
Chapter 2025 Encounter 2

Chapter 2025 Meet Two

In the depths of the 'Concentrating Cave', he met Mrs. Wanyue, and at the same time met the blood corpse old demon who was the helper of the monks in the fusion period he had found.Speaking of this guy, Yitian is not the first time to deal with him. Everyone in the Yin corpse world has formed a beam as early as a thousand years ago.

It's just that I teamed up with Jiuduoluo to deal with the blood corpse old demon and destroyed one of his clones.After meeting again today, Yi Tian has no timidity at all. The monk himself is far better than him. To put it bluntly, if he really makes a move, the blood corpse old devil can't take his three moves.

But after the Great War of Demon Disaster, the three Mahayana monks in the spiritual world also warned themselves not to go too far.Few of the monks of the Demon Race were able to return to the Demon Realm alive by themselves under the killing ring with their own strength.But this will inevitably affect the balance in that side of the interface, and this is especially true in the underworld. There are no monks at the Mahayana stage in this world, but there are not many monks at the combined stage.

It is easy to keep the blood corpse old devil in the spirit world, but if the strength in the corpse world is weakened too much, it will inevitably cause the prying eyes of several other interface forces.

In this way, breaking the balance of votes in the corpse world will inevitably cause a lot of trouble, so Yi Tian will also have concerns before making a move.

After telling the fate of Jiutuoluo, the blood corpse old devil was also touched after hearing it, but Yi Tian replied indifferently after seeing it: "The blood corpse old devil will definitely go to the Great Snow Mountain Minglun in the Buddha Spirit Realm Temple, as for the purpose of going there, you must be able to guess to a certain extent."

The blood corpse old devil's pupils froze and said: "If that's the case, why did you tell me so many things today?"

"Master Huiming's remnant soul once told me that the Demon Saint Violent Tan was born out of his real body," Yi Tian said, "But after my many investigations, Master Huiming's predecessor may be related to the spirit world, and it is still Great Saint of the Spirit World."

Hearing this, the blood corpse old devil curled his lips and said, "Since you have already checked here, what else do you want to check from me?"

"If this is the case, speaking of it, there is still some relationship between us. If you are really ranked by seniority, you should be regarded as my senior brother," Yi Tian joked.

"Master Huiming indeed came from the spirit world before he joined the Buddhist sect," said the blood corpse old devil. "I don't know much about his predecessor, but it is definitely not the current three sects in the spirit world."

That's right, Yi Tian was overjoyed when he heard this.What the blood corpse old devil said is right. Uncle Wuxiang knew the danger of falling into the devil's way back then.Therefore, he must make all-out plans, and it would be a perfect move to pay homage to the Great Snow Mountain Minglun Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm.

After practicing the secrets of the Buddhist sect, and then entering the devil world, even if the body is infused with devil energy, it can still keep the soul alive.It's just that something went wrong, and the avatar he created became Demon Saint Baotan, but he didn't know where his body was when he saw his remnant soul in the Dark Demon Temple.

After putting away such thoughts, Yi Tian turned and said: "Old Blood Corpse Demon, I know that today you and Mrs. Wanyue joined hands to find out the opportunity of this 'Concentration Cave'. It depends on the situation that you two want to go down It also takes a little effort, how about we join forces once."

Hearing this, the blood corpse old devil nodded and replied directly: "Well, we will join forces this time because of Juddara's avatar, and after we have agreed to go in, we will each get opportunities based on our own abilities."

Yi Tian smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said to Wu Xiazi: "In a while, I will join hands with two fellow daoists to solve these stone puppets, and later I will ask fellow daoists to break the magic pattern seal on the stone gate."

Wu Xiazi replied with a smile: "There is nothing you can do."

Then the three of them sacrificed several magical powers at the same time, and then hit the stone puppets in the distance in front of them. 'Boom boom boom' Several auras lit up, and every time there was a flash of aura in the air, one of the stone puppets on the opposite side fell down.

'Bang bang bang' There was a dull sound from the ground. After being attacked, the eyes of the stone puppets in line flashed red, and then their whole bodies moved, and they all rushed towards the position of the three of them.

Yi Tian and the blood corpse old devil looked at each other. The spell in their hands failed to strengthen instantly, and the stone puppets in front of them fell down one by one after the aura passed by.After ten breaths, the brackets and remnants of puppets were scattered all over the place.

After tidying up the troubles in front of him, Yi Tiancai said: "Fellow Daoist Wuxiazi, it's up to you next. These outer formation patterns should be the magic circle of the demon clan, are you sure to break it?"

Hearing this, Wu Xiazi slowly walked forward, stared at the magic lines on it, sized it up and said: "Back then, Mrs. Wanyue and Taoist Qiushan and I were originally trying to lure away the stone puppets and try to break through the formation, so the time is limited. Go all out. I don’t need to worry about anything today, but I took the map of the formation here and brought it back to study it. It is not difficult to break the seal outside here, but it requires four people to act at the same time.”

After hearing this, the blood corpse old devil said angrily: "Then what are you waiting for, do it quickly so as not to waste time."

Wuxiazi's cultivation level is not as high as that of the blood corpse old devil, so he naturally dare not make mistakes, then he took out four talismans from the storage ring and handed them to the three people one by one: "This is my special formation breaking talisman. This formation extends all around. Thirty feet away, there are four pattern nodes, and when we find them, we can activate the formation-breaking talisman and enter them into the nodes. Then I will try to break the extended formation."

After arriving at the talisman, Yi Tian swept his mind and found that there were four inconspicuous protruding rocks about [-] feet away in front of the stone gate.After Wuxiazi played the Dao Lingjue to seal the outer magic lines, a black spiritual light appeared and activated the formation lines extending from the stone gate.

After three breaths, there are four black auras flashing towards the outside with the formation pattern, and stop after reaching the four blocks.At the same time, patterns of pattern nodes appeared two feet around the stone.

After the four of them selected their targets, they flashed one after another, and the formation breaking rune in their hands was activated and directly hit the formation pattern node. The sound of 'Ka Ka Ka' came from the magic pattern array, and after the seal array was activated, a large amount of demonic evil spirit leaked out from it.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wanyue hurriedly took out a gray bead, pointed it at the overflowing demonic force, and murmured: "Stop." The demonic energy was instantly sucked into the bead, and the original gray bead absorbed a large amount of demonic energy. After the evil force, it becomes an indescribable monster with a black color.

After doing all this, the Wanyue lady turned around and said, "You don't have to worry about being affected by the evil spirit if you are such a flawless fellow Taoist."

After Jishou thanked him, Wu Xiazi stepped forward, a flash of inspiration flashed in his hand, and he began to decipher the above formation by reading the mantra.However, Yi Tian took a meaningful look at the black bead in Mrs. Wanyue's hand, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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