
Chapter 210

Chapter 210
Standing on the street of Chang'anji, Yi Tian held a map of the area in his hand, staring at the two big characters 'Xihuang' on it.Now my heart was really trembling, and I couldn't help thinking: "Isn't the teleportation array going directly to the southern border, how could it have reached the Western Wilderness?" After putting away the map, he took out five spirit stones and paid the bill. This time, Yi Tian leisurely wanted to find an inn to rent a spirit mansion, and prepared to carefully study the next countermeasures.

After paying one month's rent, Yi Tian took the jade card to find the cave, and used the jade card to open the restriction of the cave, and Yi Tian strode in.Looking around, the conditions of the Dongfu here are not bad. Compared with the monks in the Qi refining period, it is definitely a good place to practice. Compared with the conditions in Dongao, the concentration of spiritual energy in Xihuang is higher. Even the Dongfu in this kind of place The concentration of aura in it is almost the same as that of the lowest blessed land in his own sect.

After sitting down, he took out the map and checked it carefully, only to recall that he didn't see the coordinates clearly at the teleportation array.The teleportation array dedicated to the Holy Son of the King of Ming Dynasty is a multi-point teleportation hub, that is to say, there is a teleportation point in Dong'ao, Nanjiang, and Xihuang.I can only blame myself for being too impatient at that time, and I didn't even see the position of the mark on it, so I sent it directly.

After arriving here, I realized that I ran to the wrong place, and now it is far from the original expectation.The previously expected wish to sneak into the forces of Ming Wangdao and use the inner heaven and earth to form alchemy directly fell through.Looking at the map in my hand, it only marked about one-eighth of the western wilderness. If you need other more detailed information, you can only go to Tianjian City, which is thousands of miles away.

Unlike Dong Ao, which is controlled by six factions, there are only three factions in the entire West Wilderness, namely the Excalibur Sect, the Demon Palace, and the Maiden Sect.Now Yi Tian's territory is still the territory of the Excalibur Sect, and it is considered relatively peaceful here. As for the territory controlled by the other two factions, I don't know what will happen.

But in the territory of the Divine Sword Sect, most of the caves and blessed places with strong aura are controlled by the sect.If Yi Tian wants to form an alchemy, there are only a few situations. The best strategy is to join the Shenjianmen to obtain the blessed land of the sect, and then go to Tianjian City to rent a cave of the blessed land for cultivation at a high price. Private cave.

After weighing it, he found that only the middle strategy was more suitable for him. Now Yi Tian also made a decision in his heart. With his skill in refining weapons and alchemy, it should not be a problem to go to Tianjian City to make a living.

After sorting out the contents of the Xiayin Wuhui Storage Bracelet, it turned out that there was the Yin Corpse Sect's secret book "Yin Corpse Art" and tens of thousands of spirit stones, as well as some Yin-type spiritual tools and materials. more.It was only then that Yi Tian realized that Yin Wuhui was also a drug addict. Fortunately, he had his ancestors to take care of him. Otherwise, how could it be possible for a monk like him to practice to the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

After packing up the things in the cave, Yi Tian went straight out and retreated the cave.It would take at least a month to fly to Heavenly Sword City along the way, and he had to pay attention to the checkpoints and outposts of the Excalibur Sect on the way.Therefore, before departure, Yi Tian went to the 'Chang'an Collection' to register his identity, holding a jade badge of identity on his body, so it would be easy to talk if he was questioned.

The Excalibur Sect is the head of the three sects in the Western Wilderness, with tens of thousands of disciples, hundreds of foundation disciples in the inner sect, and dozens of elders at the Jindan level.A super big faction like this can basically dominate the six factions in Dongao.Heavenly Sword City is the most important stronghold of the Divine Sword Sect in the southern region, in other words, it is also like a frontier fortress.

From the map, further south is the territory of Tianmomen and Maiden faction, and the situation of three parts of the world is basically bounded by Tianjian City.Fortunately, the three factions have been living in peace for hundreds of years, so there are often many disciples from the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Maiden Sect coming in and out of Tianjian City.As long as everyone abides by the rules, the Nascent Soul cultivator stationed in Tianjian City will not ask too many questions.

After memorizing the information of these three sects, Yi Tian has a preliminary understanding of the situation in the Western Wilderness. Where there are monks, there is demand. There is also a sword manual in his storage bracelet, and he will find a place to start a family Shop, just find a few things to build, basically you don't have to worry about eating and drinking.

More than a month later, in the procession team outside Tianjian City, dozens of foundation-building monks slowly moved forward on the dedicated passage.Compared with the long queue of hundreds of people next to it, it was much better.This group of people is now queuing up honestly, and no one dares to make mistakes.At the gate of the city, there are two Guardians of the Golden Core stage monks of the Excalibur Gate, and five or six Foundation Establishment stage monks are busy registering, so the order of the scene is still maintained very well.

Yi Tian, ​​who walked forward wearing a bamboo hat, was asked to show his identity certificate, and to leave pictures and pictures according to everyone's appearance.Although Yi Tian had a hundred reluctances in his heart, he could only pretend to cooperate on the surface.I wanted to enter the city to fish in troubled waters, but I didn't expect that the guards here are really strict.

When registering the information, Yi Tian directly reported his real name, and his occupation is a craftsman.Although he was only under 60 years old, in order to avoid trouble, Yi Tian directly added 150 years old in front, and lied about his age of [-] years old, so that he would not be targeted by interested people.

With the identity jade card brought by 'Chang'an Ji', it is more convenient at the entrance of Tianjian City. Generally, people who come from their own camp from the rear are much more innocent than those who come from the other side's sect.

Just as Yi Tian was about to walk in after getting the jade card, suddenly a Golden Core cultivator on duty opened his eyes and looked Yi Tian up and down, and then said: "This little friend, please take a step to speak."

I don't know what the other party intends to do, but Yi Tian doesn't believe that being in the public eye will be bad for him, so he stepped forward and said: "I don't know what the seniors have to teach, and the younger ones are all ears."

"My surname is Zheng, and I am the deacon of the Divine Sword Sect stationed here."

Yi Tian looked surprised when he heard this, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I don't know if it's Elder Zheng in person, please advise."

"I think fellow Taoists are superbly cultivated and also a craftsman. I don't know if you intend to take root in Tianjian City. The Zheng family is in short supply of craftsmen. If you can help me, it will be like a tiger with wings." Elder Zheng said with a smile .

Yi Tian also looked puzzled about this, but with an attitude of not offending others, he only needs to agree vaguely first, and express that he has some things to deal with first, and if he wants to wait for the matter, he will come to visit Zheng's house.

Elder Zheng just smiled all over his face, then took out an iron nameplate and handed it to Yi Tian, ​​and told him to go directly to the Zheng family's crafting shop in the east of Tianjian City if necessary.

In the end, Yi Tian raised his own question and said: "I don't know what virtue and ability I can get into Elder Zheng's eyes?"

"To tell you the truth, I have passed a method of hopeful qi when I practiced it below. My little friend's fire-type kung fu skills are far superior to those of the same level. I think the attainments in weapon refining are not low. That's why this old man invites you."

These Yi geniuses realized that it wasn't because they couldn't get enough of their breath-holding technique, but because they had a special way to see through them.It seems that there is no need to delay to improve the cultivation base, and it is okay in the Daoist sect, but if you meet a few high-level monks from the demonic sect, you will be in trouble.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian turned around and bowed to Elder Zheng, and said that as long as his business was over, he would definitely visit his Zheng family.

After the episode at the gate of the city, Yi Tian also has a new understanding of Tianjian City. The Excalibur School seems to be constantly absorbing various casual cultivator elites to enrich their own strength. How is your strength.

After walking through several bazaars, Yi Tiancai found that there are materials below the fourth grade everywhere, and the quality is better than Dongao's.But once it reaches level [-] and above materials, they are basically under control.This is also the rule set by the Excalibur Sect, all materials above the intermediate level must flow out through the channel authorized by the sect.

If a casual cultivator like Yi Tian wants to obtain high-grade materials, he must go to a designated refining shop or go to the Xihuang Mountains to find them by himself.I found out from several shops passing by that two auctions will be held in Moon Sky Sword City next month, and monks of the Foundation Establishment level can participate in one of the large auctions.

Casual cultivators like Yitian still need to hold the registration certificate of a craftsman or an alchemist to participate, or to be attached to a certain force, or to be a representative of those merchants in Tianjian City.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian decided to try his luck at Zheng's Artifact Refining Shop. Since the Elder Jin Dan intended to win him over, it would be wise for him not to use it.Slowly walking through the two streets, it was the Zheng family's refining shop that lit up in front of my eyes.The exterior of Zheng's shop is well-decorated, with mahogany doors and columns as thick as buckets, and there are a few monks in the Qi refining period at the door to attract customers.

After walking forward, a young servant came up and asked, "Do you have any spiritual artifacts you want to choose? All monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage can go to the second floor of our store to pick out high-quality goods."

Thinking that Zheng's Artifact Refining Shop was treated with extra courtesy, Yi Tian also smiled and then took out the nameplate and said: "I am invited by Elder Zheng to come and pay a visit."

The guys around all changed their colors when they saw the nameplate, and hurriedly and respectfully invited Yi Tian to the reception room on the third floor.After serving the tea, I will inform you, and please wait for a while.Before finishing a cup of tea, the door of the room was opened, and a 40-year-old Confucian scholar came in, his cultivation level was about the same as Yi Tian's.

After getting up to greet the ceremony, the two also greeted each other and sat down as guests and hosts. The Confucian scholar said first: "My humble Zheng Yong is the shopkeeper of this shop. You and I can only be called friends."

So Yi Tian also said: "Zheng Daoyou".

"My ancestor sent a message to me before, saying that he had made friends with a refiner with a surname of Yi. I didn't expect that a fellow Taoist would come to the door within half a day."

Yi Tian also murmured in his heart, "Then Elder Zheng must be aware of the situation in Tianjian City, knowing that he will be restrained everywhere after entering, so he made friends early, but he doesn't know the vision of the shopkeeper Zheng in front of him. '

"I'm just an ordinary third-level craftsman, and I'm lucky to be able to enter Elder Zheng's eyes. Now I'm going to your store, hoping to find a place to live."

After hearing Yi Tian's introduction, Zheng Yong also frowned, but since it was explained by the ancestor, it was not easy to save face.After thinking for a while, he said: "There is also a branch of the Bidian located in the north of the city, which specializes in repairing spiritual artifacts. If you don't want to give up, can you sit here?"

Yi Tian agreed without even thinking about it, but turned around and asked, "I don't know what capacity I am entering your store with?"

This time Zheng Yong was stumped. Originally, he could arrange a high-level offering based on the ancestor's nameplate, but the person in front of him was called a third-level craftsman, and he could barely be regarded as an intermediate-level offering in the Zheng family's crafting shop.Zheng Yong also felt that it would be far less troublesome to send people far away, and it would be easier for the ancestors in the future.Immediately, Yi Tian was given the title of a senior priest and the salary of a middle-level priest. After explaining the matter, he gave Yi Tian a nameplate and sent him off to take up the post.

(End of this chapter)

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