
Chapter 2038 Mediation

Chapter 2038 Mediation
At the gate of the Wangqing Sect's resident in Pojun City, Yi Tian held the talisman and edict of the City Lord's Mansion to show his identity, but he was stopped outside by the Wangqing Sect's lord Lian Shuang.Fortunately, I also met Ji Xuan from the Forgiveness Sect, she was the main person involved in this incident, and Leng Xu from the Ice Demon Clan came here just for her.

At the same time, Yi Tian also noticed a young demon monk walking towards here on the street.The spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body in the middle of distraction, his strength alone is enough to suppress the entire Wangqing sect.

In fact, Yi Tian was also very curious. It would not be more straightforward to use Leng Xu's strength to deal with such a low-level monk and take people directly.Instead, he has to learn the way of spiritual cultivation and come to worship the mountain gate like now. I really don't know what he thinks.

Lian Shuang on the opposite side also noticed Leng Xu's arrival for the first time, her forehead was deeply wrinkled, but her face showed a look of disdain.But she is only a monk in the late stage of transformation, and she is powerless in the face of Leng Xu, who is two steps higher.

It is expected that she is also a stubborn person, and she must have a hole card in her hand, so Leng Xu treats each other with such courtesy.But in the end, this matter will be determined by strength, and with the hole cards in Master Lengshuang's hands, at most, he can only delay with Leng Xu, and there is no way to resolve this matter.As for Ji Xuan who was behind her, she didn't seem to be disgusted with Leng Xu, on the contrary, her expression remained unchanged after her divine sense swept across her face, but the joyful expression in her eyes was fleeting.

Naturally, such appearances cannot be concealed from Yi Tian's spiritual investigation. After sighing in his heart, he secretly said: "Sure enough, this sad reincarnation still has a deep attachment to her husband in the previous life. The influence of past lives cannot be eradicated.If Ji Xuan was reincarnated, it might be possible to completely eradicate this attachment by using the Art of Forgetfulness, Leng Xu really picked a good time to come. '

When Shaoqing waited for Leng Xun to arrive at the gate of Wangqingzong's residence, he was stunned to see the three of them standing there.After sweeping past Wangqingzong and Wangqingzong, the divine sense lingered on Ji Xuan for a while, and at the same time, a little joy appeared on her face.

Turning his head and turning his gaze to Yi Tianhou who was standing aside, his pupils froze suddenly and then he pretended to be nonchalant and turned his head away to ignore it.

Suddenly Lian Shuang said: "What are you doing here, disciple? My Wangqing Sect is a well-known and decent sect in the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance. I will definitely not have anything to do with the demon monks."

Leng Xu said with a faint smile: "I have treated each other with courtesy after many visits. It is said that there is no place that does not follow the rules of the spiritual world sect. Is it too far-fetched for fellow Daoist Lian Shuang? Standing on the street and talking like this That's not the way to welcome guests."

The master of emotion has also restrained his mind. If it were in a normal situation, he would have sneaked into the mansion and taken people away.After Yi Tian observed it, he was afraid that Leng Xu, like himself, was blocked by Master Lengshuang, so he turned around and looked at the relationship between the two of the Wangqing Sect.

After being silent for about ten breaths, she only heard her say: "Okay, so please come to the Zongmen Mansion to rest." At the same time, he turned his head to Yi Tian and said, "Since you are sent by the City Lord Mansion to mediate Please come in and talk about it in detail, so as not to spread the word and make people misunderstand that I, the Wangqing Sect, neglected the special envoy of the City Lord's Mansion without courtesy."

Obviously, she had no choice but to give in for the time being, but Yi Tian knew that Leng Shuang was also observing her own movements to see if she could properly handle the matter as stated in the edict of the City Lord's Mansion.

Leng Xu of the Ice Demon Clan smiled when he heard the words, turned around and moved his lips a few times to transmit the voice transmission: "I didn't expect Sect Master Yi to come, I knew that there must be heavyweights in the small Pojun City." The character sitting in the town, I didn't expect it to be you."

"Fellow Daoist Leng Xu, you're being polite, if you didn't make trouble here, would it be necessary for me to show up?" Yi Tian replied angrily.

"Yi Daoyou's words are wrong," Leng Xu walked slowly, but replied: "Everything I do is based on your spiritual practice, and I don't mean to go beyond it. And I believe that in terms of strength, I am far from being an opponent of Sect Master Yi, but you will definitely not fight me in order to maintain the order of breaking the army city."

After hearing this, Yi Tian didn't show any emotion on his face, but secretly groaned in his heart.It is not easy to create such a situation in the broken army city, of course, I will not fight here again, otherwise those demon monks will run away again after seeing it, which will plant the root of disaster for the spirit world.Speaking of which, after the ten-year period passes and all these people are sent back to the Demon Realm, they will live in peace. I'm afraid that Leng Xu has already seen the plan of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, so he will follow the rules and play cards.

In this way, I can't break the rules and forcefully kill or expel him. After all, I have to endure this anger in order to keep the spirit world peaceful for thousands of years.

However, Yi Tian didn't want to be led by the nose by Leng Xu, so he took a step to follow him, crossed the gate of Wangqing Sect's resident gate, and then reached out to open the forbidden barrier to cover the whole place.The three people walking in front were naturally aware of it, but they didn't have any objections. Anyway, the rest of the matter had to be discussed in private.

Yi Tian bowed his head while walking and said through voice transmission: "Friend Daoist Leng is really calculating, since you treat me with courtesy, I won't embarrass you. As long as what you say is reasonable today, I can preside over the overall situation and give you a satisfactory answer."

"Okay, fellow Daoist Yi really speaks quickly, and I feel at ease with a word from you," Leng Xu replied with a smile.

After a while, the four of them walked through the corridors and pavilions and came to the hall of the Wangqing Sect. At this time, there were already three female nuns sitting there waiting.Lian Shuang walked to the seat and turned around to sit down, while Ji Xuan stood behind her and waited on her.

The host didn't say anything, but Leng Xu walked forward casually and sat down on the first seat on the right of Mrs. Leng Shuang.Seeing this, Yi Tian had no choice but to sit beside Leng Xu while he was in the way.

Those elders of the Wangqing Sect also have the cultivation level of the transformation stage, and when they saw two monks, one at the distraction stage and one at the Nascent Soul stage, they all had different expressions.In the end, they all turned to Sect Master Lian Shuang who was sitting on the main seat, hoping that she could give a reasonable explanation.

In the hall, Lian Shuang coughed lightly and said, "These two are Senior Leng Xu from the Demon Race and Daoyou Yi, the special envoy of the City Lord's Mansion."

After hearing this, the three female cultivators bowed their heads one after another, while Leng Xu returned the gift with a smile on his face, and Yi Tian was no exception.

Later, I only heard Lian Shuang ask: "Senior Leng Xu has come here again and again, I don't know why?"

"The reason why the poor Taoist came here must be very clear to the teachers." Leng Xu cut straight to the point and stretched out his hand: "The disciple of your sect, Ji Xuan, is the reincarnation of my wife. I searched for her for hundreds of years until I came to Lingxuan. Only then did Jie find some clues."

"Absurd," Lian Shuang snapped with a wave of her hand, "Ji Xuan is a disciple of my sect, who lived in the spirit world and grew up in the spirit world. Even if your first wife is reincarnated, it is a matter of the previous life."

"Master, don't be annoyed. I love my wife so much that I have used secret techniques to inquire so far," Leng Xu said with a smile, "As the saying goes, 'It is better to tear down ten temples than a single marriage', and I hope Fellow Daoist Lian Shuang can make it happen." Down."

"It's good to say 'It's better to tear down ten temples than to tear down a marriage'. The secret of forgetting love practiced by our sect is to make people forget their emotions and desires to pursue the supreme way. What fellow Taoists say is contrary to the purpose pursued by the despicable sect. Please Forgive me for not agreeing with it," Lian Shuang replied decisively.

"I have no intention of breaking the cultivation tenet that the noble sect believes in," Leng Xu said, "It's just that I miss my wife very much. Seven or eight hundred years have passed since the Abyss of the Demon Realm, so it is naturally impossible to find her reincarnation. miss."

After hearing this, Sect Master Lian Shuang's face changed several times, and finally he sighed: "Senior Leng, I respect you as a senior, but children's personal love is an obstacle to the way of cultivation. Besides, even if Ji Xuan follows you, can you How, how can she switch to the way of magic with a spiritual body?"

"Sect Master Lian Shuang doesn't have to worry about this," Leng Xu replied disdainfully: "My ice demon clan is different from the other six major demon clans. The special will not cause any major damage to the main body at all.”

"Excuse me, junior, but I don't know if there are other reasons for doing this on purpose," Sect Master Lian Shuang asked suddenly: "Since senior treats him with courtesy, we naturally don't want to make things too rigid, let alone the city lord's mansion. The special envoy here to mediate must be a reasonable person who cannot avoid the word 'reasonable' in everything."

When Leng Xu heard the words, he seemed hesitant to speak. Yi Tian looked at the information of the Ice Demon Clan quickly in his eyes and mind, and then said: "Generally speaking, Ice Demon Clan monks will use double cultivation Cultivation techniques enhance cultivation, which is different from other races."

"Oh, fellow Daoist Yi knows a lot about the Ice Demon Race," Sect Master Lian Shuang teased.

Ignoring her words, Yi Tian went on to say: "The ice demon monks are generally polygamous, and there are usually three or four dual monks by their side. In my opinion, you should also be a single-minded person. , there is only one Taoist companion by my side, so I am so focused on finding his reincarnation body."

"Yi Daoyou is really well-informed, and his vision of seeing people is not bad," Leng Xu echoed: "It is precisely because of this that I will come from the devil world to the spirit world to find a wife at all costs."

"I don't think you need to force it because it will affect the Dao heart of the two-time Taoist couple," Yi Tian said again: "If Fellow Daoist Ji Xuan is willing to go back with you to accept the magic energy tank, it will naturally not appear if the Dao heart is stable in the future. What a big difference, if it is used strong, it will inevitably leave an indelible scar on the Dao heart, and even if it accepts the magic energy tank in the future, it will easily go crazy and become a demon in the form of 'crazy'."

"That's right, my Ice Demon Clan is different from other demon cultivators. Although it is difficult for my clansmen to improve their skills, the demons who are in a 'quiet' state after cultivation to a high level are naturally much stronger than the demons in the same 'crazy' form. That's it," Leng Xu said.

Hearing this, Lian Shuang, who was sitting on the main seat here, was stunned, and then looked at Yi Tian in front of him with novel eyes and asked: "Yi Daoyou really has a lot of knowledge, but it seems that you have such a cultivation base that you can't touch it." Lots of top-secret information."

Leng Xu snorted a few times from the side: "It's just your lack of eyesight, but you don't recognize a really powerful person in front of you. He is the one who has the final say here. Do you think Xi Tian of the City Lord's Mansion alone should not The quasi-fit stage of entering the stream is still beyond my understanding."

As soon as this remark came out, Sect Master Lian Shuang in front of him, the three elders of Wang Qing Sect sitting opposite, and even Ji Xuan standing behind were all terrified.Lian Shuang seemed to have thought of something and asked in a trembling voice: "Is your honor the new Li Huo Sect Master Yi?"

Yi Tian showed helplessness, originally he didn't want to make things too big, but it seems that the other party can almost guess eight or nine points at the current situation.

Then he sighed and said, "I was directly related to the desolate fall back then, so it is my duty to mediate this time."

Leng Xu snorted twice when he heard the words: "I guess it is that when you and your wife were selected to go to the abyss of the Demon Realm, only a few people escaped afterwards. None of the people I asked told you your whereabouts , It’s just that the sad natal soul card was broken and I realized something was wrong. Later, I heard rumors that the new suzerain of the Li Huo Sect was also named Yi Tian, ​​and when you appeared again as a spiritual cultivator, I recognized you from afar , it’s just that your strength has risen to the point where even I am afraid.”

"This is also the direct reason why you, Fellow Daoist Leng, behaved well in Pojun City. If it were Zheng Tingyun or Lu Jianling sitting here, I'm afraid you wouldn't be so law-abiding," Yi Tian joked.

"So what?" Leng Xu said disdainfully: "Do you think I'm a fool? Since you can even let the blood corpse old devil go, you won't be as knowledgeable as me. Besides, there is no inseparable relationship between us." I just want to find my wife and reincarnate, and you won't take action against me for such a trivial matter."

"Well, I hope you can stop here," Yi Tian said and shook his head helplessly.

The conversation between the two of them was not transmitted privately at all, but was spoken directly in the classroom, and the five people sitting in front of them could naturally hear them clearly.Sect Master Lian Shuang of the Wangqing Sect still tried to ask: "Dare to ask Senior Yi how to deal with this matter?"

Now is no longer the time for her to have the final say, and there is no room for juniors like them to interrupt the conversation of the monks in the integration stage.Poor Sect Master Shuang still forced himself to ask.

"Let Leng Xu use his skills to verify Ji Xuan's past life, and if it's really sad, let him take him away," Yi Tian said in an undeniable tone, "As for the loss of Wangqingzong, let's use this to make up for it."

After speaking, he reached out and took out a storage bag, put some treasure materials and spiritual weapons in it, and handed it over through the air.After Sect Master Lian Shuang took over, his divine sense penetrated into it, and after taking three breaths, he looked surprised. The things inside were worth the property of the entire Wangqing Sect, and it was enough to save face.

Leng Xu sat on the sidelines and watched coldly for a while, and then he said, "Thank you, Sect Master Yi, for redeeming me." After speaking, he took out a dark wooden comb as a sacrifice in his hand, and began to practice while muttering words.

 Thanks to fellow daoists fshqia03, 7281659qwe, baiml, and Ergou for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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