
Chapter 2024 Encounter 1

Chapter 2024 Meet One
He and Wu Xiazi entered the 'Concentrating Cave Mansion', and after walking hundreds of miles, they suddenly found that someone had left traces of their actions.Looking at these traces, Yi Tian found that the person who came was not a demon monk but a blood corpse old demon from the underworld.

He left the blood corpse aura on those 'Lan Ying Moths'. When Yi Tian and Wu Xiazi passed by, they found that the blood corpse aura had turned these spirit insects into corpses.If these 'lanying moths' are not dealt with in time, the blood corpse gas will spread out, which will definitely affect this territory.

Seeing this, Yi Tian did not hesitate to sacrifice the ignorance to deal with these 'Lanying moths' directly.

Later, the two continued to probe down, and after a short walk, they suddenly noticed a violent spiritual pressure fluctuation coming from the depths of the passage.Needless to say, the spiritual pressure fluctuations of this intensity must have been caused by the troubled lady Wanyue in front.

As soon as Wu Xiazi raised his head and looked in contact, the two of them unanimously suppressed the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies, but their feet accelerated and hurried forward.

It didn't take long to feel the spiritual pressure fluctuations in front of him shake violently again, and the exit of the passage could already be seen from a distance.

The two of them shuttled back and forth in the passage, and the distance of only a few hundred feet was reached in an instant.After exiting the hole, they found a wave of air rushing towards them. Yi Tian and Wu Xiazi hurriedly dodged to the two sides to avoid the strong wind.

Looking back, the two of them have come to a huge underground stone room, which is about three hundred feet in size.At the other end of the stone chamber, two monks were confronting several stone puppets.Yi Tian's divine sense scanned and found that these stone puppets should be guards here, the spirit patterns on their bodies shone with a white halo, and their strengths were almost at the peak of the late stage of distraction. There were about twenty or so of them.

Behind these stone puppets is a stone gate more than ten feet high with eight trigrams patterns.There is a keychain in the middle of the door, surrounded by arrays of 'golden script'.There is actually a layer of black formations on top of these formations. Yi Tian glanced and found that these formations must have been added by people later, and the coefficients on them were all written in the characters of the devil world.

As for the Wanyue lady and a monk in a gray robe at this time, they are making frequent shots and trying hard to hit the stone puppets that are besieged.It's just that the number of these guards is more than ten times, and their cultivation base is not weak.

A blue aura flashed in the hands of Mrs. Wanyue, and she manipulated a silver hairpin-like spiritual weapon across the stone puppets.It's a pity that her cultivation base seems to have just reached the late stage of distraction, and supernatural powers and spells don't have much effect on the thick-skinned stone puppets.

On the other hand, the Blood Corpse Old Demon's hands condensed red blood-fiend thunderbolts, hitting a stone puppet every time he made a move.It's just that he seemed to shoot casually and didn't mean to go all out.

After seeing the figures of the two, the blood corpse old devil turned his head and glanced past Wuxiazi, and then turned to Yi Tian after three breaths.Suddenly, the pupils in the eyes froze, and the lips moved a few times, as if communicating with Madam Wanyue in private.

Later, I saw the blood corpse old devil and the Wanyue lady jump out of the battle circle to the other side of the stone room and distance themselves from the stone puppets in front of them.As soon as they left, the stone puppets stopped attacking and returned to the Bagua Gate within ten feet to line up again.

It seems that these guards will only attack those who are close to the stone gate, and they will ignore them as long as they retreat a hundred feet away.

Mrs. Wanyue glanced at her and said, "Wuxiazi, you are a pious fellow. I personally came to invite you before, but I said it was inconvenient to come. This time, I brought a helper with me. What is your intention?"

After hearing this, Wu Xiazi seemed to be unable to hold back, and then turned her head and glanced over without directly speaking.After Yi Tian saw it, he smiled and said: "I am here to deal with the affairs of Cuizhuling under the order of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, but the monk next to you, Mrs. Wanyue, is so familiar. It should be on the arrest warrant issued by the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance." Famous people."

As soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of embarrassment on the scene, and the face of Mrs. Wanyue in front of her also showed an uncertain look.Yi Tian knew that she must know the details of the blood corpse old devil, and when she made a move just now, she found a feeling of deja vu from his skills.It should be that a certain cultivator who fought against him once performed a similar exercise, but Mrs. Haoyue's strength is not enough and the exercise is obviously mixed with other spiritual powers to cover it up.

The blood corpse old demon stared at Yi Tian in a blink of an eye, and then said in a sharp tone: "Who am I, it turned out to be you, the boy who destroyed my clone in the Yin corpse world with Jiuduoluo I didn't expect to be hit by me today."

"How can I say that Kudara is also your senior brother, but unfortunately, when I mentioned him, I didn't think of the old relationship at all. Back then, I found your fourth senior brother Blood Coagulation Demon when we teamed up with him again to explore the Dark Demon Temple in the Demon Realm. Everything about you has been revealed," Yi Tian said lightly.

"Why did you find the blood coagulation demon?" The blood corpse old devil suddenly said fiercely: "Impossible, he has been dead for a thousand years."

"You're half right. The blood coagulation demon's body was destroyed back then, but he set up a plan in advance to let two disciples come to the Dark Demon Temple to get the treasure, and at the same time he waited for an opportunity to snatch one of them," Yi Tian waved his hand.

After hearing this, the Blood Corpse Old Demon fell into silence, and after a while he opened his mouth and said, "Needless to say, I think the Blood Coagulation Old Demon is in danger for you and senior brother Jiudara."

"That's right, the Nascent Soul of the Blood Coagulation Demon was taken away by Jiuduoluo, and I won't bother about the next thing," Yi Tian said, his eyes flashed again, and there was no change on the face of the Blood Corpse Old Demon, but There is a dim look in a pair of eyes, needless to say, it must have been touched by the state of mind.

After a pause, the blood corpse old devil asked again: "I don't know where the big brother Jiutuoluo is at this time, but with his personality, he will never let me go."

Yi Tian sneered for no reason and said: "How come fellow blood corpses are still so melancholy? I thought that anyone who practiced corpses would not be swayed by emotions, but it is obvious that your mood has changed." Variety."

Sighing, the blood corpse old devil said: "No matter what you say, the matter between me and Kudara must be settled. You didn't come here to inform me this time, did you?"

"Fellow Blood Corpse Daoists don't need to worry too much. Jiutuoluo has been killed by the demon sage in the abyss of the demon world. He also ignored the past grievances and grievances between his brothers at the temporary moment, but he was still thinking about Daxueshan Ming. Master Huiming of Lunsi."

When Yi Tian said Master Huiming's Dharma name, the blood corpse old devil in front of him also had a strange expression on his face, and muttered: "Is it Master, it seems that the elder brother still holds the master in his heart when he is dying It's really pathetic."

(End of this chapter)

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