
Chapter 2030 Private Chat

Chapter 2030 Private Chat
In the 'Ningshen Cave', the body of Taoist Qiushan was found, but unfortunately, most of it has been assimilated by the jade gum tree spirit.Fortunately, he also practiced secret techniques and supernatural powers to forcibly preserve the spirit body of the Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace on the head. In this way, under Yi Tian's instruction, Mrs. Wanyue took her husband's remnant body and part of the jade gum tree spirit's body. The torso went straight away.

Wu Xiazi was also very knowledgeable, and left directly after dealing with the jade gum tree spirit.After a while, only Yi Tian and Blood Corpse Old Demon were left, and the remaining Jade Gum Tree Essence was a good refining material.And it contains a lot of spiritual power. If you just use it to absorb spiritual power, it is also a good choice.

It's just that Yi Tian cut off the root of the jade gum tree trunk, and the upper part was directly given to the blood corpse old devil.Unexpectedly, the blood corpse old devil seemed to be unimpressed with this distribution method and immediately raised objections, even uttering wild words and not paying attention to Yi Tian at all.

There was a slight pause in the air, and Yi Tian knew that he didn't make a big move this time, but just found out the weakness of the jade gum tree spirit.However, looking at the blood corpse old devil with an unkind expression in the distance, he didn't have much timidity, instead he said: "Fellow blood corpse, is it out of style like this? You have also done a lot of bad things, if I reveal a little bit of your whereabouts to Zheng Tingyun, I am afraid that you will never be able to return to the Netherworld."

"So what, with Zheng Tingyun's strength, it will take some tricks to trap me, not to mention that there are not many people in the spirit world who are stronger than her," the blood corpse old devil said disdainfully, and at the same time put the body on his body. The spiritual pressure fluctuations are released slowly.

Facing the overwhelming bloody aura, Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, because with the strength of the blood corpse old devil, he couldn't get into his eyes at all.He thought that he was the monk in the distraction period thousands of years ago, even if his cultivation level improved, it was only at the initial stage of fusion.

After three breaths, Yi Tian said in his mouth: "Fellow Daoist Blood Corpse, don't be too arrogant. I think I have done my best to you for the sake of Judhara. Don't force me to take action, or you will bear the consequences." The aura on his body suddenly rose sharply, and the fluctuation of spiritual pressure increased for a moment, and then returned to the state of no leakage.

In the eyes of a monk in the fit period, such a warning should be able to detect a potential crisis, and the blood corpse old devil has been famous for a long time, and he is naturally well versed in this.After Shen Nian noticed the abnormal fluctuation of spiritual pressure on the person in front of him, the pupils in his eyes froze for three breaths, and his face flushed red and excited for a long time before he popped out a sentence from his teeth and asked: "Your Excellency is that Shenlong see you!" Is the new head of the Lihuo Sect who has never seen the end?"

"Fellow Daoist Blood Corpse is powerful, I've heard it for a long time, but compared to Crimson Pupil Demon, there seems to be a lot of gap between Dugu Lonely and Bao Tan's avatars," Yi Tian said out of his mouth for no reason.

"That's true," the blood corpse old devil asked after muttering a few words: "Why did a big man like you come here in person? It seems that he didn't forward it to deal with me, did he?"

"I have an old relationship with the Yunxiao Sect, so I transferred it to pay a visit. As for the 'Concentration Cave' here, it is completely an accidental mistake." Yi Tian replied lightly: "But the cave here should be related to the three sects of the spirit world. It has a great origin, just by the formation pattern written in 'Golden Seal Script' at the door, it indicates that there are at least ten thousand years in it."

"Great men like you have nothing to lose, since you insist on keeping the roots of the jade gum tree, there must be a purpose," said the blood corpse old devil, "The torso of the jade gum tree spirit is indeed useful to me, but Compared with the tree roots below, the gap should be much worse."

"I remember that I said before that there might be a 'Coriander Vine' here," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and said, "Then the reason why the Jade Gum Tree can become a spirit is because of the 'Coriander Vine' buried under the roots, It's a pity that such a thing in the fairy world doesn't have enough immortal power to nourish it, so naturally it can't grow up, blossom and bear fruit."

After listening to the blood corpse, the old devil's mind moved slightly towards the root of the jade gum tree trunk, and there was an inconspicuous golden spot shining deep in the fracture.After careful inspection, there was a hint of greed on his face, and then he regained his senses.He also realized that it was almost impossible to take away this 'Pianista vine' under the current environment.

The person in front of him is far from being an opponent. The blood corpse old devil can dominate the Yin corpse world for thousands of years not only because of his cultivation and strength, but also far surpasses others in knowing people.

Yi Tian twitched his mouth and said: "Fellow Daoist Blood Corpse, let's get rid of those unrealistic thoughts in your mind, such a fairy treasure, even if you take it, you can't live. What's more, you want to take this thing and leave the soul alive." It's almost impossible, at least Zheng Tingyun will personally take action after I reveal the news, plus Lu Jianling."

After hearing this, the blood corpse old devil's face turned ashen, and he turned his head to think that what he said made sense.No matter how good a treasure is, it must have corresponding strength.Otherwise, it will definitely be peeped by others, and it will not be a wedding dress for someone in the end.

It's just that the root of the fairy spirit is in front of everyone, and everyone will inevitably show a look of peeping. After thinking about it for a while, his face is full of helplessness. The blood corpse old devil sighed and said: "Sect Master Yi is right, well, just follow what you said. According to the distribution method mentioned, I only take the trunk part."

"That's very good," Yi Tian nodded in satisfaction, then stretched out his hand and sacrificed the Taiyuan wooden sword to dig out the roots of the jade gum tree connected with the spiritual seeds of the 'Pianista vine', and then took out Zhang The talisman was pasted on it to seal up the spiritual power, and then it was thrown back into the storage ring.

Such a treasure from the fairy world is very tricky to talk about, if it is not for his own hands, it may cause another disturbance in the spirit world.As a blood corpse old devil, anyone who wants to peep at this thing will definitely be surrounded and suppressed by spiritual practitioners of the same level several times. In the end, the treasures of Luo Tianxian Palace will be divided up and lost again.

Seeing that he packed up the blood corpse, the old devil collected the trunk of the jade gum tree, which is better than nothing.And speaking of it, the Jade Gum Tree Essence itself, which has been around for more than [-] years, is also a great tonic for him.After thinking about it for a while, the blood corpse old devil still bite the bullet and asked: "Sect Master Yi, I have something unclear in front of me, and I want to ask it clearly, otherwise I will feel bored in my heart."

"Speak directly," Yi Tian said indifferently, but he was taken aback in his heart, and secretly said, "It seems that the blood corpse old devil still noticed something. '

He only heard him ask again: "Speaking of which, I have also met with you twice. I don't think it is enough for you to treat me so kindly just because of the affection of senior brother Kudara. I don't know." Is what I expected true?"

"Basically, Kudala's affection is part of the reason, but I don't want to disclose other reasons to you," Yi Tian replied indifferently.

The blood corpse old devil sneered and said: "Big characters like you are naturally able to get in touch with the Xinmi of the interface. The Mahayana monks in the spirit world should be able to maintain the balance of power in the nine worlds of the upper spirit so that the interface strength does not appear to be greater. gap, and my existence is precisely to integrate the strength in the Netherworld to gather to resist the invasion of other forces in the lower three realms."

Yi Tian's eyes lit up, he looked at the blood corpse old devil in front of him and said, "I didn't expect this guy to be a sensible person." Nodding his head was his acquiescence.

"I'm not a person who doesn't know what to do. Since Sect Master Yi took the initiative to protect it, I also know how to advance and retreat," the blood corpse old devil said again.

"Don't be too happy too early, I already have a candidate in my heart, if you fail to make a name for yourself in the corpse world, I will not mind supporting an obedient person to preside over the corpse world again," Yi said. Tian said disdainfully: "I think Master Huiming placed you in the world of corpses because of this consideration."

Speaking of this, the blood corpse old devil's face changed several times, and then his eyes dimmed and said: "Sect Master Yi is really powerful, and he was able to guess the layout of the master back then."

"It's not difficult to guess," Yi Tian explained: "Originally, Master Huiming's predecessor should be Master Wuxiang in the spirit world. The Snow Mountain Minglun Temple is a crucial step.”

"Since you can see through the truth, why don't you go to Demon Saint Bao Tan for verification?" asked the blood corpse old devil.

"That is something that must be done in the future, but the time is not yet ripe." Yi Tian waved his hand and said, "There is a reason for me to be lenient to you. In terms of origin, you and Kudara should be the same as me." Brothers of the same generation."

"I don't know the specific situation, but what you said is also reasonable," the blood corpse old devil said with a sigh: "I hope you can have the opportunity to find out the real purpose of Master Huiming's entry into the demon world."

"Actually, I still have some questions that I don't understand. Now that I think about it, I can only ask Jiu Tuola back then for verification, but it's the same when I meet you now," Yi Tian asked: "Back then, Master Huiming and his party entered the demon world. It’s because of the insight into the opportunity that Master Huiming had to expel him from the sect, right?”

The blood corpse old devil came back and thought about it for a while with a serious expression on his face, and then suddenly said: "From what you said, it seems that this is indeed the case."

"I think Master Huiming wouldn't just expel Kudara from his sect aimlessly. His real purpose should be that he had discussed with him in private or that he had a secret mission. Among his disciples, only Kudara He is the most qualified to do it," Yi Tian asked, "but I didn't expect that Jiutuoluo turned his back on the water afterwards and didn't really carry out the task, and finally became an unsolved case."

The blood corpse old devil also had a thoughtful expression on his face when he heard the words, and after thinking about it for a while, he didn't give a convincing answer.Instead, he stared at Yi Tian for a long time before sighing: "It seems that you know much more than I do, and I can't answer your question."

Yi Tian also expected it, just imagine that Master Huiming who worshiped Buddhism and practiced in the past should be the Wuxiang Master of Luotian Immortal Palace.In terms of strength, it should be similar to the current self, or even higher.

Since he has made up his mind to go to the Demon Realm, he naturally still wants to keep a back hand. The exercises passed down in the Daxue Mountain Minglun Temple in the Buddhist and Spiritual Realm are Theravada Buddhism, which specializes in this life.In the situation of Uncle Wuxiang back then, he naturally had no time to practice Mahayana Buddhism and use the method of reincarnation to enhance his cultivation.

And I remember that Uncle Wuxiang left the spirit world with Master Miaodizi, so the problem is that I don't know what happened to Master Miaodizi.If he really fell into silence after fighting with the envoy of the fairy world or if something happened and he needed to retreat, then someone must guard him.

Master Huiming, also known as Uncle Wuxiang, is naturally safe when he is around, but once he enters the demon world, he must find a strong and trustworthy person to protect him.Among the few apprentices around him, only Kudara was the most suitable candidate in terms of cultivation and loyalty.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly, the Jiuduo Luo seemed to have already guessed something.It's just that afterwards he didn't really carry out Master Huiming's entrustment but traveled in the Nine Realms.

As for the rest of Master Huiming's apprentices, they are not insiders. To put it bluntly, they all plunged into it with a mission without knowing the end.

After turning his eyes, Yi Tian looked at the blood corpse old devil in front of him, and then sighed: "Well, since you can't answer, I won't force it anymore. I have finished asking all my questions today, and I will answer them when I go out. I will personally escort you to the boundary gate, and then you can leave safely."

"Accompaniment or escort?" The blood corpse old devil joked: "Anyway, it's the same, and it's a great honor for me to be escorted by No. .”

"Actually, that's what I thought too, but I still have to go to Minglun Temple in the Great Snow Mountain of the Buddhist Spirit World. If you have any thoughts or wishes that you haven't fulfilled, maybe I can help you solve them," Yi Tian said. Said.

The blood corpse old devil didn't see any joy or anger on his face when he heard this, he just lowered his head and thought for a while.Long Jiu sighed softly and said, "As a corpse repairer, I can't set foot in the world of Buddhas and spirits again. You are right. I have something to ask for your help."

"If you are looking for someone or helping to repay the favor, it will be more troublesome. After all, you are a person from ten thousand years ago, and the monks of the generation back then have passed away long ago," Yi Tian said.

The blood corpse old devil seemed to have remembered something, he took out a dark magic conch from the storage ring and said: "Just take this object to Minglun Temple and give it to Master Abbot."

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to put away Faluo and asked again: "Then do you have anything else you want me to take?"

The blood corpse old devil thought for a while, showing a look of hesitation, and then shook his head and said: "Think about it now that everyone is gone, even if there is something to say, there is nowhere to say it."

"I don't think so, if they are the descendants of those people or the reincarnated body, it's okay," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I heard that many monks who practiced Theravada Buddhism more than ten thousand years ago also practiced Mahayana Buddhism. If you can Meeting the reincarnation of the person you are looking for and waiting for him to retrieve the memory of his previous life is also a wish of yours."

"Back then, I had an encounter with the presiding master 'Suxin' of Chanxin Nunnery in Minglun Temple. I don't know if she has reincarnated and recultivated after ten thousand years. If you can meet her reincarnated body and send me a message, just say 'Jiyuan' has gone to pursue the supreme Buddha Dharma," said the blood corpse old devil, his eyes were full of gloom, and his whole body became deep.

(End of this chapter)

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