
Chapter 2029 Dryad 2

Chapter 2029 Dryad II

Following the howl of the blood corpse old demon, the three of them joined forces again and attacked the tree demon below with the spells sacrificed in their hands.Under the attack from three sides, the tree demon opened its mouth and let out a roar, after which countless twigs grew out of its body, and immediately wrapped itself tightly.

The sound of "coaxing" was loud, and the three spells hit the branch defenses and shook them violently. Seeing that the branch defenses were deformed, after three breaths, they returned to normal after the remaining force of the spells dissipated. Undisturbed.

Unexpectedly, the recovery ability of this dryad is so strong, the power of the three spells just now is more than five points stronger than the previous blood corpse old devil's shot.But it has no effect on the attack on the dryad like a mud cow into the sea.

The blood corpse old devil in the air naturally couldn't hold back his face, turned his head and shouted: "Why do you see something tricky, if you don't set it up and find it, then let's do it together."

Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan wooden sword and sacrificed it, turned it into a solid spirit sword shape, and then controlled it to fly towards the tree demon below.Halfway through the flight, it suddenly turned and cut at a few jade gum trees in the distance behind it. The dryad howled again, and then wrote down the layers of defense on its body, turned around and flew to the jade gum tree Before that, he raised his defense again and blocked the front.

Seeing this, Yi Tian smiled knowingly, and controlled the Taiyuan wooden sword to turn around, passed the jade gum tree, and then flew straight back into his hand.The three people in the air were really puzzled, but looking at the situation, it seemed that Yi Tian had already found the key point.

The blood corpse old devil was the first to hold back his breath: "What's going on?"

"I doubted the performance of the dryad after you attacked before, but now I just confirmed it again," Yi Tian pointed at the jade gum tree behind the dryad and said, "He's nothing' Teng'jing, his body should be this ten-foot-tall jade gum tree in front of him."

After hearing this, the blood corpse old devil bowed his head and thought for a while and suddenly laughed: "What do I mean? The jade gum produced in the jade gum tree has the effect of reshaping the body. This dryad is born with such characteristics, no wonder it can resist My trick."

"Jade glue," Wu Xiazi also said, "This kind of precious material is necessary for making a perfect humanoid puppet. You can't miss it when you meet today."

"But that tree demon absorbed my husband's body into it, and asked the three of you to help me out of trouble," Madam Wanyue said hastily.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed: "Look, everyone, the tree demon seems to have absorbed the body of Taoist Qiushan, but for some reason it didn't directly kill the spirit body of the Nascent Soul in Niwan Palace."

"I don't know what Yi Daoyou means?" Wu Xiazi asked hastily.

"Since this is the case, Taoist Qiushan must have practiced some kind of supernatural powers and secret techniques to protect his Niwan Palace. Unfortunately, even if his body is destroyed, even if he is rescued, he must find his body again. In addition, his path is limited to this , at most there are only two or three hundred years of longevity remaining," Yi Tian said.

"Since Senior Yi can see the clues, please help me, I am grateful," Madam Wanyue said hastily.

"For the current plan, it is better to kill the tree demon, and then use the characteristics of its body to build another body for the Qiushan Taoist. In this way, after refining the body of heaven and earth treasures, the lifespan can naturally extend to more than a thousand years," Yi Tian Said.

Wuxiazi who was in the distance stroked his beard and said, "You Daoist Yi is right, so please ask for instructions on how to operate it."

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed: "The most direct way to deal with the tree demon is to cut off its body, and then recast the body. Lady Wanyue can do it herself, so I won't interfere too much."

After hearing this, the two looked at each other. Just now, Yi Tian had found the body of the jade gum tree through probing, and now they are very familiar with it.

The blood corpse old devil in the distance snorted coldly and said: "You do have some eyesight, but I said before, I also want a piece of Yujiashu's exorcism."

"No problem, this matter still needs the strong support of Senior Blood Corpse," Mrs. Wanyue said hastily.

Then the three of them sacrificed the spells in their hands again, and secretly reached a tacit agreement to control and continuously hit the trunk of the dryad's body.So far, Yi Tian is not ready to do anything, but just stands quietly in the air and sits on the wall.

With a solution, the weakness of the jade gum tree spirit was targeted, and soon the three of them defended it frequently.After receiving the attack on the tree trunk of the deity, the spiritual power overflowed, and soon everyone found that the dryad dodged left and right to protect the main body, but the speed of healing gradually slowed down.

After the siege lasted for two or three hours, the jade gum tree spirit finally couldn't resist the joint attack of the three of them, and finally the trunk was cut off from the whole tree, and the ten-foot-high tree fell head-on with a sound of "ah".

The Wanyue lady cut off the tree spirit together with the part that absorbed Taoist Qiuyue's body, and then pasted a talisman to seal its spiritual power to prevent it from leaking out.After finishing all this, Madam Wanyue turned around and said to the three of them: "I have achieved the purpose of this trip, and there are still many trivial matters to be done later, so I will leave."

Knowing that she was about to return home, Yi Tian didn't try to stop her, but only asked a few words to make her feel at ease.Later, Wu Xiazi also said goodbye. His original intention was only to solve the sequelae left by the previous "Concentrating Cave Mansion", but this time it has been successfully completed.As for the next "Panthera vine" it really has nothing to do with it.

It is also a great opportunity to take a large amount of spiritual liquid left on the body of the Jade Gum Tree Essence. After taking it back, it can be used to improve the cultivation level after a little refining.

After the two left, the blood corpse old devil glanced at the main body of the jade gum tree below and said: "Although this tree spirit has been destroyed, there are still a large number of heaven and earth spirits in this system. For a monk like me, naturally It is quite useful, but I will be disrespectful."

Yi Tian didn't express his objection directly, but just stretched out his hand and sacrificed a ray of Liyan Real Fire to draw a flame towards the root of the tree trunk below.Where Li Yan went, the soil at the root of the trunk was cut open, and the part of the whole tree buried in the ground was completely separated from the trunk above.

After stretching out his hand and throwing the whole tree trunk to the blood corpse old devil, Yi Tian said undeniably: "I have a lot of use for this tree root, and the upper part is reserved for the blood corpse fellow Taoist."

The blood corpse old devil's eyes narrowed and he suddenly shouted: "You are buying and selling by force. You haven't done anything before. Why are you taking the root now? And with your eyesight, you should have discovered what is hidden in the root. Bar?"

"Fellow Daoist Blood Corpse's words are wrong. I found the weakness of this tree spirit," Yi Tian said with a look of indifference: "How can it be said that it is useless. And along the way I I have to endure it again and again for fellow daoists, don’t think that you, a person on the wanted list of the spiritual alliance, can do whatever you want in the spiritual world.”

"How do you treat me, who can control me in the sky and the earth," the blood corpse old devil also rolled violently with spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body, as if he would start fighting if there was a disagreement.

(End of this chapter)

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