
Chapter 2047 Helper

Chapter 2047 Helper
In the sky of the spirit world, a small assault boat rowed across the sky, leaving a faint trace high above the sky.Sitting in the cabin were Yi Tian and Taoist Yulong. After meeting in Pojun City a few months ago, Taoist Yulong went straight to purchase supplies and prepare to travel.

Yi Tian, ​​on the other hand, gave Xi Tianying and Hua Yulin all the things in his hands, and at the same time sent a number of Yufu summons to Hua Yuxin in Lihuozong and Zheng Tingyun in the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance.

I reckon that this trip will not be delayed for too long, but I have to inform someone first.

Three days later, when Taoist Yulong came again, Yi Tian took out his own car after meeting up, and the two of them drove straight towards the depths of the spirit world.

Although the three sects of the spiritual world have been entrenched in the spiritual world for many years, they have not explored the entire spiritual world. I am afraid that even the Mahayana monks of the three sects have never set foot in the depths of the spiritual world.

Yi Tian and Taoist Yulong took turns driving the assault boat in the air for three months and then they were out of the scope of the map in their hands. Fortunately, Taoist Yulong's map Yujian was used as a guide for the next days.

After flying continuously for nearly half a year, Yi Tian judged from the nearby terrain that almost two of them had arrived at the territory of the one-horned scorching dragon.Immediately, the assault boat slowly landed on a mountain top, and two figures stepped out of it, and then Yi Tian pinched the assault boat with a tactic in his hand.

Taoist Yulong who was beside him pointed to the distant mountains and said, "This place is still thousands of miles away from the lair of the one-horned scorching dragon beast. We are almost at the edge of his territory now."

Yi Tian nodded and flew to the sky, and the purple awns flashed in his eyes, using the magic pupil technique, and stared at the distant mountains carefully.Sure enough, there is a thick layer of monster aura over this ten thousand li mountain, but all the lands where the monster aura spreads are considered the territory of monsters.

At this time, he happened to be standing a hundred miles away from the territory, and then Yi Tian said, "Let's calm down and go in quietly. I need to find a suitable place for formation."

Taoist Yulong hurriedly nodded in reply, and then the two took out the breath-suppressing cloak and put it on their bodies, suppressed the spiritual pressure fluctuations to the minimum, and then flew towards the sky above the mountain in front of them.

Yi Tian, ​​who was flying in the air half a day later, stretched out his hand and pointed: "There is a mountain valley with a water source five hundred miles away, which is very suitable for arranging formations. It would be great if there are medium-sized spiritual veins distributed below."

"Everything is up to Master Lao Yi," Taoist Yulong replied, clasping his hands.

Shaoqing and the two lowered their altitude, Yi Tian circled around that col, took out a sundial and compass, measured it, and said, "That's right, it's an excellent place to set up a position, fellow Daoist Yulong, are you sure you can take out that horned horn?" Did the Burning Dragon Beast attract you?"

Taoist Yulong revealed a confident look on his face and said: "Don't worry, this easy suzerain, that scorching dragon beast likes to mix the blood food that attracts the fragrance of demons the most."

"Could it be that these ninth-level monsters don't even have a high degree of spiritual intelligence, so they need to use such means to attract him?" Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

"The spiritual wisdom of high-level monsters has long been activated, but I know that the blood food mixed with the fragrance of demons is fatally attractive to him," Taoist Yulong said: "For this reason, I also specially killed a seventh-level beast. The bear demon took its flesh and blood and cooked it for more than half a year."

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Yulong has already made plans for this operation," Yi Tian said with a faint smile, "I think even without my help this time, I'm afraid you will find someone to go with you."

"What Sect Master Yi said is true," Taoist Yulong replied with an embarrassed smile, "It's just that my friends are not as strong as Sect Master Yi, and it's expensive to ask them to help, so it's natural to have your help It's a sure thing."

Knowing that this time he was caught by the other party in order to cover up the private release of Dugu Yaoxiang, Yi Tian could only secretly admit that he was unlucky.Although it was a part-time job for nothing, Yitian was unwilling to be so passively controlled, so as not to have no countermeasures if the situation changed.After thinking about it, I opened my mouth and said: "Since this is the case, you must have a lot of blood food left in your hands. After going to a part, I will put it in the big formation. After the mobilization, I can set up a trap to attract the one-horned scorching dragon." The beast comes."

Taoist Yulong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then took out a storage bag, filled it with enough blood food, and brought it over.After Yi Tian took over, he took out a formation talisman jade tablet and sent it to him, saying, "It will take some time to go to the Burning Dragon Beast's cave, so go ahead and lure it out. It won't take a while for me to set up a large formation here."

Putting away the talisman jade card, the Taoist Yulong was delighted, then turned around and galloped towards the most monstrous direction in the depths of the mountain.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out a palm-sized formation plate, on which there were patterns of green dragon, white tiger, vermilion bird, enlightenment and four beasts.After injecting the spiritual power in the hand, activate the formation plate, and then turn the palm of the hand to point the formation plate into the depths of the mountain below.

The four spiritual powers spread towards the surroundings in an instant. This is the spiritual pressure fluctuation inspired by the four spirits sealed by Yi Tianbu after connecting the earth veins.However, behind the three breaths, phantoms of four spirit beasts appeared in the sky above the four squares with a radius of a hundred miles and the center of the mountain col, and then these four phantoms fell into the ground with a 'swoosh'.

Yi Tian lowered his head to the cloud and poured all the blood food in the storage bag in his hand near the eye of the formation. Unexpectedly, Taoist Yulong prepared a lot for himself.After the blood food was poured out, it was piled up like a two-foot-high hill, with a faint fragrance floating over it. Yi Tian smelled it and showed a thoughtful expression on his face.

Taoist Yulong said it was right. There is a lot of demon-inducing fragrance in it, but there is also a faint fragrance mixed in it.Yi Tian turned quickly in his mind, and after three breaths, the word 'Deep Sea Ambergris' popped out.I didn't expect Taoist Yulong to spend a lot of money. This 'Deep Sea Ambergris Fruit' is one of the most favorite spiritual fruits of the dragon clan. If the quantity is large enough, it will be easy to attract a nest of dragon clan.

Just looking at the amount of at most two 'Deep Sea Ambergris' mixed into the blood food piled up like a hill in front of him, it is estimated that Taoist Yulong also spent a lot of effort to collect it.

I was thinking about it, and suddenly I heard a deep dragon's chant resounding through the sky about a thousand miles away, and then two spiritual pressure fluctuations wrinkled and flew towards my position rapidly.

Frowning deeply, Yi Tian was also annoyed in his heart, this Jade Dragon Taoist was really sloppy in doing things, and even directly alarmed the one-horned scorching dragon beast.In this way, how can people think about eating blood, and they have to deal with the invading enemy first.After thinking about it, he shook his head helplessly, then stretched out his hands and quickly made seals, and then aimed at the position of the array in front of him, and played the counting formula.

After a breath, there was an unknown wind blowing around, and the thick white fog gathered and swallowed up the valley and Yi Tian's figure, leaving only a pile of blood food piled up on the ground in the shape of a hill and left alone in place.

(End of this chapter)

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