
Chapter 2026

Chapter 2026
Yi Tian's formation skills have been studied for many years when he was in Tianlan Continent, and a large part of it was learned from the classics obtained from Yunxiaozong.To a large extent, I came to visit Wuxiazi this time because I wanted to see her insights on formations.

Even if Wuxiazi's cultivation base is not as good as his own, Gao Keyitian believes that the opponent must have something superior in terms of formation.Facts have proved that my guess was right. After sneaking into the forbidden area of ​​Yunxiao Sect in Cuizhu Ridge, Wuxiazi was able to quickly find her whereabouts by relying on the method of formation.

Just this point, Yi Tian was secretly anxious, and wanted to find another opportunity to try Wuxiazi's method of breaking the formation, but he would have a chance after entering the 'Concentration Cave'.

The four of them used the formation-breaking talisman outside the stone gate of the cave to directly activate the nodes of the magic pattern formation outside the nested formation, and then Wu Xiazi walked forward without hesitation and started to break the formation.

Yi Tian stood on the side, swept over with his divine sense, and knocked in his eyes the way he shot to break the formation.Speaking of which, his method of breaking the formation is the same as his method of using the awl of the formation breaking method.

To put it bluntly, his method can only be said to be an evolution of Wuxiazi's method at best, and even thought with Yi Tian that the method of breaking the formation that he learned back then should be the method handed down from Yunxiaozong , but it has only been perfected by later generations with the changes of the times.

Shaoqing only felt a slight trembling sound from the ground under his feet, and all the black magic patterns on the door control in front of him were completely broken.

Wu Xiazi lightly wiped off the sweat from his forehead, turned to the three of them and said, "It's ok, the original seal will take some time."

Yi Tian glanced over and found that there was only a layer of faint golden runes left on the stone gate, all of which were written in 'golden seal script'.Suddenly, the blood corpse old devil's words came from his ears: "It's too troublesome to break the formation, why don't the four of us attack the formation together, and we can break it by ourselves after its spiritual power is exhausted."

Wuxiazi smiled wryly and said, "Fellow Daoist Blood Corpse is joking, most of the formations are connected to the earth veins, and the huge spiritual power in the formation base is far from something we can easily break through with brute force."

Mrs. Wanyue seemed hesitant to speak, but her cultivation was the weakest here, and it was impossible for her to speak out.

After a pause, Wuxia looked at the lady Wanyue beside her and continued: "The woman touched the inner restriction unintentionally back then, and she survived the disaster only with the help of her husband. Is it true that the lady is still alive now?" Are you ready to repeat the same mistakes?"

"The concubine naturally doesn't want to do this anymore," Madam Wanyue sighed and put away the magic bead in her hand before she said, "Fellow Daoist Wuxiazi is a master of the Dao formation, so I still have trouble breaking the formation."

"I don't know how Taoist Qiushan was trapped in the formation at that time?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

Mrs. Wanyue seemed to be quite afraid of this, she rolled her eyes and turned her head away without answering.But Wu Xiazi said: "The formation here is really a bit strange to say, after touching it, hundreds of branches will protrude from the inside and draw people into the formation."

"In my opinion, the formation here is not to seal this place, but to seal the things inside," Yi Tian said suddenly.

"How do you know that?" Wu Xiazi asked in bewilderment.

"I also have a little reference to the 'Golden Seal Script'. On this seal, there are words like 'There is a vine flower demon in the True Spirit Medicine Garden'," Yi Tian said.

"The vine is a rare treasure in the spirit world. It is recorded in ancient books that it should belong to the fairy world. It's so strange how it fell into the spirit world," Wu Xiazi replied suspiciously.

"I don't know about this, I just heard that the vine fruit is a treasure. If it is a fruit that has matured for ten thousand years, it can be used for refining even a monk in the Mahayana stage," Yi Tian said. On the contrary, the happy expression showed a touch of worry.

Wu Xiazi and the others noticed this kind of performance, but then the blood corpse old devil said in a deep voice: "You are right, but I guess such a spirit treasure from the fairy world will definitely change after it falls into the spirit world. Don’t worry about the Quiling Vine Fruit, since it is said that there is a Quiling Vine Flower Demon in it, it means that this place must not be as simple as imagined.”

"Fellow Daoist Wuxiazi, let's break the formation first, we'll talk after we go in," Mrs. Wanyue urged.

Seeing such a flawless child, he also showed helplessness, and then stretched out his hand to quickly form a seal on his chest, and then pointed at the two yin and yang fish-eye beads on the gossip array in front of him with both hands, and made two spells.

The 'Golden Script' pattern was activated and then slowly opened a dark passage in the middle. When the entrance of the passage was two feet in size, the figure of the blood corpse old devil hurried past it, and he said: " I'll take a step first, everyone will go in according to their abilities," and then disappeared.

After Wu Xiazi saw it, there was a little disdain on his face, and he turned his head to look.Yi Tian said: "It's okay, fellow Taoist Wuxia, you take a step first, and I'll finish it off."

Hearing this, Wu Xiazi also had a look of relief on his face, and then he disappeared into the passage in a flash.

Only Yi Tian and Mrs. Wanyue were left in the stone room. Before Mrs. Wanyue left, Yi Tian suddenly asked, "Who are you, Leng Xu of the Ice Demon Clan?"

"Senior, did you admit your mistake?" Mrs. Wanyue replied with a slight tremor.

"How is that possible?" Yi Tian said disdainfully, "What you are holding in your hand is the Ice Demon Clan's unique Mosha Yun Lingzhu, and as far as I know, the only place where the Ice Demon Clan is located in the entire Demon Realm Need to use such a storage thing.”

"Then why does senior think I'm a demon cultivator?" Mrs. Wanyue asked tentatively.

"You are very good at disguising, and most people can't see it." Yi Tian focused his attention on the other party and said, "Fortunately, I have had an intersection with Leng Xu, so I have some understanding of the Ice Demon Race. Before you don't I only think that you have cultivated the cold-type kung fu, but after you make a move, the demonic background contained in the supernatural power still cannot be completely eliminated."

When Madam Wanyue heard the words, she asked in shock: "Who is the senior? The concubine's disguise is so seamless that even the blood corpse old devil at the body stage can't see through it."

"The blood corpse old devil has lived for thousands of years in vain. He has lived his life like a dog," Yi Tian said disdainfully.

"I hope that the senior will show mercy. It is not too much for me to establish a sect in the spiritual world, and I have not harmed the lives of spiritual practitioners," Mrs. Wanyue suddenly knelt down and worshiped, she was naturally very clear about the person in front of her. Since he was able to interact with the blood corpse old devil, he is naturally a peer, and being able to tell his origin shows that he is well-informed.

It is not as effective as begging for mercy directly to resist in vain when there is a huge difference in strength.

(End of this chapter)

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