
Chapter 2022 Dispelling doubts

Chapter 2022 Dispelling doubts
After entering Cuizhu Ridge and sneaking into the residence of Yunxiao Sect, Yi Tian easily arrived outside the forbidden area of ​​the sect.She didn't expect to meet Mrs. Wanyue from Haoyue Sect here, and she was looking for Wu Xiazi because of a chance somewhere in Cuizhu Ridge.Yi Tian also felt that he was really lucky to be able to learn such shocking secrets as soon as he came.

After Mrs. Wanyue left, Wu Xiazi still found her whereabouts by relying on her attainments in formation techniques.Yi Tian asked himself that his strength had been cultivated to the peak, but he didn't expect that Wu Xiazi would still notice his whereabouts.

After showing up, Yi Tian directly handed over a jade slip brought from Tianlan Continent to Wu Xiazi to prove his identity.Unexpectedly, Wu Xiazi's eyes were uncertain after reading it, and it took a while before he closed the jade slip in his hand and handed it back, and then asked with an expression that could not be seen in joy or anger: "I don't know that Daoist Yi came to sneak into me late at night." What's going on in the hinterland of the sect, I don't think it was transferred here to chat with the old man for a long time, right?"

It seems that Wuxiazi still has some disdain for what she has done. I guess I have heard what the two of them talked about after Mrs. Wanyue's visit just now.It is estimated that Wu Xiazi's first impression of herself was definitely not that good, but she couldn't see her own depth for a while, so she didn't directly say a word to retreat.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian smiled lightly and said, "Since they are all fellow Taoists from the same village, the hospitality of friends like Wuxiazi really chills Yi's heart. I have heard a little bit about the drinking and talking between you and senior brother Ji Xuanyuan back then. of."

"Are you Ji Xuanyuan's younger brother?" Wu Xiazi raised her eyebrows and asked.

Seeing Wu Xiazi like this, Yi Tian knew that his trick was almost working.Then he said: "The Taoist brother left in Tianlan Continent is the Lihuo Sect, which is a branch of the Lihuo Palace in the spiritual world, and he created the branch sect with the lower realm of the avatar."

"Oh, since Yi Daoyou is familiar with Ji Xuanyuan's avatar, he must be a big shot in Lihuo Palace," Wu Xiazi said with a smile.

"I guess fellow Taoist Wuxiazi should have met his senior brother when he came to the spirit world?" Yi Tian asked.

Wu Xiazi stretched out his hand and caressed his beard, thinking for a moment as if lost in memory, then sighed a little later and said: "Lihuo Palace is one of the three schools of the spirit world, I am lucky to be able to see Ji Daoyou's real body once, think about it almost I haven’t heard from him for more than 3000 years, so I don’t know how he is now.”

"Senior brother has already entered reincarnation," Yi Tian said with a dark expression, "I also found out about the past Yunxiaozong when I was sorting out my senior's belongings. I just came here to pay a visit."

Wu Xiazi's expression softened after hearing the words, and a look of loneliness appeared on his face later, and he said: "I think that Ji Daoyou is still trapped in that state in the end with such strength, and in the end he has to re-enter the cycle of reincarnation. It’s a waste of time here, not knowing where the future lies.”

"Fellow Daoist Wuxiazi, don't need to be anxious. I think your lifespan is still a thousand years old, and you must persevere in your cultivation. During this period, you may not be able to make further progress in your cultivation," Yi Tiankai explained.

"You Daoist Yi, don't need to comfort me. This old man has been trapped in the late-stage state of distraction for 500 years. He sees his life essence passing by day by day, but he has no chance to break through the bottleneck," Wu Xiazi said. Up and down.

So Yi Tian naturally knew what he was thinking about, and it was precisely this that the Wanyue lady of Haoyue Sect also saw through this point, so she came to lure him.It's just that the opportunity they found seems to be full of dangers, and the crisis can never be resolved by the strength of the two of them alone.That's why Mrs. Wanyue waited for the opportunity to find a strong helper to help in the battle, and such a monk at the fusion stage might be a demon monk she knew.

The demon monks who invaded this time can be counted with their fingers, Yi Tian thought about it and almost pointed out the few people who might appear, and then there was a burst of laughter on his face.Now in the Demon Realm, even the newly-appointed commander-in-chief of the Great Army, Yan Lei, Emperor Yan Lei, has to stay away from him, let alone others.

Knowing Wu Xiazi's worries, Yi Tian smiled and said: "To be honest, I saw the scene of Mrs. Wanyue coming to invite fellow Taoists just now."

"Oh, I don't know what opinion Yi Daoyou has on this?" Wuxiazi asked.

"Naturally, I agreed," Yi Tian replied indifferently: "The great opportunity is right in front of you, do you want to miss it for no reason?"

Wu Xiazi turned to stare at Yi Tian in front of him, sized him up and didn't give a direct answer, but asked, "Forgive me for being blind and unable to see the depth of Yi Daoyou's cultivation base. I wonder if you can tell me what your current strength is?"

"Since I'm Ji Xuanyuan's younger brother, I naturally practice the Lihuo Palace's direct method, and my strength is a little higher than that of Wuxiazi Daoist. Speaking of it, if I join hands with you, even if I meet Mrs. Wanyue and her backer It's okay to come together," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"It's true," Wu Xiazi said with joy on his face, "I was always worried about this, but it's okay to go with Mrs. Wanyue. I have lingering fears in my heart, and if I try to seek skin from a tiger like this, I might be bitten back, which is my serious worry."

"You don't have to worry about this matter, Fellow Daoist Wuxiazi. Now that the disaster has gradually subsided, and the remaining demon monks in the spirit world are already helpless, and now they are almost eager to find a way out to return to the demon world," Yi Tian said: "If I'm not wrong, the helper Madam Wanyue recruited is at most as strong as yours, so we naturally still have some confidence to be able to equalize with her in such a two-on-two situation."

"Even so, if I want to get in that opportunity, I still need to rely on my formation skills, but if I can't show my role in it, I will definitely make a wedding dress for others," Wu Xiazi said worriedly.

Yi Tian raised his head and laughed a few times, but said disdainfully: "I don't lack opportunities, so let's go hand in hand with Mrs. Wanyue. If there are treasures of heaven and earth, let Taoist Wuxiazi take them first. As for my purpose of coming here today is to be sent by Zheng Tingyun, the leader of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, to deal with the affairs of Cloud Firmament Sect and Haoyue Sect, as long as I properly handle the affairs here and return to the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, I will naturally receive a reward."

After speaking, he took out Zheng Tingyun's communication jade charm from the storage ring to prove his identity.When Yi Tian revealed Zheng Tingyun's name, Wu Xiazi already believed it. This time, he summoned the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance to send someone to help.

After receiving the jade talisman, Wuxiazi glanced over the communication jade slip, and after reading it, his face calmed down, and he said, "In this case, I can send a message to Mrs. Wanyue to say that I agreed to the matter, but I will also bring a fellow Taoist with me, so that no one will suffer from the same number of people on both sides.”

Unexpectedly, Zheng Tingyun's communication jade talisman was more useful than his own identity, and Yi Tian also felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.Anyway, Wuxiazi also agrees, so let's proceed according to his plan. It is easy to deal with them with your own strength. Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger like this is in line with your own intentions, just like letting Wuxiazi know your true cultivation is afraid of him. It won't be as calm as it is now.

However, Yi Tian still prevented Wu Xiazi from sending a message, and asked at the same time: "I don't know what kind of opportunity there is in this Cuizhu Ridge, and I would like to ask fellow Taoists to clarify for me, and we will contact Wanyue after we discuss it later." People are not too late."

Wu Xiazi then stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Please also invite fellow Taoists to come to my residence for a while, so that I can clearly understand the ins and outs of this matter."

Nodding his head, Yi Tianji said, "That's very good."

After a while, the two of them entered the forbidden area, walked along the stone path and saw a cave within a short while.Coming to the inner hall of the cave mansion, the guests and hosts were divided into seats, and Yi Tian took a look at the layout of the Yunxiaozong residence in Wanlihai, the lower realm.

After a while, Wu Xiazi sorted out his thoughts before opening his mouth and said, "Speaking of which, it was 3000 years ago that I established a sect here. Only with the permission can we have the honor to occupy a place in Cuizhu Ridge."

"Oh, fellow daoists still followed the Lihuo sect's way to establish a sect, and they should be quite close to the sect," Yi Tian asked in puzzlement, "But I don't have any in the records of the sect Find similar records."

Wu Xiazi showed a trace of embarrassment on his face and said: "Actually, I have only seen Ji Daoyou's clone after I ascended to the spirit world. In terms of identity alone, the difference is too much. Fortunately, Ji Daoyou Gu Nianjiuqing privately accommodated me. .”

"So that's how it is," Yi Tian showed a clear look on his face, since the elder brother agreed in private, naturally it will not appear in the jade book recorded by the sect.Thinking of this, Yi Tian smiled lightly and said: "These are all past events. Since Taoist Wuxiazi has lived here for many years and passed down the orthodoxy, it is a good thing. I just don't know when the Haoyue Sect came. The two of you are in Cuizhu How long have you been neighbors within a radius of ten thousand miles around the mountain?"

Wu Xiazi stretched out two fingers and said, "My Yunxiaozong and Haoyuezong have settled down here as neighbors for 2000 years. I remember that they came here with the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's talisman, and they opened in three thousand miles. The outside world has opened up a Zongmen resident, and I have always been on good terms with me."

"Oh, it's the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's talisman edict, it seems that they should follow the path similar to sword cultivator," Yi Tian said casually.

"That's right. Speaking of which, the Haoyue School was originally called Zhenjianmen, and the suzerain is the Taoist Qiushan, the husband of Mrs. Wanyue," Wu Xiazi explained: "Originally, the Taoist Qiushan was the elder brother of the Feiyujianzong sect, so Only then can I be lucky enough to get the Zongmen Fuzhao to establish a sect and establish a sect."

"Then you should get along relatively harmoniously," Yi Tian asked.

"At first, when the couple came here, they were a little lower in cultivation level than me, so naturally they lived in peace," Wu Xiazi said, "After I entered the distraction period, the two of them seemed to be a bit taboo. come and go."

"That's natural. Your cultivation is stronger than the combined efforts of the two of you. A cultivator at the stage of distraction is naturally more than capable of fighting against two cultivators at the late stage of transformation. Of course, it is only natural for them to take the initiative to avoid it," Yi Tian After thinking about it.

"After another 300 years, the Taoist Qiushan also entered the distraction period, and as for Mrs. Wanyue, it was 500 years later," Wu Xiazi said.

"I'm afraid that by the time Mrs. Wanyue becomes a cultivator at the early stage of distraction, the strength of Daoist Wuxiazi should be almost at least at the middle stage of distraction," Yi Tian said.

"The old man was already a monk in the late stage of clone at that time, but it is a pity that he was trapped in this state for almost 2000 years, which is really sad," Wu Xiazi said with a helpless look on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Wuxiazi, don't worry. I think your opportunity has almost arrived. This time, Mrs. Wanyue's invitation is an opportunity," Yi Tianhaosheng comforted.

Wu Xiazi said with a self-deprecating smile on his face: "Actually, thousands of years ago, he and his wife invited me to explore the 'Ningshen Cave' in the depths of Cuizhuling. .”

"Did Taoist Qiushan fall inside?" Yi Tian asked.

Wu Xiazi nodded and said: "Originally, Madam Wanyue was trapped in a tight siege, but this beloved wife of the Taoist Qiushan was eager to fight for her, but he himself was trapped in it."

"So this time, Madam Wanyue's invitation is also to find out, and it would be a blessing if she can find her husband's bones," Yi Tian said.

"I guess that's exactly what she thought, so she was so aggressive and found an unknown monk to cooperate," Wu Xiazi said, and her face became sad.

"In this way, this Wanyue lady is a kind and righteous person," Yi Tian said with a smile: "But the key she mentioned is in her possession. It seems that this 'Concentration Cave' should be the one they have established a few years ago. Let’s explore the hidden treasure, I came out to find you because I was forced to fail to break the formation.”

"Exactly, but the formation I've seen is very profound, and there are many strange things in it," Wu Xiazi said without reason.

"What's so strange?" Yi Tian asked excitedly.Wu Xiazi's formation skills are obviously not inferior to his own, since it can make him feel a headache, there must be something wrong.

"It seems that we are not the first to find this 'Concentrating Cave'. At least a wave of people have searched for it before," Wu Xiazi asserted.

"Why do fellow Taoists say that?" Yi Tian frowned slightly and asked, "If it wasn't for the soup, it would be meaningless to go in and explore, at least the good things in it should have been taken away by the people in front. It would be futile to explore further."

"Yi Daoyou, have you ever heard of formation inlay?" Wu Xiazi asked.

"This is an extremely advanced attainment of formations," Yi Tian said after taking a breath, "Usually two different formations are used, and they are inlaid according to the fit of the formation nodes. Or the predecessors arranged formations, and later The people sneaked into other formations on it, hoping to achieve the effect of breaking the formation, but I don't know what is going on in the 'Concentrating Cave'?"

(End of this chapter)

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