
Chapter 2021

Chapter 2021
After receiving Zheng Tingyun's summons, Yi Tian went directly to the Yunxiao Sect in Cuizhu Ridge.When he came here, he broke through the formation barrier, and Yi Tian sneaked into it quietly, and followed the path inside the sect to the gate of Yunxiaozong's forbidden area.

After seeing the restriction barrier in front of him, Yi Tian also felt very headache. Wu Xiazi's formation skills are definitely much higher than his own.If I forcibly break through here, I will definitely alarm the people inside.Just when I felt helpless, the restriction in front of me was opened, and a fairy-like old man stepped out of it, it was Wu Xiazi himself.

But he seemed to have locked his position and turned to Jishou to salute.Yi Tian felt very helpless, but he couldn't continue in this stalemate. When he was about to show his real body, suddenly ripples appeared out of thin air not far in front of him.

Then a woman in palace attire slowly appeared, and then she paid back the gift to Wuxiazi: "Fellow Wuxiazi is really powerful, I am afraid that the concubine has just entered the prohibition circle. It must have been discovered by fellow Daoists."

"Madam Wanyue came here in person, I don't know why?" Wu Xiazi then straightened his expression and said.

"I don't know if you have considered the proposal of being a concubine last time?" Mrs. Wanyue asked.

Wu Xiazi thought for a while before replying: "Actually, why should Taoist Wanyue be so hard to force each other? We have lived in peace for thousands of years in this Cuizhuling area."

"Wuxiazi, you and I have cultivated to such an extent that if we want to take another step forward without a great opportunity, it is absolutely impossible," said Mrs. Wanyue, "You and I have already settled down within 2000 miles of Cuizhu Ridge. It's been a long time, don't they have some clues to their calculations?"

Wu Xiazi waved his hands and said, "That secret place below is bestowed by heaven to those who are destined to do so. Since you and I have spent thousands of years and have not been able to break into it, why bother about it?"

"I have the key, and your skill in formation naturally complements each other," Mrs. Wanyue replied hurriedly, obviously a little anxious: "Would you just stand by and watch the opportunity here just disappear? You know There are about a thousand years left in my lifespan, if I can't be promoted to the fusion stage, the only way to go is to dissolve into reincarnation."

"Madam Wanyue, please go back. Back then, the noble couple and I explored the crypt hand in hand, and I can still vividly remember the fall of my husband in the end. It is really difficult for you and me to make achievements based on our cultivation base strength alone." ,” Wuxiazi evaded again.

"I knew you would say that, but this time I found a helper to help in the battle. The opponent's strength is in the early stage of fusion. I believe that with the strength of the three of us, we will not repeat the mistakes of the past," Madam Wanyue suddenly said. Said.

Wu Xiazi frowned slightly, and he didn't expect that Mrs. Wanyue would find high-ranking monks to help out.After thinking about it for a while, there was a look of fear on his face and he said: "If you and I join forces, then there is something to say, but if we find an outsider who is obviously stronger than us, isn't Mrs. Wanyue afraid of seeking skins from tigers? "

Sighing, Madam Wanyue also replied helplessly: "Actually, why don't I know the reason for this, but the crypt is really dangerous, and the three monks in the distraction period couldn't get any advantage together. If there is no It’s really not easy for high-level monks to assist in the battle.”

"I don't know the identity of the monk in the fusion stage that Madam Wanyue found, but the unexplained disappearance of sect disciples who appeared near Cuizhu Ridge in recent years may be related to this person," Wu Xiazi asked suddenly, changing the subject.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wanyue also had an unnatural expression on her face. Before she could reply in the future, Wuxiazi asked further: "Not long after the Demon Disaster War ended, I heard that the demon army fled in a hurry when it retreated, but There are also a lot of warships that were not able to catch the return journey of the demon race, and they were stuck outside the interface channel alive, I guess the person you asked to help the boxing should not be a spiritual cultivator."

"Why did fellow Taoist Wuxiazi speak so far?" Fellow Taoist Wanyue's face changed slightly, "I didn't make this decision just to find a chance."

Wu Xiazi's expression softened slightly, and she sighed, "Well, it's not so quick to make up your mind, it's better for Mrs. Wanyue to wait for three days, and let me give you an answer after careful consideration."

Seeing such a situation, Mrs. Wanyue didn't say anything, but she just cupped her hands and flew towards the gate of Yunxiaozong.

Not long after guessing that Mrs. Wanyue had left, Wuxiazi's face softened a little, and he stretched out his hand to seal the formation quickly, and then closed the mountain gate formation again.After doing this, he didn't turn around and return to the forbidden area, but looked at the empty place on one side again for a while.

After a few breaths, Wu Xiazi said: "I don't know which fellow Taoist is here, please come out and show yourself. Your Excellency, please listen to the conversation between me and Mrs. Wanyue."

After three breaths, a figure slowly appeared above the open space in the distance. It was Yi Tian himself.At this time, he had already changed his clothes, if he was wearing the Taoist robe of Li Huo Sect, Wu Xiazi would not be as calm as he is now.Yi Tian walked up to Jishou and said, "Fellow Daoist Wuxiazi is really powerful. Yi Tian spent a lot of effort on maintaining the formation, but I don't know how he discovered my existence." .”

"At first I noticed Mrs. Haoyue's visit, but after she left, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on her body inadvertently passed the position where fellow daoist was, so I became aware of it," Wu Xiazi replied in this way.

It turned out that I was thinking too much, and Wuxiazi couldn't detect it just by relying on her formation skills and her superiority in cultivation.It's just that Mrs. Wanyue's visit exposed her whereabouts invisibly, and she smiled at the corner of her mouth after thinking about it: "Dare to ask that fellow Taoist Wuxiazi is a rising monk?"

"Why do fellow Taoists come here to ask?" Wu Xiazi asked rhetorically instead of answering directly.

"Tianlan Continent Thousands of Miles Overseas Sea Yunxiao Sect Yunxiao Aojue," Yi Tian popped out a sentence for no reason.

Unexpectedly, Wu Xiazi was startled when he heard this, and then stared at Yi Tian up and down after widening his eyes.After ten breaths, he murmured tremblingly: "How do you know my origin, the old man has never told me where I came from, could it be that you also came from there?"

"That's right, I recognized it because I found a portrait of fellow Taoist Wuxiazi in the Yunxiao Sect's residence in the sea thousands of miles away." After speaking, Yi Tian reached out and took out a copy of Yunxiao Aojue and handed it over.

After Wu Xiazi took the hand, he opened the divine sense in his palm and glanced at ten lines, the vigilant look in his eyes relaxed after ten breaths, then he sighed and said: "It turns out that he is from the same country, I don't know why you are here today, Daoist Yi? "

(End of this chapter)

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