sense was not there. Disappeared again.

Meng Xin and Yin Wuhui were even more puzzled, there was so much movement at the entrance of the cave just now, but they came in like this, their eyes were full of doubts and incomprehension.The three of them turned to look at Yi Tian, ​​and they had to rely on the formation master in front of them to get here.

In fact, Yi Tianyi also had doubts when he came in. He could sense it at the door just now, but the further he went in, the weaker the sense became, until he reached the deepest point, and there was no sense at all.Needless to say, this must be the formation laid down by the third son of Xuanyang. Looking around, there is nothing but this stone table and chair.

Before the three of them walked up to them, they pushed the furniture lightly and didn't find any movement, but Yitian knew in his heart that the formation set up by Xuanyang's three sons should only be broken by three people working together.After looking at the round stone platform, Yi Tian had a plan in mind, turned to Meng Xin and Yin Wuhui and said, "The three of us sat down one by one, holding the stone platform with our hands, and slowly poured out the spiritual power Try pouring it into the stone platform," then ignored the reaction of the two and sat on the stone chair in the middle.

The two also imitated the example and sat up on their buttocks, and then assisted Shitai with one hand to inject spiritual power into it.After three spiritual lights flashed, the stone platform was activated, and an inscription was revealed on the platform.Meng Xin and Yin Wuhui were about to get up to have a look, when they suddenly heard Yi Tian shout angrily: "What are you doing, sit down and fully activate the inscription first."

Le Tongxuan, who was standing by the side, also showed displeasure, and secretly greeted the two of them in her heart, but she said kindly: "Take it easy, you two, when you find the entrance, let's go in together."

After hearing this, the two of them sat back to their original positions, and when all the patterns on the stone platform appeared, a ten-foot-high light door appeared above the stone platform.A few people didn't move, they just stared blankly at Yi Tian and waited for him to take the next move.

After a cold snort, Yi Tian jumped straight into the light door without hesitation, and then the three of them looked at each other and jumped in one by one.

After a while of dizziness, Yi Tian found himself in a confined space, the surrounding stone walls were covered with thick layers of ice, but there was a stone step leading to it under his feet, and there was an exit not far away.Three people walked through the light gate behind them, the leader, Le Tongxuan, looked excited, and the palace lantern in her hand reacted, it seemed that things were really in front.

Regardless of the reactions of the other three, Le Tongxuan took the lead and walked over.The passage was not long, and after ten breaths, Le Tongxuan walked out of that exit, followed by Meng Xin and Yin Wuhui, but Yi Tian, ​​who entered first, came out last.

The entire stone room is not small, about twenty or thirty feet in radius. In the middle of the stone room is a piece of ice that is as tall as a person, and three talismans are pasted on it.There is also a stone table around it, and there are two jade boxes on it.

In this way, the scene was very awkward. Four people divided three things, but no one wanted to suffer.Le Tongxuan was the first to react. The things she wanted were still sealed in ice. If she didn't make a sound to calm down the scene at this time, the situation might get out of hand.

And Meng Xin and Yin Wuhui obviously sensed the change in the situation, they just kept a safe distance away, and waited for Le Tongxuan to speak.The most relaxed one was Yi Tian, ​​who walked up to look at the sealed piece of ice for a while, then laughed and shook his head, and walked away.

Le Tongxuan went to the stone platform and opened the two jade boxes, then said softly: "Come and see, let's talk about how to divide these things."

Now the one with the highest level of cultivation is Le Tongxuan, but she obviously needs the three of them, especially Yi Tian, ​​so she has to be a little neater in everything.

Going forward, Yi Tian and the three of them scanned the contents of the jade box with their spiritual sense, they were an ice spirit fruit and a Xuanyang fruit.Now Yi Tian's enthusiasm has been reduced by half, although these two things can be used to refine the golden elixir, and the effect is better when combined, but it has become dispensable to Yi Tian now.

After looking at it, Yi Tian showed disappointment on his face, but instead stepped back and shook his head, it was really a big loss to come in this time, none of the three things was what he wanted.Le Tongxuan saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart. The master in front of him may be the key person to break the ice and get the treasure. If he doesn't make a move in a while, it will be troublesome this time.

After knocking on Yi Tian, ​​Le Tongxuan said: "According to the previous agreement, you can choose one thing first, and if you don't like it, please tell me what other requirements you have. Anyway, it won't let you suffer."

"I want a grade-[-] silk, or grade-[-] material, don't pass it off as good, I can tell the difference." After speaking, Yi Tian stared at Le Tongxuan, but in fact I also want to knock her once. If this kind of fat sheep is not slaughtered now, when will it be.

The other two were overjoyed, if the array mage in front of them didn't want it, then everyone would have a share, and no one would suffer.Next, Meng Xin and Yin Wuhui looked at Le Tongxuan, hoping that she would give an explanation, which would be reassuring.

"What do you want silkworm silk for? This kind of material is basically used to refine spirit treasures above level five." Le Tongxuan also asked with surprise.

Yi Tian curled his lips and snorted coldly: "You don't care what I use it for, did you give me a word. I have seen that piece of ice, and it is not so easy to take it out."

Now the three of them used their spiritual sense to scan the ice in the middle and the talisman attached to it, and they all knew in their hearts that what the formation mage in front of them said was right.It will definitely not be easy to break the last three seals.

The expression on Le Tongxuan's face changed several times, and it was only after a while that she transmitted the sound to Yi Tiandao: "I have 'Jiuyou Silk' in my hand, which is not worse than Tiansi Silk, and it is also a grade-[-] refining material, see if it works. "

After hearing this, Yi Tian was also stunned, and quickly passed through the mind of Le Tongxuan's "Jiuyou silk".Over the past few years, Yi Tian has collected a variety of materials in order to refine a 'stand-in doll'. Now that the sixth-level spirit beast blood and spirit wood cores are all available, the sixth-level silkworm silk is not easy to find.As for the 'Jiuyou silk', it can barely be regarded as improvised. After Yi Tian reviewed the production process of the substitute doll, he found that it can also be used as a substitute.

Although he was happy in his heart, he still thought for a while on his face, and then nodded reluctantly.Seeing this, Le Tongxuan turned her head to Meng Xin and Yin Wuhui and said: "You two should divide the things, and then come to help break the ban," and then took out a package from her storage ring, The divine sense controlled and handed it to Yi Tian.

After getting the things, Le Tongxuan's voice came from Yi Tian's ears again: "The things are inside, you can check them first and then put them away." Turning around to see Le Tongxuan's face with a little embarrassment color, and then flashed and pretended nothing happened.Yi Tian was also surprised, and after quietly using his spiritual sense to look inside the package, his face was also full of excitement, and after making eye contact with Le Tongxuan, he pretended to be okay and put the things away directly.

At this time, I burst into laughter in my heart, it turned out that Le Tongxuan actually gave her a close-fitting underwear, which seemed to be woven from 'Jiuyou silk', no wonder it was so embarrassing.Instead, he turned his head and glanced at the two of them, and they all looked very happy after taking the things.

The next step is to do the real work, and Yi Tian walked forward without pretending: "This piece of black ice is sealed by three talismans, and every time a talisman is taken out, it will definitely cause backlash. I will unseal it separately to avoid accidents." Necessary trouble, you are responsible for dealing with the situation that arises."

"You just need to be responsible for opening the talisman, and we will handle it from now on. Be careful, everyone," Le Tongxuan also gestured to the two of them.

This time Yi Tian took out three silver needles, and quietly injected a trace of Xuanyang True Fire into them with spiritual energy in his hand, and the needles of the three silver needles turned red when they were activated.Yi Tian spotted the top talisman with a wave of his right hand and nailed the silver needle on it, only to see a bunch of flames burnt out, and the talisman popped out with a bang, turning into a white ice tiger, facing towards Four people attacked.

With the previous reminder, the three of them also knew that this thing would be weird, and after the mutation started, each of them used their own spells one after another.Yi Tian also kept an eye out, wanting to see how strong Yin Wuhui is.Since the last trip to the ruins, his two bronze armored corpses have been smashed to pieces. I don't know why he came to explore this time.

Meng Xin took out a jade-like white bone, activated by the aura in his hand, and immediately cast the spell of the White Bone Gate.Yin Wuhui took out a refining corpse, but it seemed that the refining time was not long, and the movements of his hands and feet were very stiff when he manipulated it.Le Tongxuan flipped her right hand, and there was an extra jade ring with a ribbon behind it.

Seeing the three fighting, Yi Tian stepped aside to watch the battle.This time, it was also agreed that they would only be responsible for breaking the ban, and the three of them would come to clean up the mess.

But seeing Meng Xin looked at it with a smile, he manipulated the white bone to fly forward under the changed formula in his hand, and collided with the white tiger transformed by spiritual power head-on, and then transformed into a bone prison measuring one foot square to hold the white tiger locked inside.

Yin Wuhui swung his right hand and used Yin Corpse Hand, and punched in the gap of the bone prison, only to see that none of the gray fists missed, and all of them hit the white tiger.The jade ring in Le Tongxuan's hand flew towards the trapped beast with a layer of yellow light, and under one blow, the white tiger transformed into a spiritual weapon was completely scattered.

Now Yi Tian has a general understanding of the strength of the three of them. Although the talisman restriction has been around for thousands of years, its power is not very great.

Next, in order to prevent the three of them from being idle, Yi Tian also directly shot and destroyed the remaining two one by one. The three of them cooperated tacitly, one was sleepy, and the two went up to consume them. In less than three quarters of an hour, the eyes were restrained. All the transformed spirit beasts were dealt with.

(End of this chapter)

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