
Chapter 2031

Chapter 2031
In the sky of the spirit world, two streaks of light, one red and one blue, roared through the air one after another and flew straight towards the location of the gate.

Because the flying speed is extremely fast, the monks who pass by often pass by the sky above their heads without even noticing the two escaping lights.

After coming out of the 'Concentrating Cave Mansion', Yi Tian first sent a message to briefly talk about the situation inside with Wu Xiazi.He also stated that the things left here are temporarily sealed up and need to wait for people from the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance to unseal them.

Then Zheng Tingyun was summoned to give a brief account of the trip to Cuizhu Ridge, and specifically reminded her that the Ningshen Cave Mansion here was probably a forbidden area of ​​the Lihuo Palace tens of thousands of years ago.There is no need to say anything else, Zheng Tingyun naturally knows how to properly take over this medicine garden with Zheng Tingyun's vision.

At present, the suzerains of the two major sects at Cuizhu Ridge, the Yunxiao Sect and the Haoyue Sect, are one of the parties involved, and if they take advantage of it, it will naturally arouse their resentment.After the catastrophe war, the entire spiritual world urgently needs to recover quickly, so Zheng Tingyun will definitely not forcefully claim this cave.At the same time, Yi Tian also kept an eye out in private, because of the relationship with Wu Xiazi, how can he say that he should get a share of the meat if he eats it.

At the same time, Yi Tian also made it clear in the communication jade slip that the blood corpse old devil was among the people who participated in the investigation this time.At the end of the arraignment, he simply said that this person could not be removed for the time being, and he needed to be returned to the Netherworld to allow him to reorganize the forces in the Netherworld.

The reason is also very simple. It is related to the balance of power among the realms in the Nine Realms of the Spirit, and the strength of a certain realm cannot be damaged so much that it will trigger a cross-border war again.

I believe that since Zheng Tingyun is familiar with the inside information of various circles, there will be no objection to this.It's just that it is extremely dangerous to let the blood corpse old devil in the spirit world. His strength is stronger than that of many medium-sized sect masters, and even the three factions in the spirit world need to send out powerful figures to suppress him .

So after he escaped from the 'Concentrating Cave', Yi Tian insisted on escorting him directly to the gate of the realm, and then went straight back to the world of corpses through the cross-boundary passage.

Before that, Yi Tian also specially summoned Xi Tianying, the new guard of the gate, to let him respond there, and at the same time, he prepared the formation arrangement for the gate transmission.

Half a day later, Yi Tianfei cast his pupil technique far away in the air, and found a huge boundary gate appeared in the air thousands of miles away.Below is a large array of Jiemen with a radius of three miles. Several monks are marking a warning area in the air hundreds of miles away from the Jiemen.

Along the way, the blood corpse old devil did not restrain his aura, and he was extremely ostentatious when flying in the air.Many low-level casual cultivators in the spiritual world rushed to avoid it when they saw it from a distance.

Yi Tian didn't stop him from doing this, but he only restrained himself a little by telling the former a few words through sound transmission.

A moment later, the two figures flew out of the warning area of ​​Jiemen, and someone had already reported that Xi Tianying, the current guard of Jiemen.I saw a ray of light flying out from the cliff below and stopped not far in front of the two of them.

The light faded to reveal Xi Tianying's face, and when he saw someone, he flew up to him and bowed his hands, saying: "The guards of the gate have seen the two seniors."

The old blood corpse snorted coldly and stabilized his figure in the air without answering, while Yi Tian smiled lightly and said, "This time I came here to send the blood corpse fellow Daoist back to the Yin corpse world. I wonder how you are preparing. gone?"

Xi Tianying said bitterly: "The gates of the spirit world lead to the upper three worlds and Buddha spirits have always been unimpeded, and the passages to the lower three worlds, the ghost world and the corpse world have long been sealed. Once banned, there is nothing I can do about it.”

Knowing this for a long time, Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "It's okay, I will temporarily open the seal leading to the world of corpses and let fellow blood corpses pass."

After hearing this, Xi Tianying's complexion looked a little better, and then Yi Tian turned around and said via voice transmission: "Fellow Blood Corpse Daoist, let's go, you will not stay in this world for a short time. After you leave, you can also let us go." People here settle down a bit.”

Hearing the words, the blood corpse old devil snorted angrily, and then replied through voice transmission: "Yi Tian, ​​you are the most unusual spiritual cultivator I have ever met. Others avoid me waiting for corpse cultivators, but you are not. .”

"Oh, maybe," Yi Tian replied lightly: "Actually, I also have something to ask you, I have an old friend named 'Cui Zhenzhen' in the world of corpses, and now I have at least been distracted. If you return to the Netherworld, I hope you don’t embarrass her, and if she has any difficulties, please help me for my sake, and I will be very grateful.”

"I didn't expect that the new suzerain of the dignified Lihuo Palace would have friends who repair corpses. Speaking of which, I am more and more interested in you," the blood corpse old devil replied with a sneer: "Don't worry, we are mutually beneficial Do me a favor and I will vote for Li Baoxiao."

After nodding his head, Yi Tiancai turned around and said, "I'm going to take the blood corpse fellow Taoist, please trouble the guards to disperse the monks within a hundred miles for me, and I will break the seal later."

Xi Tianying clasped his fists when he heard the words, and said: "Sect Master Yi ordered, there is nothing I can't do."

The three flashes of light in the air were divided into two groups and staggered, and soon the guard monks around the gate started to move.At least 20 people flew out of the cave below and pushed them hundreds of miles away.

And Yi Tian was half a mile away from the boundary gate where the old blood corpse came. Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air and looked up.The boundary gate in front of him is very similar to the ascension boundary wheel that he designed in the lower realm back then, and even the pattern that emerged on the boundary gate is consistent with the ascension boundary wheel.It's just that the area on the light and shadow pattern of the gate that marks the location of the underworld is sealed by a red chain.

Yi Tian's pupils stared and looked carefully, and the chain of prohibition was composed of a Liyan real fire.Needless to say, this place must have been banned by Master Wuye himself.

After deliberating in his heart, Yi Tian bowed his hands towards the position of the Lihuo Palace, and shouted: "Disciple, please open the gate of the Yin Corpse Realm to send the Blood Corpse Fellow Daoist back today, and report to Master to know."

After saluting, there was a little red light in the sky, and Yi Tian bowed his hands again to thank him after seeing it.Later, he turned around and stretched out his right index finger to sacrifice a wisp of flames.Both hands quickly formed seals on the chest, sacrificed the flames from the flames, and turned them into fist-sized flames.

Shaoqing stretched out his hand and pointed lightly at the ban on the boundary gate in front of him, and the Li fireworks ball flew out and attached to the ban fire chain.After ten breaths, the above ban was lifted, and Yi Tian cast the spell again and shot out a spiritual light to the gate of the realm.

In an instant, the gate of the realm that originally showed the appearance of the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit turned gray and white, which was exactly the color represented by the original pattern of the Underworld.There is a trace of chilly corpse air exuding from it, which should be a scene that will only appear after connecting with the corpse world.

The blood corpse old devil didn't say much and jumped into it, and before he left, he didn't forget to say: "Yi Tian, ​​don't forget what you promised me, I can't go to the Buddha and Spirit Realm, I'm begging you all together As soon as the words fell, the gate of the realm slowly returned to its original appearance, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to seal the ban leading to the corpse world again, and nodded without changing his expression.

(End of this chapter)

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