
Chapter 2034 The reason

Chapter 2034 The reason
Originally, the establishment of Pojun City was to deal with the demon monks remaining in the spirit world, and after gathering them, the coefficients were sent back to the demon world.The time limit set is ten years, so that those demon cultivators who are hidden deep in the spiritual world have enough time to arrive.

In order to facilitate the management of these gathered demon monks, the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance specially set aside Pojun Mountain and rebuilt it into a comprehension town, and at the same time sent a large number of Spiritual Cultivation Alliance monks to assist in the management.

It's just that when Yi Tian inspected the broken army city, he found that there were a lot of tricks in it, and the source of it was still on the city lord's mansion. After all, the facilities and law enforcement authority in this city are all here.I wanted to check with Xi Tianying in the city lord's mansion, but I didn't expect that it was my brother-in-law Hua Yulin who was in charge of the inspection.

After the meeting, let him shield all his subordinates first, Yi Tiancai slowly appeared.In the main hall, Yi Tian asked with a serious face, "The 'Life and Death Ring' in this city was originally set up for those demon monks to settle their private grievances. Why is it turned into a big gambling stall now?"

There was no panic on Hua Yulin's face, instead he took out a jade slip and handed it over, "Brother-in-law, you will understand after reading this."

After taking over, Yi Tian placed the jade slip on his forehead and quickly scanned the information in it with his spiritual thoughts. After ten breaths, his face changed several times.Turning to look at Hua Yulin, I saw that the latter also looked innocent and said: "I don't want to, it's just that the funding gap of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance is too large. There are many places. The Spiritual Cultivation Alliance needs a huge amount of spiritual stones to repair these land boundaries, and if all of them are spread to those small and medium-sized sects, they may not be able to collect the full amount in a hundred years."

"It turns out that the distribution ratio here seems to be a bit too much, and the Broken Army City actually accounts for as much as [-]%?" Yi Tian said dissatisfied: "Since it is to relieve the worries of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, why should these shares be deducted? "

"Brother-in-law, you are wrong to blame me," Hua Yulin hurriedly distinguished: "Nowadays, there are more and more foreign monks in Pojun City, and these people need to settle down so that they will not cause trouble. As for spiritual cultivation The number of cultivators sent by the alliance to supervise is also far from enough. To be honest, there has been a shortage of manpower in the city for a long time, so it is necessary to recruit a large number of casual cultivators to coordinate and maintain."

"It's all a hassle. Fortunately, there are still a few years left. By then, the peace of the past can be restored when all the demon cultivators are sent back to the Demon Realm," Yi Tian said.

Hua Yulin shook his head and said: "Shangfeng means to build the broken army city camp into the first stronghold outside the boundary gate. Even if there is a problem with the boundary gate in the future, it can rely on this as the first barrier. So I guess In the future, even if Moxiu leaves, the scale of this broken army city will continue to expand."

"In this way, the pressure on you is indeed not light, and the 'Life and Death Ring' is a ready-made source of income that can continuously deliver a large amount of spiritual stones to the spiritual alliance," Yi Tian said after thinking for a while.

"That's true, so for the long-term plan, I would suggest that all the markets in the city should be banned, leaving only the City Lord's Mansion of Pojun City," Hua Yulin echoed.

Shaking his head, Yi Tian said: "And in order to revive this industry, you lowered the half-step 'Duel Life and Death Seal' conditions, and transferred a group of people to serve the 'Life and Death Challenge', right? ?”

"You can already see that," Hua Yulin continued without blushing or panting, "Actually, this was all discussed with Xi Tianying, so he naturally turned a blind eye to it. "

"Because of the [-]% bonus and the pressure of the Spiritual Alliance's talisman, he is unable to collect so many spirit stones to make up for the gap in the Spiritual Alliance, so he has to leave it to you," Yi Tian joked.

Seeing this, Hua Yulin also showed an embarrassed smile and said: "Xi Tianying is an honest gentleman, and naturally he is not very good at this way, but fortunately, with my help, it doesn't matter that the industries in Pojun City are doing well now. Spiritual cultivation The alliance can take a lot of spirit stones from here every year to repair the mess left over from the Great War."

"Hearing what you said, the industry in Pojun City seems to have to continue," Yi Tian said with a bright light in his eyes: "Okay, you will go out and inform the people below to put the duel starting tomorrow on hold first." back."

"Why is brother-in-law ready to make a move?" Hua Yulin asked in surprise.

Nodding his head, Yi Tian replied: "I will take action to re-sacrifice the spirit weapon of Xumi space. Originally, only monks in the integration period can separate the space, but after I improve the spirit weapon, it can be presided over by monks in the later stage of avatar. The inner one is divided into four, but it can only allow monks below the distraction stage to enter four separate spaces at the same time. If the monks are also in the distraction stage, they can only be used alone."

After hearing this, Hua Yulin slapped his thigh and said: "That's really great. You must know that most of the people who use the 'Life and Death Ring' are monks in the Nascent Soul Stage or the Transformation Stage. It's rare for a true distraction stage monk to appear."

After speaking, he took out a jade slip and looked up the list in the middle before saying: "The recent duel between monks in the distraction period is only two groups, each scheduled for a month later, and they are all duels involving demon monks. One of them is the duel between the Abyss Demon Race and the Monster Race. The other is the duel between the monks of the Flame Prison Demon Race and the monks of the Flying Rakshasa Race."

"Why is there a monk from the flame prison demon tribe who is distracted and confronted a monk from the flying Rakshasa tribe, and quickly told me his name," Yi Tian said with a slight brow.Speaking of which, I met Yan Tong and Nanny Yang from the Demon Clan of the Flame Prison during this battle of demon disasters, but these two should have waited for an opportunity to leave before I knew it, so why did they stay in the spirit world? .

"The cultivator of the Flame Prison Demon Clan is named An Xichen, whose cultivation base is at the peak of the middle stage of distraction. As for the cultivator of the Flying Rakshasa Clan," Hua Yulin said looking at the name on the jade slip.

Before he finished speaking, Yi Tian said: "I see, send someone to invite that monk from the Flame Prison Demon Race to come to the City Lord's Mansion."

"Why, big brother-in-law, you even know the monks of the Demon Clan in the Flame Prison, you really have a lot of friends," Hua Yulin said with emotion.

"If you are told to hire someone, then go," Yi Tian rolled his eyes at him and said, "Why are there so many nonsense."

After hearing this, Hua Yulin hurriedly shut up, stuck out her tongue, got up and left.Later, only Yi Tian was left alone in the hall.

At this time, in my mind, I recalled the situation when I and An Xichen teamed up to break into the abyss of the demon world.At that time, I still persuaded him to take it as soon as he got the benefits. After all, the most important thing is to save the lives of monks like him in the abyss of the devil world.

I didn't expect to have a chance to meet again in the spirit world after nearly a thousand years, but I don't know if the other party can recognize me.

(End of this chapter)

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