
Chapter 2039

Chapter 2039
The Wangqing Sect was originally an inconspicuous third-rate sect, and the cultivation level of the sect master was only that of the late stage of transformation.Putting it in the three major sects is at most the weight of an inner sect disciple, not that kind of top existence.

If there is no such thing as Leng Xu, I am afraid that Yi Tian will never have the opportunity to come here, but fortunately this time it is only a private meeting.But there are always impenetrable walls in the world, and soon many monks from outside learned more or less that there were top monks who had visited such a small sect.

Invisibly, the value of Wangqingzong was brought up, and even Hua Yulin, a monk in the distraction period of Taiqing Pavilion, who was in charge of the city lord's mansion, also confessed to this, and he could tell the patrol team of Pojunshan to treat him more politely afterwards Sect Master Lian Shuang.

Speaking of which, at the mansion that day, Leng Xu decisively took out the black sandalwood comb that Qiqing used back then, and after casting spells, he summoned Ji Xuan's spirit.At the same time, looking back at his previous life form is undoubtedly the sad feeling of that year.

Yi Tian also took care to switch his spiritual power on the spot to display his real body of demon cultivator. Now the miserable Yuan Ling was terrified when he saw it, and tearfully told what happened in the abyss of the demon world back then .

Afterwards, the sad Yuan Ling returned to Ji Xuan's body again. At this time, she seemed to have begun to retrieve some memories of her previous life.When she saw Leng Xu, there was naked admiration in her eyes, but when Ji Xuan saw the appearance of Yi Tian here, she showed obvious timidity.

After taking back the exercises, Yi Tian didn't say much and let Leng Xu lead the people to leave calmly, while he stayed in Wangqingzong to appease Lian Shuang and others.

Afterwards, Leng Xu didn't make trouble anymore, and chose a secluded high-level blessed place in Pojun City to cultivate quietly.The City Lord's Mansion was naturally happy to see this, and specially sent a group of people to guard it near his home.To the outside world, it is claimed that there is an important escort mission, but in fact it is responsible for monitoring Leng Xu.

And the result of the battle between the monks in the "life and death beating" distraction period in Pojun City also came out, just as Yi Tian expected before, An Xichen easily killed the opponent on the spot with an absolute advantage.This is also the first true life-and-death contest between monks in the distraction period since the start of the "Life and Death Competition".At that time, there were at least tens of thousands of monks watching the battle, and the sales of the tickets for the visit alone were equivalent to half a year's income of the City Lord's Mansion.

In fact, many people who went to visit were not just to watch the fun, but many of them wanted to see the real life-to-life fight between high-level monks and participate in research to improve their own strength.For war repairers, there is nothing better than seeing high-level monks fight with one's own eyes to improve one's experience.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he returned early to the temporary cave in the depths of the City Lord's Mansion in Pojun City.This time, he finally dealt with the troublesome matter at hand, leaving aside the matter of Leng Xu, An Xichen was a very crucial step in his plan.

Now after tracing the whereabouts of Miao Dizi and Master Wuxiang, he finally pointed the finger at the great sage of the demon world, Bao Tan.In the future, I will definitely have to visit the Demon Realm in person. It is inevitable that I will be violently confronted by the Demon Saint. Naturally, it is very necessary to plan ahead.Calculating carefully, there are already two footholds that I can find in the Demon Realm, and the Flame Prison Demon Race can only be an alternative, after all, there are two monks in the fusion period.

As for the Night Demons, it seems that it is more suitable for him to be the main choice of resting place.

On that day, Yi Tian was listening to Hua Yulin's report in the temporary cave. Recently, with the return period of ten years, more and more demon monks came to Pojun City to take refuge.Many of them are notorious casual cultivators who defected here after committing crimes in the spirit world.

The Spiritual Cultivation Alliance has already issued a warrant for arresting some heinous people.After listening to Hua Yulin's report, Yi Tian fell into deep thought before asking: "How many demon cultivators on the wanted warrant have come to break the army city?"

"There are about seven or eight of them. These people are hiding in the alien area and will not go out easily," Hua Yulin replied.

"Notify the headquarters of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, and immediately dispatch three factions of elite monks to break the army city," Yi Tian blurted out without thinking.

"Brother-in-law, do you want to find someone to sacrifice the flag?" Hua Yulin was stunned and said, "But now we have created a stable situation here, and a big fight at this time will definitely cause adverse effects."

"These demon cultivators have dozens of lives on them, so it is impossible to let them go back," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "But the current stable situation cannot be easily broken, so I asked the Spiritual Cultivator Alliance to send elite monks to come here." In order to secretly arrest. Afterwards, a public trial of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance will be held to make known to the world what these demonic cultivators have committed.”

"Will this cause riots?" Hua Yulin asked worriedly.

"It's okay, you order immediately, but all the monks who want to participate in the ten-year return to the demon world need to go to the city lord's mansion of Pojun City to get their ID cards, otherwise Xi Tianying will not let them go," Yi Tian suddenly had a flash of light in his eyes Said: "I want those demon cultivators hiding in the alien race area to surface one by one. At the same time, you also need to set up a review team to distinguish those demon cultivators who have no choice but to participate in the demon tribe invasion."

"Do you want to count the killing of Lingxiu in the disaster?" Hua Yulin asked.

"The Demonic Disaster War is involuntary, there is no way, even the Demonic Cultivator can't do it himself, these can be cut across the board," Yi Tian thought for a while and said: "All I'm looking for is those who are still alive after the Demonic Disaster War. The devil cultivators who go deep into the spirit world and commit crimes everywhere, these talents are our targets, I will clarify the specific situation with Zheng Tingyun, and she will also send capable monks to assist you in handling this matter."

"There is also Leng Xu, a monk of the Ice Demon Race who is in the fusion stage. No one else dares to provoke him easily," Hua Yulin said, "He doesn't need to participate in the review."

In Pojun City, he is the only one who can suppress Leng Xu, so Hua Yulin mentioned that he naturally wanted to be the hands-off shopkeeper.Yi Tian smiled and said: "No way, you can just send the access token yourself, and I will draw a seal on you, and he will know what I mean when he sees it."

Hua Yulin's head was dripping with cold sweat, but looking at Yi Tian in front of him, knowing that there was no room for argument, he had to bite the bullet and take it.Then Yi Tian said again: "Let's first limit the list of demon cultivators who are mainly pursued on this wanted order to below the deity stage. The monks in the distraction stage are all the elites of the major demon clans. Even if you want to deal with them, you must It would be better to send them back to the Demon Realm if you spend a little bit of money, I think it won’t be peaceful when they return.”

After hearing this, Hua Yulin said yes again and again, and after thinking about it carefully, a knowing smile appeared on his face. These demon cultivators would not be treated even after returning to the demon world.To divide the power of the demon world in this way and solve the worries of the spiritual world is exactly the way to kill two birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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