
Chapter 2048

Chapter 2048
Yi Tian placed the blood food within the Four Spirit Sealing Formation and then hid directly in the sky above the formation.Later, I saw two escaping lights flying towards the position where I was.

After the purple light flashed in his eyes, Yi Tian saw the escaping light clearly, and the person in front of him who fled quickly was Taoist Yulong.At this time, he was running towards here with all his evasion techniques.And the ray of light in the back is mixed with blue and yellow colors, and a monk with the appearance of a thirteen or fourteen year old boy appears in it.At first glance, it looks like an ordinary spiritual boy, except that there is a three-inch long horn on the forehead.

There was a bit of puzzlement on his face, he didn't expect that the one-horned scorching dragon would still look like this after tens of thousands of years, according to his original estimation, the scorching dragon would have to be transformed into a middle-aged monk. right.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a voice in his ear saying: "Sect Master Yi, please make a quick move. The strength of this one-horned scorching dragon beast is so strong that it will reach the peak of level nine."

"Fellow Daoist Yulong quickly enter the formation and wait for me to activate the formation to trap him in it," Yi Tian said, stretching out his hand to seal and aiming at the position of the formation plate below, and typed out the Dao Lingjue.After three breaths, the ground within a radius of a hundred miles trembled slightly, and the people from Yulong Town and the one-horned scorching dragon beast that flew in were directly loaded into the white thick fog.

Yi Tian, ​​who was in the air, took out the array disk to control and directly distinguish the direction of the two through the Xumi space.Shaoqing only saw a figure flashing and appearing next to him, it was Yulong Taoist himself. At this time, the spiritual pressure on his body fluctuated sharply, as if he had experienced a fierce fight.

Yi Tian was puzzled and asked: "Why is Fellow Daoist Yulong so embarrassed?"

"I misjudged this time. I didn't expect that the one-horned scorching dragon beast's escape technique was so fast that it was almost equal to you, Sect Master Yi. The old man was able to escape with all his strength," Taoist Yulong said panting.

"Is that one-horned candle dragon beast really so powerful?" Yi Tian said puzzledly: "I saw that he was just like a child after he transformed into a form. Can't stop him."

"That's not necessarily the case. Adult descendants of Qinglong are naturally powerful, but this scorching dragon beast should be at least two generations later, and the mixed blood seems to contain traces of the blood of the monster clan Huojiao," Taoist Yulong said.

"Oh, I don't know how Fellow Daoist Jade Dragon can see it," Yi Tian asked in bewilderment, "I can't see it so clearly with my eyesight."

Taoist Yulong showed a proud face and said: "My ancestors are descendants of the dragon race, but the power of the bloodline has become weaker and weaker after intermarrying with the spiritual cultivators of the human race. However, I also have mystic powers to detect the power of the bloodlines of other descendants of the dragon race. Concentration, that's why it can feel the power of the blood in this one-horned scorching dragon."

It turned out to be so Yi Tian nodded and then manipulated the formation disk to show a light and shadow in front of him. In the light and shadow was the one-horned scorching dragon beast. At this time, he landed near the eye of the formation and was holding it A hill-like blood meal.

In the light and shadow, the two saw that the two-foot-high blood food was completely eaten by the five-foot-high spirit boy in ten breaths.After looking at it carefully, Yi Tian still doesn't believe that his little stomach can hold so much blood food.

On the other hand, Taoist Yulong showed joy on his face and said, "I knew that 'Deep Sea Ambergris' was fatally attractive to him, so I spent a lot of money to exchange for two."

"After I activate the large formation to suppress this beast, then Fellow Daoist Jade Dragon can wait for the opportunity to take his blood," Yi Tian said lightly.

"Sect Master Yi, don't be in a hurry. I also added a lot of dementor incense to the blood food. This thing is useless for spiritual cultivation, but it can play a role in calming the spirits of the monster race. Later, the unicorn The Burning Dragon Beast will fall into a state of sleepwalking, and it will not be too late to act at that time," Taoist Yulong hurriedly stopped.

Just as he was talking, he saw the soul boy hiccupped in the light and shadow, stretched his waist and drooped his eyes weakly.Then he turned over and rolled on the ground a few times to reveal his real body, which turned out to be a scorching dragon more than ten feet long.It's just that his fat body has five claws growing on the lower abdomen, and his appearance is somewhat different from the dragons he has seen.

After Yi Tian sized it up, his eyes showed a solemn look. He quickly passed through his mind, and soon remembered that in all the biographies of the monster race, it was recorded that only golden dragons have five claws among dragons, and usually dragons have five claws. A majority of four claws.

Moreover, the single horn on the forehead of the Burning Dragon Beast is a bit like the unique feature of a python transformed into a dragon. Speaking of which, this one-horned Burning Dragon Beast really looks a bit different.

After Shaoqing saw that the one-horned scorching dragon beast in the light and shadow seemed to be in a deep sleep, the two slowly descended from the clouds and flew to a height of ten feet above the formation of eyes.Yi Tian didn't forget to sacrifice the formation again to open all the four spirit seal formations, and then he fell to the ground.

Taoist Yulong took out a flying sword and a jade bottle after landing on the ground, and was about to make a move when Yi Tian suddenly said, "Friend Yulong Daoist, don't hurt his life. Naturally, there is a reason for the existence of such naturally gifted spirits. We designed Whichever one's true blood is the one that can't harm the peace of heaven."

Taoist Yulong shook slightly, and then said with a clear expression on his face: "Okay, since Sect Master Yi said so, I will naturally abide by it, so don't worry."

After speaking, the Taoist Yulong stepped forward, drew out his spirit sword and swiped across the tail of the dragon. After a flash of spiritual light, a three-inch-long gash was cut under the soft belly of the dragon.Then put the jade bottle below and take a bottle full of dragon's blood.

When he was done, Yi Tian took out the elixir, crushed it in his hand, injected it with spiritual power, stretched out his hand, brushed it lightly, and sprinkled all the elixir powder on the wound.After three breaths, the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, so this can be regarded as a good thing.

But before the two of them had any reaction, an extremely powerful dragon's power suddenly rose, and a dazzling golden light flashed all over the body of the one-horned scorching dragon beast, and after three breaths, it turned into a human form again.

When Yi Tian's divine thoughts passed by, he found a five-foot-tall soul boy standing in front of the two of them angrily, clenched his small fists in both hands and shouted: "You guys are so brave, how dare you plot against me? You really think that those who eat blood Can the 'Deep Sea Ambergris' and Dementor Incense be able to deal with me?"

Taoist Yulong's face was shocked, and it was not difficult to detect with his divine sense that the one-horned scorching dragon beast in front of him was full of hostility at this time, and it seemed that it would fight violently at the slightest disagreement.

Yi Tian sized him up and said via voice transmission: "Fellow Daoist Yulong, I'll stop him later, you just leave first."

"Thank you, Sect Master Yi, it's just that you will have to face this beast alone," Taoist Yulong said with a calm expression.

"It's okay, I've been traveling in the demon world for many years, so I'll naturally have a way to get out of it," Yi Tian replied, "After you leave, notify Zheng Tingyun of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance, and say that I don't need to worry about returning later."

(End of this chapter)

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