
Chapter 2046 Visit 2

Chapter 2046 Visit Two

In the temporary cave in Pojun City, Yi Tian met Taoist Yulong who had come to pay a special visit. After the two of them sat down, they brought the topic to the point in two or three sentences.

Hearing Daoming's intention, Yi Tian just smiled and asked, "I don't know why Fellow Daoist Jade Dragon came here to catch the remnants of the demons instead of going to Canglong Castle, but why did you transfer them to me?"

Taoist Yulong was ashamed when he heard the words: "Speaking of which, the demon Dugu Yaoxiang was so cunning that day, he hid in the foreign race trading area of ​​Canglong Castle for many days. and go."

"Oh, there is such a thing," Yi Tian exclaimed pretendingly, "It's a secret technique for a mere distracted cultivator to escape from his fellow Taoists. I didn't expect him to have such a capable person in the Heavenly Demon Clan. exist."

"What Zongzhu Yi said is true," Taoist Yulong said sincerely: "Originally, this Dugu Yaoxiang was a key criminal on the wanted list of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance. It’s just that letting him leave this time will inevitably make people laugh in the alliance, so I came here to discuss with Yi Zongzhu.”

Speaking of which, Fellow Daoist Yulong didn't mention a single word in Pojun City that he saw a monk in the integration period sheltering Dugu Yaoxiang, but just took the responsibility all his own, and in Yi Tian's mind, this was the opponent's strategy of retreating.Now that he has said so much, if he doesn't make a move, he can't justify it.

How can I say that Taoist Yulong also received a talisman order from the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance to attack, and this time there was a definite report, and the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance also sent a search team to find Dugu Yaoxiang's whereabouts after several months of rounding up.If he just went back empty-handed, as he said afterwards, he would definitely make the fellow monks in the alliance laugh at him afterwards.

Now that he came to me and said it deliberately, after all, there are some things that cannot be put on the table and talked about directly.Yi Tian thought for a while before asking: "I don't know how Fellow Daoist Yulong wants me to help, do you need to say hello to Zheng Tingyun?"

"Sovereign Master Yi doesn't need to come forward in person for such a matter. I believe that Leader Zheng can still forgive me with a bit of an old man," Taoist Yulong said hastily.

Hearing that he was able to handle Yi Tian by himself, there was a puzzled look on Yi Tian's face. His eyes glanced and he knew that he still had more to say. It seemed that it would not be so easy to expose this matter.

Then he asked again: "Then I don't know what else Daoist Yulong wants?"

"One of the missions in the Spiritual Alliance's mission gang is to capture strange beasts that are descendants of the ancient green dragon," Taoist Yulong said, "I'm a little uncertain about my own strength, so I want to ask Sect Master Yi to help."

It turned out that he was looking for a helper, but this ancient green dragon is a spirit beast from the fairy world, and most of his descendants also stayed in the fairy world, so how could he end up in the spirit world.After thinking about it, he frowned slightly and asked: "I don't know what this descendant of the green dragon is, and if such a natural treasure is easily taken, it will hurt people."

Taoist Yulong hastily distinguished: "Sect Master Yi, there is no need to worry. The descendant of the green dragon is a one-horned scorching dragon beast. I don't want to take his life either. I only need ten drops of dragon blood."

"It's not easy to extract ten drops of true blood from a single-horned scorching dragon beast. I wonder how strong that strange beast is?" Yi Tian asked again.

"It looks like the peak of the ninth level," Taoist Yulong said, "It lives in the valley of flames deep in the spirit world, about half a year's journey away from here."

"It stands to reason that this descendant of the Azure Dragon should be wood, so why did it become a one-horned scorching dragon beast with a fire attribute?" Yi Tian said, this matter is big or small, and he doesn't want to easily provoke an ancient beast to avoid it. Leaving infinite hidden dangers for the sect.

Taoist Yulong explained: "Actually, I don't know about it, but I have checked it from afar when I traveled to the depths of the spirit world. That strange beast is indeed a descendant of the Qinglong, but its mother clan should be a high-level fire-type spirit beast, so it is so special." Mixed blood into such an attribute."

"Well, since I don't know what kind of clever strategy Fellow Daoist Jade Dragon has, it would be great if we can poison him and then take his true blood, otherwise we can only resort to force," Yi Tian said.

"I have a preliminary plan, but I'm just afraid that if I miss it, I won't be able to match it, and I will still get into trouble," Taoist Yulong said.

"In that case, I'll take one shot." Yi Tian thought for a while and said, "I'll set up a large-scale trap in the place where the one-horned scorching dragon beast haunts, and after Fellow Daoist Jade Dragon introduces it into the big formation, I'll take it out. It's trapped, so you're safe from trying to poison him for his true blood."

"Thank you, Sect Master Yi, for your willingness to help," Taoist Yulong's eyes flashed and he said, "As for matters within the spiritual cultivation alliance, Sect Master Yi doesn't need to worry, I have my own way to excuse myself."

Yi Tian replied with a faint smile and nodded, but he said helplessly in his heart, "I still framed it for him, but it's a pity that I didn't make a complete arrangement for this matter because of time constraints, and now it's my own fault to be caught by others." But turning around and thinking about it, Yi Tian felt a little touched. He once saw a scorched dragon skeleton on the monster clan battlefield in the demon world. Although the owner of the skeleton died for many years, it was once a tenth-level monster.

And the scorching dragon is a rare thing, even in my lifetime, I can meet two of them, maybe there will be some inevitable connection between the two.Except for the fact that he is a descendant of Qinglong, it is very intriguing, and Yi Tian immediately thought about it in his mind.It stands to reason that such fairy beasts should not have appeared in the spirit world. If I guessed right, this phenomenon may be related to the broken fragments of the fairy world.

Originally looking everywhere for the whereabouts of Luo Tianxian Palace but had no clue, just because such a great opportunity suddenly appeared in front of him, he still had reason to give up easily.

The Yulong Taoist in front of him thought well and planned to ask himself to help, but he didn't have a high vision and didn't explore the opportunity hidden behind it in depth.Thinking of this, Yi Tian put on a helpless expression and said, "I wonder if Fellow Daoist Jade Dragon still needs to make some preparations. It's not easy to put a ninth-level monster."

"Sect Master Yi, please wait for a while and allow me to prepare for the trip in three days," Taoist Yulong said.

"Okay, you go and prepare, and you can send a message in three days," Yi Tian nodded and replied.

Taoist Yulong was overjoyed when he heard the words, stood up hastily, cupped his hands and said goodbye, then turned and left.Yi Tian nodded his head and thought about it. Although he was coerced by Taoist Yulong this time, it might not be a chance.I know a lot about the rumors about Luotian Immortal Palace, but this is the first time I have the opportunity to find clues about the Immortal World.

Moreover, Yi Tian had a vague premonition in his heart that this trip to the Valley of Flames in the depths of the spirit world would definitely bring him something to gain.

 Thanks for the support of Taoist One Big Sun, book friends 151108095747225, and baiml.

(End of this chapter)

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