
Chapter 2028 Dryad 1

Chapter 2028 Dryad One
After traveling thousands of miles in the 'Ningshen Cave', Yi Tian found that there were more and more 'Ecstasy Grass' around, and the pink mist that was expected in the sky became more and more dense.Guessing that the handwriting should be close to the location of the 'Lingling Vine', Yi Tian felt a little excited.

Speaking of this kind of spiritual plant, some clues can only be found in the ancient pharmacopoeia, but if it is the real thing, it has never been seen before.

Suddenly there was a bloody light that soared to the sky in the distance in front of him, followed by several muffled sounds, and the ground under his feet trembled several times.Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly and he knew that this was the news of the Blood Corpse Old Demon's attack. Needless to say, he must have encountered something in the front.

After flying into the air, Yi Tian quickly shuttled in mid-air, following the guidance of the blood light in the air, he got very close to that place in a short while.It's just that when he got close and was less than ten miles away, he saw more than a dozen monks blocking the front.

After scanning their spiritual thoughts, they found that their cultivation levels were uneven, ranging from the Yuanying stage to the distracted stage.Looking at their clothing styles, it seems that the spirit cultivators and even the demon monks have appeared.

With a look of suspicion on his face, Yi Tian didn't act rashly, but stretched out his divine sense and passed these people back and forth.After three breaths, they were surprised to find that they all seemed to be in a half-dead state, and their feet seemed to be rooted to the ground.

Taking a closer look, I found that the feet of these monks had turned into vines, and the lower body was locked on the ground by Lingzhi, leaving only the upper body still in human form.

Yi Tian stared at the Niwan Palace on the foreheads of these monks, and saw that the Nascent Soul inside was bound by tiny green vines at this time.To put it bluntly, they are really the living dead at this time, and even the primordial spirit is imprisoned, and it is almost impossible to escape into reincarnation.

It's just that there is no figure of Taoist Qiushan among these people. Yi Tian can judge from their costumes that they should be dressed in the middle ages or at least 4 to [-] years ago.

Suddenly the closed eyes of these cultivators in front of them opened, and a strange green glow flashed in them, and they leaped forward to encircle them. At the same time, these cultivators stretched out their hands to sacrifice their supernatural powers and attacked the enemies in front of them. .

With a slight smile at the corner of Yi Tian's mouth, he could see clearly the actions of these puppet monks in an instant. Fortunately, he had the opportunity to see the way monks shot in the middle ages of the spirit world.Although it is cumbersome to make seals, it is more than [-]% stronger than the power of the exercises performed by monks now.

It's just that they also have a common characteristic that they are all driven by wood spirit energy, even those demon cultivators and demon cultivators are no exception.It looks like a huge force, but a single aura is the best way to restrain it.

After thinking about it, he stretched out the ten fingers of his right hand, a wisp of white flame lit up, and then flicked the ten fingers repeatedly to sacrifice the ignorance of the flame.Once the white ignorant flame ignited the puppet monks, the next moment the raging fire burned these monks to ashes in an instant.

The ignorant flame burned back along the vines connected to their feet until the part exposed to the ground was burned.Soon the little troubles in front of him were all resolved. After taking back the Wuminghuo, Yi Tian suddenly found that the inner purity was even worse than before. It seemed that he had to brew for a hundred years to achieve this level. He didn't expect that after this battle, he could easily get.

After stopping and analyzing silently in his heart, he guessed that the spiritual power contained in the spiritual plant here should be extremely strong, and it was absorbed after being calcined by ignorant fire to cause such a result.

Before he had time to be happy, the red light in the distant sky lit up again, and Yi Tian knew that it was the blood corpse old devil who made another move.This time the intensity of the red magic light was three points stronger than before. It could be said that he had encountered some trouble, and then he raised his feet and rushed forward a hundred feet away.

The distance of thousands of miles is only half an hour. When they came close, they found that the other three people had already arrived. At this time, they were besieging a monk in the middle from three directions.

Said that it was a monk, but it was a bit similar in body shape, but Yi Tian scanned the monk's face carefully and found that half of the monk's face looked like a tree man, and the other half looked like a spiritual practitioner.

Seeing himself rushing to the blood corpse, the old devil shouted loudly: "Here, this 'Pianista vine' seems to have become a spirit, but its strength is erratic. Sometimes it is comparable to a mid-stage monk, and sometimes it can only be displayed. The supernatural powers in the early stage of distraction."

Madam Wanyue said anxiously: "The tree spirit seems to have absorbed my husband, and the half face on his head is exactly what my husband looks like."

But Wuxiazi yelled sharply: "Miss Wanyue, don't be soft-hearted. This tree spirit is powerful and has strange skills. It can even perform spiritual cultivation methods. Don't be fooled by appearances."

Although she knew that Taoist Qiushan was mostly assimilated and absorbed by tree spirits, Mrs. Wanyue couldn't fully accept this fact.She kept crying and said: "My husband is not dead, the three of you please be merciful and try to rescue him, I am very grateful."

The blood corpse old devil sneered at this, and he stared solemnly at the tree spirit in front of him, the greedy expression on his face was fully revealed.Seeing that Yi Tian sealed off the retreat route to the west, he said with a smile: "It doesn't take much effort to get there without finding a place, a small tree spirit can make waves, and today I will definitely uproot you. "

"Fellow Daoist Blood Corpse, don't worry," Yi Tian said with a serious expression, "I found out that this dryad is not transformed by 'Pianista vine', it may be another companion spiritual plant, everyone be careful."

"It doesn't matter, I'll go find that 'Lingling Vine' after I finish dealing with this tree demon," said the blood corpse old demon, offering two red blood balls in his hands and hitting the tree demon in front of him.

'Bang bang' two bloody spells concentrated on the body of the dryad. The blood corpse old devil looked happy and was about to investigate the depths of his spiritual sense when he suddenly felt a slight vibration coming from the ground. "Not good," the blood corpse old devil immediately flew into the air and shouted.

The three people around them also flew into the air in an instant, and looked back to see dozens of thumb-thick vines protruding from the ground where they were originally standing.It seems that the dryad fought back desperately.

But when the spiritual thoughts of the four of them swept across the tree demon again, they found two blood-colored holes. After ten breaths, the two holes closed again. After the tree demon's body recovered, only a faint red mark was left on those two places. .

Yi Tian's face became more serious when he saw it. He had learned the Blood Explosion Technique of the Blood Corpse Old Demon thousands of years ago.Now the deity's power is even more astonishing, but I didn't expect this tree demon to be unscathed. Could it be that the 'Pianista vine' in the fairy world is really so powerful after being cultivated into a spirit.

Wuxiazi and Mrs. Wanyue also showed doubts on their faces when they saw it. At this time, the old blood corpse shouted again: "We will fight together, and we don't believe that we can't deal with this tree demon."

 Thanks for the strong support of fellow Taoists Shenhai Yuer, Xianqiu, Baiml, and Mingyueren.

(End of this chapter)

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