
Chapter 2033 Clues

Chapter 2033 Clues

There are a large number of demon monks in Pojun City, and it becomes very lively after being enriched, but with the increasing number of demon cultivators here, the security situation in the city has become extremely troublesome.As a last resort, the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance could only send a large number of disciples from the three sects to listen and send them.

With the addition of hundreds of disciples from the three sects, the strength of the Pojunshan patrol security team suddenly increased several times.Within a few days, the security situation in the city was suppressed.

Now in the city, no matter whether it is a demon cultivator or a casual cultivator in the spiritual world, everyone understands one thing, as long as they keep themselves safe, everyone will have a good life.If you encounter any problems, you can directly go to the city lord's mansion in the broken military city for arbitration.There is also a 'life and death challenge', but any unresolvable grievances can be resolved through one-on-one duels.

Originally, this was just an unintentional move by the City Lord's Mansion to resolve the conflict. It was expected that the 'life and death beating' would not be used often.But the actual situation is quite different. There are monks who go to the "Life and Death Ring" duel every day, and there are too many monks who need to make an appointment.

The 'life and death beating' is to see Xumi's aura, and it was placed in the back mountain of Pojun City. This is the place where Xi Tianying tried his sword that year.Now the neighborhood has become the busiest place in the entire Pojun City.

There is an endless stream of monks who come to watch, and there are still many betting points for the monks to gamble on.These are also industries under the three factions of the spirit world. After obtaining the consent of the high-ranking monks, they jointly opened the "Life and Death Competition" handicap together with the City Lord's Mansion of Pojun City.

One day, a cultivator at the transformation stage in a long gown strolled by, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he also showed a playful smile on his face.Although Yi Tian sits here, he can't retreat for a long time, and recently he has been going out to Pojun City to see the current situation of these demon cultivators.

After restraining his aura and pretending to be a casual cultivator at the transformation stage, Yi Tian wandered around Pojun City.It was later discovered that the demon monks here were not as decadent as imagined. On the contrary, many demon monks and spiritual monks got along well with each other and traded frequently with each other.

As for many casual cultivators in the spiritual world, they are also happy, at least Yi Tian walked along the way and found that the sequence here is much better than expected.

Walking to the boundary about ten miles away from the 'Life and Death Ring', I found that this place is more lively than other places.The City Lord's Mansion has opened many shops here, and it has become a trading gathering place in the city.

After walking in, Yi Tian looked at the next four blocks and found that there was a betting shop near the residence of the City Lord's Mansion. The spar screen above showed the list of people who fought in the "Life and Death" today, as well as their strength introduction.

Of course, there is also a description of the two people's grievances and so on. In the end, the seal of the Spiritual Alliance's franchise is stamped behind the names of the two.After Yi Tian asked carefully, he realized that these monks who participated in the "Life and Death Challenge" had to go through repeated audits by the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance.

Only after obtaining the decision permission from the City Lord's Mansion can they come here to register and rank. As for the monks who have registered, they cannot leave easily.

Although it's a 'life and death fight', the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance doesn't want this place to be a bloody arena, so before going on stage, they will repeatedly ask to divide the duel into victory and death battles and life and death battles.

As the name suggests, the monks who participate in the victory-loss battle can take the initiative to admit defeat and pay a large amount of ransom afterwards. Usually such a duel will be supervised by high-level monks. If someone admits defeat, they can take action to coordinate.

As for the life-and-death battle, there is no supervisor. After entering the Sumi Dimension, only one can come out alive.Yi Tian looked up and found that [-]% of the long list of duels displayed on the crystal screen were "winners and losers".Originally, it was just an outlet for those demon monks to vent their anger, and with the help of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, it became a classic industry in the city of breaking the army over time.

Such a result also made Yi Tian dumbfounded, he came this time to repair the Sumeru Spirit Artifact.Originally, there was only one independent space inside, but with the continuous stream of people coming to 'duel', the utilization rate of this spiritual weapon seemed to be unable to keep up with the situation.

Before that, Xi Tianying just briefly told himself that he wanted to divide the Xumi Dou platform into four separate spaces, so that four groups of people could fight at the same time.

Yi Tian was still puzzled by this at first, but after looking at the situation here, he already understood it in his heart.This is Xi Tianying wanting to speed up the use efficiency of the 'Life and Death Challenge', so as to alleviate the barrier lake problem of those duel arrangements.

It's just that Yi Tian's face changed slightly when his divine sense passed over the dense list of duels on the crystal screen in front of him, and he found many repeated names in it.After inquiring, I found out that these are the nail households of the "Life and Death Competition", and they are here to find someone to fight against.There are about [-] people with the same name, and they can have a turn almost every month.

Judging from the use cycle of the Sumeru Space Spirit Tool 'Life and Death Ring', it is basically full of these people.And the funniest thing is that among these monks with the same name, there are both demon and spirit world casual cultivators, and some demon monks also appear in this list.

Yi Tian was also very angry when he saw it. It was clear that this group of people was specially set up to break the Junshan gambling game.It is because of these talents that the business here is in full swing, and Yi Tian knows that there must be people from the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance participating in this, otherwise the ability of these casual cultivators will not be able to get the "Duel Permission Seal" recognized by the City Lord's Mansion.

In this way, Yi Tian was not in a hurry to upgrade the Xumi Space Spirit Artifact here, but went around and returned directly to the City Lord's Mansion.At this time, Xi Tianying was still on duty near the boundary gate, and few people knew his identity in Pojun City.

He used the concealment technique to directly find the inspection department in the mansion, which is now in charge of the special personnel sent by monks from the three sects of the spiritual world.And all the life and death seals for the duel came from here. Before reaching the main hall of the Inspectorate, Yi Tianshen stretched out his thoughts and found out that there seemed to be several people discussing in the hall.

After walking in slowly, I found a monk in the early stage of distraction sitting in the main hall, listening to the reports of the three subordinates in the stage of transformation.This master's distracted monk is his cheap brother-in-law Hua Yulin. Without him, many things in the city are inseparable from him.

Yi Tian didn't hesitate and said to him directly through voice transmission: "Let all the people under him go out first, I have something to look for you."

Hua Yulin, who was originally sitting in the main seat, was listening to the report boredly, when suddenly a gleam flashed in his eyes.After getting up slowly, he coughed lightly and said: "Go down first, everything will be handled later, I have something urgent."

All the subordinates were startled when they heard this, but they were just casual cultivators and naturally they dared not disobey Shangfeng's wishes, so they hurriedly retreated later.After ten breaths, Hua Yulin was the only one left in the huge main hall. He stretched out his hand and opened a sound-proof barrier, then turned around and said to an empty seat beside him, "Brother-in-law, when did you come?"

(End of this chapter)

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