
Chapter 2049 Yimeng

Chapter 2049 Yimeng
The two designed to hunt the one-horned scorching dragon beast, and Yi Tian set up four spirits to seal the formation and cause them to enter the urn. Finally, Taoist Yulong got what he wanted without bloodshed.But what I didn't expect was that the one-horned scorching dragon beast would wake up very quickly, and after transforming into a human form, it confronted the two of them.

To be honest, Taoist Yulong wished he could run away immediately, but standing next to him was the Sect Master of Lihuo Palace. If he just left like this, he might not be able to hang around in the spirit world anymore.

Fortunately, Yi Tian was also very magnanimous and let him leave first through sound transmission, so Taoist Yulong pretended to be polite and said a few words through sound transmission, then turned around and turned into a golden ray of light, slipping out from the gap in the four-spirit formation and heading towards Flee in the direction of the hinterland of the spirit world.

After ten breaths, only Yi Tian and the one-horned Burning Dragon Beast were left facing each other at the eyes of the four spirit seal formations.After stretching out his divine sense to look at it, Yi Tian smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said, "Why don't you catch up?"

"He's just a small character, are you afraid you won't find him after you clean it up?" the Unicorn Burning Dragon said with disdain on his face.

"My name is Yi Tian, ​​and I am the new suzerain of Lihuo Sect. I don't know if you have a name?" Yi Tian said without reason.

The soul boy sized him up with a strange look in his eyes and then replied: "You are quite interesting, I didn't expect there to be a monk like you in Lihuo Palace, compared to Ji Xuanyuan's rigidity, you are more accommodating A lot."

Yi Tian's expression changed when he heard his senior brother's name, and then he turned dark and said, "Do you recognize my senior brother?"

"This is Yimeng. I met Ji Xuanyuan in the early years. I don't know how he is now?" said the one-horned burning dragon beast.

"Brother has already entered reincarnation," Yi Tian replied lightly, while thinking quickly in his mind.Since the one-horned scorching dragon beast in front of us has a surname, we can use it to find out its origin.

As far as I know, the surname 'Yi' is the surname of the Huojiao clan in the demon world, and it cannot be used as a surname if it is not of direct blood.Thinking back then, Daoist Dilong or Daoist Hunyun were branches of the Huojiao clan, even if they became level nine monsters, they were not given the surname 'Yi'.

But the one-horned burning dragon beast in front of him turned out to be also with the surname 'Yi', so one can imagine that its identity has a lot of background.Moreover, he knew his senior brother Ji Xuanyuan, so he was also a respectable person presumably.

Hearing his answer like this, Yi Meng's expression darkened and he said: "I didn't expect that even he was sent to reincarnation. Things are so impermanent."

"If Fellow Daoist Yimeng is still a little upset about what happened just now, I am willing to make up for it," Yi Tian said.

"Hmph, you have to settle the account of taking ten drops of true blood from me." Speaking of this, Yimeng said with a slightly angry face: "Since you are Ji Xuanyuan's junior, you must not be weak, come on. Come and have a few tricks with me first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Meng didn't allow himself to think too much, he raised his fist and swung it towards him.Yi Tian's complexion changed slightly, and the golden light flashed on his body, and he used the Buddha Sect's Jinyang movement method, only to feel the gust of wind sweeping in front of him, and retreated three steps to avoid the opponent's punch.

However, the strong wind brought by his small fist also felt a slight chill on his face. Yi Tian knew that if this seemingly inconspicuous blow was concentrated in the front, it would cause serious problems.At least with my cultivation base, I still need to use body skills and body skills to resist one or two.

But Yi Meng in front of him suddenly shouted: "You big liar, what you said is that the Suzerain of Lihuo Palace can use the Buddha Sect Physical Technique."

"That was unintentionally displayed. I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Yimeng to have a good eye," Yi Tian said with a slight smile, and then put away the Buddha Sect's Jinyang body technique with a seal of both hands, and then a green flame flashed on the tip of his right index finger After that, he set his whole body on fire.

Yi Tiancai turned around after performing Lihuo Nine Changes Fire Alchemy Body Technique, and said, "Alright, Fellow Daoist Yimeng, since you want to see my supernatural powers from Lihuo Palace so much, you can do as you wish."

As soon as the words fell, Yitian's figure left an afterimage on the spot, and at the same time, his real body flashed to the left side in front of Yimeng's body, and he raised his fists to face his opponent in the most common way of attack.

"Bang bang bang" sounded several times, and the two fists struck together quickly in the air. With a breath of a hundred punches, there was a fist mark falling quickly in front of the two of them.There is no trace of bells and whistles in the moves of the two sides, and they are all real punches to the flesh.

Basically, the two of them can block each other's attacks with punches and attacks. Occasionally, Yi Tian's fists and palms staggered and hit each other's body, which was blocked by his thick dragon armor.Yi Tian felt as if his fist had hit a hard rock, and there was a numb feeling on his arm due to the shock.

Glanced over and found that the other party was able to hold back his punches only by relying on the strength of his physical body.The fist wrapped in Li Yan in his hand left scorched black fist marks on Yi Meng's body. After a short fight, the two sides pushed each other ten feet away. .

On the other hand, Yi Meng didn't seem to be very light, although he relied on his physical body to receive his own attack, but the corner of his mouth was cracked, as if he was gasping for air.Yi Tian took a closer look, it turned out that there was still a little bit of Li Yan left on the fist mark he left on his body, no matter how thick Yi Meng was, he was injured by this Li Yan.

Fading away the remaining energy from Li Yan on his body, Yi Meng withdrew his hands and said: "Okay, I admit that you are much stronger than Ji Xuanyuan, at least his Li Yan supernatural power didn't make me feel so painful."

"Oh, is that right? It seems that Fellow Daoist Yimeng is very powerful. I guess no one can make you feel the slightest pain in your body for a long time," Yi Tian also put away his exercises and said cautiously.

"Speaking of which, this time you came to take ten drops of my spiritual blood, and some of you also ate two 'Deep Sea Dragon Yanguo' and everyone was equal," Yi Meng said.

Hearing this, Yi Tian calmed down and said: "Since Fellow Daoist Yimeng is so generous, then I feel at ease. I will pay for Fellow Daoist Yulong first."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and was about to Jishou suddenly heard Yi Meng say: "Don't wipe his butt for him, I see that you took good care of me when you were taking blood. After that, you took out the medicine to heal me I don't want to pursue it for the sake of it, but speaking of it, you are more to my liking, you can fight and talk."

Yi Tian curled his lips and said with a smile on his face: "I have traveled to the demon world and found that the 'Yi' surname is the family name of the Huojiao Clan. I wonder if fellow Daoist Yimeng has any connection with the Huojiao Clan?"

"My mother's clan is originally from the Huojiao clan, and I inherited my mother's surname," Yi Meng said.

"That's no wonder, but I see that there seems to be no real dragon in the Nine Realms of the Upper Spirit, except that there was a scorching dragon that fell there in the ancient battlefield of the Yaozu. Is there any connection with you?" Yi Tian Try to ask.

"Really," Yimeng asked hurriedly with a startled expression, "Do you know where the ancient battlefield of the Yaozu is?"

(End of this chapter)

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