
Chapter 2035 Meeting 1

Chapter 2035 Meeting One
Originally, the schedule of the "Life and Death Competition" in Pojun City was very full, but suddenly the City Lord's Mansion ordered the entire schedule to be stopped.Such a mobilization of the whole body naturally affected many people, and many casual cultivators began to complain about the measures of the City Lord's Mansion.But most of them are casual cultivators. As for the Zongmen monks and the city lord's mansion, they silently obeyed the arrangement.

As for the markets responsible for placing bets, the monks came forward to clarify that all bets on "Life and Death" were temporarily postponed, and the betting tickets sold before were also valid.In this way, those rambunctious cultivators were calmed down.

Three days later, the "Life and Death Competition" reopened. This time, unlike the previous "Life and Death Competition", the Sumeru space was divided into four, allowing four groups of cultivators at the Transformation Stage to take action at the same time.

Moreover, the City Lord's Mansion seemed to be aware of the tricks in the 'Life and Death Competition', so it adjusted the arrangement again.

Two additional monks in the distraction period were added to sit in charge, and they took turns to control the Xumi spiritual weapon.The ranks are divided according to the level of cultivation of the monks. For two consecutive days, the monks of the Nascent Soul Stage will compete, and the monks of the Transformation God Stage will be arranged to fight on the next day.

If it is a real life-and-death battle, the Sumeru space will be readjusted as a whole space, and there will only be one competition on that day.

A secluded manor with the most exuberant aura in the south of Pojun City was originally Xi Tianying's other courtyard.It was deserted here when he was not around, but today the main gate of the mansion is open, it seems that the gate guard has returned.

In the main hall of the mansion, Yi Tian sat alone on the main seat, taking out a jade slip in his hand and reading it carefully.Suddenly the barrier outside the door shook, and then I saw Hua Yulin walking in with a demon cultivator.The person who came was An Xichen, the elder of the flame prison demon clan guest Qing. Speaking of which, he was originally a casual cultivator of the demon clan, but after entering the flame prison demon clan, he became very prosperous.

It's just that I don't know why he got involved in the war of demon disasters, and finally stayed in the spirit world.

After the two entered the hall, they saw Yi Tian was concentrating on the jade slip in the reader's hand. Hua Yulin was about to speak, but An Xichen on the side hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop it, and then gestured again on his face.The two waited in the hall and after a while, they only heard Yi Tian's 'hmm', and said lightly: "It's Daoist An Xichen, please take a seat."

An Xichen hastily stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "The younger generation, the leader of the vanguard of the Flame Prison Demon Race, the old guest, An Xichen, has met senior, so I don't know what he can give us from summoning him today."

Putting away the jade slip in his hand, Yi Tian didn't answer directly but turned his head to Hua Yulin and said, "You go down first, I have something to talk to An Xichen."

Hua Yulin naturally knew Yi Tian's temper, and then hurriedly cupped his hands and replied repeatedly: "This subordinate will leave."

After he left, An Xichen obviously felt a little restless. The monk in front of him seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember when he saw him.Moreover, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body did not show at all, he just looked like an ordinary mortal, but An Xichen knew that he was a real monk at the fusion stage.In terms of cultivation base, he should be much higher than Leng Xu of the Ice Demon Clan. If it comes to his identity, he should be a prominent figure in the three factions of the spirit world.

It's just that today, I don't know that such a big person will name and name him to meet him. Speaking of which, An Xichen is also very disturbed at this time.

Later, I heard Yi Tian said: "Why is the secret fellow Daoist still not seated?"

"There is no place for juniors to sit in front of seniors, I'd better stand up and answer," An Xichen replied respectfully.

"Oh, my identity scares you, right?" Yi Tian said with a slight smile, "Then I will talk to you in a different way, and you will remember a lot of past events."

After speaking, the spiritual power in Yi Tian's body suddenly fused and transformed into the original power of evil spirit, and his whole body changed from top to bottom.After three breaths, Yi Tian switched to the state of demon cultivator, turned his head and said with a smile: "After a long time, don't worry about it, fellow Daoist."

"You are Yi Tian, ​​are you a spiritual cultivator or a demon cultivator?" An Xichen asked in surprise.

"Isn't it me?" Yi Tian said with a faint smile: "You should take your seat first, fellow Daoist. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I really have a lot to ask you for advice."

An Xichen's face softened a little, then he turned around and sat down in the first seat below, and then said, "Who is your real identity, Fellow Daoist Yi?"

Hearing this, Yi Tian understood clearly, it seemed that An Xichen was still outside the power center of the flame prison demon clan.He had revealed his identity with Yan Tong long ago, and later, Nanny Yang and Uncle Yan Lei, the emperor of Yan Prison, knew about it.

It seems that An Xichen didn't know the news in advance, which proved that he was not really accepted into the flame prison demon clan.Thinking of this, Yi Tian couldn't help secretly thinking that it was worthless. It's really unfortunate that he has been working hard for the flame prison royal family for so long and still hasn't been seen.

"I was originally a spiritual practitioner. I went to the Demon Realm thousands of years ago with a mission. But I also used my real name when I walked the Demon Realm. In fact, my real identity is the new suzerain of the Lihuo Sect," Yi Tian said with a smile.

An Xichen didn't seem to be too surprised, and after calming down for a while, he said: "I've heard of the name of the Lihuo Sect Master before, but I just felt a little unsure, after all, you were in the abyss of the Demon Realm back then. If you didn’t come out alive, we all thought you fell into it.”

Speaking of that trip to the abyss of the demon world was also the last time he and An Xichen said goodbye, it has been a long time since I recalled it.Yi Tian nodded and said: "That trip to the Demon Realm was the final point of my mission. During the period, I ran into a clone of the Demon Saint Violent Tan, and I almost broke there."

"Sect Master Yi is truly blessed, and you are also a person of great luck, so you are very lucky to be able to escape from the monks of the Mahayana period," An Xichen echoed.

Turning his head to look at An Xichen, he saw that his cultivation base had reached the late stage of distraction at this time, and it was only slightly increased by one level compared to before.But before I heard Hua Yulin say that he was a mid-stage monk who was distracted, it seems that something must have happened to him recently.

Later, Yi Tian smiled and said: "From my observation, it seems that Friends of the Dark Daoist have advanced to the next level, and at the late stage of distraction, you can look at the fusion stage from a distance."

An Xichen shook his head and smiled wryly: "Sect Master Yi, don't make fun of me, I think my cultivation speed is really far behind you."

"My friend's words are wrong." Yi Tian stretched out his hand and interrupted directly: "Everyone's situation is different, so their achievements are also very different, and the current cultivation level cannot be determined. As long as the Taoist heart is tenacious, it will definitely be possible We will continue to walk on the road in the future.”

"What Zongzhu Yi said is that I was trapped for a thousand years in the mid-stage of distraction, and I participated in the invasion battle to find an opportunity to break through," An Xichen explained.

"I can understand this. Although your opportunity to break through came late, it doesn't mean that your future achievements will be poor," Yi Tian said.

Hearing this, An Xichen shook his head and said: "In fact, I have seen through it all these years. As a casual cultivator, no matter how much I contribute to the Flame Prison Dynasty, I will never be recognized by them. The heart must be different', they have always been on guard against me. Among the friends who can really talk in this life, Zongzhu Yi is lucky to say that."

Knowing that these were his words from the bottom of his heart, Yi Tian couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Hearing his words, he seemed to be less interested in the Flame Prison Dynasty.Then he tried to ask: "Then I don't know what the secret Daoist is going to do next? Should I return to the Demon Realm's Flame Prison Dynasty or continue to go back to do casual cultivation."

After hearing this, An Xichen's eyes darkened, and he thought for a while before replying: "To tell you the truth, I am also very disappointed in the Flame Prison Dynasty. Originally, those rotten old forces controlled the government, and there was the Flame Prison Demon above. Naturally, it is impossible for a rising star to take the lead if the imperial bullet suppresses it."

"What about Concubine Yan?" Yi Tian suddenly changed the topic and asked: "She is the default queen of the flame prison, so she should help you more or less."

"Young Master Yan Concubine is very fond of me, most of which is due to your credit," An Xichen said with a bright eye when he mentioned Concubine Yan: "Those old people who were originally in the vanguard of the Devil's Ridge Mountain Now they are all the right-hand men of Young Concubine Yan, but the situation in the Flame Prison Dynasty changes too fast, if Young Concubine Yan wants to take the top position, she must wait for her cultivation to be promoted to the fusion stage."

Knowing what he meant, Yi Tian sighed helplessly after thinking about it.Concubine Yan is obsessed with power, but she doesn't put her own cultivation in a proper position.One must know that power speaks entirely on one's own strength. If her cultivation is less than the fit period, Concubine Yan will rely on the power of the Demon Emperor or the emperor's uncle to suppress the dignitaries in the court.

The last time I met Madam Yang in the Demon Disaster War, she probably had this concern, so she bit the bullet and came directly to herself.

The two were silent for a while, An Xichen didn't dare to ask when he saw that he was thinking, Yi Tianzhi came back to his mind later and asked, "Why didn't you follow the demon army from there this time? What about withdrawing from the gap in the boundary gate?"

"At that time, the army of demons was defeated, and the army of monks of the heavenly demons headed by them was almost scattered by their own people," An Xichen recalled: "In the end, Uncle Yan Lei, the Emperor of the Flame Prison, came forward to recruit them again and took the first warships evacuated."

"What about you?" Yi Tian asked.

"Because the people from the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance attacked too quickly, and the Night Demons, Flying Rakshasa, Abyssal Demons, and Ice Demons who were stationed in front suddenly all retreated, blocking the entire interface gap and passage. ,” An Xichen said.

Most of the rebates of these races are fueled by themselves, and Yi Tian is also convinced of this.It's just that I didn't expect that there would be so many sequelae when the demon army was defeated.

Then I heard An Xichen say: "At that time, I was ordered to end the empress, and after receiving the talisman order from the Emperor of the Flame Prison, I realized that I had been completely abandoned. Most of the monks who stayed behind were demon cultivators."

"I didn't expect that I worked so hard to be loyal to the Flame Prison Dynasty, but in the end I was treated as an abandoned son," Yi Tian said with emotion: "Even if you return to the Demon Realm, you don't know where you will go to settle down?"

"The flame prison demons will definitely not go," An Xichen sighed and said, "The worst thing is to go back to casual cultivation."

"My friend's words are wrong," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "You must know that the cultivation resources in the demon world are controlled by the seven major clans. Not impossible, but extremely difficult."

"Do you want me to go back to the Flame Prison Dynasty? Even so, if I can't enter the power center, I will be regarded as an abandoned child sooner or later," An Xichen said with a look of resentment on his face.

"The Flame Prison demons definitely can't go, and the Loose Cultivation Alliance is not a good choice," Yi Tian said with a slight brow jump: "I don't know if you have thought about attaching to other demon forces?"

"I don't know what Sect Master Yi means?" An Xichen was also excited, he heard the meaning of the words and asked hastily: "Is there any other race in the Demon Realm that can accommodate me?"

"Night Demon Race and Abyss Demon Race are good choices," Yi Tian said, "The monks of these two major races have already fallen, and the strongest monks in the race are only in the distraction stage. Friends of the Dark Daoist can wait for the opportunity to intervene, maybe they can get some support."

Hearing this, An Xichen's eyes lit up, and he turned to stare at Yi Tian for a while before tentatively asking: "I don't know if the demise of the two monks in the fusion period is related to Yi Sect Master?"

"What do you think?" Yi Tian asked with a smile.

Some things are said too clearly but it is not a good thing, at least An Xichen is also a sensible person and immediately understands when he sees himself.Then he lowered his head and thought for a while before saying: "Neither of the two major races is the most ideal place to go, but if I have to make a choice, I will still find the Night Demons. At least those female devils are easier to deal with, and the new dark mistress is here. The foundation of the clan is unstable and the power is not in my hands. This is the most beneficial place for me."

"Friends of the Dark Dao really know people with discerning eyes. It's true that the Mistress of the Night is the latest leader, so she must be eager to establish prestige in the clan," Yi Tian said: "Nowadays, most of the power of the Night Demon Clan is in the hands of the elders. Going to assist at this time is naturally a timely help, and if he can succeed in supporting him in the future, he will not be able to escape."

An Xichen thought for a while and said bitterly: "I also understand the truth of this, but if it is said that I volunteered to come to the door, the dark mistress may not be new to me."

"It's not difficult," Yi Tian smiled and took out a jade slip from the storage ring and handed it over, "I was kind to Mistress Anse, so you can hold this jade slip to hold Mistress Anse together." Go online, after she reads it, she will definitely praise you, and everything after that will be entirely up to you.”

After hearing this, An Xichen didn't directly take over, but looked at Yi Tian in front of him with a face of surprise, and then showed a wry smile on his face: "It seems that Sect Master Yi has already secretly made a move to divide and disintegrate the seven major clans of the demon world." .”

"The situation is compelling and I want them to make the right choice. I have never coerced or lured them." Yi Tian replied indifferently: "If the secret daoist wants to hit the integration period, it will definitely be a good place to attach to one of the seven major clans. Your identity as a casual cultivator must not be considered comprehensively, if you can make offerings with the power of the night demon clan, maybe you can get a glimpse of the realm of the fusion period, so I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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