
Chapter 211

Chapter 211
The northern block of Tianjian City is a place frequented by low-level monks and casual cultivators of foundation building, and the refining shop opened by the Zheng family here is mainly for these people's business.Anyway, they won't spend a lot of money to buy high-quality spiritual tools, so the main business of the branch is mainly repairs, and there are rare refining requests.

Zheng Fu, the treasurer of the Qi refining period in the Zheng family's refining shop, is squatting bored and guarding the storefront. A few days ago, the main shop sent a refining master to guard.Unexpectedly, after the man came, he walked around the store, and then ordered to call if there was any work, and then he went into the refining room and did not come out for a few days.

Yi Tian is not stupid, entering Tianjian City by himself is nothing more than buying some materials, and then inquiring about the news.Now that there is an identity cover, it just happens to be convenient.Since the purpose is very clear, there is no need to waste time. Anyway, I have already obtained the identity certificate, so I will wait until the auction next month.Yi Tian's plan is that he has almost all the materials for crossing the catastrophe in his hand, and he also has the raw materials for the golden pill, so he just needs to find a suitable place to refine it.

After entering the Zheng family's refining shop, Yi Tian didn't care about his business, just stayed in the refining room, opened the restriction and sat on the ground, studying the 'Golden Sun does not damage the body' technique.After reading the entire Jade Slips, Yi Tiancai discovered the benefits of this exercise. It was originally a body training technique with a total of five layers, which can be cultivated from the Qi refining period.A cultivation base like Yi Tian's can directly reach the fourth floor, but this cultivation process still needs a lot of support from Lingyang Grass.

But the effect is also great. According to Yu Jian, after reaching the peak of the fourth city, he can resist a thunderbolt.Now Yi Tian was very happy. What he was most afraid of was that the seal in his dantian would make trouble for him when he formed the alchemy and lightning calamity, so the exercises he practiced for this matter were all defense-oriented.

Forget the four ways of forming pills and the fifth way that the seal may cause trouble, Yi Tian must at least practice the three spells of Spiral Fire Shield, True Flame Armor and Golden Sun Immortal Body to the extreme of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Grasp the pill formation.

In the following time, Yi Tian ran to the medicine shops and street stalls in Tianjian City when he was free, and collected Lingyang grass regardless of its quality.Although this Lingyang grass is only a second- and third-tier elixir, it can't stand Yi Tian's large quantity, and the price of Lingyang grass on the market has increased by more than [-]% in a few days.

Now Yi Tian also knew it was good and took it away, and planted the bought Lingyang grass directly in the spirit planting pot, and all of them were mixed with intermediate spirit planting soil.It's a pity that there is no blessed land of Lingdong. It will take at least ten years to ripen these Lingyang grasses to grow to level four.

However, the time is still quite urgent. Yi Tian intends to form alchemy within 30 years, and at least 15 years to complete the 'Golden Sun Immortal Body', and the rest of the time is used to polish himself to the best state.

Just when Yi Tian seized the time to practice, a message was sent.It turned out that the shopkeeper of this branch had received a request to repair some spiritual artifacts.This is also Yi Tian's job, seeing that it is difficult to refuse, he has no choice but to reply, and ask Zheng Fu to send all the things.

Originally, Zheng Fu was also unhappy with Yi Tian, ​​but the people sent from above were not easy to offend, and besides, his cultivation base was a big difference.But these did not prevent Zheng Fu from making some small moves and withholding half of the repair materials sent.

After taking away a bunch of things, Yi Tiancai realized that he hadn't asked clearly how far he wanted to repair it.Looking at the three tattered spiritual weapons in his hands, Yi Tian smiled and shook his head.After ordering the materials for repair, I estimated that although it is for repairing the fourth-level spiritual weapon, there are still many more.

After sweeping those spiritual weapons with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian pointed a little spark to the refining furnace in the room, and then directly threw the three spiritual weapons into it. Yi Tian was also perfunctory for this level of spiritual weapons , Practice as fast as you want, and finally engraved the inscriptions at the same time.

Originally, this spiritual artifact was calculated to be ten days away, and there are still nearly twenty days before the auction.In order not to be disturbed anymore, Yi Tian counted enough time this time.He only waited until the morning of the auction to summon Zheng Fu, handed him the three spirit artifacts, and then informed him of his itinerary.Zheng Fu also knew the interest, and directly handed over the voucher in the store to Yi Tian, ​​saying that he could use it when participating in the auction.

Now Yi Tian's things are all ready, and then he takes out a black broadsword from the storage bracelet and gives it to Zheng Fu, and tells him that it is a consignment item in the store.

The latter calculated the price of [-] spirit stones, but the store would take [-]% of the price, so Yi Tian just smiled and nodded in agreement.Anyway, this material is also refined from the black blood iron in Yin Wuhui's storage bag. After training, picking up this knife always feels cold and uncomfortable. It's okay to sell this thing to those evil and crooked monks .

Half a day later, at the registration office of the auction, holding the certificate of Zheng's Artifact Refining Shop, Yi Tian was considered innocent, and the guards at the door just scanned with their spiritual sense and let him go.After entering, I found that the auction was not what I imagined. There were some stalls and shops outside the auction for monks to trade.

At the registration office, Yi Tian took out a soul-destroying bell and wanted to sell it on consignment. The Jindan monk in charge of the registration gave it a price of [-] after looking at it. The price is marked a little higher on the certificate.After taking it back and registering it, Yi Tian just said 'thank you', then turned around and went to the street stall to find some things.

After walking around the booth, Yi Tian didn't think there was anything good, and probably there wasn't much eye-catching material here.When he was feeling bored, there was a quarrel between two monks next to the booth, which attracted a large group of people watching. After seeing it, Yi Tian stepped forward to have a look out of curiosity.It turned out that two Foundation Establishment monks, one black and one white, were arguing endlessly over a piece of krypton gold mine that weighed about twenty catties.

I heard from others that this black-faced man named Du Heiyi is a casual cultivator of foundation building, and he specializes in digging graves. Nine out of ten items on his stall were dug out from the graves of four people.And that white-faced monk named Shui Dongcheng specially picked up leaks on the street stalls. This time, he probably took a fancy to the good things on Du Heiyi's street stalls, but he was recognized by others and both sides refused to suffer, so they quarreled.

Originally, Yi Tian didn't care about the quarrel between the two, but when he glanced at Du Heiyi's waist, he was stunned.He only saw a token with the word 'Kun' written on it hanging around his waist, and the style was exactly the same as the two tokens with the characters 'gan' and 'Xun' in his storage bracelet.

This time, Yi Tian kept his eyes open, and when he saw that the two were arguing, he stepped forward and said: "Why do you two have to argue about a krypton gold mine, let's sit down and talk about it."

Du Heiyi snorted coldly and said, "Where did you come from? What's your business? It's none of your business here."

Shuidong City cast a glance at Yi Tian, ​​and then sneered, "Just ask him to sell me the [-] spirit stones from the krypton gold mine."

Sweeping the ore in Du Heiyi's hand with his spiritual sense, Yi Tian pondered for a while before saying: "This ore is about twenty catties, even if it is a rich ore, it only produces less than eight taels of krypton gold, and the market price is at best That's [-] spirit stones."

Seeing doubts on the faces of the two, Yi Tian sent the sound transmission directly.After a while, the two nodded incessantly, then returned to the booth and waited for Yi Tian.The people around gradually dispersed without seeing the excitement, and then Yi Tian walked forward slowly, took out a fourth-level spiritual weapon from the storage bag and handed it to Shuidongcheng, and took out five thousand spiritual stones Plus the original [-], all were given to Du Heiyi in exchange for the Krypton Gold Mine in his hands.

Both of them were puzzled when they saw it. The person in front of him was obviously at a disadvantage, but he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.After the transaction was completed, Yi Tianyi inquired that the two of them also came to participate in the auction.I was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "The two of you might as well go into the private room with me, it's much better than sitting in the hall. Now I'm enshrined by the Zheng family's craftsman, how can I ask you two?"

As soon as Shuidongcheng heard that it was the Zheng family, he took a serious look, and then respectfully said: "I'm sorry to bother you." In fact, he was a casual cultivator so much that he regarded Yi Tian as a member of the Excalibur sect.

On the contrary, Du Heiyi thought for a while and then showed a tangled look. For a notorious monk like him, it was too late for others to hide, and everyone knew how he would invite him for no reason and show courtesy for nothing.

Looking at the expressions of the two, Yi Tian's main goal was still on Du Heiyi, and after thinking for a while, he sent the sound transmission to him again, and the latter nodded after hearing it and thought for a while before agreeing.

After the three of them walked into the private room and sat down, they all looked at the scene in the hall separately, and saw that the seats below were densely packed with people.Unlike the two of them, Yi Tian sent a voice transmission to Du Heiyi when he saw the opportunity: "Brother Du, I am a little interested in your building this token, can you tell me where you can find it?"

Now Du Heiyi finally found the reason, and he smiled at Yi Tian before saying: "I found this thing in a relic, there should have been several tokens there, but unfortunately they were all smashed Yes, I put it away because I saw it was extraordinary, and the other five pieces are all missing."

Shui Dongcheng knew that there must be something important when he saw the sound transmission between the two, so he smiled and said: "Since both of you have entered the room, there is no need to hide it. There is a sound-proof barrier here, and outsiders can't hear it." We were talking," after finishing speaking, he looked at the two with a playful look.

Now Yi Tian also smiled, and said in his heart, "This matter seems to have a clue, but according to the token, it should be a large eight-door golden lock array, and it can't be broken by only one person." ', turned to look at the two people and said: "I have to ask Brother Du beforehand, if Brother Du doesn't agree, then everything will be hands-free."

Seeing that there was something in Yi Tian's words, Du Heiyi was also a straightforward person, and said directly: "You should be looking for the ruins, to be honest, I only have one token, and I don't know how to break the formation."

Shuidong City also looked at Yi Tian with a puzzled expression, and then motioned to tell the rest of the story.Seeing that Yi Tian couldn't hold back anymore, he took out the other two tokens and handed them to the two.

After Du Heiyi took out his own piece for comparison, the smile on his face became brighter, and he hurriedly said: "The same texture should be a set."

But Shuidongcheng frowned. Although the craftsman on the opposite side seemed to be trying to recruit people into his gang, he had no bargaining chips, so he would inevitably suffer a loss, but he also saw that he couldn't get a share of the great opportunity in front of him. I was in a hurry.

After taking back the two tokens, Yi Tian smiled, seeing the expressions of the two of them, there is hope for this matter.Then he opened his mouth and said: "I checked the formation method of this thing to open the sealing formation, and I guess there must be a treasure in this relic."

One sentence lifted the minds of the two people in front of him, Yi Tian turned his head and said: "This matter needs to be divided into two steps. First, we need to investigate the situation of the formation, and then we need to find five helpers."

Now both of them were stunned, and even Shui Dongcheng said sourly: "You Daoist Yi, these three people are enough to search for treasures, why bother to find all eight people?"

On the contrary, Du Heiyi kept looking at it, then nodded and said: "You should be a formation master, tell me about the formation of the ruins."

(End of this chapter)

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