
Chapter 2020 Trivia

Chapter 2020 Trivia
After leaving the forbidden area of ​​the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, Yi Tian went back to meet with Lu Jianling. After discussing the situation in the spiritual world, the two made plans for future development.Although the evil disaster and chaos have subsided now, the remnant forces of the demon race left in the spirit world have not yet been completely cleared up.

Many of them are casual cultivators or members of the seven major demon clans who have not had time to return to the demon world from the space crack.These monks did not dare to invade the hinterland of the three sects of the spirit world, but instead continued to invade the boundaries of small and medium sects.

In this way, the three factions in the spiritual world naturally cannot sit idly by, and sending a large group of troops to deal with the remnants of the demons will flee after hearing the news.If you go without strength, it won't help.

Therefore, Zheng Tingyun of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance was also deeply troubled by this, so he had to send a message to Lu Jianling to privately dispatch elite disciples to help those small and medium sect forces secretly eliminate the demon forces.

Originally, Yi Tian was going to return to the sect directly, but after receiving the summons, he saw several medium-sized sects asking for help from the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance.They are all located in the fringe area controlled by the three factions. Although the area is less affected by the evil disaster, there have been frequent incidents in recent years.

Just to say that these medium-sized sects are all monks in the distraction stage, if something happens that even they feel a headache, then there is naturally a big problem.

Now that the war has just ended, the monks in the fusion period of the major sects have returned to their respective residences to recuperate. At this time, they feel embarrassed to ask Zheng Tingyun to speak again.

Originally, she, the head coach of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, was the one to personally intervene in this matter, but in view of the post-war repairs and mundane affairs, she was too busy to take care of herself and had to temporarily postpone the matter.After learning that Yi Tianzheng'er's Eight Classics were made by the ancestors of the Feiyu Sword Sect to pay homage to the mountain, Zheng Tingyun directly sent a message to Yuqing to solve the trouble on his behalf.

Sitting cross-legged in the assault boat alone, Yi Tian used a ray of spirituality to drive the warship, and at the same time stared at the communication jade slip in his hand and read the contents carefully.The summons was sent by Zheng Tingyun himself, and it described the demands of the two sects located in the spirit world within a radius of three thousand miles of Cuizhuling.

The two sects are Yunxia Sect and Haoyue Sect respectively, originally Yi Tian didn't plan to go there in person, after all, it's fine for Han Liu to do such a trivial matter, so why would a great monk in the later stage of fusion do it himself.

It was only after checking the Jade Talisman message that Yi Tian decided to go there himself.The reason is also very simple, the suzerain of the Yunxiao Sect is named Wuxiazi, and his cultivation is in the late stage of distraction.If I didn't guess wrong, he should be the person who ascended to the spirit world from the Yunxiao Sect in the Wanlihai on the Tianlan Continent.

Considering that he also received the favor of Wuxiazi in the lower realm back then, naturally he had to try to help him when drinking water and thinking about the source.As for the Haoyue Sect is a sect dominated by female cultivators, it was originally a small sect located in the hinterland of the three sects. After the appearance of a monk of the distraction stage in the sect 2000 years ago, they directly moved out of the area under the jurisdiction of the three sects to develop independently up.

What made Yi Tian feel puzzled was that the Haoyue Gate had always locked the gate and ignored foreign affairs, and even in the battle against the Demonic Disaster, they only sent some Huashenqi disciples to reinforce it.The original two distracted cultivators in the sect stayed put. Fortunately, Cuizhu Ridge was far away from the battlefield of the evil disaster. After the outbreak of the evil disaster, this place was not affected in any way.

This time, the two cases reported to the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance at the same time, and it was discovered that a son-in-law had disappeared without reason on the territory under the jurisdiction of the sect.The strength of those who can play tricks under the noses of peak monks in the late stage of distraction should not be underestimated.

In the interrogation, Zheng Tingyun mentioned that she was extremely unimpressed by Haoyuemen's lack of effort, and asked herself to investigate the truth and falsehood.

In order to cooperate with her actions, she also dispatched Liang Bufan, the head of Qingfeng City, Taiqing Pavilion, to lead a team to help the battle.This time, Xiang Donghui stayed on the front line for quite a while, so when he came back, he would naturally have to exchange with the deputy stationed in Qingfeng Old City.It's just that the team of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance is still gathering at the moment, and they won't be able to arrive in three to five days. During this period, I can let go and investigate.

After reading the communication jade slip in his hand, Yi Tian's complexion sank slightly, but he began to analyze it in his heart.This time, I decided to meet Wu Xiazi on a temporary basis, and I didn't think too much about it.

It's just that through the description of this briefing briefing, it seems that there is an unusual smell.This Haoyue Gate is really a bit weird, when the spiritual world is in a catastrophe, it doesn't work hard, but when something happens in its own world, it will cry for its father and mother to come to the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance to rescue soldiers.

Zheng Tingyun, a white-eyed wolf like this, has no time to take care of him for the time being, but he can't let him do it arbitrarily, at least for Wuxiazi's sake, he has to get rid of this matter properly.

All the way to the boundary of Cuizhu Ridge with a radius of thousands of miles, Yi Tian came out of the assault boat, then disappeared in the air and quietly flew towards the location of Yunxiaozong.

The journey of thousands of miles is only a short time for me. When I came to the mountain gate of Yunxiazong, I could see from the air that the defensive prohibition formation of the sect had been activated.

A layer of pale golden light enveloped several mountain peaks and protected them for thousands of miles.As a master of formations, Yi Tian sized up the formation in the air, and then popped out of his mouth for no reason: "The one who set up the formation should undoubtedly be Wuxia of the Yunxiao Sect on Tianlan Continent. Although this formation is powerful, it is still vaguely There are some shadows of the Haiyunxiao Sect stationed thousands of miles away."

I didn't want to make any big noise at first, and this time I made a special trip to see Wu Xiazi, so Yi Tian didn't go directly to worship the mountain, but flew to the back mountain of Yunxiaozong to find a formation node here Break into the formation directly.

The light film of the mountain protection array shook and then cracked open, Yi Tian took the opportunity to jump into it.After entering, he glanced around and found that his position was still some distance away from the forbidden area of ​​the sect, as if he was near a side hall.

Looking up at the sky, it seems that there are formation barriers arranged in the air. If you accidentally touch these early warning formations while flying in mid-air, it will be unsightly.After thinking about it, the figure disappeared in the same place in a flash, and jumped a hundred feet away in the next moment.

After walking around the Yunxiao Sect, Yi Tian found that most of the disciples in the sect's transformation stage were hiding in their own caves and practicing in seclusion.At most, there were only a few Nascent Soul stage monks walking around outside, and Wu Xiazi, the only distraction stage monk, was nowhere to be seen.

After walking for a while, Yi Tian glanced outside the forbidden area of ​​Yunxiao Sect and found that the formation here is different from that of the outside world. If he forcibly breaks it, it will definitely alarm the people inside.After looking at it, I couldn't help thinking in my heart: "I have known for a long time that Wu Xiazi is proficient in all arts. Although his cultivation level is not as good as his own, he has been immersed in the formation for longer than himself." '

Just as he was thinking about it, the halo of prohibition in front of him slowly opened, and a bony and immortal monk came out and said to his place: "Dao friend came from a long way, I am so polite. "

(End of this chapter)

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