
Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Yi Tian, ​​who was standing in the air, was also happy when he saw that he had dealt with the silver-armored corpse in twos and twos.Now that Tu Qiongdao has seen him, the disguise on his body is meaningless, and the next step is to take advantage of his illness to kill him, and settle the old and new scores together.

With a flick of the bamboo hat on his head, Yi Tian tore off the human skin mask, and after showing his true face, Yi Tian smiled and said, "Yin Wuhui finally understands our matter." Said that his whole body was covered by red aura, Yi Tian escaped from the fire With a flash in the air, he flew in front of Yin Wuhui.Before the opponent could react, he caught the three flywheels with one hand, and then a ball of flames flashed by. Yi Tian glanced at Yin Wuhui who was three feet away, and controlled the fire flywheels with both hands and sawed them directly.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it at such a short distance, Yin Wuhui was covered with a gray halo shield all over his body, and he revealed all the corpses in his hands, and he didn't slow down the flywheel.It wasn't until the spinning flywheel sawed through Yin Wuhui's protective shield that he showed surprise and shouted incoherently: "You can't kill me, my ancestor will not let you go, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, the ancestor I will also find you with the imprint of the Yin family," before he could finish speaking, he was torn to pieces by the three flywheels.

This time, Yi Tian was stunned. After killing Yin Wuhui, he obviously felt as if he was entangled by something.If you were an ordinary monk, you might not be able to detect it, but Yi Tian's spiritual consciousness was too much higher than the same level, so he split a strand and directly checked his body, and suddenly found a trace of grayish-white yin entangled on the little toe of his left foot. gas.But no matter what method I take, this trace of Yin Qi can't get rid of like a lingering ghost.

At this time, Lunar Xing, who was three hundred miles away, suddenly felt tense, as if something important had happened, and with an extremely ominous thought, he stopped chasing and checked with his divine sense.

At a glance, the whole person went berserk, and the natal jade tablet engraved with Yin Wuhui in the storage ring was broken, and now Le Tongxuan was abandoned by the Lunar Calendar, and flew towards the marked direction, still mad in his mouth. He roared: "Boy, no matter where you go to the ends of the earth, I will catch you. How can my Yin family kill me so casually?"

Yi Tian, ​​who is hundreds of miles away, also has a helpless face at this time. Anyone who has a tracking mark on his body will feel uncomfortable. There is no way to prevent thieves for a thousand days. It seems that this matter will have to wait until returning to the Zongmen Then I asked the boss for help.

After tidying up Yin Wuhui's things, Yi Tian flew in the direction of Chiyan Hill, but within a quarter of an hour, he found something was wrong.In the scattered spiritual consciousness, he found a powerful spiritual pressure approaching him rapidly. Thanks to Yi Tian's own strong spiritual consciousness, if he found out too late, he would definitely be caught.

Moreover, the other party took a detour to intercept him on his way back to the Chiyan Hills, so Yi Tian had no choice but to turn around and run away immediately.Exercising all his escapism, he thought that the Lunar Calendar would be gradually pulled away by him, but he didn't expect that it was different from the last time. In his consciousness, he felt that the opponent was slowly closing the distance. This time, Yi Tian was frightened. The wood fire aura is fully activated, and I don't think that good luck will always be by my side, and it must be over if I get caught this time.

Walking in the lunar calendar hundreds of miles away was also depressing. At my own speed, an ordinary Jindan early-stage monk would never be able to run, but the opponent, a late-stage foundation-building monk, was only slowly shrunk into the distance.Lunar calendar Xingxin bit his fingertips, and his whole body was instantly covered by a cloud of blood, and his speed increased by three points.

Yi Tian, ​​who was fleeing ahead, was startled, at this speed, he would definitely be caught up within an hour.After hastily taking out the map and looking at it, Yi Tian frowned, and after three breaths, he seemed to have made up his mind, and suddenly changed course and flew towards Chengshan Kingdom halfway.

At this time, Yi Tian was also anxious, until he flew into the entrance of the red copper concentrate in Chengshan Kingdom, and then he eased his mind.After activating the trapped formation that had been set up before, Yi Tian also directly found the passage to the Li family's mining area.Relying on the original memory, Yi Tian quickly found the teleportation tunnel.No matter so much, after counting the time, Yi Tian still has nearly a quarter of an hour to spare.

After finding the door, Yi Tian squeezed the formula in his hand, opened the original seal formation, and then revealed a stone door.After pushing away for more than a foot, a person just passed by, Yi Tian slipped in, and then closed the stone door casually.

Looking at the teleportation array on the ground, Yi Tian checked back and forth and confirmed that the array was correct, then took out all the middle-grade spirit stones in his storage bracelet, and filled the four energy slots respectively.

After a flash of golden light, the pattern of the teleportation array was activated, and now Yi Tian hurriedly took out the nameplate of 'Brahman Curse Heaven', and stood in the middle of the teleportation array by himself.After ten breaths, the patterns in the entire teleportation room were activated, and a white light lit up, covering Yi Tian in the formation.After the formation pattern turned rapidly, a void space door opened above the teleportation formation, and Yi Tian's whole body seemed to turn into a white light and fell into it at once.

The Lunar Calendar, who was tracking in the air, performed the blood escape technique one after another, and seeing that the distance was shortened to within a hundred miles, he was able to lock the position with his mid-Gold Core consciousness.But suddenly the fleeing person in front got into the deep mountain, and the other party remained motionless for a quarter of an hour. Yin Lixing felt that something was wrong, and rushed in that direction.After arriving at the mining area, I realized that there was a fog in front of me. Before I could break through, the whole mountain shook suddenly, and then the sense of meaning disappeared.

This time Lunar Xing was so angry that he cursed out loud. Although this is the territory of the Red Yang Sect, he is famous for his no taboos, and has set up monitoring eyes unique to the Yin Corpse Sect in the mine.He has concluded that this foundation-building cultivator must have something to do with the Chiyang Sect. If you have a goal, you can find someone. Lunar Xing swore to the sky: "No regrets, don't worry, no matter where he goes, I will definitely find him in my lifetime." To avenge you."

There have long been disciples of Chiyang Sect guarding the sect, and Yinshi Sect Jindan monks came to Chengshan Kingdom to make trouble.For this, the Chiyang faction has already prepared a mobile force, under the direct leadership of Yan Jungang, and must fight back against all invading enemies.

The lunar calendar trip also had no choice but to retreat. Before leaving, he didn't forget to vent his anger at the mines in Chengshan Kingdom, and then flew towards the north angrily.

But it was said that Yi Tian stood still after a period of trance.Looking back, the surrounding environment is the same cave, and the inside looks the same as the other end of the teleportation array.Yi Tian walked out in three or two steps, then turned his head and turned the hub of the teleportation array, and the entire teleportation array went dark in an instant.After checking the locked teleportation array, Yi Tian also wiped the cold sweat off his head. Fortunately, he knew that there was a way to escape. Even if the other party found the teleportation array, he couldn't use it now.

In the teleportation room, Yi Tian also stopped to take a rest, and he was unfamiliar with the place now.But fortunately, there is still Ming Wang Dao active in southern Xinjiang, as long as you look for opportunities to find the "Emperor Yutian" department to mix in, it is still appropriate to find some cultivation resources.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also felt relaxed, took out the spirit stone and spirit wine and began to meditate to recover his spirit power.

Three days later, Yi Tian came out of the teleportation room after finishing his repairs, and walked along the winding road for nearly an hour before seeing a glimmer of light.After removing the weeds at the entrance of the cave, I realized that this is a barren mountain facing the sea, and the exit is behind some piles of rocks, which is very hidden.

Turning around, Yi Tian took out a few formation disks, and set up a small psychedelic formation here, which can cover the deserted beaches ten miles around. After finishing these, Yi Tian felt that it was not enough, so don’t do it Lift some rocks to block that way out.Then I put an identification mark on the largest stone, which can be regarded as leaving a way for myself.

After doing this, Yi Tian got up and leaped into the sky and flew slowly towards the inland direction, using the breath holding technique on his body to suppress his cultivation base to the ninth level of Qi training.When I first arrived, I didn't want to cause any trouble. The most urgent thing to do was to find a fair for cultivating immortals, buy a map and explore the sphere of influence of the sects in southern Xinjiang.

According to the previous news from Shangguan Dingsheng and Zhuge Wudi, the entire southern border was the territory of Ming Wangdao thousands of years ago, and then the collapse of Ming Wangdao was caused by the fall of high-level officials.But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and Ming Wangdao's remnant power here should not be underestimated.

And there is Le Tongxuan, his "Ji Le Tian" department is definitely a hidden force, after thousands of years, it must have changed into another sect, and Yi Tian can be sure that the biggest woman in southern Xinjiang The sect must be her "Elysium" department.

After flying hundreds of miles, more and more people can be seen on the ground. Yi Tian is flying at high altitude, so he can see clearly.After the same monk flew over in front of him, Yi Tian also politely kept a safe distance from the other party, and then asked the location of the nearest Xiuxianfang City through sound transmission.

After asking a few monks, they all got the same answer. Two hundred miles away from here, there is a Xiuxianfang City called "Chang'an Collection" where monks can buy supplies. The guarding monks of "Chang'an Collection" are here The largest martial art "Excalibur School" inner door disciples on duty.

After hearing the news, Yi Tian was also full of wonders, how come there is an Excalibur sect here in Southern Xinjiang, why hadn't he heard Shangguan Dingsheng mention it before.It stands to reason that although the kingly way has declined, those small schools and factions cannot be allowed to ride on their heads, not to mention that it means that the kingly way has penetrated into all schools and schools in southern Xinjiang.

It's useless to think too much, Yi Tian flew towards there with a normal heart.In less than two hours, I saw a low-lying basin surrounded by mountains in the distance, and the 'Chang'an Ji' I was looking for should be there.

Fifty miles away, Yi Tian had already set his head on a cloud, so he had to disguise himself to go in this time.

An hour later, Yi Tian walked slowly on the main road towards 'Chang'an Ji', put away all the important belongings on his body, and put a storage bag on his waist, which contained thousands of spirit stones as a spare .

(End of this chapter)

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