
Chapter 208 Mantis

Chapter 208 Mantis
In the sealed space behind the Shimen Passage in the deepest part of Thousand Needles Forest, Yi Tian and the others looked around the ice for a long time.An hour ago, the four of them worked together to break the three talismans on the ice seal, and then saw that there seemed to be an object a foot larger in the bare ice block.

Le Tongxuan went up and bombarded it a few times with the spell in her hand, but it was ineffective.Then Meng Xin and Yin Wuhui also stepped forward to try it. The spirit sword in their hands was cut into sharp edges, but the piece of ice still remained motionless.

Seeing that the relic was right in front of her eyes, Le Tongxuan was in a hurry, she repeatedly used King Ming's hand at close range, shaking the whole space, but the piece of ice was not at all A trace of cracking.

Looking at Yi Tian who was doing nothing on the side, Le Tongxuan was also angry, and said via voice transmission: "You also come to think of a way. After taking out the things, there is hope that the Holy Church will be restored, and it will be good for you and me."

"That's the credit of your 'Blissful Heaven'. It has nothing to do with my 'Brahman Mantra Heaven'. Besides, I may not be able to get rid of this thing."

Now Le Tongxuan was so angry that she laughed, Yi Tiangui had the most ideas in front of her, and she stood there with a calm look, probably she was at the bottom of her heart, the key is that she didn't see any benefits.Thinking of this, Le Tongxuan also gently transmitted her voice again: "I think you can form a pill within 30 years of cultivation, and I happen to have a recipe for 'Soul Rescue' in my hand. It is very useful to pass the heart demon oath after the catastrophe."

This time, Yi Tiancai showed some thoughts, but in fact he was very happy in his heart. There was no problem with his skills and lightning-responsiveness to pass the Golden Core Tribulation, but the heart demon had become the biggest obstacle. Now With the 'spiritual rejuvenation' it can be considered to be able to cope with the past.After lightly nodding towards Le Tongxuan, she signaled that the goods must be inspected first.

Le Tongxuan was also refreshed, took out two jade slips and engraved them again, and then threw one to Yi Tian.After taking over, Yi Tian stretched his spiritual sense in and thought about it carefully. This thing seems to be pretty good. The biggest effect of the 'Soul Relief Liquid' is to stabilize the mind.

After reading it carefully, Yi Tian sighed. This recipe recorded two methods of preparing the 'Soul Relief Liquid', corresponding to Jindan and Nascent Soul respectively.From this point of view, it can also be used in the Nascent Soul Stage in the future, but the raw material for the Nascent Soul Stage is an extra piece of soul-suppressing flower, which seems a bit difficult to find.

After recovering his consciousness, Yi Tian nodded to Le Tongxuan, signaling all three to step back.Yi Tian had inspected it when he first came in, and the material of this piece of ice was exactly the same as that at the bottom of the Ice Soul Cave back then.Now except for myself, the three people here must not be able to break through. I have to admire the third son of Xuanyang. The good things are left to the disciples of my own sect. no.

Glancing at the three of them, Yi Tian thought for a while, now is not the time to reveal his identity, so this ice-breaking should be done in a more secretive way.With his right hand, he took out seven silver needles. These formation-breaking spirit weapons were carefully crafted by himself. They looked ordinary on the outside, but the center was empty.Yi Tian held it with his right hand and injected the blue aura into it, and then began to circle around the icicle.

It seemed that he was looking for the forbidden position on the icicle, but when he reached the blind spot of the three people's sight, a trace of Xuanyang real fire in his hand floated directly into the middle of the seven silver needles.Then Yi Tian pretended to shout: "I'm going to start breaking the ban, the three of you step back." After finishing speaking, regardless of the actions of the three of them, he directly moved the silver needle in his hand according to the direction of "Seven Needles Breaking the God's Forbidden". nailed into the ice.

When none of the seven silver needles penetrated half an inch, the aura in Yi Tian's hand was activated, and the heads of the seven silver needles turned red, and traces of Xuanyang real fire came out from them, melting the whole piece of ice. Dozens of gaps.

Then Yi Tian yelled at the three of them: "We are attacking together now", and the three of Le Tongxuan knew how to cast their spells.I saw only three streams of spiritual energy mixed with yellow, white and gray three-color spells blasting directly onto the ice.

And the relics sealed inside were also black spiritual energy flashed by, and the four strands of spiritual power shattered all the ice cubes in the three-foot cylinder, revealing a one-foot-sized dark golden round wheel, which flew in the air for a while. After the circle, he stayed in front of Yi Tian without moving, as if he was looking for something.

Seeing Daxie, Le Tongxuan took out the palace lantern and pointed at it. The round wheel flew over as if seeing its own destination, and circled around the palace lantern happily.Under Le Tongxuan's command and control, the round wheel was considered stable.

I heard Le Tongxuan laughing and saying: "It's over, everyone, let's go, and I will also give you the things I promised you." Then she took out two storage bags and threw them to Meng Xin and Yin Yin respectively. no regrets.

The two of them caught the storage bag and checked it, and they also showed joy on their faces. After all, this visit was worthwhile.

A quarter of an hour later, the four of them returned to the entrance of the stone gate. Yi Tian looked up at the sky above the Thousand Needles Forest and saw the moon at night.I was overjoyed, the seal here seemed to have been broken, so I didn't need to worry about flying high in the future.

Looking back at the three people, it seemed that they hadn't noticed this, and Yi Tian was also amused for a while, and finally walked slowly towards the exit of Thousand Needles Forest.

Suddenly Le Tongxuan stopped in place, and then said with a serious face: "Which fellow Taoist is here, please show up and tell me." After speaking, she deliberately kept a distance from the few people.

Now Yi Tian and Meng Xin also looked nervous, and hurriedly dispersed, and took out the spirit weapon in their hands.On the contrary, it was Yin Wuhui who stopped behind the three of them, slapped the sac in his hand, and released two refined corpses.

And a person floated right in front of the road, Yi Tian looked at it and his pupils froze, it was an old acquaintance Lunar Xing who came, and he escaped once by chance in his hands, but he didn't expect to run into him again now.

Looking at Yin Wuhui behind him, that posture is like delaying time.Yi Tian lightly transmitted the sound to Le Tongxuan, who nodded knowingly and said with a smile: "I don't know why you are blocking the way here?"

Yin Lixing said with a smile: "Le Dao's friendly means, I have obtained the relics of the Ming Dynasty, and I want to see it."

As soon as the words were finished, everyone stopped talking. This posture seemed to take all three of them, and even Meng Xin was sweating.Although the Bone Gate and the Yin Corpse faction are allies, the Yin Corpse faction does not play cards according to common sense in the lunar calendar line in front of them, and often acts secretly.Therefore, the disciples in the Baigumen also had a lot of precautions against his Yin family, but this time encountering Yin Wuhui was really a disaster.

Yi Tian looked at the situation in front of him, although Le Tongxuan Jindan was a little bit disadvantaged in the early days of the upper lunar calendar, but because "Ji Le Tian" is one of the four Ming Wangdao, Yi Tian knew that Le Tongxuan was definitely not simple.Putting aside the biggest threat, dealing with Yin Wuhui is much easier, maybe you can take advantage of the chaos and kill him directly.

Before the two Golden Core cultivators could make a move, Yin Wuhui made the move, commanding the two refining corpses to charge forward.Yi Tian sent a voice transmission to Meng Xin and said: "We can fly up, the restriction of Thousand Needles Stone Forest has been broken." After saying that, he directly raised a shield stake in his hand, and knocked the refining corpse flying up.

Meng Xin also shot out the bone spear from his hand, and the four white bone spears hit the refining corpse directly.But this time, there was no imaginary situation that knocked the refining corpse into the air, it just made it stop for a while.

Seeing this, Meng Xin exclaimed, "It's weird."

"The silver-armored corpse refined by me is so easy to break through, don't struggle, boy of the Bone Gate," said Le Tongxuan, who is the most difficult thing now.

With a 'coax' sound, the two Golden Core cultivators shot directly, Le Tongxuan directly took out the palace lantern, jumped high after the fight, and flew towards the Xuanling Sect.

Yi Tian and Meng Xin, who were on the side, also took the opportunity to fly into the air, and the two of them flew in non-stop directions.Lunar Calendar Xing only realized that he had been tricked after being stunned for a moment. The prohibition of Thousand Needles Stone Forest had been broken, and now there was no obstacle in the air.

Before leaving, he did not forget to say to Yin Wuhui: "You must catch at least one, go quickly."

The latter also turned black. He didn't expect these three people to be so cunning, especially the formation master, who should have seen through the Thousand Needles Forest was broken early in the morning.Yin Wuhui also gritted his teeth angrily, abandoning Meng Xin and directly chasing in the direction of Yi Tian's escape.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian looked at Yin Wuhui who was chasing after him with lingering fear. It is reasonable that the two people's cultivation bases are not much different, but Yin Wuhui actually controlled the silver armored corpse to come all the way.The speed of the two remained about the same, but Yi Tian absolutely didn't want to miss such a good opportunity, but the other party had a silver armor corpse to protect him, and he didn't know how powerful it was.

After thinking about the three breaths, Yi Tian decided to take the risk and try it. In the worst case, he can still run if he can't beat it.Yi Tian took out three flywheels and a ghost face flower seed after he could no longer feel the lunar calendar within the range of his consciousness.After looking at the pursuers behind him, he also smiled lightly, stopped abruptly in the air, and rushed towards Yin Wuhui.

The two were already separated by more than a mile. Since Yi Tian turned around, the two of them entered the range of the spell within three breaths.With one finger of his left hand, Yi Tian controlled the three flywheels and surrounded them, and with his right hand, he made a move of King Ming's hand, ready to go.

Yin Wuhui, under the two sides, exclaimed in surprise: "Why is it you?" Then he also showed a wicked smile on his face, and formed seals with both hands, manipulating the silver armored corpse to meet the enemy head-on.The blue fist 'Puff' hit the silver-armored corpse continuously, but it could only knock it back a few steps. When the spell disappeared, the silver-armored corpse rushed forward again.

Yi Tian smiled and shouted: "Good time," he flicked with five fingers on his left hand, and four fireballs mixed with an activated seed shot directly at the silver armored corpse.

Yin Wuhui used Yin Corpse Hand with one hand to knock the three flying wheels flying one after another, and with the other hand, he controlled the Silver Armor Corpse to avoid the four fireballs, but there was a sneer on his face.But when he saw Yi Tian on the opposite side also smiling, Yin Wuhui was stunned for a moment, and an ominous premonition slowly emerged.

After ten breaths, the silver-armored corpse's movements suddenly slowed down. Seeing this, Yin Wuhui panicked, realizing that it must be his opponent's fault.After making seals with both hands, he was about to regain control of the silver-armored corpse, when suddenly he saw a blue vine vein spreading from the silver-armored corpse, and at the end of the vine vein, a one-foot-large flower bud opened its bloody mouth , according to the head of the silver-armored corpse and bit down fiercely.

Yin Wuhui, who was standing in the distance, had a sneer on his face at first, but slowly under the control of the formula in his hand, the refined corpse became less obedient, and after three breaths, the silver-armored corpse in the air began to fall Lost.

(End of this chapter)

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